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Carly Zech!
English 8!
Period 6!


If you can take it, you can make it. To me, that quote sums up the entire book.
It shows that if you :ind a way to persevere and never give up, you can always :ind a
way to make it and succeed.

The book Unbroken is about a boy named Louie Zamperini who is always in
trouble. His older brother turns his life around and changes his life forever. His
brother teaches him one saying that will stick with him forever, if you can take it,
you can make it this teaches Louie that he can do anything. Louie becomes an
Olympic runner in 1936. When World War II breaks out, Louie enters the military to
:ight. His plane crashes into the Paci:ic, he has to live 47 unbearable days adrift a
tiny raft until captured by the Japanese. He is then sent to a work camp and is hated
by a cruel prison commander until the war is over.

The :irst time I read this book, it changed my life. I learned about World War
II history that I hadnt known before, lots of new and interesting vocabulary words,
and most importantly, how to persevere and never give up, and to :ight when you are

In Unbroken, a strong man named Louie Zamperini joined the army to help
:ight in World War II. From this book, I learned a lot of history that I had wished I
knew. This book teaches you life lessons, along with teaching history and interesting
facts about World War II.

In the Army Air Forces, or AAF, there were 52,651 stateside aircraft
accidents over the course of the war, killing 14,903 personnel. [] In the three
months in which Phil's men trained as a crew, 3,041 AAF planesmore than 33 per
daymet with accidents stateside, killing nine men per day (Chapter 6).

The 1929 Geneva Convention, which Japan had signed but never ratified,
permitted detaining powers to use POWs for labor, with restrictions. [] Virtually
nothing about Japan's use of POWs was in keeping with the Geneva Convention.
Those quotes show that the book teaches lots about history and what happened
during the brutal war (Chapter 23).

These two passages of many show how the book teaches about World War II
history and is very interesting to read. It is exciting facts and statistics about that
war that is interesting to learn about.

Although history is important, this book, has a great deal of vocabulary. If I
were to estimate, the amount of words that I had learned, would be at least 100
words. And advanced words too! The words were actually interesting to read and
learn the meaning of, because once I started to learn them, I could use them, and I
was starting to see when people use words that I recognize.

What he saw was the German dirigible Graf Zeppelin (Chapter 1).

Zech, Caroline

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 6:21:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time



Carly Zech!
English 8!
Period 6!

The ship passed over Nuremberg, where fringe politician Adolf Hitler, whose
Nazi Party had been trounced in the 1928 elections, had just delivered a speech
touting selective infanticide. (Chapter 1).

In the book, there are tons of vocabulary words. As I was reading the book, I
had to take extra time after reading and look up all the de:initions. I bene:ited
greatly from this because I now am able to use more advanced vocabulary every day.
By reading this book, my vocabulary improved by a lot and when I asked other
people on their opinion about the book Unbroken, Melissa Zech states, I loved the
book, it was very interesting, but I really liked the use of vocabulary in the book
because it was fun and exciting to read, but it was also a book that taught me new
and interesting words.

Besides teaching history and vocabulary, it also teaches perseverance and
how important it is to :ight as hard as you can when you are down and to never give
up. Louie was a leader to all because had had great tenacity, was always determined
and most importantly, never have up on what he believed was right.

[Louie] trained so hard that he rubbed the skin right off one of his toes,
leaving his sock bloody (Chapter 3).

Louie wrote to Cynthia almost every day, and every morning at ten-thirty, he
sat waiting for the mailman to bring him a pink envelope from Cynthia (Chapter 33)

Those quotes prove that he is persistent and had great tenacity. He is an
inspiration to all to never give up and to keep :ighting and :ighting. If you believe,
there is always a way to succeed, no matter how dif:icult the situation.

The one sentence in the entire book that made the greatest impact on me and
my life, was; If you can take it, you can make it. To me this is saying, that is you
never give up and always believe, that you can achieve anything. By reading the
wonderful book, Unbroken in our 8th grade English classes, it will not only teach us
about the USs history and lots of vocabulary, it teaches one characteristic that all
humans should carry, perseverance. By teaching this book in class, kids will see what
happened in the past and new vocabulary. But they will also have a new leader,
inspiration, who they can think about when they are at a crossroad to thinking about
giving up on something, because they will think about Louie and they will remember
to never give up.

Zech, Caroline

Wednesday, June 3, 2015 at 6:21:11 AM Pacific Daylight Time


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