Manual Manejo Del Xantato en Polvo
Manual Manejo Del Xantato en Polvo
Manual Manejo Del Xantato en Polvo
Copyright 2013
1. Introduction
Large quantities of various xanthate compounds are widely used in the world especially as
flotation reagents in the mining industry for the separation of metal sulfides. It is mainly used for
the separation of copper, nickel, lead, gold and zinc. Prior to use, the selected solid xanthate is
mixed with water to form a dilute aqueous solution. Typically, concentrations in the order of
10% are produced. The pH of aqueous solutions typically range from 9 to 12. Flomin Inc. has
standardized on the pelletized form as it has proven to be the most stable to decomposition
over time. The surface area is vastly reduced over powdered forms and drying to remove
excess CS2 and alcohols is more effective. Other producers manufacture xanthates as
powders. Incidences have been recorded in the literature and elsewhere involving fires,
explosions, and personnel exposure. The purpose of this bulletin is to highlight the risks
associated with the use and storage of xanthate and to reiterate methods for the control of
these risks.
Xanthates are delivered to operations as solid pellets in drums, bags, or in liquid form by bulk
road tankers, depending on the transport distances and the make-up facilities on-site.
The color of xanthate pellets range from grey to pale yellowish green or even brown. They
have a characteristic disagreeable odor due to the presence of small residual quantities of
carbon disulfide (<1%) and related alochols. Xanthates hydrolyze very rapidly under acidic
conditions and is stabilized by high pH (>12) conditions. It dissociates totally under pH 9 and
very rapidly under pH 7.
Solid xanthates are hygroscopic and decompose in the presence of water to form carbon
disulphide, hydrosulphide, carbonyl sulfide, pseudo-xanthate, alcohols, hydroxides, and mono-,
di-, and trithiocarbonates. Two or more layers will form with very different densities. Care must
be taken to sample the top and bottom to determine composition.
Some of these decomposition products pose risks to health, and may cause explosions and
Both solid and liquid xanthates pose sizeable occupational risks. The risk of exposure
increases during mixing stages for solid xanthates, and storage of the liquid product. Care must
be taken to handle xanthates in any form. In addition to inhalation and ingestion hazards, skin
contact and absorption of chemicals may lead to irritation, eye damage, nausea, vomiting and
even blood contamination. MSDS recommendations for personal protective equipment must
be adhered to.
Liquid xanthates have a limited shelf life and should be kept below 150C if possible. Flomin
recommends that solutions be consumed within a prescribed period (30 days) if stored at
temperatures above 150C. At higher temperatures liquid xanthates show decomposition losing
1-2% activity per week. This rate is even greater at elevated temperatures.
Refer to the Flomin Inc. specific xanthate MSDS for more detailed information.
The main hazards are from carbon di-sulphide (CS2), alcohols, and sodium/potassium
hydroxide. Hydrogen sulfide (HS- not H2S) is also a decomposition product that may pose
similar risks as H2S.
Carbon Di-sulphide
CS2 is both a reagent in the manufacture, as well as a decomposition product of xanthates. It
has an extremely low flash point (-27oC) and will start to burn with a spark or even a hot
surface in the presence of oxygen. CS2 has an auto-ignition temperature of 90-95C. This
means that even a steam trap can cause ignition. It is heavier than air and therefore tends to
travel long distances along the ground and collect in low lying areas. CS2 is relatively insoluble
in water and heavier than water and, therefore, it will collect in a layer under water. Spills or
CS2 fires in containment areas are therefore easier to manage by the use of water. In other
areas the use of water to extinguish CS2 fires may lead to spreading of the fire along the water
run-off routes. Refer to MSDS for CS2 to determine proper fire fighting methods.
In areas where solid xanthates are stored care must be taken not to wet boxes or bags
containing xanthates to avoid contact with the pellets/powder. Further decomposition and
production of CS2 has been observed.
Plastic bags and shrink wrapping used for packaging and transport of xanthates are prone to
static build-up. Care should be taken when opening especially with metal knives. Static
discharges are sufficient to cause fires enabled by carbon disulfide that is present with
xanthates inside these bags.
Skin Exposure/Inhalation/Ingestion
There is a potential for high worker exposure to xanthates and carbon disulphide during the
mixing process, depending on the degree of automation. During tipping of the drums there is a
likelihood of dust generation and spillage of the powder or pellets which could lead to worker
exposure. Physical contact is caused if proper PPE is not used during handling of xanthate in
its packaging or spills.
Inhalation - Acute Exposure: Inhalation of vapor, mist, aerosol or fume of carbon disulfide may
cause headache, nausea, and drop in blood pressure, dizziness, unconsciousness and
possibly death. High concentrations of CS2 vapor may cause irritation of the nose. The acute
LC50 (mice) for this product CS2 is 220 ppm for a 1-hour exposure. Inhalation of vapor, mist,
aerosol or fume of carbon disulfide may cause headache, nausea, drop in blood pressure,
dizziness, unconsciousness and possibly death. High concentrations of the vapor may cause
irritation of the nose.
Chronic exposure: Rats were exposed to concentrations of approximately 50, 300 or 800 ppm
for 6 hours/day, 5 days/week for a period of 90 days. The NOEL was 50 ppm. Reproductive,
neurological and cardiac effects have been reported in humans following repeated or
prolonged inhalation exposure.
Inhalation of vapors from solid xanthates in a 30-day study produced adverse effects on the
liver in dogs, rats and mice. The other affected organs were the kidneys in rats and the central
nervous system in mice.
Skin Contact - Acute Exposure: Carbon disulfide can cause skin irritation. Splashes on the
skin may cause blistering. This product is readily absorbed through the skin resulting in nerve
damage near the site of absorption. Symptoms are similar to those for inhalation. Acute
contact: Dermal toxicity (LD50) is not available for this product. This product is readily
absorbed through the skin resulting in nerve damage near the site of absorption. Symptoms
are similar to those for inhalation. Chronic contact: Prolonged or repeated contact can cause
loss of skin oils resulting in dry and scaly skin. Moderate skin irritation can occur.
Eye Contact - Acute Exposure: Eye contact may cause severe irritation. Contact may cause
permanent eye damage if not flushed out immediately.
Ingestion - Acute Exposure: If swallowed, this product may cause severe irritation or burns of
the mouth, throat, oesophagus and stomach. Swallowing small amounts may cause vomiting,
diarrhoea and headache. Swallowing large amounts may result in loss of consciousness and
convulsions. Death has been reported following ingestion of small amounts of carbon disulfide.
The oral LD50 for this product is greater than 2000 mg/kg (rat). Chronic Exposure: Studies
have reported adverse (harmful) effects on the central and peripheral nervous systems and
blood vessels. Exposure to carbon disulfide also carries a possible risk of impaired fertility and
harm to the unborn child.
Carcinogenicity: IARC, NTP, ACGIH and OSHA do not classify this material or its
components as a carcinogen or suspect carcinogen.
Neurotoxicity: Prolonged or repeated exposure to high levels of carbon disulfide can cause
effects to the central and peripheral nervous systems (decrease in conduction velocity).
Other Toxicological effects: Several studies have indicated an increased risk of coronary
heart disease from exposure to carbon disulfide. In addition, effects on blood pressure and
cholesterol levels have been reported in some epidemiology studies.
Target Organs: Eyes, skin, respiratory system, central and peripheral nervous systems,
cardiovascular system and reproductive system.
Medical conditions aggravated by exposure: Persons with pre-existing conditions related to
central and peripheral nervous systems, eyes, cardiovascular system, kidneys, liver and
Alcohols are used in the manufacture, and consequently present as decomposition products of
xanthates. The specific alcohol depends on the xanthate species. The alcohols in question
include among others ethyl, isopropyl, isobutyl, n-butyl, and various isomers of amyl alcohol.
Fire: They have low flash points (about 12oC to 50oC) and they burn easily. They also have low
vapour pressures and will form explosive mixtures with air in confined spaces (e.g. the vapour
space above the xanthate solution in enclosed tanks). Ignition of these vapors has been
reported. .
Skin: Prolonged exposure may cause de-fatting of the skin which may lead to dermatitis.
Inhalation: May cause irritation to the respiratory system.
Acute: High concentrations may cause the central nervous system to be depressed causing
headaches, nausea, and dizziness. Prolonged exposure may cause unconsciousness and
even death.
Sodium/Potassium Hydroxide (Refer to specific MSDS)
These chemicals are used in the manufacturing process for xanthates and are present in the
final product as an excess to maintain pH above 12. Xanthates decompose at pH <9. They
react violently in contact acids and oxidizing reagents.
Skin: Irritation (possibly severe), burns, and redness.
Inhalation: Irritation (possibly severe), burns, pulmonary oedema.
Ingestion: Irritation (possibly severe), burns, vomiting, nausea.
Pelletized xanthates are relatively stable if kept dry and cool. Store in closed containers in a
cool, well ventilated area away from sources of heat or ignition.
Precautions should be taken to avoid static electricity discharge especially when opening
bags and/or removing shrink wrap. For drums, the plastic liner is tied and sealed at the top.
The sealed portion should be cut with shears rather than slicing open the bag. For super
sacks made of polypropylene are prone to high static charges. Slicing blades should be
incorporated above the make-up tank rather than manual slicing the underside of the bag.
Partially used bags of xanthates should be used or disposed off within a few days as they
are susceptible to moisture and contamination by oxidizing chemicals. Bags should be
resealed and store in clearly defined areas.
Care must be taken to dispose of xanthate floor sweepings. Xanthate should never be
placed in trash receptacles or open containers due to the potential of fires from
contamination or moisture.
Most pelletized xanthate may be stored for up to 1 year if inner polyethylene liner seals are
not broken and boxes stored dry and cool. Storage areas should be monitored for explosive
environments due to decomposition products. Hot work permits are required in and around
xanthate storage areas. The inner liner should be hermetically sealed and not manually
tied. Solid xanthates are hygroscopic and when exposed to moisture in air decompose,
releasing carbon disulphide and other flammable compounds mentioned previously.
Liquid xanthate may be stored but target inventory turnover or make-up volume of less than
30 days at pH > 12. Tanks must be kept cool to reduce the decomposition rate of xanthate
and to limit the alcohol vapor concentration. The temperature should preferably be below
15 oC and above 5oC to prevent crystallization or product separation into layers.
Storage and mixing tanks should be designed with sloped or conical bottoms that to
facilitate removal of carbon disulphide, alcohols and sludge that may accumulate at the
Storage and mixing tanks should be routinely flushed high pH water to prevent build up of
carbon disulfide especially if flat bottomed or have dead spots.
Storage and make-up areas should be monitored for CS2 especially near vents, open
covers, and overflow drains. Several companies manufacture devices including the
GASMAX II from GDS Corp. and LC100 from International Sensor Technology. Each site
should determine what automatic measures are to be triggered on positive detection.
Portable devices should be used to monitor other areas as well. These multi-gas units are
available from several manufacturers including Drger, MSA, BW Technologies, and RAE.
Product selected should show % oxygen, LEL, H2S and CO.
Warning signs must be posted around mixing and storage tanks as well as vents showing
the prohibition of all ignition sources e.g. no smoking, no naked flames, only explosion
proof electric motor, only propane forklifts, no mobile phones, etc.
Restrict access to storage and mixing areas only to personnel trained in the awareness and
handling of xanthate. Training should include a review of this document and MSDS for the
xanthates involved. Videos are available from Akzo Nobel and various internet sites for
Carbon Disulfide awareness. Flomin Inc. conducts these training sessions at customer
sites in local languages upon requests as part of our Responsible Care initiatives.
Send email to [email protected].
5. Personnel Protection
Respiratory: Wear a properly fitted NIOSH/MSA approved respirator whenever significant
exposure to vapor or mist is likely. Simple dust masks are not adequate to protect against
chemical fumes.
Hands: Neoprene, polyvinyl, butyl rubber or nitrile rubber gloves are suitable.
Eyes: Wear chemical splash proof goggles or face shield.
Skin: Wear coveralls and/or chemical apron and rubber footwear where physical contact can
occur. Wash hands before breaks and immediately after handling the product. Do not eat or
store food and drinks where this product is stored and used.
6. Maintenance
Occasionally it is necessary to do maintenance work in and around storage areas for solid &
liquid xanthate. Tanks must be prepared for vessel entry or any activity where sparks may be
generated. Each site should already have specific procedures (safety work permits, Lock Out
Tag Out, etc.) to cover these activities. The following should be included:
- Tanks, piping and equipment should be cleaned of solvents and any possible accumulation of
carbon disulfide. Cleaning with high pH (water with caustic or lime) followed by fresh water is
recommended. Steaming lines and tanks is effective in removing residual traces of hazardous
organic chemicals.
- The space should be tested to determine if any chemical hazards are present. Portable multigas detectors are effective to test for volatile organics. Several units are available from
manufacturers such as MSA (Orion, Altair) and Draeger.
- Rotating equipment and electrical devices in and around areas where xanthates are stored or
dissolved (especially vents/overflows) should be rated for explosion-proof. Seals for electrically
conduits/piping should be checked routinely for integrity. Grounding should be provided for any
material transfer operations e.g. drums.
- Ensure that chemical hazards are within acceptable levels necessary for safe entry and work.
Test in the following order: Oxygen, combustible gases (LEL), toxic gases and vapors.
Equipment Recommendations and Maintenance Guidelines
Tanks: Use conical bottoms for the agitated dissolving tank.
Pumps: Centrifugal pumps are acceptable for dissolution tank and storage tank.
Metering Pumps are suitable for precise feeding to float cells. All electrical
construction meets supplier recommended Class1, Division 2, Group C, T2C
All hand tools are of non-sparking (copper beryllium) construction.
Gasket (Recommended): Flexitallic Style CG Spiral wound for flat and raised
faced diameter flanges up to and including Class 2500.
One side may be modified to accommodate the agitator for smaller tanks. The knife edge
should have a minimum of 450 slope or better for slitting the bags. Knife support may be
mounted lower in the hopper if necessary. Consult powder handling equipment
manufacturers for more details.
8. Solution Makeup
Typical systems include a dissolving tank and one or more solution storage
Solution concentration may be selected between 5-20% depending on pump
capacity, turn-down capability and flowmeter range. Higher ranges are not
recommended as to ensure proper dissolution and to prevent freezing or residue
Use fresh water: Tailings recycled water has caused sludge buildup in
xanthate solutions and has resulted in reduced performance.
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Keep openings closed to prevent the release of vapors except via the vent pipe.
Remove charge funnel/hopper and close vent after use.
Enough pellets should be dissolved to limit the solution on hand to <1 month.
Typically 1 weeks worth is prepared.
9. Waste Disposal
- Segregate floor sweepings of xanthates. Dispose of immediately. Dissolve in high pH water,
and reuse if possible. Do not cross-contaminate with oxidizing agents like peroxides or acids.
Xanthates will smolder or cause an open fire.
- Empty bags should be disposed of as hazardous waste. Consult local regulations.
- Empty plywood/reconstituted particle boards comprising the xanthate boxes are usually
recycled or burned as general refuse. If recycled, the metal reinforcements on the corners
should be removed prior to sending to a recycling facility. Consult local authorities for proper
disposal guidelines.
1. Anglo-American: Safety, Health & Environment Bulletin, May 2002
2. Australian Government Publishing Service: Sodium Ethyl Xanthate, May 1995.
3. Akzo Nobel Functional Chemicals LLC MSDS No. 16 - 084803
4. Decomposition of Xanthates in Flotation Solutions - Horst Dautzenberg, Andrzej Kowal,
Joanna Kowal and Wolfgand Dietzel.
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