A325M - 2007 (Bolt)

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Aly Designation: A 325-07 anaes METRIC ‘Stendard Specification for Structural Bolts, Steel, Heat Treated 830-MPa'tlininmam Tensile Strength (Metric]" 1. Seope” 1 This spectotan? corr vo ype of gual 2nd vee, rie ary Bets a nna ese seg of 30 ba (Sr). 2 Toe bole need for ea eral comms. ‘Tes omens ee compre one covered nde hs ‘eytenen of ti Spcnion fr Sta ao [ASTIN A325" A-0 tls, apoved the ese ‘Couch ou Stacie Coons tle the Acca ‘nu 9 Sil Chosacon a yw nat Fess 3 Theos we frida ine MI2 0 M6 else ‘Ry te ence ope dnc hee pt ss 13 Tipe J—Atimeon cates bron, mation sa te ay olay bron 1.32 pe 2 Wathen 20 135 fe Waste Se "ti sgecesan Seaplane © mets hy bx srs bso 13 Tome ed pein pd Tem 6 The flowing stay ard cv eral only oe ‘et meted prion, Scion 10 ef hi seta. The ‘tn sa pupott areal of afer cncrns. ‘Yom ornate virus ise npn of eat (Bs sndod exes appropri fy nd heath ‘ect deri hepa of resy bes wea bb ae gy te oea ew ee ane cope ep sen 2 Rateenced Doconents [ALSIA St Secon for ie Cat Dip) 0 "ton ol Sa are, Aba! spensesien foe Hh Suength Se! Rot “nes 0.9 as 109, Setar Se as ees) ASEM Spccton fe Caton Aly Sa Nas ‘Mew ASI Tet Metts, Practices, and Teminlgy for ‘Chen anys of Sen Proisee ‘GBS Spica fr Cann ef los Mesharealy epost os hen nd Se Daal Paste br Comma Pchoging 50 Spine fr Hedoed Seal Washer Metis) FeO Tew Neda for Decmining th Mee Proper of Balan Tian ase, Sales ant re ieee ui Speen fr Suce Deanne of Boks Sev au Stay eh sd Mec Sees Fosaht Spear fo Compesiie-Waterype Di eet Tet Indes for Une Wis Sour Pets isin) FD Cae Pacem Sapling Senet scani- ‘al oper a Prema pers Tn Tema fr Fe Meshal Pasnes ‘6101 hide fr Eximaiag te Atssghie Conon elsace a Lew Any Sse Mp acost—or 1523.7 Mase Heny He Stl Bas S180 Inpcion and Quay Aswan fo Spi Papa ister ves 1 1524 Put Kewying Nant (8) Cote Syren Sn heer B18 Fane Pre 1 Orders 1.1 One faraney be su ls ede ‘cai sal ne he towing ~ SECT Guay nmr of cs an ace. 3.12 Song nm st mci, ad poh sett ge S13 Nowe of roc any et ua 2a es ls ne ang a etd Sop svar Rorenet sal be sab Spoor bt Type fr ype). When eye ist pete, ar pe arp fred a he Ser onan. Pi ASTM dng nd er of 2.19 er connec ta ake an com esse merge et eco ie “IIB Zine Coctng—Spenty oe tioning ps a freebie, may ec So STD Teepe, ge me Sein 13) ALLL Soplomentny ar pect mime rege. 2.118 For eubistnun fe poe onlay ayer ee As B28 Sue anaes teas ‘Spel de ening ee ey gel gm). oe a 232, Wath covornlng fo Seon F-D6H ese corneal when fr ne ea Speicaon A250, Sar hey Nx saci Yt The the Shave ‘rie tis fo ech ype ol allow 3.41 When comple water pees eto in ty ae et fo be sedi tse ak, ey Aa ‘neon repaectnSpsston F596 Te {A helo Rom ep Ba Mat and anata {L Tpe a proce om mon carton tt sal te guccied fe god ei fom te suena open 2 Type 1 ta posed fam con slo wh leon sce oem bro wer oly ‘Med sh be ques ely in af ow esses ‘pete, “3 Type 3 bol Hl be quench aly ol fase “Type to egares of he ste usd sd Type 3 nt sal empresa 42 15 ne Castings Met ond chien Deposit Qy asasu—co7 "ASLE2 Can amen for pe ey ex Sa Batt Coreen wan ES 4.3 When nige

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