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Interesting facts: If you want to helps us stop overfishing you can

win a brand new net-mash it is just perfect to cash fish and easier.
You can also win a free fishing lesson until you learn how to fish.


What is over fishing?

Over fishing is a situation where humans catch too much fish from the oceans in such large
amounts and faster than they can reproduce. In other words, it is when we take out more
fish than the fish can naturally replace. This leads to a reduce of fish of our oceans, causing
a huge problem to marine environment and also humans because many people depend on
fish in a source of vitamin, food, and also medicine.

Actions the can be taken to stop overfishing

Fisheries are encourage to stick to a limit number of fish that can be caught at a time.
There are a set of number of days of days that fishing is allow. This way there is some fallow
days for fish to breed and reproduce.
No fishing zones have been marked in many areas to allow fishes to recover.
Fishing gear that catch tiny or baby fishes are discourage to help the little fish grow. Only large
net-mesh are allowed in some areas.
These days, there are many monitoring equipment and installations set up to regulate the
activities and movement of fishing.
Also dont try to caught fish the is endeangered of becoming extinct.
Dont caught more than 10 fish of the same specie bacause there is more people the is trying
to get fish.

Consequenses of overfishing
Overfishing has serious consequences, as result not only affect the balance of life in the
oceans, but also the social economic of the costal communities who depend on fish for their
way of life, also their biodiversity. If this continues all the marine species will become
endangered of being extinct. Overfishing also alter their stability, some marine species have
already become extinct. Also some sea food restaurants will close its door because they

will not have any marine food to sell and this will cause the loose of the money they

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