Running Head: "Technological Colleges" 1
Running Head: "Technological Colleges" 1
Running Head: "Technological Colleges" 1
Davidson, J. C., & Petrosko, J. M. (2015). Predictors of persistence for developmental math
students in a community and technical college system: Community College Journal Of
Research & Practice, 39(2), 163-178.
Many people are trying to look at all the involving factors in getting a higher education.
Research has shown that many things contribute to higher education including the hours
that the student is taking per semester. Research showed that students who are less than
full time are more likely to drop out of school than a student that is attending full time the
number of credit hours that a student requires to take has a major impact on the student
reaching graduation.
This article is useful because some degrees require more credit hours than other degree
plans which can impact the graduation rate due to the student not having enough
persistence and motivation to keep going with their studies.
Dew, J. R. (2012). The Future of American Higher Education: World Future Review
(World Future Society), 4(4), 7-13.
There are various ways in getting a higher degree and students have a wide variety of
ways when choosing how to start of their career. From religion to family economic status
and to how the world views the college, all have a major effect when it comes to people
enrolling for a higher education. People want to go to a school where not only they have a
good graduating rate but they also promise a lot when it comes to finding a job within
their degree.
This article helps me differentiate the difference between technological and four-year
colleges because they both have a wide variety to choose from and they both offer
different things. It is also important that students get a degree where they can find a job
that will pay off.
Goble, L. J., Rosenbaum, J. E., & Stephan, J. L. (2008). Do institutional attributes predict
individuals' degree success at two-yar colleges?:New Directions for Community Colleges,
2008(144), 63-72
Many people take into consideration the social stance that a college
has and its popularity. Research has shown that if a school is high in
popularity with huge enrollment status, the student has a higher
Gonzlez Canch, M. S. (2014). Is the Community College a Less Expensive Path Toward a
Bachelor's Degree? Public 2- and 4-year Colleges' Impact on Loan Debt: Journal Of
Higher Education, 85(5), 723-759.
Research shows that a two year college pathway can turn out to be
less expensive than a regular four year term because tuition isnt as
high. Every year tuition is going up and many students either cant
continue to pay for their education or are in major dept. attending a
two year college can also effect the students social networking due to
them not being exposed to major school industries or job.
This can help with my first question because part of choosing a college
is also looking at the cost many people choose their college according
to the type of money that it will take to pay for tuition. And some cases
a technical school can cost more due to changing path ways.
Opp, R. D. (2001). Enhancing recruitment success for two-year college students of color:
Community College Journal Of Research & Practice, 25(2), 71-86.
Racism is seen everywhere from skin color to religion or gender.
Studies show that two year colleges have a high rated of colored
workers and students. The goal of the 2 year college is to give
everybody an opportunity to be able to get a higher education
regardless of background.
This article helps me answer my question about 2 year colleges social
stance because some ethnic groups are considered to have lower
academic achievements than others.
Washbon, J. L. (2012). Learning and the new workplace: Impacts of technology change
postsecondary career and technical education: New Directions For Community
Colleges, 43-52.
Technical schools help because they give the hands on experience that you need to be
able to do a certain job. With todays technology increase people must be well prepared to
work it and fix any issues such as with cars. Technological colleges are more hands-on
classes on a specific job.
This article helps answer my first question on what are technological schools and how
they are different from normal four year colleges.
Sandy, J., Gonzalez, A., & Hilmer, M. J. (2006). Alternative paths to college completion: Effect
of attending a 2-year school on the probability of completing a 4-year degree: Economics
Of Education Review, 25(5), 463-471.
Research shows that people who seek a two year college tend not to
graduate due to the fact that they get side tract by other things.
Research also shows that if you attend a four year college since the
beginning they are more than likely to graduate then those who
transfer into a four year college.
This article helps me answer the question about graduation rates
between four year and two year colleges.