Daily Routines

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G telling the time, present simple

V daily routine
P the letter o

What time do you get up?

At seven oclock.

Wake up, get out of bed...

1 GRAMMAR telling the time


a Read the article. How stressed is Louisa? Why?

What time does your class start? What

time does it finish?

p.126 Grammar Bank 3B. Read the rules

and do the exercises.

Communication Whats the time?

A p.108 B p.111.


Listen to Vickys morning. Write the

seven times you hear. Whats her job?

b In pairs, guess the meaning of the highlighted words.

Check with your teacher or a dictionary.

Professor Parker, a stress
expert from the University of
London, looks at two peoples
typical day and tries to help

1 7.00

2 VOCABULARY daily routine

Louisa works as a guide at the

National Gallery in London and lives
with her son George, aged 9.
6.30 I get up and I make Georges
sandwiches. Then I do some
housework. Then I wake up George
and make his breakfast. Im always
in a hurry and I dont have time for
breakfast at home.
8.00 We cycle to school because
the bus is expensive. Then I cycle
six miles* to work.
9.00 I have a sandwich for breakfast
in the canteen, and then I start work.
Louisa, a single mother
My first tour is usually at 9.30. I like
my job but I dont earn much money and I stand all day.
5.00 I finish work and I go to pick up George at 5.30. We go

a Look at Vickys typical morning.

Match the pictures and phrases.
have a shower
have breakfast
wake up

6.30 I cook dinner and help George with his homework. After
dinner I do more housework or answer e-mails until 9.00. I dont
go out in the evening because a babysitter is very expensive.

b In pairs, describe her morning.

She wakes up at 7.00.

c In pairs, take turns to describe your typical

morning using pictures 16. Do you do things
in the same order?
I wake up at (about) 7.30.


p.147 Vocabulary Bank Daily routine.

9.00 George goes to bed and I read him a story. Then I go

to bed Im really tired!


Have breakfast with your son. Do all the

housework in the evening. Dont cycle, get
the bus. Its important to see other people.
Invite a friend for a drink once a week.


c Read the article again. Try to remember the information.

Adapted from a British newspaper

get dressed
get up
go to (work)

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