Beginner Calisthenics Circuit Workout

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Do 3 cycles. 30 second rest period between exercises, and 3 minute rest period between cycles.
There are 8 exercises:
1. 10 pull ups
2. 10 chin ups
3. 20 dips
4. 25 jump squats
5. 20 push ups
6. 50 crunches
7. 10 burpees
8. 30 second jump rope


DO 2 cycles, 5 second rest between exercises and 8 minute rest between each cycle. There are 8
1. 5 muscle ups
2. 50 pushups
3.25 jump squats
4. 15 burpees
5. 15 pull ups
6. 1 minute leg flutters
7. 10 pull ups
8. 30 second sprint nonstop

A Simple beginner's Routine

You will do 3 work outs per week on non-consecutive days. The first work
out is your heavy work out. The second work out is your medium work out,
use 10% less weight for your work sets. The final work out for the week is
your lite work out, use 20% less weight.
Do a lite warm up with 1/4 of your work sets weight. Do a medium warm up
with 1/2 of your work sets weight. Do 2 work sets with the same weight.
Choose a starting weight and start light.
These are the seven exercises you will be starting with.

Bench Presses
Bent-Over Rows
Overhead Barbell Presses
Stiff-Legged Deadlifts
Barbell Curls
Calf Raises

You will be running this program on a five week cycle as follows:

The first week do all 4 sets for 8 reps.
The second week do all 4 sets for 9 reps.
The third week do all 4 sets for 10 reps.
The fourth week do all 4 sets for 11 reps.
The fifth week do all 4 sets for 12 reps.
If you got all of the required reps on the fifth week then increase the weight
by 10% and
repeat the cycle. If you didn't get all of the reps on the fifth week then
repeat the cycle with the same weight. You shouldn't need more than one
minute rest between the warm up sets and you shouldn't need more than
one minute thirty seconds between the work sets.
Do some cardio and abs work on non weight training days.

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