Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 2
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 2
Secundaria Tecnica Industrial Num. 2
Benito Juarez was born on March 21, 1806 in the village of San Pablo
Guelatao, Oaxaca, a town located in the mountain range now known
as La Sierra Jurez of Mark and then belonging to the jurisdiction of
Thomas Ixtlncotoyol. They baptized the day after his birth in the
parish of St. Thomas Ixtln.5 Parents Benito Juarez, Marcelino Jurez
and Brigida Garcia, were, in his words, "Indians of the primitive race of
the country" 6 were farmers. Both died when he was three, his mother
during the birth of her sister Maria Alberta Longinus. Benito with his
sisters Maria Josefa and Rosa were under the protection of his
paternal grandparents equally Indians Pedro Juarez and Justa Lopez
of "Zapotec nation" and very little sister Mara Longinos Cecilia.6 with
his maternal aunt died a few years also his grandparents and two older
sisters were married Benito, finally leaving him in the custody of his
uncle Bernardino Jurez. Thereafter he worked as a farm laborer and
as a shepherd until the age of twelve. His uncle Bernardino knew the
Castilian and I taught Benito showing enthusiasm in learning but farm
work and the fact that the people did not speak the Castilian is not
allowed Benito avanzase much in their learning. In his village, as in
small towns, there was even the elementary school. Benito realized
that learning to read who did traveling to the city, whether costendose
a pension or working as servants in rich houses, fueling his desire to
go to the city, which he often asked his uncle only dragged its feet. On
December 17, 1818 Benito flight of his people, after much weighing
between feelings and his desire to educate, bound for the city of
Oaxaca.6 This leak could be motivated after losing a couple of sheep
[citation needed ]. Until now the only language Zapotec Juarez was
being basic knowledge of Castilian.
It is famous its phrase "Among individuals, as among nations, respect
for the rights of others is peace". Benito Jurez lived one of the most
important times of Mexico, considered by many historians as the
consolidation of the nation as a republic. Juarez marked a turning point
in national history, being first rate protagonist of this era. His biography
in the years he held the presidency is almost entirely also the history of
Mexico. In 1858, Benito Juarez became president for the first time. He
Benito Jurez
Benito Jurez naci el 21 de marzo 1806 en el pueblo de San
Pablo Guelatao, Oaxaca, una ciudad situada en la sierra de
ahora conocido como La Sierra Jurez de Marcos y que
pertenece a la jurisdiccin de Thomas Ixtlncotoyol. Ellos
bautizaron el da despus de su nacimiento en la parroquia de
Santo Toms Ixtln. Padres Benito Jurez, Marcelino Jurez y
Brgida Garca, eran, segn sus palabras, "indios de la raza
primitiva del pas" 6 eran agricultores. Ambos murieron
cuando l tena tres aos, su madre durante el nacimiento de
su hermana Mara Longinos Alberta. Benito con sus hermanas
Mara Josefa y Rosa estaban bajo la proteccin de sus abuelos
paternos igualmente indios Pedro Jurez y Justa Lpez de
"nacin zapoteca" y muy pequea hermana Mara Longinos
Cecilia. Con su ta materna muri unos aos tambin sus
abuelos y dos hermanas mayores se casaron Benito,
finalmente dejndolo bajo la custodia de su to Bernardino
Jurez. A partir de entonces trabaj como obrero agrcola y
como pastor hasta la edad de doce aos. Su to Bernardino
conoca el castellano y me ense Benito muestra entusiasmo
en el aprendizaje, pero el trabajo agrcola y el hecho de que
las personas no hablan el castellano no est permitido Benito
avanzase mucho en su aprendizaje. En su pueblo, como en los
pueblos pequeos, hubo incluso la escuela primaria. Benito se
dio cuenta de que aprender a leer que no viajar a la ciudad,
ya sea costendose una pensin o trabajar como sirvientes en
casas de ricos, alimentando su deseo de ir a la ciudad, que a
menudo se le pregunt a su to slo se arrastr sus pies. El 17
de diciembre 1818 Benito vuelo de su pueblo, despus de
mucho peso de entre sentimientos y su deseo de educar, con
destino a la ciudad de Oaxaca.6 Esta fuga podra estar
motivado despus de perder un par de ovejas [cita requerida].
Hasta ahora la nica lengua zapoteca Jurez estaba siendo
conocimiento bsico del castellano.