Trotter Lessonplan2
Trotter Lessonplan2
Trotter Lessonplan2
Class/Date: 2/16/2015
Understanding one another through art; art can serve as a way to understand people, places and
ideas. Understanding various art materials; students can utilize various art materials to share stories
through art making and let others know something about them.
Essential Understanding (s): What are the big ideas? What specific
Artists make art and think about their art in multiple ways.
Many types of materials can be utilized in the creation of art.
Outcomes - Students will know...What key knowledge and skills will students acquire as a result of this unit? ...Art history and culture; expressive
features and characteristics of art; art materials, tools, and techniques? What should they eventually be able to do as a result of such knowledge and skill?
...Compare and contrast art work; analyze sketches?
understanding be judged?
Student will create their own artwork using materials they are
interested in
Interview questions:
Pre-assessment: How will you help the students know where the unit is going and what is expected? Help the teacher know where the students are coming
from (prior knowledge, interests)?
How will you hook all students and hold their interest?
How will you equip students, help them experience the key ideas,
and explore the issues to generate ideas for their art work?
How is the lesson organized to maximize initial and sustained engagement as well as effective learning? Provide opportunities to rethink and
revise their understandings and work? Allow students to evaluate their work and its implications? Include literacy and numeracy?
1. Introduce myself again and ask about mentee. How they did this morning; what is planned for after class, etc.
2. Explain that we will be making art again today and will be focusing on collage.
3. Motivation:
Share my sketchbook with student. Let them ask questions; and share:
-how I experiment with ideas;
-how I experiment with materials and techniques;
-how I plan, take notes, and collect in my sketchbook.
4. Demonstrate and create mixed media drawing in sketchbook.
5. Interview student about art work. Interview questions:
-Describe how you got your idea for your work.
Materials and Resources: What is needed to complete the learning plan? List materials and resources in a bulleted format.
-Oil Pastels
-Colored Pencils
-Scrap paper/collage materials
-Other materials as needed by student
Preparation and Safety: What do you need to prepare for this experience? What safety issues need to be addressed? List steps of preparation and
safety in a bulleted format.
Ensure there are enough materials and set out collage supplies
How is the lesson tailored (personalized) to the different needs, interests, and abilities of learners? ...Access (Resources and/or Process)
and Expression (Products and/or Performance)?