Art Lesson Plan
Art Lesson Plan
Art Lesson Plan
The big idea of this unit it about beauty and how there are multiple views of
beauty. The students will transform garbage and recycled items and turn them
into a great, beautiful, artistic creation. This will be a full connection of beauty
as portrayed in the media, the beauty behind recycling objects and giving
them new life, and also how beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
4th Grade
9 class periods required
Unit Overview/Summary:
Throughout this unit of Beauty, I hope that the students walk away with a
deeper, truer meaning of beauty and less of the media-shaped idea of beauty
that they may already hold. I think it is important to teach students that there
are multiple viewpoints of beauty and that seeing unique qualities can make
everything more beautiful. Students will investigate the artwork of artist Vic
Muniz as inspiration for their learning about beauty and recycling. I hope that
the students gain an understanding about the link between recycling objects
and the generational pass-down of genes. By this I mean that students will
understand that recycled items stay the same at the core but gain a slightly
different appearance, just as the genes that you get from your family stay with
you but you are slightly different person than the family members that are
generations older than them.
Key Concepts:
Essential Questions:
VA:Cn10.1.4a Create works of art that reflect community
cultural traditions
view with reasons and information.
an organizational structure in which related ideas are
grouped to support the writer's purpose.
Provide reasons that are supported by facts and details.
Link opinion and reasons using words and phrases (e.g., for
instance, in order to, in addition).
Provide a concluding statement or section related to the
opinion presented.
2. Beauty Conversation
a. 1.5 hours
b. Computers/iPads for students to research and
create presentations to share with their peers
6. Work Day
a. 1.5 hours
b. Same as Lesson 5
7. Writing Day 1
a. 1 hour
b. Paper and pencil or iPad/computer to write paper
8. Writing Day 2
a. 1 hour
b. Same as Lesson 7
9. Share Fair/Debrief
throughout their lifetime as members of our beauty-centered society. Finally, this lesson will draw on the students knowledge
of how to write a persuasive paper that discusses an argument, cites evidence, and concludes the information. Altogether
these concepts that the students already know will be drawn upon throughout the integrated unit.
What activities will you use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and/or experimenting in this unit?
The activities that I will use to engage students in imagining, exploring, and experimenting in the unit begin with the students
researching and discussing the concepts and ideas with peers to bounce ideas off of each other and get their mind moving in
the direction that will get them ready to create artful pieces. There will be somewhat free time for the students to brainstorm
with their peers, be silly, think of wild ideas and creations, all while the teacher reminds them that each persons creation will
be different and reflect their viewpoint of beauty in recycled objects. Students will get to engage in a playful manner
because the materials will simply be laid out in front of them without a strict set of instructions so they will be encouraged to
make whatever comes to mind for them. They will have to be creative and take inspiration form Munizs pieces in order to take
a lead in their project. The teacher will continually remind the students that there is no right or wrong creation but instead just
let the recycled items speak to them and create whatever they think these items should be next. Students will be encouraged
to find the beauty in the items to work with even though they are not the traditional pretty objects.
How will this unit permit/encourage students to solve problems in divergent ways?
This unit will encourage students to think in divergent ways because the students are making claims and creations that are
against the norm. Students are pushed to think about beauty in a whole new light while also imagining recycled objects as
something completely new. The students are working to solve a societal problem by creating art and also creating a written
piece that coincides with their artwork. Students are developing societal and personal claims and making statements that
reach beyond the scholastic and curricular standards but instead reach far beyond. This lesson allows for divergent outcomes
because the students are encouraged to make their piece unique and individualized based on their interpretation of what the
items should be next. The students do not have a picture of what their final product should look like, which opens their minds
to more creativity and they feel more comfortable to make their pieces without worry. Each students final work will be
different based on their divergent thinking about the Big Idea.
How will you engage students in routinely reflecting on their learning/learning processes?
Students will be routinely reflecting on their learning process while they work on their persuasive paper. This part of the lesson
incorporates all the aspects that have been discussed in the unit in a way that students will think back on what they have
learned and try to sway others to believe the same things as them. Students will reflect on multiple viewpoints of beauty by
offering multiple perspectives in their argumentation of beauty in their artwork. The students will be actively thinking while art
making to be sure that they can articulate what they are creating in a way that relates back to what they learned about
recycling and beauty at the same time. Throughout the lesson I can push students to think ahead to what theyll write in their
paper and then while they work on their paper I will push them to think back to the beginning of the lesson to look for
evidence that they can use in their paper. This unit will all come full circle once the students finally reflect on the lesson.
How will this unit engage students in assessing their own work?
This unit engages students in assessing their own work through the reflections that they complete. During the Share Fair the
students will be assessing their work by seeing what their peers created and then reflecting on their own work. The students
will also be assessing their work when they complete the writing assignment that sums up all the information that they have
learned and discovered. There is no summative assessment in this unit like traditional lessons, but the students are always
assess their work and reflecting on it. Student success will be shown through an artful piece that links to recycling and beauty
while then persuading others into why their piece describes beauty. The teacher will be formatively assessing throughout the
lesson to ensure that the students are learning and then the teacher can alter instruction to help the students succeed.
What opportunities/activities will students be given to revise and improve their understandings and their work?
Students will be given the opportunity to revise and improve upon their understandings by changing their artwork and altering
their point of views in their paper. Students are not locked into their project at any point so they can always alter their work
and improve whenever theyd like to. They will revise their understandings as the lesson progresses as they find new
meanings and newer ways to express beauty through their recycled objects. When revision is needed the students will be able
to make any changes that they feel but they are suggested to not start completely over. By revising their work the students
are experiencing firsthand what it means to reinvent a definition of beauty, which is the whole point of the lesson so their
mistakes are actually essential learning experiences.
What opportunities/activities will you provide for students to share their learning/understanding/work in this unit?
Students will share their learning, understanding, and work in this unit during the Share Fair activity. The students will be able
to share all that they have learned with their peers by presenting their artwork and persuasive paper. They will also be able to
share their work with other students and staff that they want to invite to the fair.
How will you adapt the various aspects of this lesson to differently-abled students?
This lesson can be adapted to differently-abled students by allowing students to work in groups and pair students that work at
different levels together. Higher achieving students will work with lower achieving students in this scenario in order to ensure
success of all students. This will challenged highly talented students to help out others and explain concepts to someone else.
Students who finish early can create a narrative story to go along with their artwork as well.
TEACHER REFLECTION: How will you know that this lesson is successful and meaningful? List indicators.
I will know that this lesson is successful and meaningful based on the discussions that are had within the class. This will
be a successful unit when I can hear students discussing deeply the thought of recycling and beauty and the connections that
are linked between the two. When students can identify and literate the idea of multiple viewpoints of beauty then the lesson
will be proven as successful and meaningful. With all of these factors together along with the students participation in the
Share Fair, it will be clear that the students have acquired all the intended goals and met all student learning objectives, hence
making the unit meaningful and successful.
Silverstein, L. B. & Layne, S. (n.d.). Defining arts integration. Retrieved from