The Bicol Universitarian AY 2009-2010
The Bicol Universitarian AY 2009-2010
The Bicol Universitarian AY 2009-2010
umphed in the CPA Licensure Examination. The passers More improvement, ‘better results’
A P5-million new extension office of Bicol University seized a 70 percent school passing rate, pinning BU as Dr. Obdulia Rojas, newly-appointed dean of CE, said
(BU) will rise in Metro Manila to house transient travelers number one in Category D with 10 to 25 examinees. that the administration aims to improve the performance
from the university. Marcelo Santillan and Christopher Sanchez placed of their graduates in the licensure examination through
The projected building will replace the house in Para- third and seventh respectively, in the October 2009 Licen- offering free reviews on a compulsory basis.
dise Village, Project 8 Quezon City that BU has been renting sure Examination for Mechanical Engineers (MEs). Santil- “We will gather our students come February or March
for 15 years now, at P15,000 a month. School officials and lan, who graduated as Cum Laude, got an average rating for a free review. It will serve as a prerequisite for their
students who travel to Manila or in other near vicinities are of 88.55 percent in the national board examination while graduation so that they will be mandated to participate in
Sanchez secured the seventh place with a rating of 87.20 the enhancement reviews. In that way, we will be able to
expected to use the extension office. Students reviewing for
percent. secure a commendable performance in the licensure ex-
board examinations will also be accommodated. Transients BU came up with a national passing percentage of amination,” Rojas conveyed.
pay P100 per day while student occupants are entitled to 50 60.5 percent with its 43 newly registered mechanical en- CBEM Dean Liwayway Ables, on the other hand, cor-
percent discount. gineers. relates the impressive performance of their graduates in
Vice President for Productions (VPP) Jerry Bigornia Just this year, the College of Engineering (CEng) pro- the CPA exams to the program innovations initiated and
said that the Board of Regents (BOR) has authorized BU duced seven additional MEs, 49 master electricians, 10 judiciously implemented by her administration.
President Fay Lauraya to search for possible office sites. He new architects, 15 electrical engineers and 11 chemical Aside from the strict implementation of the retention
also stated the provisions that were set in search for the new engineers in the national licensure examinations conduct- policy in the department, “we have devised some ways to
ed by the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) from improve our program in our pursuit for better results in
property which include its resistance from floods and its dis-
March to September. the licensure exams, through the rigid selection process
tance from the central office of the Commission on Higher Jose Jaucian Ronda Jr. attained second place in the of our first year students, conduct of pre-review among
Education (CHED) in Diliman, Quezon City. March 2009 Al Khobar Examination, a special licensure our third and fourth year students and the reinforcement
Bigornia said three properties were already evaluated examination for mechanical engineers that provides an of our faculties,” as told by Dean Ables.
but were all turned down. First was a house and lot in a opportunity to work in Saudi Arabia while Romeo Avila Jr., According to Dr. Teresita Galang, accountancy depart-
subdivision in Tandang Sora, Quezon, another was near SM took the seventh place in the Master Electrician Examina- ment head, they have absorbed their top calibre gradu-
North EDSA, and another one in the same city. Three other tion for May 2009. ates into the faculty to enable the provision of fresh ideas
sites are being considered. † Ma. Glaiza Panuelos, Marice Mae Competente and to their students and “at the same time, inspire them to
ORSON PRIVALDOS Jeril Jay Ebrada later topped the Sept 2009 Master Electri- go beyond their limits.”
cian Licensure Examination. Panuelos placed third while Ables also imparted to The Bicol Universitarian that the
Competente and Ebrada tied in fourth place. college will soon be adapting the five-year course provi-
3 new scholarships offered Similarly, the College of Education (CE) also brought
pride and prestige to the university by grabbing the sixth
sion of the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) to
their accountancy department. Dr. Galang remarked that
spot in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET). Ronna “it is already on the process.”
Three new externally-funded scholarship programs Despabiladeras, a Physics Major, outwitted more than 10,000 As of press time, BU already housed two CPA board to-
have been added to the 46 existing scholarship grants in Bi- secondary teacher aspirants in the country by earning an av- pnotchers; Janel Mujar in 1998 and just recently; Ivan Rhett
col University to give financial aid to more poor but deserv- erage rating of 89.40 percent in the examination. Macabeo, both from the town of Guinobatan, Albay. †
ing students.
These scholarships and loan grant are the Albay Higher
Education Contribution Scheme (AHECS), Conressional
Assistance and Relief to Education for Sorsoguenos (BU-
JGS CARES), and Delfin A. Co Foundation Incorporated
BU to host AFS able to send students abroad,” Altavano said.
BU had been sending AFS scholars for the past years,
The AHECS is a concessional loan facility designed by
the Provincial Government of Albay for Albay students in
Bicol chapter but it stopped in the 1980’s when the AFS Philippines ceased
its operations and remained closed for the next 20 years. The
organization was revived in 2000 and the university sent an-
the pursuit of higher education. Student-beneficiary must re- BY ARIANNE LABAYO other student to Japan in 2001.
pay cost of the Provincial Government’s expenditures when AFS has three available programs for students. The YP
he gets a job in order to finance other students who also de-
sire to avail the loan program. Bicol University will now host the region-
al chapter of the American Field Service
(AFS) Intercultural Programs.
(YEAR PROGRAM) is an exchange program valid for one ac-
ademic year wherein the AFS YP students live with a host
family and attend a local secondary school as full-time stu-
The documentary requirements during the application
are two 1½ x 1½ colored photos, application form, copy Last September, Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya, PhD, SUC dents. The YES (Youth Exchange and Study) is a high school
of official transcript of records if an old/returning student; President, tasked the Bicol University High School Depart- exchange program funded by the US state Department
Form 138 if fresh high school graduate, copy of NCAE (Na- ment (BUCEILS) to spearhead the assimilation of the AFS aimed at promoting international understanding between
tional Career Assessment Evaluation) result from the prin- chapter in the region. Americans and people in other countries. Meanwhile, the
cipal, certificate of good moral character, and certificate of AFS, which was founded in 1919, is an international, JENESYS (Japan-East Asia Network Exchange for Students
indigence from the Barangay Chairman. voluntary, non-governmental, non-profit organization that and Youths Program) is a two-week or year-long program
Eligible nursing students for the Delfin A. Co Founda- provides intercultural learning opportunities to help people for college students, senior high school students and their
tion Inc. must submit their parents’ Income Tax Returns and develop the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to teachers offering an opportunity to experience Japanese cul-
belong to the upper 10 percent of the class. create a more just and peaceful world. ture while fostering understanding and goodwill between
Other scholarships and financial assistance programs “We are proud of the President’s decision. It is addition- both countries.
such as study grants, student assistance, grant-in aids, tuition al work but we feel honored. In fact, we recently received “The advantage of this program is that we learn so much
fee discounts and discount loans facilitated by the Office of a call from AFS for our future plans,” remarked Mrs. Carina from the scholars about other countries that we haven’t read
Student Services are categorized into two, internally and ex- Altavano, BUCEILS principal. in books or in the internet. We let them share with us their
ternally funded scholarship grants.† The AFS committee plans to establish a program next experiences and we learn. It is also one way of promoting the
AMABELLE LOREMIA year wherein the chapter will be recognized. They are in con- Philippines, particularly Bicol,” Altavano said.
stant communication with potential host parents in Legazpi AFS operates in over 50 countries around the world.
City for future foreign scholars who will study here. 350, 000 participants and host families have already taken
“We don’t have a foreign scholar yet. The school’s cur- part in AFS exchanges facilitated by 100, 000 volunteers. It
riculum is being considered and there is a fee to be paid to continues to emerge as the leader in international cultural
become a host school. But we feel that it is an honor to be exchanges.†
BY GERARD FRANCIS OGAD the last BU College Entrance Test (BUCET) to accommodate more in-
PHOTO BY BUDYONG coming freshmen.
Universitarian is now included in publication that the former editori- pens in the university. She also add- On its autonomy as a student
the fees to be collected upon enrol- Goal to achieve 100% collection al board and staff failed to produce ed that it is still a big challenge for publication
ment. Last semester, the publication two years ago. the staff to come up with a quality It is stated in the MOU that the
Through a Memorandum of had P 32,796.95, an amount which “It’s just a suggestion so that publication. BU administration will only pro-
Understanding (MOU) signed be- is not enough to publish copies for the burden won’t be passed any- “The fact that Unibê is the of- vide the mechanism for the collec-
tween the publication and the Bicol even 15% of the 19,000 or so stu- more to the next editorial board ficial student publication of this tion of the said fee in consideration
University (BU) administration, the dents of the university. To be able and staff,” Biasca added. university means that the adminis- of the student publication’s limited
amount has now been integrated to furnish a single copy to each stu- Her request for publication of tration should really support them. capacity and will immediately turn-
into the list of regular miscella- dent, P 230,000 must be at hand. an extra issue was included on the The fee inclusion is a very good step over the amount collected to an ac-
neous fees being paid during the “The inclusion of the publica- fourth provision of the MOU which for them to continue informing and count under the name of the Bicol
enrolment period. tion fee was rooted from the long- states that, influencing the students,” Sunshine Universitarian.
As stated in the MOU, the Bicol time financial predicament of the “The amount collected will Lobrido, a student from BUTC com- According to Tamar Antonio,
Universitarian officially requested publication. For years, the Unibê constitute the funding of all opera- mented. managing editor, the administration
the Bicol University administration editorial board and staff, through tions of the Bicol Universitarian “I didn’t notice that I already will release the fund upon submis-
to provide the mechanism for col- the help of some college councils including publication, purchase of paid for Unibê and that it is already sion of the final report of collection
lection of the university publication and publications, have been doing required facilities (a computer, a re- included in the assessed payments of each college during the previous
fee as mandated by both the Stu- the manual collections in the 13 col- corder, writing materials, etc), and in my enrollment receipt. It’s only semester. Otherwise, the account-
dent Handbook and Section 5 of Re- leges including the detached cam- also the organization of and partici- P12.00 anyway, so it’s just fine with ing office cannot issue the exact
public Act No. 7079 known as The puses during enrolment. Indeed, pation in campus journalism train- me,” Cherry Calleja, a BS Nursing amount to the publication.
Campus Journalism Act of 1991. it was really impossible to achieve ings and competitions. The Bicol student, said. “As of now the publication has
According to Atty. Eduardo M. 100% collection with that system,” Universitarian also commits to put Meanwhile, Ben, a BS Electrical not yet received any amount from
Loria, Vice President for Admin- Sarah Moran, associate editor of the aside part of the accrued amount Engineering student commented, the collection because of time con-
istration (VPA), the publication Bicol Universitarian said. for the publication of an extra issue “Sayang lamang ang tigbabayad mi, straints, I suppose,” Antonio said.
should be given enough financial The publication made a pro- in lieu of the publication the former wara man lang kami nakukua maski The publication, though depen-
resources due to its presently insuf- posal for the integration of the pub- editorial board and staff under EIC saro. Sain daw napapaduman ang dent to the administration for the
ficient funding. lication fee and it was presented Jay Millena failed to produce two kwarta?” collection mechanism, still remains
”In accordance with the Cam- during a meeting with the President years ago.” When asked about his com- fully autonomous in its operation in
pus Journalism Act, the administra- on October 19. It was consolidated ment on how the students reacted accordance to the memorandum.
tion already approved the request to the CSC Presidents of each col- Students’ reactions to the fee inclusion, Gino Leocadio It is also settled that no state-
for inclusion and the publication is lege a week after it was proposed. Some students reacted to the Paje, the EIC of the Bicol Universi- ment of expenses will be presented
already ensured of the 100% col- Jessica Biasca, University Stu- added fee while some did not even tarian explained, “Indeed we will by the publication before the bud-
lection,” Loria remarked. dent Council (USC) chairperson, notice its integration in the regu- not deny that we as the staff of the get can be released.†
No opposition
Before HB 4410 was proposed, there were attempts to endorse the Yet enrolees still snub fishery courses
campus to SSC but all were futile. When BUGC phased out, the community
of Gubat persisted and insisted to petition the BU to address their clamor BY SARAH MORAN rolment of at least 100 students tensive research.
PHOTOS BY PING PERALTA in all levels, graduates being sent “When we do researches,
in opposition of such an agreement.
The efforts manifested by the people drove the initiators of the bill to to take the licensure examina- we make sure that our research
tions, the college Dean being a li- assistants are our graduates,”
act on the matter.
There have been no recorded silent or loud opposition regarding the
act, that if implemented, is believed to significantly affect the enrollment
In its pursuit of nation-
al excellence, Bicol Uni-
versity Tabaco Campus (BUTC)
censed holder of valid registration
for Fisheries, and the publication
of researches.
Nieves added, “I want our gradu-
ates to be competitive and mar-
ketable,” he continued.
rate of SSC. ascertained its distinction as a “We submitted documents To ensure educational ex-
There have been reports in radio that after a steep rise of enrollments National University in Fisheries and researches that support our cellence, the college’s long-term
in BUGC, SSC found renewed interest in the proposed takover that it ig- last September 2009. application. BUTC is recognized plans include the improvement of
nored when BUGC was mired in enrollment problems. As identified by the Commis- as having outstanding research- the laboratories and library, pro-
“We expected Sen. Francis Escudero to oppose, knowing his father 1st sion on Higher Education (CHED), es, both in professional and un- vision of equipment to each stu-
BUTC is the only educational in- dergraduate [researches],” Dean dent and the faculty’s assertion of
district Rep. Salvador Escudero III, has jurisdiction over SSC, but he did
stitution in Bicol tagged among Nieves said. higher educational degrees.
not,” Board Sec. Hingco relayed. the 15 newly identified National
It is believed that nobody in the Senate opposes the bill (which is now Universities and Colleges of Ag- Courses in marginal progress On Achieving International
enacted) and that it is clearly acceded by the co-sponsors Senators Gringo riculture and Fisheries (NUCAFS), Despite another academic recognition
Honasan, Miguel Zubiri, and Miriam Defensor-Santiago. Board Sec. Hingco under the National Agriculture achievement attained by the BU BUTC, in collaboration with
admitted however, that he is not sure if someone in Congress did oppose and Fisheries Education System satellite campus specializing in Kochi University of Japan, and
the bill. (NAFES). Marine and Fisheries technology, National Sun-Yat Sen University
Ramos, on the other hand, firmly opposes SSC’s sudden interest in Said citation is in accordance the college Dean admitted that of Taiwan conducted the 3rd In-
with the pertinent provisions em- until now, courses related to this ternational Conference on Kuro-
claiming Gubat Campus stating economic concerns as grounds. He said
bodied in Republic Act (RA) No. specialization are still marginal- shio Science last December 2 and
that it is cheaper to study in Gubat than in SSC since the fair is minimal if 7722, otherwise known as the ized. 3 at Alicia Hotel, Legazpi City.
the student would ride from Bulusan to Gubat (considering students from “Higher Education Act of 1994”, “I have to admit that a lot Anchored on the theme,
the 2nd district of Sorsogon). and RA No. 8435 or the “Agricul- of people don’t find fisheries and “Investigating Benefits and Bal-
“We target every family to have someone graduate from BUGC,” Mayor ture and Fisheries Modernization aquaculture courses attractive. I ance along Kuroshio: Challenges
Ramos declared. Act of 1997”. haven’t seen any improvement to Marine Biodiversity and Re-
At present, all 551 students in BUGC are subsidized, benefiting from As an incentive, BUTC will yet in terms of the performance source Management “, the con-
free matriculation, meal allowances, and other privileges such as annual receive 1 million pesos to be in- of our students here since we ference gathered all scientists,
vested for the development of were identified as a National Uni- researchers, and experts from
electronic journals (that cost One Million pesos a year), air-conditioned
the campus. According to Dr. versity,” Nieves shared. the participating universities and
dormitory, library, and speech laboratory, and a wi-fi zone. Plutomeo Nieves, Dean of BUTC, Nieves also addressed the agencies in the Philippines, Japan
Today, the campus operates mostly on funding insertions by Rep. So- NAFES reiterated that the amount continuous decline of the enrol- and Taiwan. Participants were
lis in the GAA, not anymore very dependent on LGU funds; although the should be used to address a cer- ment rate in the related courses expected to present outcomes
LGU continues to help BUGC with its internal revenue allotment (IRA). tain weakness of the school. offered by the college: Aquacul- of the joint studies on Kuroshio
While BU awaits the implementation of HB 4410, BU President Fay Nieves proposed that the ture, Fish Processing, and Marine Current, referred to as Typhoon
Lauraya and Rep. Solis discuss about putting up a campus in Masbate money be spent to procure labo- Fisheries. Alley because of the severe tropi-
province. However, Hingco said there are still no categorical plans to put ratory equipment needed by the As regards to the passing cal storms that follow its warm-
students. This includes a moisture rate of their graduates in licen- water energy path that strikes the
up campuses in other provinces since it is quite encroaching to do so.†
analyzer as requested by students sure examinations, Nieves said coasts of the three countries.
specializing in Food technology, that BUTC’s results still turns out “With this, we expect better
and scuba diving gear and ac- poor. collaboration among the three
BU GUBAT CAMPUS cessories for the Marine Fisheries “Not everyone who takes this countries in terms of Fisheries
Photo by BUGC CSC students. course, really wants and knows and Aquaculture,” Nieves ended.
Prior to its integration in NU- what he is taking up”, as told by BU President Fay Lauraya ex-
CAF, BUTC passed two sets of Nieves. He further disclosed that tended her congratulations to the
evaluations conducted by CHED a student before sardonically BUTC for the national recognition.
in April 2009. Already a Center asked him, “Para ngaya masira, “Let us learn from the experience
of Excellence, the completion of ma-board pa ako?” of BUTC,” Lauraya said.
such evaluations paved BUTC’s Meanwhile, the BU College
designation as a National Univer- ‘Educational excellence’ as a of Agriculture and Forestry, in
sity in Fisheries. goal Guinobatan, was also recognized
Moreover, the university also BUTC envisions excellence as one of the 76 Provincial Insti-
complied with the prerequisites in Research and Development. tutes for Agriculture and Fisheries
associated with universities vying According to Nieves, he strongly (PIAFs), via the same selection
for NUCAF which consist of an en- urged his faculties to undergo ex- process.†
Blogger prof hits tax on BU part-timers “Bicol University Against Corruption” stated they are still considered employed. However,
with reports from SARAH MORAN that there is no employer-employee relation- they are under a contractual basis and the rates
and TAMAR ANTONIO ship between part-time instructors and BU.
The statement implied that part-time in-
vary. Nonetheless, minimum-wage earners or
those getting not more than P239 per day are
‘Why are they taxed
lIVING with crocs. This is the ti-
tle of the first blog entry
structors are paid professional fee and are not
considered wage earners. The exemption pro-
exempted from tax deduction.
“The university accountant is the one re-
despite not having sub-
posted by Prof. Ronaldo Banzagales of Bicol
University Polangui Campus, where he alleged
visions of R.A. 9504 cover only regular fac-
ulty and not part-timers who only earn hono-
sponsible in remitting the tax revenue (through
cash) to the government- accredited agent
mitted Tax Identification
corruption in the collection of withholding tax
from part-time instructors like him.
Honorarium is given to part-timers as fee
banks like DBP and Landbank . The bank then,
shall issue receipt, ” Gomez explained. Remit-
Numbers? Should they
Banzagales’ blogs, garnering up to 14,000
hits, caused an uproar, sparking comments in
for their professional service along with the
“honor of sharing their professional know-how
tances may be in full or installment.
A part-time instructor who requested ano- be tax exempted?’
online communities like forum site Go Bicol. and experience with students.” The same goes nymity has disclosed that last year, withholding
He said part time professors in the uni- for speakers for seminars and symposia in BU tax used to be deducted from her honorarium
versity are taxed despite not having submitted who also receive honorarium. Rates are dic- even when she had not applied for a TIN yet. signature means that they approve of the terms and
Tax Identification Numbers, which he thinks is tated depending on the scope of their expertise But now, she, and presumably all other part- agreements. They understand why they are not eli-
illegal. and clout (international, national, local). timers, have been required by administration gible for the benefits regulars enjoy.
Citing Republic Act 9504 or the Amended Regular or not, faculty or speaker, wage to apply for TINs in BIR. She has expressed Anyway, statistics will speak for itself. At least
Tax Law, he said minimum wage earners (be- earner or professional fee earner, however, concern about the situation, as without TINs, in Polangui, it seems that there are a lot of part-tim-
ing paid P237.00 per day and below) should be everybody is subject to the 10% withholding taxes cannot theoretically be remitted to BIR. ers waiting to be regularized.
exempted from withholding tax. tax deduction. According to the OP statement, We cannot help but wonder, then, where the Part-timers are typically hired on a “need”
He later posted videos on Youtube accus- Revenue Memorandum Circular No. 56, 2009, revenue went. basis, to achieve a balance between theory and
ing BU officials of corruption by pocketing the professional fee paid to individuals earning practice. Since ours is a university, not a vocational
the deducted tax along with videos showing not more than P720,000 per year is subject to Regulars vs. part-timers school, theory should still be prioritized. But that
him receiving his honorarium deducted with 10% withholding tax. While Banzagales’ blogs and videos have will not be fulfilled if the trend is that there are twice
the questionable tax with allegedly from their But still, one wonders why both regulars undeniably caused an uproar, his credibility more practitioners than theorists in our institution.
campus cashier. and part-timers not having employee-employer has been attacked by both administration and A more ideal proportion would be 60 percent theory
Releasing a statement in reaction to the relationship with the university are subject to people on the internet. There are supportive and 40 percent practice.
accusations, BU vehemently denied any ille- the same 10 precent withholding tax deduction as well as downright violent comments. Some The university cannot be so hasty in its regu-
gality in the deduction of tax and the imputa- but only the former are subject to exemptions. have even suggested that he keeps on com- larization of faculty. In a government institution
tion of corruption in the university. The conciliation of these two seemingly con- menting on his website to make it look as if like ours, there is security of tenure. If a part-timer
The Office of the President also issued a tradicting laws is yet to be addressed. But ad- people are interested in what he has to say. is regularized but proves to be mediocre, it will be
directive to all deans and campus directors to ministration says that it is not something they Indeed, the intellectuality and profes- next to impossible to replace them. That is why
hold localized meetings orienting faculty and can execute on, because they are laws of na- sionalism of his blogsite and videos are very there is a stringent probationary procedure in the
personnel on tax deductions. tional government. questionable and his sensational style of writ- regularization of part-timers. Also, only those most
ing does cause us to raise an eyebrow. Admin- worthy of earning the people’s money should be
Nature of part-timers No corruption? istration may be correct in saying that he is regularized.
Hiring part-timers is standard operating The statement from OP enumerated the thoroughly misinformed about what he keeps “Hiring of practitioners is a normal practice in
procedure in the university. The purpose of hir- BU’s schemes for the remittance of tax to the on writing about. all universities for the need to balance practice with
ing part-timers is for the university to be able Bureau of Internal Revenue (BIR): The fact that he did not choose to send theory. To achieve that, augmentation of the faculty
to employ practitioners of different fields and 1. Tax Remittance Advice (TRA), for in a formal complaint through the appropriate is needed. In the course of this, however, practitio-
allow them to share their knowledge in prac- funds coming from the regular ap- channels only means that there must be a few ners are under the impression that that they have the
tice and experience of their particular profes- propriations of government: For claims he isn’t entirely sure about. same privileges regulars enjoy. In the assumption
sion with the student body, so that students will regular appropriations, the Depart- But some of the issues he raised are cer- that there is no employer-employee relationship,
have a balance of understanding between both ment of Budget and Management tainly genuine. We are especially interested they cannot be entitled to the same benefits. But in
practice from part-timers as well as theory and (DBM) releases the agency’s fund- about his take on the seeming protectionism the long term, the university will recognize the best
concepts from regular academicians. ing requirements net of the estimated that regular faculty try to fence around their in part-timers and they will thence be absorbed. We
As such, part-timers are supposed to be amount for withholding tax. This positions and the huge disparity in number enjoin all part-timer, to commit to quality service
practitioners with engagements outside the estimated amount of withholding tax between regular faculty andpart-time faculty. which eventually will be the basis for mainstream-
university carrying minimal teaching load is with the Bureau of Treasury (Btr). In Polangui Campus, there are twice as many ing them as part of the university faculty.” Thus de-
(twelve units or four 3-unit subjects). With that The BIR simply informs the BTr of part-timers as there are regular faculty mem- clared BU President Fay Lauraya.
assumption, it can be deduced that part-time the amount of taxes withheld and bers. Indeed, we understand that. But we must also
instructors earn remuneration from institutions collected as indicated in the submit- Banzagales callously said that BU delib- be careful to take care of our part-timers, even with-
or agencies outside BU while receiving profes- ted TRA. erately restricts the regularization of faculty out this so-called employer-employee relationship.
sional fees or honorariums the university itself. 2. BIR Tax Payment Deposit Slip, for because it spends less resources on part-time There will always be that gifted part-timer who gets
It could be that they earn well more the stan- funds coming from the agency’s instructors, what with part-timers having no disillusioned and disenfranchised with the system
dard minimum wage (SMW) of P239. internally generated sources (Fund benefits whatsoever. and quits teaching in BU to employ himself in the
Such is not the case for all part-time in- 164): For funds coming from inter- Part-timers always decry that they receive more financially rewarding private sector. And along
structors, however. Fresh graduates are hired nally generated sources, the agency’s too little. If the basis for regularization is edu- with his innovative and brilliant teaching strategies
to give them an opportunity to jump-start their authorized depository bank pays di- cational attainment, it will be hard for a part- hoes away our quality of education.
careers, especially if they have exceptional cre- rectly to the BIR, by debiting the timer to enroll for postgraduate degree pro- We do not doubt the excellence of our es-
dentials. Although in this scenario, the univer- account of the agency, equivalent to grams with their meager salary and demanding teemed and erudite regular teaching force. But we
sity is being generous and noble, the ideal pur- the total amount of withheld taxes double lives. Especially in consideration of the do believe that anything, even if it is of the high-
pose of part-time hiring being a consideration covered by the BIR Tax Payment CHEd memorandum circular which dictates est quality, will go stagnant if it remains unmoving.
of practice, professional experience and field Deposit Slip. that by 2011, only Masters degree holders can The regular professors should not engender a habit
of specialization is defeated. More often than The OP statement claims that the above teach in universities and colleges. of protectionism by lobbying to block the regular-
not, these instructors do not have work outside SOPs ensure that the withheld taxes do not But any institution will prefer to give ben- ization of part-timers just so their benefits and bo-
the university and do, therefore, earn minimum even pass through the coffers of the university efits to its faculty members who have a proven nuses will remain high.
wage or less. so no actual cash is being handled by any of- track record. That is why higher positions are The quality of education is sacrificed when so
Should the fact that they receive profes- ficial or employee of the university. always filled out before residual positions can few share so many teaching loads. Even the best
sional fees lower than the SMW make them eli- Lawyer Josephine Gomez of the Chief As- be given to part-timers. teachers cannot handle so many subjects each day.
gible to the tax exemption as provided by R.A. sessment Section of BIR-Bicol said that with or Applicants for part-time positions are Surely their exhaustion will result to a poor quality
9504? Apparently, no. The official statement without the employer-employee relationship, given a letter of invitation to teach in BU. They of teaching, even if they are the best at what they
from the Office of the President (OP) entitled part-timers are still subject to taxation because are shown the rates of honorarium and their teach. So share the load!†
Office at 2F BU CAL Bldg, Legazpi City.
processed sooner in the first place. The
athletes were disappointed to have their
summer vacation wasted.
On the other hand, three athletes still
pursued the open in Lingayen at their own
expense, and through assistance of their
Probing the Plight of BU Athletes and ROTC Cadets team coach, Dante Miranda. Their efforts
BY SARAH MORAN were not at all wasted as Mario Maglinao,
tor defended that they had considered handbook, students who have represented won the silver medal in the 10,000- meter
weat. Blood. Soul. After you have Narvaez’ proposal but decided to reject the BU in city or provincial meets are entitled run event, and was qualified for the SEA
given everything, what more can you idea. “Having a varsity team means hav- to 50% scholarship; regional meet, 75%; Games.
still give? After you have sacrificed so ing a certain group of students who shall and national meet (national SCUAA), 100%. The sad fact though was since his
much to chase your dreams, can you take be exclusively trained year round. Only However, since there is no national SCUAA travel to Pangasinan was no longer sup-
the misery of being trapped in a dead- these students will be given the chance anymore, athletes then became limited to ported by the IPESR admin, his victory,
end? Would you still continue to brace to compete outside the university, which the 75% percent scholarship. which was not only for himself but also for
yourself for a battle when you know that in means that other students will not have Mateo Maloon, a four-year SCUAA Bicol University, was not recognized at all.
the end it could only be a hopeless fight? the chance anymore,” she protested. athlete, said that perhaps it would help “Winning was almost impossible. We
Where then is this kind of life leading to? Borja also added that students who the student athletes better if they will be went there with our fare as our only mon-
The oval grounds, the basketball and compose a varsity team are not products of granted with 100% scholarship since there ey, and biscuits as our only food. Our team
volleyball courts near the Grandstand, official games, but only of try-outs. Unlike isn’t national competition anymore. The is very thankful to our coach, Mr. Miranda,
the swimming pool, and other sports and SCUAA players, they went through official amount of incentive can be cut. “At least, for without him, we would not have been
recreation areas in and around the Institute games in their units during Intramurals so the students will immediately avail the full able to reach that far,” Maglinao said.
of Physical Education and Sports Recre- they are screened thoroughly, Borja further scholarship during enrolment, unlike with In an interview, BU President Fay
ation (IPESR), all these serve as sanctuaries explained. the cash incentive, they might just spend it Lauraya said that she was unaware of
for the student athletes of Bicol University Allan Diaz, University Sports Coordina- unwisely.” he explained. Maglinao’s victory. Lauraya said that she
(BU). Here, they are able to satisfy the tor commented that a conflict may arise had approved the travel of the athletes,
desires of their veins. They are given the if BU creates a varsity team. “There will be Blaming it on the weather and had released their budget despite the
freedom to explicitly express their love for two sets of athletes and coaches. These Last February, the BU Athletic team abrupt notice. But as to what the IPESR`s
their sport. two cannot combine. What will happen was invited by the Philippine Amateur final decision was, she was unaware.
Meanwhile, the week never ends then?” Diaz argued. Track and Field Association (PATAFA) to join
for the cadets of the BU Reserve Officers On the contrary, Narvaez said that in the 2009 National Athletic Champion- ROTC cadet: molding of a true leader
Training Corps (ROTC). Sunday, the day having a varsity team will not mean losing ships in Lingayen, Pangasinan which was The cadets of the BU-ROTC unit are
which even God pronounced as day of rest, attention for the SCUAA players. Rather, slated in May. Winning in the said sports trained to become potential members of
serves as the day of labor for the cadets. it would create a stronger foundation for open would have qualified the athletes the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP).
They might have already forgotten the the team since the SCUAA players can join to the team that represented the Philip- ROTC is one of the three components of
meaning of the word ‘rest.’ the varsity team. Proper recruitment and pines in the South East Asian (SEA) Games the National Service Training Program
The Universitarian aims that the screening process will be observed, con- scheduled last November. (NSTP), which is a two-semester program
fervor and passion of these people be tracts with athletes must be ensured, and The BU athletic team then, composed that must be taken by freshmen students.
recognized. their attendance will be strictly monitored. of nine members, trained for almost three It was institutionalized under section 38
Narvaez expounded that creating months because of an assurance given by and 38 of Republic Act No. 7077, designed
An athlete’s love for the game an official varsity team would also ensure Prof. Marilou Borja, IPESR Director and Al- to provide military training to tertiary
For years, the BU athletes have more privileges for the students. “More lan Diaz, University Sports Coordinator that level students in order to motivate, train,
retained their title as champions in the students could benefit from university they will compete for the national open. organize and mobilize them for national
annual State Colleges and Universities scholarships, and athletes will be given The athletes were dismayed when two defense preparedness. On the other hand,
Athletics Association (SCUAA) Meet, best- more opportunities to play outside the days before their departure, they found out ROTC is the least appreciated and chosen
ing over some 200 delegations from all university,” he said. that their papers were not yet processed in by enrollees.
over the region. As holders of the top spot, On the other hand, Borja and Diaz said the admin’s office. No budget was released “One will never appreciate the orga-
this could have been aninstant opportunity that they consider the SCUAA players as yet because the travel still had yet to be nization unless he becomes part of it, and
for them to show off their athletic prowess varsity already, and that the administration approved by the President. The athletes unless its vision is the same with his,” said
in the national competition. The chances, lacks budget for realizing Narvaez’ plans. then, without consulting the IPESR faculty, Zottocles Bechayda, present unit Corps
however, were all thrown into oblivion as “We have budget for that. Only that appealed to the President to allow them to Commander of the BU Knights, the of-
there had been no national SCUAA meet it needs to be properly programmed. We go, so as not to waste their three months ficial name of the unit. “ROTC is a military
for the past five years already. The ath- could even procure equipment and facili- of training. organization, so it is way too different from
letes’ quest then ends after they are hailed ties. Varsity fund could be taken from the Due to the appeal of the athletes, the a civilian organization. There really is com-
regional victors. But what comes next? P40 SCUAA fee or P50 athletic fee being President allowed them to go except for mand responsibility,” he added.
Prof. Glenn Narvaez, Dean, Office of collected every semester,” he said. Since the two who graduated in March of the The ROTC Unit serves both the univer-
Student Services (OSS), said that the lack Intramurals and Regional SCUAA happen same year. According to the President, they sity, and the AFP- Army Reserve Command
of sports opportunities for BU athletes only once a year, Narvaez believes that were no longer students of the university, (ARESCOM). They provide safety and
and IPESR students is to be blamed to the there is still a lot of budget spared for the thus the school didn’t have liability on security during activities of the university
university’s failure to create a concrete plan varsity team. them anymore. such as Intramurals, Foundation Week, and
for the development of sports and physical IPESR faculty shall stand as the A day before the departure, May 8, September Festival. On the other hand, the
facilities in BU. varsity’s technical consultants, and ask as- Typhoon ‘Emong’ devastated some areas unit is tapped by the AFP to assist in moni-
According to Narvaez, when he be- sistance from a pool of experts and sports in Pangasinan The team called-up their toring security and control during town
came a member of the University Athletic enthusiasts. However, Narvaez said that contact from PATAFA office to make sure if fiestas in Daraga and Legazpi.
Board in 2005, he made a proposal to cre- IPESR just didn’t have a plan for improving the sports open will still be pursued. The
► page 13 | ROTC
ulty members of the Bicol University College of esponding to the clamor of the plained Narvaez. The OSS will also seek out prospective
Arts and Letters (BU-CAL) and Aquinas Univer- freshmen students regarding the Through the procurement of the digital customers and advertise the printing of the
sity of Legazpi (AUL) marched inside the Main two-semester delayed release of ID machine, BU will no longer need to sub- digital IDs to other schools and offices in
campus to denounce the atrocities of the Maguin- their Identification cards (IDs), Glenn Nar- contract a service provider in producing IDs Legazpi to generate income starting 2010.
danao massacre. vaez, Office of the Student Services (OSS) in the next years. In the proposal read by Olaguer, the
The amalgamation of media students around Dean, attributed the delayed approval of a For the past five years, the OSS, together digital data stored in the ID will be utilized to
the country urged the National Union of Journal- feasibility study on Bicol University’s (BU) with its service provider, AZITSUROG Inc., has give added value to the students in terms of
ists of the Philippines (NUJP) and other similar procurement of its own Digital ID system. been producing IDs for the University. But by security and other services, which will not be
association of journalists, most especially the au- The proposal took four months of fur- March this year, Narvaez assured that BU will possible if it was just an ordinary ID.
thorities, to intervene and pressure the government ther study before BU President Fay Lauraya be producing its own IDs. It was also indicated in the proposal
to bring justice to the victims. signed its approval to procure digital ID ma- that the machine is estimated to have a con-
Carrying the acrostic, “Stop killing Journal- chine for the freshmen students, new BU Financial, market estimates servative, economic life of three years. Then,
ists,” as they shouted “Hustisya para sa Lahat”, personnel and lost ID replacements. The re- According to the study, the University it would be replaced with a newer model to
the marchers in BU expressed their condemna- sults of the study were passed to Prof. Jerry is projected to spend some P397,000 in pur- improve the efficiency of producing digital
tion in a 30-minute rally, followed by a Mass and Bigornia, BU, Vice President for Production chasing the machine and in facilitating the IDs.
candle-lighting vigil at BU Student Lounge. They (VPPA). fabrication of the IDs. The budget will be Some P 20, 000 is projected for the
conveyed their sympathy to the bereaved families On the other hand, College Business sourced out from the F-164 or ID fee col- maintenance of the machine in its second
of the 57 victims including the 30 murdered jour- Manager (CBM) 1 Antonio Olaguer said that lected from the first year students during the year. An additional 15 percent increase in the
nalists. the recommendation for the approval was enrollment in the first semester. following years is expected.
Some local media practitioners also joined sent to the OP as early as July 30, and it was “The OSS will be using the P75 ID fee Meanwhile, Narvaez also requested the
the vigil of the journalism students. They gave only in November that Lauraya approved it. to cover the expenses for the procurement procurement of another machine for the sat-
their statements regarding the gruesome killings “I don’t know if there were deficiencies in the as well as the maintenance of the machine,” ellite campuses aside from the machine in
of their fellow journalists in the worst election- study (of the proposal) that it took months Narvaez said when asked about the source of the main campus. “We will be having an ‘on-
related violence in the country. for the president to approve it,” Olaguer fund in the procurement of the new machine. site’ machine aside from the one in the main
Present in the event were Ephraim Aguilar, added. He added that for the succeeding years, the campus. The ‘on-site’ machine will be going
correspondent of The Philippine Daily Inquirer However, Lauraya said, “I have already office will only be using minimal materials to the satellite campuses where production
Southern Luzon Bureau; Michael Jucian, a GMA- asked the VPPA to speed up the procurement and will only purchase the consumables. of the IDs will take place separately,” Narvaez
Bicol reporter and Professor Felipe Peralta, the of the ID machine.” Said ID fee will cover the payment for mentioned.
university’s Public Information Officer and Alum- Although the University had been pro- one dual-sided printer with lamination stage, At press time, the OSS is in the bid-
ni Relations Officer (PIO) and technical adviser of ducing IDs for the past five years, the Office a Lenovo notebook, an ID database, a web ding process of the procurement of the
The Bicol Universitarian. of the President (OP) still requested the OSS camera, a Genius signature pad, card acces- machine after it gained the approval of the
Lighted candles forming the word ‘JUS- and the CBM to propose a feasibility study, sories for 4,500 freshmen, and a two-month President. †
TICE” highlighted the said event.†
BU hails awardees
◄ page 3
Orson Mike Privaldos contributed their best practices As explained by Salvador Abiño, CBEM’s Registrar, the
dark eptember 21, 2009-
to their respective departments
and in turn, to the university. In
college now offers BS in Business Administration with foci in
Financial Management, Human Resource Management, Mar-
Bicol University cele- the Best Associate Professor keting Management, Microfinance and Operations and Service
Some college publications in the university
brated its 40th founda- and Best Professor categories, Management after restructuring the program.
are still impeded in their operations due to finan-
tion anniversary. the awardees were recognized He also added that some students filed a leave of absence
cial drawbacks. Aside from the institutionally and or locally as due to financial constraints.
The Olympians, a newly-integrated student lengthy celebration which was researchers and were involved
publication of the Institute of Sports and Recre- a stint of almost two weeks, BU in extension projects which had A need for ‘Human Resource Capacity’
ation (IPESR), is still gasping in its establishment commended its outstanding been at least provincial in scope. Dean Amelia Dorosan sees the increase in the enrolment
because of insufficient finances. Currently, the col- alumni, scholars and employees As an incentive, they were rate of IT in the College of Science as an indication that there is a
lege only has 297 students, which is deemed defi- for their significant contributions given a one-time-all-expense- need to develop the human resource program of the college over
cient of three persons in order for the college to within and outside the university. paid round trip foreign study mis- its physical needs. She considers the faculty as vital in addressing
sustain the operations of its own publication. Bobby Garcia was chosen sion from Legazpi to identified the increasing number of students in the university.
Media authorities recommend that for a cer- as the Distinguished Alumni universities in an Asian country According to her, funds are easy to find but “human resource
tain unit or college to maintain a publication, its Awardee along with Engr. Jo- and back, inclusive of travel al- takes time and effort to attain”.
students must comprise a general population of seph Esplana in Public Admin- lowance and pocket money of “The increase in the number of enrolees posed a challenge
300. The gross amount collected from a lesser istration, Dr. Ofelia Samar Sy in ten thousand pesos, not convert- to us on how we will be able to sustain the program with quality.
number of students will not be sufficient for the Medicine, Dr. Ruben Nayve Jr. ible to cash or to any local travel. Rest assured we are doing something about it. For instance, we
editorial staff to sustain viable operations. in Economics, Victor Soliman in On the other hand, forty out-
have been strengthening our human resource since 2004,” Doro-
In its first year, the editorial board of The Fisheries, Nolan Belaro in En- standing scholars from the dif-
san imparted.
Olympians, continuously seeks for reinforcements trepreneurship, Erlinda Rillo in ferent colleges of BU were also
Dorosan further commented that the development of the IT
on how to stabilize the “lifeblood” of their publi- Science and Technology, Mergie- acclaimed.
program in BU was very late but she still perceives it as an op-
cation. Naz Moraleda in Agriculture, Rex Five awardees came from
portunity for the students.
The College of Nursing, on the other hand, Milton Dolino in Police Works, Dr. the Department of Science and
“The administration is committed. The college is commit-
encountered the same predicament for three con- Marites Khanser in Literature and Technology Science and Educa-
ted. We are reinforcing the faculties. The students should also
secutive years. The Vital Signs, a publication ex- Roberto Labayen in Media. tional Institute (DOST-SEI), three
The awardees were chosen were College Student Council dedicate themselves to studying,” Dorosan remarked.
clusive for student nurses, was unable to publish its
semestral issues because of financial constraints. based on the strength of their (CSC) officers, two were from
character and integrity and the the Youth Scholarship Incentive BU is the “one”
Sources reveal that the publication was finan-
impact of their achievements on Program and the remaining por- With such remarkable increase in the enrolment rate, Cora-
cially mismanaged because of lack of consolida-
the field of work, public welfare tion of which came from other zon Bazar, BU University Registrar is confident that it will not
tion and proper turn-over of accounts. Although
and national development. scholarship programs such as highly affect BU’s capacity to maintain its academic excellence.
a hundred percent collection was ensured every
Meanwhile, Ruby Ann Ayo that of the Commission on High- “Of course the university is ready. We have sufficient re-
semester, its past issues were only distributed to a
of the College of Social Sciences er Education (CHED) and those sources to accommodate the increasing number of students in the
small parcel of the almost seven hundred nursing
and Philosophy (CSSP) was also benefiting athletes and barangay university, “Bazar said.
student’s population.
acknowledged as the university’s officials. Dr. Fay Lauraya, BU President is also positive in taking
The present editorial staff struggled to come
Best Instructor. Professor Ag- Said scholars are graduating the matter. Despite many struggles, she still recognized the in-
up with a magazine release last semester after ex-
nes Nepomuceno of the College students that have undergone creasing number of students in BU as one of her administration’s
hausting their resources.†
JOAN BRODETH TOLING of Arts and Letters (CAL) was the screening process through achievements.
named as the Best Assistant Pro- a panel interview and who had a “The increase in the enrolment of BU is based on our target
fessor while Dr. Plutomeo Nieves satisfactory general weighted av- increase of 5 percent annually. But it was surpassed. We secured
was given distinction as the Best erage (GWA). a 9 percent increase. It seems to me that it is an indication that
Professor. Ronaldo Biron was The College of Science (CS) Bicol University is the one,” Lauraya said.
likewise identified as the Best turned out as the best organiza- The increase in the enrolment rate has been the highest since
Non-Teaching Awardee in the tional unit in BU.† Lauraya became the president of the university two years ago.†
and practitioners of the nation as a faculty:
composed of nothing less than senators, na-
tional artists, national scientists, renowned
doctors, columnists for national dailies,
department secretaries, diplomats, award-
winning directors and actors, novelists, etc.
That humongous budget is the reason why it
is able to maintain one of the biggest librar-
ies in the Philippines. That is why UP can
afford to have such an impressive General
Education Program.
he problem with Philip- exams, particularly in engineering and ac- been recognized as a Provincial Institute for A third world economy means that gov-
pine tertiary education is that it countancy courses. Agriculture and Fisheries. ernment cannot afford to subsidize all state
is highly centralized. Very few Last year’s BU graduates have aced the The gregariousness and the penchant universities like it does UP. The reason why
tertiary institutions produce the Professional Regulatory Commission (PRC) for persistence of the university president it is so difficult to pass the UPCAT is because
crème de la crème of Philippine licensure exams this year, with Ivan Rhett has resulted in several politicians and public it is like taking the test that will qualify you
society. Notice that the highest policy-mak- Macabeo from Guinobatan, Albay notching figures committing to give financial support for the best quality of public education that
ing positions in the country are always occu- the top spot in the Licensure Examination for the operation of and the augmentation of the government can offer, a scholarship
pied by University of the Philippines or Ate- for Certified Public Accountants and ten oth- facilities in our university this year. Senator subsidized by the nation’s blood, sweat and
neo de Manila graduates. Almost all of the ers in the Top Ten of other licensure exami- Edgardo Angara has committed P60 Million tears. Since it’s tax money, only the deserv-
senators who mattered in Philippine history nations. Worth mentioning also is BU’s first pesos worth of funding for BU through inser- ing (UPCAT passers) are worthy of enjoying
once had UP as their alma mater, although ever placer in the PRC’s Forestry Licensure tions in the General Appropriations Act. it.
we can say that that is probably because UP Examination, Forester Darrel James Sy from Representative Jose Solis of the 2nd District A glaring conundrum is that despite
does actually offer Public Administration BUCAF who attained 3rd Place. Achieving BU of Sorsogon continues to subsidize BUGC BU’s apparent adoption of some aspects of
courses. The most prestigious judges and students have qualified for various programs and students there enjoy free matriculation. UP’s structure, the former never tried to
lawyers will only come from four universi- that have sent them abroad; with some Don Emilio Yap, Ph.D., owner of The Manila establish a general education program like
ties in Manila. If you’re a Doctor of Medicine, being dispatched to Asian countries like Sin- Bulletin, Manila Hotel and Centro Escolar the latter’s. Based on the premise of freedom
you won’t be big if you’re not from one of the gapore and Japan and still others to distant University has donated the parcel of land in of choice, UP’s Revitalized General Educa-
top three medical schools (UP-Philippine nations in Europe like the Czech Republic Monumento, Caloocan City (just behind SM tion Program (RGEP), as it is called, gives its
General Hospital, University of Santo Tomas, and Germany. The most notable among them City North Edsa, also near Trinoma) where students 45 units (5 subjects each for the
University of the East-Ramon Magsaysay). is Dandee Bitancor, one of our country’s only BU’s Extension Office in NCR is being con- three required domains Arts and Humani-
Almost all generals were Philippine Military four delegates to this year’s Bayer Young structed. BU conferred upon him a degree ties; Social Sciences and Philosophy; Math,
Academy cadets once. And most business Environmental Envoys Program in Germany. of Doctor of Humanities (Honoris Causa) for Science and Technology) the privilege to
tycoons are products of the Asian Institute This academic year marked the 40th “his efforts in advocating service to humani- choose freely from a menu of general educa-
of Management, Ateneo de Manila or De La anniversary of the founding of the Bicol ty through generosity in sharing one’s bless- tion courses, the subjects useful in their
Salle University. University, the premier state university of ings.” Though some would interpret this as planned career path.
Of course, what we said that last the Bicol Region. It will be recalled that the political patronage, we cannot disagree that An AB Journalism student who has
paragraph has been slowly changing over passage of Republic Act 5521 on June 21, this trend of coursing funds for provincial studied in UP and undertook three Econom-
the years. As our society matures, so does 1969 and the subsequent formal institution- universities like ours has contributed to ics subjects under his/her Social Sciences
our education system. The status quo that alization on September 21, 1970 by virtue of rapid development that we hope shall once and Philosophy domain; Mathematics and
Manila once had monopoly over educa- Resolution No. 1 of the BU Board of Regents for all end the monopoly to quality educa- Statistics subjects in the Math, Science and
tion is gradually being disrupted. More and amalgamated public schools and colleges tion that Manila universities seem to hold. Technology domain; and three Communica-
more provincial universities are being able of established repute and gave birth to this But any institution will have room for tion subjects in his/her Arts and Humanities
to produce graduates at par with Manila university as we know it. improvement. BU sure does have the entitle- domain will find himself/herself easy to be
graduates. Universities in less metropoli- Beyond the expected revelry accom- ment to claim its superiority as a state uni- hired by BusinessMirror as he understands
tan areas are starting to prove themselves panying the “Forty Amazing Years” celebra- versity in Bicol. But it still has a long way to fairly well Economics, Math, Statistics and
capable of competing with Manila’s universi- tion, this has been a pretty good year for the go before all workplaces in the country will Communications, all very important to busi-
ties. Leading exemplars are Mindanao State university. House Bill 4410 integrating the start prioritizing BU grads over their Manila ness journalism.
University, University of San Carlos, Silliman Bicol University Gubat Campus (BUGC) has counterparts. An AB Journalism graduate of BU will
University, West Visayas State University, our just passed Congress and will formally es- There is simply no point of comparison find his/her situation a bit more difficult.
own BU, Batangas State University, Univer- tablish the first campus of BU outside Albay between our university and UP. But it will He/she has only studied one required
sity of North Eastern Philippines and many upon implementation, with plans of another pay to study the features that make it the Economics subject in his four-year stay
more. in Masbate being deliberated by admin. The most successful university in the country. As in Bicol. If he/she does get employed by
For a university only forty years in Commission of Higher Education (ChED) the premier state university of the country, BusinessMirror, he/she will be burdened
existence, BU has achieved a lot. When a had just promoted Bicol University Tabaco it serves as the archetype for other state by learning what he/she does not know on
BU graduate applies for a job in Manila, he/ Campus (BUTC) from the status of Center of universities. Other state universities try to the job while the UP graduate pretty much
she doesn’t get asked anymore where BU is. Excellence into a National University in Fish- imitate its structure since it has proven to be breezes through.
BU has earned deserving prestige with its eries while the Bicol University College of so successful. BU is no exception. Notice how That also means that UP students will
consistent production of placers in licensure Agriculture and Forestry (BUCAF) had also some of our colleges’ names are eerily remi- study 15 general education subjects that
► page 12 | Requisition
|feature story
Universitarian The Bicol
pursue accountancy because it When asked on how he was
he 17th day of Octo- is his mother’s profession, aside able to balance his academic
Playing, err, praying with warlords! President Gloria Macapagal ber 2009 was just an from the fact that Mathematics and extra-curricular affiliations,
Arroyo prays with father and son Maguindanao Gov. Andal Sr. and ARMM ordinary day for most is also his favorite subject. “It Ivan conveyed that he applies
Gov. Zaldy Ampatuan. BU students but for just happened in the blink of the principle of equilibrium. “I
one person, this day an eye. I took accountancy and always think ahead of time.
marked the fulfillment of his I found myself liking it,” Ivan When I was the president, I al-
aspirations. At last, the grueling recollected. ways see to it that all my tasks
journey was now over. Finally, Ivan continued his aca- are planned before I pursue
his dream is no longer confined demic excellence in his college it. To avoid overcrowding, in a
to the means and extremes of years. He placed second in the sense,” he continued.
numbers. He is now a Certi- over-all Bicol University College According to him, life as a
fied Public Accountant (CPA), Entrance Test (BUCET) and was student-officer is more dif-
a bonafide number-cruncher, a even recognized as an unswerv- ficult than that of an ordinary
topnotcher. ing achiever. He marched the student. He enjoyed accounting
Ivan Rhett Macabeo awed graduation aisle as Magna Cum because of its concepts and he
thousands of his fellow hope- Laude, and was also identi- was always exhilarated when-
fuls and astounded his beloved fied as one of the outstanding ever he deciphers an accounting
Alma Mater when he turned out graduates of the university. To problem.
Yummy Lobsters! Here the President enjoys a boodle fight with ARMM as the first placer of the CPA make it more accurate, he was
Gov. Zaldy Ampatuan, Andal Jr.’s brother. board exam. second in rank to the univer- Fragments of advice
Driven by his professors sity’s outstanding graduate last Ivan did not opt to deeply
and co-students, he finished April 2009. submerge himself in his studies,
with the highest recognition an “Unlike other student like what most of the student-
◄ page 13
|Missiles accounting student can ever
dream of.
achievers, Ivan’s grades in the
major subjects are far higher
achievers do. “Watching pro-
grams in the television was my
“It’s my way of giving back than that of his minor grades,” favorite pastime. Contrary to
to them. They have worked Dr. Teresita Galang, Accountan- popular belief, we can actually
so hard in nurturing us and cy Department head, comment- obtain vast amounts of informa-
clans in places where election-related violence are prevalent: Nueva Ecija, in preparing us for our line of ed. She supported that with the tion by just merely watching it,”
Abra, Lanao del Sur, Lanao del Norte, Maguindanao, Basilan, Sulu, Samar and business. I just want them to notion that when summed up, he declared with assertion.
our very own Masbate. Warlords continue to reign supreme in such areas. De- witness the fruits of their labor,” Ivan’s high general weighted “As an advice to my fellow
fense Secretary Norberto Gonzales said that there are up to 130 private armies he joyfully shared. He said that average is overwhelmed by BU students, I would say that
in the country. That means that the two thousand-strong Ampatuan private he shuddered at the thought his grades in the accounting they should just learn how to
armed group (PAG) is only the tip of the iceberg. There are 129 or so more. of not passing the examina- subjects. love what they are doing. Be
tion and being unable to give in optimistic. Believe in yourself
Interior and Local Government Secretary Ronaldo Puno is at the helm
return what his professors had Hurdling barriers and on what God can do in your
of this ambitious project, although of course, upon blessing of the President. invested to him. Ivan’s journey towards his life,” he ascertained.
It is rightly his concern to do so because as Interior Secretary, he should be When asked about his zenith was not all smooth-sail- He likewise shared that one
held partly accountable for the unchecked power of the Ampatuan warlords in preparations prior to the board ing. Even though he was pres- who is determined to reach the
Maguindanao. The Ampatuans made government there all local and no central, exam, Ivan willingly imparted sured to maintain his grades, he summit should put aside his
and Puno could do precious little about it until the massacre (even after he was to the Universitarian that he and did not flank from his service. impossible dreams and com-
powerless, some would argue). his classmates devoted ample He was a member of the Bicol plete the tasks at hand. “No
As of press time, six personalities have been named to make up the com- time for their prayers (with University Junior Philippine matter how distasteful, all great
the recital of the Holy Rosary Institute of Accountants (BU- achievements come from work-
mission. They are Butuan Bishop Juan de Dios Pueblos, Mahmod Mala Adi-
everyday) and even resorted to JPIA) for four consecutive years ing and waiting,” he ended.
lao of the Bishops-Ulama Conference, retired Gen. Jaime Echeverria, retired a pilgrimage before the actual and soon after he became its Right after the Professional
police Director General Virtus Gil, broadcaster Herman Basbano, and Dante board examination. He also president when he turned as a Regulation Commission’s (PRC)
Jimenez of the Volunteers Against Crime and Corruption. But membership is mentioned his high regards on senior student. official announcement of the
still being finalized as of now because apparently some of those appointed are eating a balanced meal and “In his term as BU-JPIA board passers, Ivan received a
still hesitant to take up the mantle. maintaining a stable emotional president, it even came to a multitude of offers from both
We cannot, however, help but feel that this plan maybe nothing but lip predisposition. point when he had to donate sides of the equation. It was af-
service. Commissions like this are sometimes only created only to show that “Reviewing with a grum- his own money to finance the ter a sheer contemplation when
bling stomach and a depressed organization’s projects and or he chose to be the associate
government is doing something (or pretending to). They are always recom-
soul is indeed burdensome. activities,” Dr. Galang recalled. editor of the SGV and Corpora-
mendatory, but never given the power to execute. Of course, I do not want to She also evoked that Ivan tion, an accounting firm based
We will also recall the Melo Commission meant to probe and investigate pass the examination with an once sought for his resignation, in Manila.
the hundreds of incidences of extrajudicial killings in the country. That com- impaired health status,” Ivan fearing that his affiliation in Ivan still works in the
mission has been rather feeble in the sense that despite its incriminating find- imparted with humor. the said institute would entail a abode of numbers but now he’s
ings that elements of the military were some of the perpetrators of the killings, negative effect on his studies. doing it in a more competitive
it was not able to actually effect the prosecution of anybody. It was only able to Accountant by nature “I told him that if he fails in my arena of accounting principles.†
recommend that charges be filed for certain cases. Even in his formative years, three examinations, I’ll accept
Ivan already has always proven his plea,” she disclosed.
Presidential Administrative Order 275 which created the six-member
his intellectual prowess. He was Because of his innate
body is viewed by many as a mere study group, as Amando Doronila discussed a consistent valedictorian dur- accounting analysis, Ivan
in a column in the Philippine Daily Inquirer. He has surmised that the recom- ing his elementary and second- did not obtain the three
mendatory nature of such commissions denotes that it can only recommend ary years at a private school in failing results that he must
actions to executive agencies like the Philippine National Police. his hometown of Guinobatan, accomplish for him to be
Therefore, it is up to the PNP to dismantle and disarm these armies. But Albay. When he took the Uni- relieved from his service.
that is indeed a tall order. These armies are mighty in their respective areas of versity of the Philippines Col- “He even got high scores in
operation and as in the case of the Ampatuans in Maguindanao, even the local lege Admission Test (UPCAT), it,” Dr. Galang acclaimed.
he passed the examination BU-JPIA is a congre-
police are part of the PAGs. How can the national police expect to dismantle
under the program of Bachelor gation of the university’s
them when elements of their own agency compose said armies? of Science in Statistics. But he accountancy students which
And with only a couple of months before elections, how does the com- subsequently declined his slot is affiliated to a national
mission expect to dismantle the armies and prevent election-related violence because of inevitable financial chapter.
in good time when the study itself may take months and recommendation with constraints. Ivan was
subsequent implementation must realistically take a few years, especially with “I wasn’t really expecting described by his
red tape undoubtedly waiting around each legal and bureaucratic corner? that I’ll pursue Accountancy as members as an
This may seem like a pipe dream, but the creation of this commission my course. When I was a pre- unselfish and
school student, I dreamed of responsible
is a step towards a more peaceful, private army-free society. Even if the re-
being an architect. But when I leader. He
sults may not be immediate, they will be appreciated. But it all depends on reached my elementary years, would stay
the resolve of the commission to turn the other cheek on the political and eco- I wanted to be a scientist. My up until
nomic influence of the patrons of the PAGs, as well as the determination of interest was suddenly shifted to near mid-
implementing agencies like PNP. In the end, we, as bystanders can only hope teaching when I became a high night just
that the creation of the commission is not all sound and fury, that it is not school student,” Ivan narrated. to work
just mere lip service, that it will not be, as Amando Doronila has called it, a He later enlightened the out all
ni Justin Kutitob
Mr. & Ms. BU 2009 The dispute was settled with the Office
of the President’s decision allowing Baldon
to join the search and thus enabling her to
sheet was manipulated during the pageant.
“I don’t know what’s wrong with
Nashrene. She had done things which
participate in the pageant’s talent presen- were quite unnatural and she keeps on
tation. However, CAL-CSC again appealed avoiding the issue,” Bellena commented
BY GERARD FRANCIS OGAD pealed and brought the issue to the Office to the president as regards how Baldon towards the speculation that Raafat may
PHOTO BY EDITHA AILEEN MIJARES of the President through a letter dated will be rated since she already missed two be have been responsible for manipulating
September 12, 2009. pre-pageant activities (press presentation the scores since she took part in handing
Dr. Jocelyn Bartolata, CAL-CSC Ad- and swimwear competition). The afore- the score sheets to the tabulators.
hat should have been viser Gemma Bellena and Prof. Indira Tabo mentioned activities constitute 30 percent Raafat, meanwhile was disheartened
purely a spectacle of declared that “guideline number nine (the of the candidate’s grand score. by the allegations.
beauty and talent became provision disqualifying Baldon) is sense- Jalgalado said that Biasca made an “Too much has been ceded. We
the spotlight of controver- less and is contrary to the very end which internal arrangement with Baldon and (USC) should also be firm about our deci-
sy in this year’s Search the search claims to realize.” CAL- CSC. Baldon’s remaining 70 percent sion, even if sometimes, one party will
for Mr. and Ms. Bicol University. CAL also protested against the USC will be taken as 100 percent in the compu- be affected. It is our duty to protect the
Endeavouring to showcase the wit for providing them with delayed guidelines. tation of scores to compensate for the 30 interest of the majority as the highest ruling
and glamour of a true Bueño, the event The letter stated that the USC released the percent that she lost prior to her disqualifi- body,” Raafat said.
caused disputes when the female candi- guidelines on August 28, 2009. Baldon was cation (this was later negated). In a written statement released by
date of College of Arts and Letters (CAL) officially crowned Ms. CAL on August 27. The internal arrangement however, CAL- CSC, they stated that their major
was disqualified in the early part of the “Granting there is indeed any merit to was subsequently undermined when the concerns were the faulty guidelines and
competition due to some purported defects the provision, we could have dissuaded entire USC body rejected Biasca’s decision the unrealized adjustments made by
in the pageant’s guidelines. our candidate from subjecting herself to through majority consent. Raafat said that Biasca.
A provision in the guidelines released future “humiliation” as the USC allowed Biasca did not consult the body when she Baldon, having second thoughts in
by the University Student Council (USC) on September 9. Ms. Baldon, in full make made the arrangement. joining the pageant, still pursued amidst
states that: up and donning her best as becoming Biasca, however, mentioned that she protests. According to her, CALibers, es-
“Any candidate with a regional or of a CAL beauty queen was recklessly called for an executive meeting with the pecially the CAL-CSC and faculty greatly
national title cannot join the pageant.” ignored when she showed up for picto- officers but it was boycotted by other of- encouraged her to continue.
According to the USC, the afore- rial,” Jalgalado and the three CAL faculties ficers. “I was totally moved and grateful that
mentioned stipulation aims to “produce complained in the letter. An emergency meeting informing the CALibers believed in me. The best
fresh beauty queens who will be the prime Prior to the supposed disqualifica- the CAL-CSC that the arrangement will way to inspire a person is by encouraging
promoters of the university.” tion of Baldon, several meetings between no longer be implemented persisted. The and supporting her. Indeed, they’re my
This provision of the guidelines be- Jalgalado and the USC were conducted to decision was grounded on Biasca’s state- inspiration. I joined Ms. BU not for myself
came unfavourable for CAL since Ms. CAL resolve the issue. According to Jalgalado, ments that the parents of the candidates but for my beloved college. I will always
2009 Alexis Joyce Baldon, a third year USC External Vice Chairperson Raymund might protest against them if they imple- remember their utmost support,” Baldon
Journalism student who has already been Ordan, also the pageant’s executive chair- ment the said modification. Instead, they proclaimed.
the recipient of two regional titles – Miss man, apologized to her for his inconsis- would just orient the judges to adjust their This is not the first time that a contro-
Philippine Association of State Universi- tency. Jessica Biasca, USC Chairperson, point system if they really want Baldon to versy mired the university pageant. Last
ties and Colleges-Region V (PASUC V) also present in the meeting, expressed her be in the top 5. year, a conflict also occurred when Jessica
and Miss Magayon-Tourism 2009. The regret for the late issuance of the guide- Raafat however denied that Biasca Biasca (then still USC Internal Vice Chair-
prior titles were the basis of the USC for lines. made such decision and told the Univer- person) joined the pageant despite guide-
disqualifying her from the pageant. The Bicol Universitarian tried to get sitarian that it was Jalgalado who asked lines clearly stipulating that candidates
In a letter dated September 10, 2009, Ordan and Biasca’s side. However, Ordan them to orient the judges. holding any major position in a university
the USC officially informed CAL College said on a forwarded text message that organization should not be admitted. When
Student Council (CSC) president Mariane he was busy. Biasca on the other hand, On the pageant night asked why the USC bent its rules to allow
Mae Jalgalado that Baldon was disquali- chose not to comment on the issue. It was Raafat oriented the judges hours Biasca to partake in the pageant last year,
fied from joining the pageant. Nashrene Raafat, Deputy Secretary Gen- before the pageant night but according to and did not do the same for Baldon this
eral and the pageant’s honorary chairman, Jalgalado, only one judge for the female year, Raafat simply answered that “it was
CAL’s appeal who honored the Universitarian with an category attended the orientation. She said a mistake that cannot be corrected by
In response to the USC’s decision, interview. that Raafat did not even mention Baldon’s another mistake.”†
Jalgalado and three faculty members ap- Raafat confirmed that the meetings candidate’s number.
◄ page 9
|Requisition who graduated from BU with a Minor in anything. FINANCIAL REPORT
they are truly interested in. We can surmise that a student who is Consultations are supposedly held as to what elective subjects First Semester, AY 2009-2010
truly interested in a subject that he/she chose for himself/herself should be included in the curricula of students. But student repre-
will be more enthusiastic in the course of his/her study and will, in sentation is minimal, if existent at all. The Bicol
theory, be more productive. The program serves three purposes: We can agree that BU’s block system makes it hard for some-
a more enthusiastic and productive student; a general education thing like RGEP to be implemented here. But even in high school,
truly beneficial for a student’s future career path; and a more inde- we were able to undertake electives even if we had sectioning Remaining Balance AY 2008-2009 980.80
pendent student, able to decide on subjects without dictation from similar to a block system. It is probably because of a shortage of Pub Fee Collection (First Sem) 44 592.50
his faculty or department. Because of the nonexistence of such a resources that a block system is being employed in BU. An inter-
system in BU, all three advantages are absent in BU. national class system would prove to be very demanding for both Wallnews 2 650.00
Office Materials 200.00
The rigid education system of BU remains a problem to be faculty and facility. So will a system like RGEP. Writer’s Exam 650.00
hurdled. It poses a limitation of academic freedom. Electives are The implementation of such a system in BU might be a pipe Writer’s Workshop 1 448.75
self-explanatory. They are courses or subjects supposed to be dream. We do not have the resources for a RGEP yet. But little by Website Hosting/Maintenance 1 490.00
chosen by the students on their own volition. To require them is little, it can be done. We can start by allowing electives to be chosen Office Key Duplication 35.00
Purchase of Receipts 2 422.00
defeating their very purpose. by students, not their departments in more frequent, transparent Communication 348.75
Maybe that is because provincial state universities and colleges and participatory consultations for curriculum amendments and SGT 1 350.00
(SUCs) like BU define electives differently. To SUCs in the province, developments. Koleksyon (Concert) 100.00
Reimbursements 2 201.75
electives might be courses or subjects not mandated by CHEd but Resources are still coming from our patrons. Why not channel SUB-TOTAL 12 796.25
applied to their curricula; as opposed to CHEd Mandated Subjects them towards a goal like a BU RGEP?
(MS) like Rizal. RGEP in BU may seem to be a star-crossed premise. But it pays
From that, we can assume that students from typical provin- to have a target, no matter how ambitious. We have already proven CASH INLOW 45 573.30
CASH OUTFLOW 12 796.25
cial SUCs like our own cannot carry Minors because there are no ourselves to be capable of going elbow to elbow with our Manila TOTAL 32 777.05
elective subjects in the true prerogative sense. Subjects unrelated to counterparts. And in rare instances, we HAVE beaten them. With
their Major course tend to be given through required general edu- improvements in our curricula like an RGEP that will produce more
cation subjects which the department, not the student, chooses. At enthusiastic and independent students knowing broader knowl- Prepared by:
least that is the trend in BU where curricula are formulated by the edge on subjects of their own liking AND choosing, well, the sky TAMAR ANTONIO
faculty of each department. That is why we never hear of anybody truly is the limit.† Managing Editor
◄ page 7
|ROTC One for all, all for one
Only the Corps Commander and his/
presented; tie-up of BU administration and
AFP wherein the university shall subsidize
sibility of the corps commander.
Biasca, Maloon, and Bechayda all
Responding to the call of duty her sponsor/escort are entitled to the the tuition of the cadets while the AFP con- agreed that their being involved in ROTC
“Once our assistance is needed, we re- scholarship given by the university. They tinues to provide incentives, and through has influenced much to what kind of per-
port immediately,” Bechayda said. He add- enjoy a 100% free tuition during their the use of the ROTC trust fund to subsidize sons they are right now. All of them shared
ed that they cannot decline on requests of terms. On the other hand, they also get the the cadets’ scholarships. the countless instances when they badly
their service, even if it means they have to chance to become scholars of AFP. The AFP, According to BU President Fay Lau- wanted to quit from the obligation, but
sacrifice their academics. The cadets do not through the Department of National De- raya, her office would like to look in the because of the values and lifetime lessons
endure physical exhaustion alone. Most of fense also gives incentives to the 1st class possibility of the proposal. “Actually, that that they learned from the unit, they stayed
the time, they have to battle with emo- and 2nd class cadets: a cash allowance of is very good. If that proposal would be and continue to serve. Word of wisdom
tional and psychological torments. P90 per training day or a total of P 1350 for pursued and processed through the proper that is common to all of them is: “The end
The officers have to report as early 15 training days (15 Sundays). channels, I believe the administration will justifies the means, and the quitter makes
as 4 AM every training day. Bechayda said However, former and present corps welcome that. ” Lauraya said. the loser.”
that as officers, they facilitate during lec- commanders believe that not only the Prof. Rowena Zoilo, NSTP Director
tures, trainings, and have to compute the corps commander and the sponsor/es- attested that this must not only be the University’s pride
grades of more than 1000 4th class cadets. cort must benefit from the university’s obligation of the university. “Indeed, the For three years already, BU’s ROTC unit
However, Bechayda disclosed that scholarship grants. Jessica Biasca, former Department of National Defense should be has been the best in the region. The unit
most students do not understand the unit Corps Commander, A.Y 2006-2007, involved because that is advanced ROTC al- has acclaimed such recognition through its
cadets’ role during such activities. Ac- and incumbent University Student Council ready. After the NSTP course, the student’s three consecutive top performances in the
cording to him, the unit often receives Chairperson, disclosed that during her time decision to pursue military training will not Regional Annual Administartive Perfor-
discrimination rather than appreciation. as corps commander, she and her staff had be handled by the university anymore,” she mance Evaluation (RAAPE), conducted by
“Mga makauyamun ang ROTC, garu daing tried to work out that at least 2nd and 1st said. the AFP under the Regional Command
mga isip,” Bechayda quoted a student who class cadets also be granted with scholar- Zoilo then expressed her support Defense Group (RCDG). Every year the
was hindered by the cadets from going up ship. for the case study; “I hope the case study university’s cadets exhibit their prowess in
the already full-packed Grandstand during “In ROTC, everybody from the fourth shows that there are a lot of students who doing field tactics, dismantling and reas-
the opening of the 40th BU foundation to first class, works and sacrifices his own want to pursue military training but could sembling fire arms, and oral exams.
anniversary. time and freedom. The officers man the of- not anymore because of financial con- Prof. Rowena Zoilo, NSTP Director said
When they served as marshals during fice and trainings without compensation.” straints,” she said. that she is proud of the responsible ROTC
the Hataw event, they had to bear their Biasca said. “What we do is for the spirit of pure unit of the university despite the many
rumbling stomachs from 8 AM to 2 PM. This has long been a major concern service, but if it is possible that other discouraging situations the unit has to deal
“We were thankful that the IPESR had given of the cadets, especially the officers. In an cadets be also given incentives, then why with. According to her, surviving and still
us some food,” Bechayda said. effort to address such circumstance, a case not?” Bechayda said. “After all, we are still pursuing the ROTC training justifies the
“Last time, we were requested to study is proposed by last academic year’s students despite the fact that this is a call passion of the cadets. She shared that she
serve as marshals during Dark Pink XVIII. unit Corps Commander Mateo Maloon as a for volunteerism,” he added. does not want the burning spirit of these
However, the request was only made verbal subject for his undergraduate thesis. students be put to waste.
and the organizers did not confirm. But “I had been part of the unit so I know More than an obligation ■■■
because they might be expecting assis- how hard it is to be a cadet. You do not According to Jessica Biasca, being
tance, we still came.” Bechayda said that his only endure physical distress, you have part of the unit is really exhausting and it Sweat. Blood. Soul. These make up
staff stayed there from 6:30- 11 PM but the to prove your emotional and psycho- requires a lot of courage. “It felt so great the price one has to pay if he indeed, is off
event organizers said that they didn’t have logical worth,” he said. As a former Corps to be the head of a unit that is dominated to reach his destination. He has to come
budget for the cadets. Commander, he wishes that his study be by men. It required great courage to be on time to catch the ride for chasing his
Professor Rowena Zoilo, University realized for the welfare of his subordinates firm and radiate bravery to your men. I had dreams. He must be the responsible soldier
NSTP Director, said that since activities and those who will soon become part of to veil my feminine traits and front myself who shall guard himself all throughout the
like this are not anymore handled by the the unit. as an example in all aspects. I had to gain journey. After all, reaching the finish line
university, the inviting party must at least Maloon’s thesis will study the feasibil- their utmost respect,” Biasca shared. She won’t be that hard if one’s eyes are focused
shoulder the needs of the cadets. ity of granting scholarships to at least the further explained that the unit’s success or on that direction, despite the obstacles
2nd and 1st class cadets. Two options were failure is under the command and respon- that may emerge along the lane.†
On GMA in congress
of the Philippine Daily Inquirer points Philippine Daily Inquirer, with the Ms.
out, if Pres. Arroyo could not effect a revi- Arroyo’s capacity to dispense the “kaban
sion of the constitution as president, how ng bayan” at will as president, she can
can she reasonably expect to change the assist partymates to secure seats in con-
constitution as merely one of over 250 gress and ensure a significant number of
nder President Arroyo, theless, with all the demons haunting her congressmen? ally congressmen.
the Philippines has succeeded leadership (Hello Garci, ZTE, etc. scandals, Philippine political status quo dic- She can then blackmail the next ad-
in becoming both the most cor- Maguindanao massacre) you would think tates that congressmen will always gravi- ministration even if she cannot be prime
rupt country in Asia (accord- that she doesn’t have any illusions that she tate toward a new president like flies on minister. This leverage that she will be af-
ing to a Political and Economic can still rehabilitate her political career, but a fresh heap of dung in expectation of a forded is a dangerous weapon. She can
Risk Consultancy or PERC survey of for- no, she is a “champion”. And like any in- bigger pork barrel, creating a majority. use it for protection against those who
eign businessmen in 2007) and the world’s domitable champion, she does not intend That is how Ms. Arroyo presently enjoys ri- want to prosecute her for the scandals she
most dangerous country for media workers to drop out of the limelight any time soon. diculously enormous influence in the lower was involved as president. Surely, the next
(as declared by the World Association of But what should she do when her term lim- house, by bribing our congressmen with president can protect her if she blackmails
Newspapers and News Publishers or WAN- its dictate that she must leave office next bigger congressional discretionary funds. him. In fact, she has done that countless
IFRA held recently in Hyderabad, India and year and the threat of prosecution looms? That is how she saved herself four times times with her embattled lieutenants. She
many global media rights groups such as The ambiguous provision in the consti- from impeachment. Her hold on the coun- can use that to manipulate the next presi-
the International Federation of Journal- tution declares, “The President shall not be try’s purse provides her “leash” on the con- dent. In that regard, a Rep. Gloria Maca-
ists). President Arroyo has also launched eligible for any reelection.” Father Joaquin gressmen. Now, a new president means a pagal-Arroyo is certainly not a harmless
several attempts to perpetuate herself in Bernas, however, says in his weblog that in new majority in congress. There is no rea- congressman. Again, we can prevent this
power by sponsoring (directly or indirectly the 1986 Constitutional Convention, there son to expect that the new elected presi- if we are able to elect a strong and credible
through her minions in congress) numer- was a discussion among the con-con del- dent would allow a mere Rep. Gloria Maca- president next year, one who will not kow-
ous attempts to change the charter via egates about this issue, to wit: pagal Arroyo to “walk over all over him”, as tow to anything but the greater good of the
people’s initiative and a constituent as- In July 30 (1986), before the final Rina Jimenez-David states in her column in Filipino. What we can be sure of is the in-
sembly in her ally-dominated lower house. approval of the Davide amendment, the Philippine Daily Inquirer. No sane justice in Ms. Arroyo running for a seat in
She has also tried to actively stifle dissent there ensued the following exchange: president, even the administration’s bet congress as an incumbent president. She
by proclaiming a state of emergency back MR. [FLORENZ] REGALADO: May we and Lakas-Kampi-CMD gamecock Gilberto has stated that she fully intends to finish
inquire from Commissioner Teodoro, would allow any movement in her term as president even as she seeks a
Davide why he proposes congress that would wrest political power seat in congress. This means that she will
that the President shall be from him. be contending with other candidates in the
gino leocadio paje completely ineligible for any
future elective office lower
And there lies the challenge. We must
intelligently consider our presidential votes
second district of Pampanga while availing
herself of the perks that being chief execu-
than the presidency?... in May and make sure that the President tive affords.
Would it not be possible who wins has the political will to veto any Calls for her resignation boomed anew
coming an impotent presence. It resulted ed herself that the immunity offered by be-
in a culture of impunity that the Ampatu- ing a congressman is not what she is after.
ans inundated themselves with, and soon “Congressional immunity is only from libel
they developed the illusion that they could suits for utterances made in Congressional
get away even with mass murder.
It is not that we cannot attribute any
sessions. That is not what I am after,” she
alternative column
achievements to her administration. But Some suggest that she intends to ef-
the failures of her administration simply fect a transition to a parliamentary form
overshadow its successes. Being an econo- of government once she secures a seat in
mist, her economic measures have been congress by initiating yet again another
effective in fostering economic growth in attempt at charter change from the lower
terms of gross domestic product. Economic house. She can easily do this if she be-
growth has relatively improved the most comes speaker of the house. After that she In my opinion, this is what will happen to the studentry
in her administration as compared to the will get herself elected as prime minister
if incompentent and uncommitted candidates win in
last three, attributed to high tax remittanc- while relegating the power of the presi-
es from Filipinos working abroad and to dency into a ceremonial one like in Ire- the upcoming USC Election.†
President Arroyo’s controversial expanded land. If she becomes prime minister, she
value added tax law. Curiously though, the will theoretically be immune from charges
5% average of economic growth has yet of plunder and the like. But that depends
to curb poverty in any significant degree. on what constitutional amendments are
In fact, some studies seem to illustrate a implemented. This scenario is hypothetical
rise in poverty rate in the country. Never- at best. As the December 3, 2009 editorial
he game of deception is in full-swing again. The sarah moran technology will always have the capacity to manipulate the re-
suitors of the public are all-set for their well-scripted sults of elections.
speeches of endearment. It’s the season once again In the end, it must be realized that it still pays to be honest
of well-baked presents and promises. Well-directed and sincere with things that we commit ouselves into. Luke 16:10
strategies of courting the masses are starting to go reads, “Unless you are faithful in small matters, you won’t be
mainstream. It’s showtime once again. faithful in larger ones.” The stability of everything falls on the
I often get annoyed with my little brother who is always strength of the foundation built for it.
skeptic about eveything. Perhaps I should blame that on his Per- I remember the tragic 7.2 magnitude earthquake in Haiti that
fect Melancholic temperament. He never compliments anything. killed some 170,000 people and left almost a million homeless.
Not that his taste is hard to satisfy, he just believes that things The lives and dreams of those people were stolen in just a mat-
that awe our senses are not really that extraordinary . He would ter of minutes. Worse, they have left their loved ones who will
always think that there is something better than what I thought surely find it hard to continue life without them. Worst, they will
was already best. However , I have to admit that at home, he be forever, just part of statistics,of history.
would always make the most sensible--but sarcastic-- interpreta- It is never impossible that the same fate may also happen
tions of everything. At the young age of 11, he would lecture me new show’ for the Filipinos. Although there have been continu- in the Philippines. I’ve read in a broadsheet some days ago, that
with who I should, and should not vote as president in the com- ous campaigns and fora that call to ‘promote awareness’ on this according to a study conducted by Columbia University, Philip-
ing election. Sometimes, I start to wonder if he really is my little new electoral system, there never seem to be enough of these. pines has 15.6 million schoolchildren at risk from earthquakes,
brother, or if I, indeed, am his older sister. Actually, I fervently believe that the country is not yet braced the highest exposure cited.
In an election forum held in Cebu City recently, reports enough to implement automated elections nationwide. As early The writer of the article linked earthquake devastation to
showed that deposed President Joseph Estrada elicited the most as now, the people who must be directly involved in the system, corruption. According to her, corruption in public works is like
laughs. Noynoy Aquino surpised the audience with his eloquence like the teachers and other pesonnel , must already be thoroughly planting a bomb that is timed to explode when an earthquake
in speaking. Manny Villar and Dick Gordon trumpeted their track oriented about the How to’s, pros and cons of the system. Scrap strikes. “Earthquakes don’t kill, unsafe structures do,” she quot-
records. Gibo Teodoro, drew the most cheers from the women. the theories and fultile talks about it. What we need is the actual ed.
Having garnered the most number of updates and feedbacks on practice and testing of its effectiveness. I do not however, totally believe with what the author said.
their political quest, the ‘courtship exhibition’, indeed, centers on The COMELEC always brags that the automated elections (Thanks to my little brother, I learned to use a little of his skepti-
these people. It’s showtime once again, and it’s up to the people will prevent the different forms of political dishonesty. Forget cism). I believe that if (God forbid), an earthquake as destructive
to choose their best candidates. about the sanctity of poll automation if the people are ignorant. or even stronger hits our land, even the palace which the ‘public
The automated elections, which shall be implemented in According to Mark Twain, there are three kinds of lies: little lies, suitors’ dream to live in, will not be spared.
the Philippines for the first time this year, is yet, another ‘brand- big lies and statistics. True. In our case, those who control the Remember, every show has to end.†
Stereotyping dress codes, distorted hand signs and campaign slogans. It’s
terrible that there are actually ninety-nine presidential aspirants
and yet I am only weighing between four “karapat-dapat” can-
cut the options to Gibo and Villar, but that would be too unfair
considering that Noynoy has become an icon of democracy af-
ter her mother died and Gordon has transformed the lives of
the many when he served as the Chairman of Red Cross.) If
A blonde, a brunette and a ginger were robbing some stores. A It’s indeed three months before the national elections take we still opt to include Erap Estrada in the list, just think of the
policeman came for inspection so they hid in three shops. The the centre stage and I still find myself uncertain if we, Pinoys, doable cases of graft and corruption that will be filed against
policeman went over to a dog shop where the brunette was hid- have already learned our lesson. Nine years ago, we have cata- his term. It is of no use to put him into office when he is already
ing. She barked, and the policeman thought she was a dog so he pulted into power the most corrupt president, if not, one of the convicted of corruption. Though I’m pessimistic when it comes
went on to the cat shop next door. He looked in and the ginger most corrupt, with her irrepressible cling to supremacy. Being to our political system, I would still want to be optimistic that
meowed. The policeman thought she was a cat and, went on to the second longest serving president in the history of Philippine we are not dumb to commit that same absurd mistake again. I
the food store where the blonde was hiding. He looked in and the government, no one would doubt that she houses such insatia- can’t even imagine how he will combat the rapidly growing
blonde, trying to act natural, shouted “POTATOES!” bility. She survived 1, 986 impeachment complaints and coup vices of our youth when he himself doesn’t know what the term
Yes, this is one of the many “dumb” blonde jokes. In this case,
attempts and prosecuted none with hundreds of journalists VICE means.
however, the brunette and the ginger had been included, empha-
killed under her vague justice system. She was our queen when With these, let’s just reflect on the unlikely effects that it
sizing the intellectual deficiency of the light-haired stereotype. But
our land was christened as the most dangerous place for jour- might bring to us for the next six years if we allow another Ms.
aren’t they all human beings?
nalists and whose constituents were left with, not even “sina- Arroyo or Erap to occupy our country’s presidential seat. Our
Relating this to the Bicol University, it is unfortunate that we
bawang” kanin, but just burned rice in their plates. rarest chance to redeem ourselves from the stagnation brought
are judged because of the college we belong to. All colleges expe-
It’s indeed three months before the national elections about by the past national election beckons us. The mainstream
rience this bigotry, even those who appear to be first-rate in the
eyes of others. But come to think of it, aren’t we all BUeños? take the centre stage and I can still remember my father telling media lays the platforms of our presidential aspirants and our
For almost three years, I would hear my classmates whine me that he was regretful of voting Gloria Arroyo as our presi-
about being frowned upon by fellow students from different col- dent. “Nasa huli nga talaga ang pagsisisi,” he exclaimed. I just tamar antonio
leges. We are told to be poor in science and math in particular, nodded with the circumstances in my mind whirling like the
that’s why we chose to stay with AB courses. Others even say that shuriken of Naruto. Could it be that the massive block of vot-
CAL is where the QBQs are gathered. Sometimes, I even lose my ers of that woman president are also dismayed with what their
temper at their claims, wishing to slap my BUCET result into their votes caused them? I can only affirm as of this moment that it
faces, showing them my percentile rank of 98%. I still wish I had
it, anyway.
is more acceptable if Fernando Poe Jr. won as the country’s
president. Although he was only an acclaimed actor, he had see
What’s worse is to know that even the faculty is guilty of this something that Ms. Arroyo blatantly did not possess. I will not
labeling. In my sophomore year, I remember a heated discussion stand to be corrected if I ascertain that FPJ is morally upright
in class about a project, when all of a sudden; a faculty member and GMA is not. She will soon step down from her throne and
from a different college asked us our course. “Journalism po,” we we, Filipinos, can take it as a source of jubilation. access to the internet and other dependable sources allows us
replied with pride. She raised her brow and replied, “Kaya pala. The present face of Philippine politics gives us a lot of to scrutinize their capabilities and sense of leadership. We are
Please keep it down, may mga nursing students sa kabilang room.” choices on who’s rightful for our votes. There is this Manny offered with fancy and genuine candidates, and it is a disgrace
I would understand being requested to “keep it down”, but the Villar, claiming that “siya ang tunay na mahirap”, who says that if we allow the pessimism of the many to cloud our decision
subsequent phrase is completely chauvinistic. he shall eradicate poverty for all Filipinos because he managed of not availing our right to vote and be heard. We are, after all,
Sometimes, I lose my temper in heated debates when others to do so. We have Noynoy Aquino who starred all prominent ac- responsible for what our country have become because of our
would claim their college’s superiority over the others. They would tors in his campaign ads, with his trendy “laban tayo” sign. We negligence.
say, in general, that certain colleges are home to the beautiful but also have Gibo Teodoro, who consistently flashes his youthful If we still chose to be mum about it, better think again.
brainless, the brained but unsightly, the barbaric, the snobs, the smile amidst his low ratings in surveys. And we can never erase ■■■
overrated, the underrated, and the desperately-wants-a-diploma. from these presidentiables, Dick Gordon, who never sleeps in “Huwag kang magpakaduwag. Hindi lang ikaw ang nahi-
And my retaliation would always be, aren’t we all BUeños? helping others (even in a very silent night). By the way, we also hirapan. Huwag kang magbingi-bingihan. Huwag mong takasan
Let’s not forget our recent topnotchers. CBEM with new CPAs include in the list, Eddie Villanuea, who boasts with his “Eddie ang kinabukasan mo. Kahit iisa lang ang boto mo, malaki pa rin
Ivan Rhett Macabeo and Kaiser Yohann Ballecer. CE with Rona ako” slogan. I’m not even sure if it refers to “of course, it’s me” ang magagawa nito para sa bayan mo. Patunayan mong hindi
Despabiladeras and CAF with Darrel James Sy. CN with 100% pass- or him reiterating that he is Eddie. I’ll still mention that Erap ka duwag. Patunayan mong hindi ka rin bingi. Piliin mong ma-
ing rate, and TC is now a National University for Fisheries. Angela Estrada sill had the guts of running for the presidential post kialam. Markahan mo na ng pulang bolpen ang Mayo 10 sa kal-
Barcellano, last school year’s best graduate, came from CAL. And even though my intellect dictates me of not doing it. endaryo mo. Sige ka, kasama ka rin naman sa mga malulugmok
they are all recognized in the name of Bicol University. The May 2010 election is indeed just around the corner kung mas pipiliin mo pang matulog at magliwaliw na lang sa
Even the blondes have Taylor Swift, Hilary Clinton, and Prin- and we, students, will in a little while, exercise the special priv- mismong araw ng halalan.Ӡ
cess Diana to brag about.†
BY GINO LEOCADIO PAJE to academic requirements,” he argued. priations Act that this was made possible. side the library if there are new arrivals that
And with BUGC only having 551 under- are available for the clientele,” she reiterated.
ome of the P2-million worth of ‘One Library Concept’ graduate students and 127 post graduate The books arrived in BUGC in the course
books remain unused in the library When asked about the apparent irrel- students, there is a lot of money to spare. of three delivery periods, September 2 & 4,
of Bicol University Gubat Campus evance of books to the courses offered in his BUGC boasts the highest increase in enroll- 2008, October 30, 2008 and March 15, 2009.
(BUGC). Students decry the irrel- campus, Nace alluded to University President ment among the campuses of Bicol University It has been a year since then, but as Prof.
evance of most of these books pur- Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya PhD’s “One Library at 41% this year. But with so much money Nace says, “We are still waiting for the request
chased to the courses offered in their campus. Concept”. He elaborated that as part of the for relatively fewer students than the other from the Main Library so we can send them
President’s theme of “Moving One to be the campuses, BUGC can afford to spend more the books they need.” He does not know why
Irrelevant books One” theme, all the libraries will be having an than the other campuses of BU. Through Rep. the University Librarian still hasn’t forwarded
College Student Council Vice President intra-library loan model. Solis’ efforts, all of the 678 students of BUGC a request, even though she was a member
Cynthia Figuerras who’s taking up Bachelor of Under this concept, books can be loaned received educational benefits, they only pay of the committee that selected the books for
Education said that she still has to endure the from one library to another to ensure equal miscellaneous fees and are exempt from being purchase.
grueling 160km back and forth ride, which is a sharing of reference materials and knowledge charged tuition/matriculation fees.
six-hour round trip commute and the expen- among students. This will also be a cost-cutting Secret bank account
sive fair of P154.00 from Gubat, Sorsogon to measure especially in light of the need for Not from LGU “I was even haggling for a discount of
the Bicol University Main Library in Legazpi economization in these trying times. Mayor Deogracias Ramos of the mu- prices to the advantage of the university so it’s
City to borrow reference materials about her Nace recounted that President Lauraya nicipality of Gubat, Sorsogon states that the sad that these people would imply that there
Astronomy subject. “The increase of books in asked him to approve the purchase of books Two Million Book Purchase Fund did not pass was an anomaly and that I was involved,” the
our library almost didn’t make a difference, with BUGC funds to help the university in through their Local Government Unit (LGU). University Librarian mourned.
because most of the books that were brought general in consideration of the fact that the BU “Our Bids and Awards Committee (BAC) does She was referring to a sensational article
here are not related to our course,” she Main Library had budget constraints. “It would not have any record of facilitating the awarding published about her in the BUtlog Report, a
lamented. have been selfish of us not to help so I autho- of contract to any book company for the BUGC lampoon publication criticizing the Admin that
Renz Alvin Gabay, CSC Secretary and rized the book purchase using the Two Million Library,” he replied when asked if it was LGU has been circulating in the university for the
Bachelor of Science in Education Major in Congressional Fund given by Rep. Jose Solis of money that funded the book purchase. last few weeks. It implied that the University
Physics student, protested, “I still can’t find the 2nd District of Sorsogon.” “If it’s congressional, it won’t pass Librarian had a “secret bank account” and was
some of the Physics books that I need in our “After the purchase, the Main Library will through us,” he elaborated. involved in anomalous deals.
library, even with all the new books. It’s a good just loan the books they need from us. All they Mayor Deogracias Ramos, Mayor of “We don’t have a secret bank account.
thing our Professor lets us borrow her own need to do is send in a loan request of the Gubat for 19 years, is one of the originators of If you want, I only have two bank accounts in
personal books, because I won’t find what I’m books they need,” Nace answered when asked the establishment of a BU campus in Gubat. To my name. It is the Camalig Bank and Cagsawa
looking for in the new books that are all about how the loan could be implemented. this day, he maintains a trust fund from LGU Rural Bank because nagloloan ako doon, no
Nursing, Engineering, Architecture, Internal Nace explained that the requirements of exclusively for BUGC. other banks,” she explained.
Medicine and Baking, courses not offered in the BU Main Library were also considered in “Some of our Internal Revenue Allotment “Kami, hanggang purchase request at
our campus.” the book selection process, “A portion of the (IRA) goes to BUGC because higher education selection lang, after that we have not seen the
CSC Public Information Officer Rowell Two Million worth of books are supposed to be is one of our priorities, but our BAC didn’t ap- books,” Gomez reiterates.
Fonenas said that the new books were pro- loaned by the Main Library, that’s why some prove of such a fund,” he concluded.
hibited from being photocopied. “They do not of the books here are not in line of the courses The book selection process
want the books to be damaged so we cannot currently being offered.” Help to the university “Our main task is selection of the library
have them photocopied, sometimes they even Nace also said that the other books that “When Rep. Solis chose to help, it was materials. We ask the faculty to submit the
discourage us from using the books altogeth- were bought were selected in anticipation of not just for BUGC but for the whole university, course outline the syllabi so that we can be
er,” he complained. courses that they intend to offer in the future so one cannot say that the good Congressman helped in the book selection process,” Gomez
The courses offered in BUGC are Bach- like Ecotourism and Hotel and Resort Manage- was disappointed that not all the books that adds.
elor of Science in Education (majors in Physics ment. were purchased were exclusively for BUGC,” Gomez also wonders why the books se-
and English), Bachelor of Education, Bachelor University President Fay Lea Patria M. Lauraya lected by the faculty members in BUGC are not
of Science in Computer Science, Bachelor of Richest campus PhD said on the matter. related to the course being offered there.
Science in Agricultural Technology, Bachelor of “We spend more than that,” Nace an- “Those rumors are unfounded. I was just Gomez recounted how she, accompa-
Science in Entrepreneurship and Bachelor of swered when questioned about the size of the on the phone with Rep. Solis’ aid this morn- nied by some faculty members and the BUGC
Arts in Peace Studies. fund used for the purchase of the roughly 412 ing and there was no mention of anything like Librarian went to book fares for the book
Campus Director Prof. Domingo L. Nace books now in the BUGC Library. An examina- that,” she replied when asked about rumors selection.
stated that the book purchase was done in tion of the books revealed that they are really suggesting that Rep. Solis was angered by the They went to Manila several times. But
consideration of the curricular requirements expensive top grade books. fact that his grant for the book purchase did according to Gomez, there was one instance
as set by the faculty. “Requisition slips were “We have the capacity to help the Main not all go to his constituents. when the BUGC Librarian who also happens to
given by administration to the faculty and Library so we decided to do so in a transparent “Besides, part of the money went to the be the Municipal Librarian of Gubat, Lina Ce-
those were accomplished by the faculty to be and legal way,” Nace declared when asked why purchase of Online Journals for an Electronic losa failed to go with them because of budget
considered by our Librarian in the book selec- they decided to buy the books. Library we are developing, so one cannot constraints.
tion process,” he explained. “It is not up to the “Considering that the expect that it will only benefit the BUGC,” she She also considers that curricular offer-
students but for the faculty to decide whole university has expounded. ings expand with the progress of the university
the relevance of books a Mainte- Nace said that BUGC funds the Electric and like Nace, chooses books she believes
nance and Library and that One Million is used for it every will be needed in the future, so long as these
Other Operat- year. prerogative purchases adhere to the selection
ing Expenses policy.
(MMOE) fund An intra-library loan The book fares they attended were in
of only 20 “We were asking for a bigger budget from Mall of Asia and Novaliches.
Million, we the university to be able to address the needs After the book selection, they forwarded
are very lucky of the students more appropriately and in their chosen titles to the Bids and Awards
to have 27 consideration of the overall curriculum of the Committee of the university and the transac-
Million just for university because we wanted to implement tions were overseen by the BAC.
our campus,” the the Intra-library loan,” University Librarian The University BAC is headed by College
Cam- Neria Gomez said in an interview concerning of Science Dean Amelia Dorosan but she was
pus the intra-library loan. unavailable for comment. The person in their
Di- “We have not loaned the books yet office refused to comment on the matter. We
rec- from the BUGC Library because we were not only know that the companies contracts were
tor informed that the books had already arrived,” awarded to are: F and J, Linar, Academic Book
she replied when asked why the books that Sales, C and E, all presumed to be publishing
were supposed to be loaned remain in BUGC. houses.
avowed. “The plan was that we were to have a For now hundreds of books are still in
Nace Centralized Cataloguing System, and that the BUGC, unread because they are unrelated to
explained that books should pass through our office so we the courses offered there, and not loaned by
it was through can determine which ones we are to loan but those who chose their titles because of banter-
insertions by Rep. the books went directly to BUGC. We have not ing between the two libraries. Is this the noble
Jose Solis in the even seen the books,” Gomez elaborated. One Library Concept that they espoused?†
General Appro- “The books went to them straightly be-
cause it was their budget that was used for the with a report from Theza Ramos of Budyong
purchase. You know that we post bulletins out-
war against swords. We cannot afford to be intimidated. mit a crime so foul and be exempt from just gate how the Ampatuans
If we become less adversarial in fear for our lives, we got their hands on
only let those who are willing to use bullets to smite the government issue
truth win. And that cannot happen. weaponry.
You see, each time a journalist is silenced, a facet The resources
of the gem of truth disappears along with his last breath. and power that government gave
And we can only make up for that lost piece of the truth the Ampatuans ensured a
with more pieces of the truth. The warlords will only godlike influence in
gain more power if we allow ourselves to be muzzled. retribution. their fiefdoms.
So more and more journalists should stand up for So brazen They could eas-
the truth each time one is gagged, suppressed, interdict- were these de- ily share the
ed or assassinated. It is only our heedful reportage of generates that if wit- billions of IRA
the abuses of power that these warlords commit which nesses are to be believed, Datu Unsay Mayor Andal with their friends while
will bring a swift end to their tyrannical reign. Ampatuan, Jr. personally delivered the coup de grace making their enemies cower in fear of
Such is why we, as the publication of this univer- to the victims, shooting each one in the head with his baby ArmAlite, their bullets and bombs. What government did
sity and as writer-citizens of this country in danger of while “laughing at the top of his voice”. And as another witness points out, with not anticipate was how lopsided this setup was.
becoming a failed democracy because of such horren- the “kill them all” order of clan patriarch Andal Ampatuan Sr., Andal Jr. and his civil- They thought they had the leverage over the Ampatu-
dous violations of press freedom and human rights, join ian volunteer officers-turned-henchmen also did proceed to rape, mutilate and shoot ans but they were mistaken. Government had created a
the call for an end to the repression of the press as well at point-blank range the victims in the light of day, not far from military checkpoints. Frankenstein monster.
as swift punitive action on the Ampatuan warlords of With at least 161 men, it did not take them more than a couple of hours to dispense The power President Arroyo yielded to the Am-
Maguindanao. with the 57 victims. Andal Ampatuan Sr., governor of Maguindanao, whose name patuans was too much. Soon, central government lost
Our constant and devoted vigilance is our weapon is inscribed on the backhoe found near the mass graves, is reported to have ordered, all control in the province. Even the police and military
against the silencers, and we shall not let them win. But “Kung dumaan ang mga Mangudadatu, ubusin sila lahat, pati mga bata, walang iti- in Maguindanao were bought off and essentially owned
above all, we heed the call for an end to the culture of rang buhay kahit isa!” Of course, everything went so easy because it was premedi- by the Ampatuans, as they became part of the payroll.
impunity that allows crimes like this massacre and the tated, with the pits for the mass graves dug a few days prior. So prevalent was this that after the massacre, govern-
hundreds of extra-judicial killings of activists and jour- Many believe that the monstrosity that is the Ampatuan warlord family is a cre- ment had to replace all the police and army officials
nalists to be committed! ation of the Arroyo administration, a product of weak governance, illegitimacy and in the area to guarantee (or pretend to) impartiality in
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