Joanmarie Foster
Joanmarie Foster
Joanmarie Foster
To obtain a position in communications and marketing as a writer and editor. I have a strong
background in writing with excellent editing and proofreading skills. I can work independently or
in a team environment; have valuable research skills; basic HTML knowledge; and am bilingual.
Proficient in Microsoft Office Suite; Adobe InDesign, Photoshop, and InCopy; content-management
system, Cascade; and Associated Press Style. Noted for ability to multitask and work well under
pressure in fast paced environments.
James Madison University
M.A. May 2015
B.A. May 2013
Marketing Writer | JMU University Communications and Marketing | Harrisonburg, VA
September 2013 - Current
Oversee and manage student interns and student workers
Write original content in marketing framework
Build and maintain websites using content management system, Cascade
Help compose presidential communications and post to presidents website
Provide programmatic and administrative support for special events and projects as needed
Prepare material for publication in our flagship publication, Madison magazine
Compose annual reports for the JMU Foundation
Practice strong writing, oral communication, and secondary research skills
Collaborate with colleagues in media relations, marketing, video, publications, and web to
maximize promotion for the university
Manage messaging in development-specific and related materials, including donors
newsletters, program books, season guides, and development-related webpages and
Provide copywriting support for ads, brochures, direct mail, broadcast email, e-newsletters,
websites and videos to increase engagement and financial support from diverse audiences
Administrative Assistant | Lee & Associates | Harrisonburg, VA
September 2011 - January 2013
Provide administrative/ clerical support such as answering five phone lines, greeting and
assisting tenants, property owners, and potential customers
Records keeping
Coordinate schedules and meetings
Handle all incoming and outgoing correspondence
Prepare reports, memos, letters, and spreadsheets
Basic accounting
Payment processing
Cash handling
Make deposits
Interpret for Spanish-speaking tenants
Translate documents such as letters and lease agreements
Data entry
Handle confidential information for different accounts
Internship Experience
hired by a university department involved in the creation of materials representing the university;
as well as by the Communications and Marketing office as a tool for new hires.
Lee & Associates, Summer 2012
Lee & Associates is a well-known property management company in the Shenandoah Valley that
handles both residential and commercial properties. As an intern, I translated documents into
Spanish, worked as an interpreter, developed an employee handbook, and created marketing
materials for property management.
Health Bites, March 2012 - September 2012
Health Bites is a website designed to help Virginia families be healthy by providing nutrition and
exercise information in both English and Spanish. The website was commissioned by the Virginia
Department of Health. As an intern, I edited text and dialogue in text blurbs, videos, and games, and
checked for consistency, accuracy, and clarity in Spanish.
For samples of work please refer to my online portfolio: