Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels On Two Saddle Supports
Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels On Two Saddle Supports
Stresses in Large Horizontal Cylindrical Pressure Vessels On Two Saddle Supports
by L. P. Zick
The design of horizontal cylindrical vessels with dished
heads to resist internal pressure is covered by existing
codes. However, the method of support is left pretty
much up to the designer. In general the cylindrical shell
is made a uniform thickness which is determined by the
maximum circumferential stress due to the internal
pressure. Since the longitudinal stress is only one-half of
this circumferential stress, these vessels have available a
beam strength which makes the two-saddle support
system ideal for a wide range of proportions. However,
certain limitations are necessary to make designs
consistent with the intent of the code.
The purpose of this paper is to indicate the
approximate stresses that exist in cylindrical vessels
supported on two saddles at various locations. Knowing
these stresses, it is possible to determine which vessels
may be designed for internal pressure alone, and to design
structurally adequate and economical stiffening for the
vessels which require it. Formulas are developed to cover
various conditions, and a chart is given which covers
support designs for pressure vessels made of mild steel for
storage of liquid weighing 42 lb. per cu. ft.
In a paper published in 1933 Herman Schorer pointed
out that a length of cylindrical shell supported by
tangential end shears varying, proportionately to the sine
of the central angle measured from the top of the vessel
can support its own metal weight and the full contained
liquid weight without circumferential bending moments in
the shell. To complete this analysis, rings around the
entire circumference are required at the supporting points
L. P. Zick is Chief Engineer with the Chicago Bridge & Iron Co., Oak Brook, Ill.
Fig. 1
Tests have shown that except near the saddles a cylindrical shell just full of liquid has practically no circumferential bending moments and therefore behaves as a beam
with a section modulus I/c = r2t.
However, in the region above each saddle
Fig. 3
in the shell, or
in the head.
Values of K2 given in Table I for different size saddles at the
heads are obtained from the expression given for the maximum
shear stress in Section C-C of Fig.4 & appendix.
The tangential shear stress should not exceed 0.8 of the
allowable tension stress.
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
The stress may be reduced by attaching a wear plate
somewhat larger than the surface of the saddle to the shell
directly over the saddle. The thickness t used in the
Then the maximum combined stress due to liquid load
in each ring used to stiffen the shell at or near the saddle
is given in lb. per sq. in. by
Fig. 9
Circumferential bending-moment
adjacent to saddle
The effective section resisting
this load should be limited
to the metal cross section within a distance equal to r/3
below the shell. This cross section should be limited to
the reinforcing steel within the distance r/3 in concrete
saddles. The average stress should not exceed two-thirds
of the tension allowable of the material. A low allowable
stress is recommended because the effect of the
circumferential bending in the shell at the horn of the
saddle has been neglected.
The upper and lower flanges of a steel saddle should be
designed to resist bending over the web(s), and the
web(s) should be stiffened according to the A.I.S.C.
specifications against buckling. The contact area between
the shell and concrete saddle or between the metal saddle
and the concrete foundation should be adequate to support
the bearing loads.
Then the stress in the shell at the saddle in lb. per sq. in.
is given by
The formulas developed by outline in the text are
developed mathematically here under headings corresponding to those of the text.
Wear Plates
The ring compression at any point in the shell over the
saddle is given by the summation of the tangential shears
over the arc = () shown in Section A-A or C-C of Fig.
4 or in Fig. 8. Then
= and
Design of Ring Stiffeners
Stiffener in Plane of Saddle
This is the maximum when = ; then
Appendix B
After the article had been published, certain
refinements seemed desirable; therefore, the following
has been added to take greater advantage of the inherent
stiffness of these vessels. The methods outlined in the
paper will give conservative results.
The effective width of shell has been limited to 10t in
order to prepare the chart of Fig. 2. It has been shown 5
that this effective width may be taken as 1.56 rt . That
is, where 5t each side of the saddle or stiffener has been
used, the more liberal value of 0.78 rt each side could
be used.