Fall Lesson 2

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name Jenn Schwartz

Observers Name Jeff Tessier
Subject being taught literecy

Number of students in class- small group 5 students 3 adults.
Length of observation (time) Chase Elementary Date November 24, 2014

Lesson Overview rating: 1-5 with 5 being the highest
Evidence of Planning

Plans objectives with learner outcomes -5

Plans instruction to achieve objective -5

Plans to evaluate each objective -5 You checked each students work along the way.

Instructional Delivery

Implements a planned procedure for instruction -5

Foster higher level of thinking skills -4 and lower level skills for your non-verbal student.

Demonstrates a mastery of subject matter -5

Varies teaching strategies and materials to address learner needs-5

Motivates and involves students -4 Dont forget to use your motivators. Tokens and elephant.

Evaluates learner progress and provides feedback -5 You followed each student closely.

Classroom Management

Organizes instructional learning time -4 progression -site words, read, re-read, complete organizer.

Organizes and utilizes space, equipment, and materials 5 organized workspace and materials.

Manages student behavior to enhance learning 5 students seemed to be engaged with little re-direction

Student / Teacher Interaction

Creates a positive learning climate -5 students seemed comfortable and at ease with you and the small group.

Use effective communication skills to enhance learning 5 You were soft spoken, calm and direct.

Special Focus. Suggestion; Jen, please plan for appropriate instruction for the student who is in the wheelchair and is non-
verbal. The IEP is the driving force behind instruction. You may want to articulate with your mentor Andrea on strategies we
discussed in your post observation conference today. Let me know what Andreas comments are.

Objective: SWBAT finding key details in the story, of How maps help and complete a graphic organizer.

Engagement Motivator-

You asked the children if they listened to this book on Friday. You handed out copies of How maps help. You reviewed the
motivator of tokens and the elephant. You asked the students to review what the story was about. Students responded with
answers about finding things on maps. You also asked what are the key details? Students responded when the elephant was
passed around.

Exploration Introduction of new work

Turn to the first page and find some site words and read them to me. Students pointed to the words and read them. You
showed the students new words that showed up more than once.

Explanation Modeling

You read the first page. Students followed along by pointing to the words. You then handed out an organizer that the children
completed as they went through the book. What is the main topic? You modeled how maps help us on the organizer.
Suggestion -to use a different color for each spot of the organizer or a white board for the students to easily see.
The students reviewed the second page for their site words. You said, Fingers on the first word. This time the students read
the passage. As the student read you modeled finger pointing in the book. You re-read the passage. You asked the students
questions about this passage. How are the maps helping you? Students responded, where they live. You then asked how
many places do the deer live? Students responded and completed their worksheet. You modeled the worksheet.
Turn the page (6 & 7) You asked if they new any site words on this page. Students responded and you confirmed.
You asked each student which words they knew. The students read this page and you modeled for them to follow along.
You re-read the passage and asked the student to look at the map and asked what this map shows. You answered the question.
Trails. You asked the student what the main idea was on that page. Rivers- The students continued to complete their
You again modeled how to complete the organizer.

Turn the page students continued with the same routine.

Last page. What is the family looking for? Students answered parking lot. Students then completed the last detail of the
organizer. They help us find our way.

Extension Independent work

Make sure you give the students the opportunity to show they understand the objective through independent work. I
understand the special circumstances you are facing, however, it is important to include this stage in a solid lesson.

Evaluation assessment
You asked all of the student to explain verbally, the important details of the story by using their graphic organizer.

Suggestion: The lesson slowed down when the students wrote the details on their organizer. You kept the
answers short and to the point which was good. You may have wanted to have the answers on paper and
have the students pick and then cut and paste the answer.

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