Visual Communication

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Understanding Maps, Charts,
Diagrams, and Schematics

Ned Racine

Copyright © 2002 LearningExpress, LLC.

All rights reserved under International and Pan-American Copyright Conventions. Published
in the United States by LearningExpress, LLC, New York.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:

Racine, Ned.
Visual communication: understanding maps, charts, diagrams, and
schematics/by Ned Racine—1st ed.
Includes bibliographical references.
ISBN 1-57685-393-4 (alk. paper)
1. Visual communication. I. Title.

P93.5 .R33 2002


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ISBN 1-57685-393-4

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about the author

Ned Racine is a technical writer and consultant specializing in docu-

ment design, graphic design, and presentation development. He is the author
of the Peter Norton Series texts for Microsoft Office and Power Point. He lives
in Altadena, California.

➧ one
Spatial/Visual Intelligence 1
■ Why visual communication matters 1
■ Reaching those who are visual/spatial learners 3
■ An old new tool 5
■ The most ancient communication 8
■ Isn’t this all automatic? 8
■ Advantages to communicating visually 10
■ Keeping visual communication on track 12
■ Offering hope in the “too much information age” 13

➧ two
Visual Communication in Everday Life and Business 17
■ Signage 18
■ Controls 19
■ Gauges 20
■ Diagrams 22
■ Maps 23
■ Tables 25
■ Charts 27
■ Pie charts 29
■ Timelines 30

➧ three
Finding Your Way in the World: Compasses and Maps 35
■ Compass 36
■ Magical maps 37
■ Topographical maps 38
■ Symbols 46

contents vii
■ Special maps 47
■ Relief maps 48
■ Map tools 48
■ Place name designations 50
■ Globes 50

➧ four
Tracking Information 61
■ Forms 62
■ Creating well-designed forms 64
■ Checksheets 66
■ Logs 68
■ Tables 70
■ Spreadsheets 74
■ Meeting Microsoft Excel 75

➧ five
Explaining Data 81
■ Keeping charts in perspective 82
■ Before you chart 82
■ Titles matter 84
■ Pie charts revisited 85
■ Donut charts 86
■ Bar charts 88
■ Column charts 92
■ Pareto charts 94
■ Line charts revisited 95
■ Combining line charts with other charts 96
■ Area charts 97
■ Other common charts 99
■ Flowcharts 100
■ Organization charts 101
■ Ethics of charting 102

➧ six
Solving Problems and Tracking Projects 109
■ Where are we? 109
■ Basic questions 110
■ Pyramids charts 110
■ Fishbone diagrams 111
■ Decision diagrams 114
■ Managing projects visually 118

viii visual communication

■ PERT charts 119
■ Gannt charts 121
■ Project tracking software 124
■ Never ending challenge 129

➧ seven
Technical Drawings: Blueprints,
Whiteprints, and Drawings 135
■ Wonders around us 135
■ Blueprints and whiteprints 136
■ Parts of a blueprint/whiteprint 137
■ Drawing standards 143
■ Measurement systems for drawings 144
■ Drawing sizes 145
■ Drawing scale 145
■ Drafting elements 146
■ The alphabet of lines 147
■ Drawing views 147
■ Architectural drawings 148
■ Drawings of large areas 152

➧ eight
From Circuits to Theaters: Using Schematics 159
■ Deciphering electronics 159
■ Schematic Diagrams 160
■ Block diagrams 166
■ Wiring diagrams 168
■ Standards 171
■ Nonelectrical uses of schematics 171

➧ nine
Navigating the Computer World 177
■ The perplexing genie 177
■ A visual communication problem 178
■ Graphics to the rescue 179
■ Who is training whom? 179
■ Understanding structure and hierarchy 180
■ Personal data assistants 187
■ Icons everywhere 187
■ Ancient tools with new life 188
■ The challenge of icons 190
■ Combining icons with text 191

contents ix
■ Graphs in everyday computer life 192
■ Structure of a sample website 194

➧ ten
Reaching Your Audience 197
■ Overcome fear 197
■ Why give a presentation 199
■ What to say? 203
■ The power of the presenter 204
■ The power of the audience 205
■ About Microsoft PowerPoint 206
■ What kind of presentation do you need? 209
■ Why include transitions and animations? 210
■ All colors are not created equal 211
■ More detail doesn’t equal better 212
■ Conserving onscreen real estate 213
■ Placing content 215
■ Staying within the lines 215
■ To hand out or not to hand out 216
■ Size matters 217
■ The greatest factor 219

Appendix: Online and Print Resources 223

x visual communication

why visual
communication matters

The person who uses yesterday’s

tools in today’s work won’t be in
business tomorrow.

J ESSE was bright—everyone who met

him thought so. Why he struggled in
school remained a mystery to his par-
ents. Jesse was someone who could ex-
plain computer animation in ways even
parents could understand. By the time
he was a sophomore in high school, he
was working part-time for a company

spatial/visual intelligence 1
that created television commercials. Jesse designed some of their high-tech
computer animation. Some of his animation even ended up in motion pictures.
By his senior year in high school, Jesse’s brainpower and talents had made
him enough money to buy himself a new car. However, his grades were still
stuck at “C.”
Jesse now attends the Rochester Institute of Technology, where he has just
begun a new major, Computer Game Interface Design, a major created, in
part, for him. You may ask, “With his unimpressive grade point average and
tepid SAT scores, how did Jesse ever get in to such a high-powered technical
college?” The truth is the R.I.T. admissions interviewers had met enough cre-
ative thinkers to recognize that Jesse is primarily a visual/spatial learner. He
doesn’t do as well listening, reading, and repeating (the teaching style that
much of our institutional education is based upon). Jesse, however, does ex-
cel at:

■ Absorbing everything visual

■ Interpreting graphics and learning from them
■ Creating visual answers to the questions his imagination poses

Jesse was (once discovered) mainly one kind of learner. Most people are a
mixture of learning types.
Visual communication was the best way to reach Jesse. More than that,
Jesse’s true story suggests visual communication’s power to support a range of
learning styles. Visual Communication teaches how you can incorporate visual
communication in your life and the life of your organization. After all, there
are millions of Jesses out there. They are your classmates, coworkers, your in-
vestors, and your customers.
Visual communication—receiving and transmitting messages through vi-
sual means—reached Jesse when other forms of communication failed. If only
for its power to reach a variety of learners, visual communication would be
worth understanding.
There are, however, many more reasons to explore visual communication.
Visual communication surrounds us. It helps us navigate the computer world
or an interstate highway. It organizes information on the sports page of a news-
paper or the maintenance manual of a nuclear reactor. And, as businesses
strive to win customers around the world, visual communication carries their

2 visual communication
message, usually more clearly than words. In the 21st century, when too much
information seems more of a problem than not enough information, visual com-
munication offers a language to clarify and compress that information.
To help you speak the language of visual communication, this book has two

■ To teach you how to become a better consumer of visual communica-

■ To teach you how to become a better creator of visual communication.

Of course, you might be a consumer

of visual communication one day and a Visual/spatial intelligence is one of
creator the next. And if you do not cur- eight intelligences defined by Howard
rently produce visual communication, Gardner in his research at Harvard Uni-
you likely will during the course of your versity. Gardner says individuals may
career. If you currently create visual have one best way of learning or sev-
communication, you can explore a eral types of intelligences that are more
broad range of visual communication developed than others, leading to a va-
forms, perhaps some you have never riety of ways of absorbing information.
used, and better understand what makes
effective visual communication effective.
You will see graphics mentioned often in this book. Graphics are defined as
visual and artistic representation, such as charts, drawings, icons, maps, and tables.

reaching those who are visual/spatial learners

T HOSE WITH SPATIAL intelligence have the ability to:

■ Perceive the complexity of a form or object

■ Mentally manipulate a form or object, including rotating the form or ob-
ject to reveal each side
■ Create visual/spatial representations of their environment
■ Create a graphic likeness of an actual object
■ Transfer those representations either mentally or concretely

spatial/visual intelligence 3
Visual/spatial learners, for example, sometimes nicknamed visualizers, of-
ten enjoy the following:

■ Drawing
■ Disassembling devices
How do you recognize a visual/spatial
■ Building things
learner? When handed an instructional
■ Solving puzzles
manual, these workers turn first to the
■ Doodling
graphs, charts, and diagrams. When
■ Grasping detail
taking notes in a meeting, these visual-
■ Relating parts to a whole
izers draw complex patterns around
■ Recalling locations by description or
their notes.
■ Interpreting maps

Visual/spatial learners, for example, excel at the mental manipulation of

forms and shapes. Figure 1-1 shows a box and how a visual/spatial learner
might unfold and manipulate the box to reveal its sides.

Figure 1-1: Visual/spatial learners excel at mentally manipulating forms and shapes

4 visual communication
Visual/spatial learners tend to be more sophisticated in perceiving visual
communication. Therefore, visual/spatial learners are valuable to organizations
because these learners often become:

■ Architects
■ Engineers
■ Draftspersons
■ Graphic designers
■ Mechanics
■ Surveyors
■ Urban planners

Frankly, an organization risks losing the talents and ideas of visual/spatial

staff members, unless their primary method of learning is incorporated into the
organization’s communication. Few organizations have such a surplus of tal-
ent and ideas to justify ignoring visual/spatial staff members.

an old new tool

L ATER IN C HAPTER 1, advantages of visual communication—offered to or-

ganizations in the 21st century—will be considered. This is not to say that vi-
sual communication is a new tool, even within North American society. Native
Americans have long communicated with sign languages to bridge tribal barri-
ers. The forms of sign language used by the deaf—studied by the nondeaf since
the 1770s—culminated in today’s rich and evocative sign languages, which each
have their own syntax and grammar (e.g., American Sign Language).
Because we can interpret nonverbal communication, such as frowns, smiles,
crossed arms, and shrugs, it can be said that we have visual intelligence. Vi-
sual intelligence includes the capacity to understand sign language, facial and
body gestures, and graphics.
Human beings absorb many forms of visual communication, including:

■ Cartoons
■ Comic books
■ Motion pictures
■ Photography

spatial/visual intelligence 5
■ Posters
■ Puppetry
■ Sign language
■ Slides
■ Television

As you may gather from this chapter—and, in fact, from this entire book—
visual communication contributes to literacy, the understanding and inter-
preting of information.
Visual communication is actually about applying what you read and see to
accomplish a goal. Successful communication means you have received a mes-
sage, and the results might be:

■ Learning something new

■ Responding with more or other information
■ Taking some kind of action
■ Storing the information for future use

Studies find that people who have trouble absorbing benefit from reading
text interspersed with compelling graphics. In addition, learning to interpret
charts, icons, symbols, tables, and maps stimulates the ability to summarize,
compare and contrast, and problem-solve—all skills essential to reading well.
Widespread illiteracy is not a problem from another age or another country.
Figure 1-2 presents several humbling facts about literacy in the United States:

These people . . . . . . do this:

20% of American adults . . . . . . read at or below the fifth-grade

level (far below the level needed to
earn a living wage)

40 million Americans age 16

and older . . . . . . have significant literacy needs.

43% of people with the lowest

literacy rates . . . . . . live in poverty

6 visual communication
These people . . . . . . do this:

Workers who lack a . . . earn an average monthly income

high school diploma . . . of $452.

Workers with a college degree . . . . . . earn an average monthly income

of $1,829.

Figure 1-2: Visual communication benefits poor readers

Source: Data provided by Humboldt County (CA) Literacy Project, 2001.

Visual literacy is the ability to interpret the visible action, objects, or sym-
bols found in the environment. In this book, visual literacy comes in two va-

1. Absorbing, understanding, and applying graphics. (What does this map

show? Is this the map I need? Does this table help me understand my
company’s cash flow?)
2. Transforming information and goals into compelling graphics. (What
type of chart illustrates what I want to say? Which icon explains best what
I want to say?)

This book concentrates on designed or drawn visual communication, par-

ticularly those images distributed via paper and computer monitors. Within
the world of those images, Visual Communication further focuses on the skills
necessary to interpret or create visual communication, valuable talents in the
21st century business world. Consequently, you will be exposed to many
forms of visual communication:

■ Blueprints (and whiteprints) ■ Presentations

■ Charts ■ Schematics
■ Controls ■ Signs
■ Diagrams ■ Site plans
■ Drawings ■ Spreadsheets
■ Floorplans ■ Symbols
■ Globes ■ Tables
■ Icons ■ Timelines

spatial/visual intelligence 7
the most ancient communication

M OST ANTHROPOLOGISTS BELIEVE that mankind communicated with ges-

tures and signing before communicating with sounds—in other words, visual
communication preceded oral communication. These anthropologists theorize
that early mankind reenacted events and told stories with gestures before the
development of speech and drawing. Next, drawing became a tool to repre-
sent natural objects (e.g., cave drawings of animals) and stories (cave drawings
of hunting, tribal movement, etc.), perhaps blossoming at the same time as
spoken language.
Egyptian hieroglyphs and Chinese ideograms represent two later civiliza-
tions’ efforts to develop written symbols to imitate body language signs and
to express ideas. Figure 1-3 displays a result of those early, successful efforts, a
Chinese ideogram for water.

Figure 1-3: The Chinese ideogram representing water

isn’t this all automatic?

S EEING SOMETHING MIGHT be automatic—your eyes are open and you are
facing in the right direction. Perceiving what you have seen is anything but au-
tomatic. Marlana Coe, in her book Human Factors for Technical Communications,

8 visual communication
describes the process of interpreting visual information as a series of steps. At
one end of the series is sensation. At the other end is perception. Sensation
means receiving impressions through hearing, seeing, smelling, and so forth.
Perception means mentally grasping impressions gathered through the senses
or understanding them.
For instance, two individuals might see the same event at the same instant,
but one individual might grasp the meaning of the event faster and more com-
pletely. That individual would be more perceptive, her processes of interpret-
ing sensation more sophisticated. Figure 1-4 maps the steps required to
translate the sensation of a traffic sign to the perception of a traffic sign.

Figure 1-4: Our senses gather impressions and our brain translates them

Want to raise your visual/spatial IQ? Try these exercises:

■ Identify a form from different angles or when “unfolded.”
■ Draw while looking at an object.
■ Practice origami or the art of paper folding.
■ Sculpt a 3-D clay version of a picture of an object.

spatial/visual intelligence 9
advantages to communicating visually

Thinking is visual.
—S WI S S E D U CATO R J O HAN N H E I N R I C H P E STO LOZ Z I, 1746–1827

W HY TAKE THE time to create a piece of visual communication?

Frequently, visual communication represents the best opportunity to com-
municate with the widest range of people. The information that absolutely,
positively must be communicated effectively is usually communicated visually:

■ Road and traffic signs

■ Building evacuation directions
■ Danger and caution warnings
■ Control labeling
■ Location of basic services at airports, bus stations, and train stations

For example, Figure 1-5 displays an instruction sheet telling passengers how
to leave a damaged airplane. How many words does the instruction sheet use?
Communicating visually has distinct advantages, as you will explore through-
out this book. Here are several advantages of visual communication:

■ Creating visual communication calls for summarizing information for

easy consumption by readers and audiences, which often presents the per-
son creating the communication with new insights and understanding.
■ Visual communication addresses the need for global communication of
basic but key information.
■ Visual communication tends to be easier for other cultures to translate
than text.
■ If done correctly, visual communication resists misinterpretation.
■ Visual communication allows teambuilding with others unfamiliar with
the intricacies of your work.

10 visual communication
Figure 1-5: Airplane safety instructions rely heavily on visual communication

You need to look no further than the World Wide Web to see the
value of visual communication in the 21st century. Fewer than ten
years ago, users accessing information via online bulletin boards
saw nothing but text on their computer screens. Can you remem-
ber the last text-only website you visited? What brought about this

spatial/visual intelligence 11
keeping visual communication on track

B EFORE YOU ARE ready to communicate visually, you need to ask yourself sev-
eral fundamental questions. Without finding complete and practical answers to
these questions, your visual communication will be flawed and may confuse
your audience. Practice answering these challenging questions with every
graphic you design or assign. Soon you will recall these questions naturally. And
remember that not all messages are best delivered through visual communica-

■ What is the goal of your visual communication? (To inform your audience? To
reassure stockholders? To explain factory expansion to employees?)
If you pinpoint your goal, you are more likely to produce a simple
piece of communication. As you proceed through other chapters, you
will notice that the best works of visual communication are the most di-
rect. There is beauty to an effective line chart or special map. Setting your
goal and following it brings you closer to that simplicity.
■ What form best communicates your goal? (A technical drawing? An icon? A
For example, suppose you want to show your machinists a technical
drawing of a new wood screw your company will begin producing. How
many views do you want in the drawing? In what scale do you want to
show the screw? Is the screw one of an assembly of parts? Do you want
to show the entire assembly? Figure 1-6 shows some of the views required
to manufacture even a simple mechanical object.

Figure 1-6: Even a simple mechanical object such as a screw

requires multiple views for accurate reproduction

12 visual communication
As a consumer of visual communication, you experience the range of
possibilities, even within a single form of visual communication. For ex-
ample, photographs can be deeply moving, symbolic, or extremely real-
istic. Which kind do you want?
■ Where should you place the visual communication? (Above the signs at eye
level? At the appropriate height for a person sitting in a wheelchair?)
On a sheet of paper within a report, letter, instruction manual, and so
forth, pieces of visual communication should be clearly linked to the text
they are illuminating. However, much of the visual communication we
absorb does not appear in publications.
■ What do you want your audience to do? (Improve the quality of your company’s
products? Spend less time deliver-
ing parcels? Contribute ideas to-
Don’t be afraid to use a piece of paper and a
ward the new software product?)
pen to create a draft of your communication,
■ How do you want your audience to
even before you turn on the computer. Many
feel? (Concerned? Amused?
creators of visual communication believe
Proud? Involved?) Touching
their imagination flows best when com-
your audience’s emotions be-
pletely unrestricted by the concerns of trans-
comes particularly important
lating ideas into a computer application.
when giving presentations, as
detailed in Chapter 10.

Effective visual communication demands the same attention to detail as ef-

fective writing. In fact, when creating visual communication for other soci-
eties—common in this age of globalized markets and international production
teams—graphics must meet a higher standard of simplicity, clarity, and con-
ciseness than text. This is because audiences from other cultures cannot rely
on the context and elaboration found in written communication.

offering hope in the “too much information age”

The most striking paradox of the information age is this: The more informa-
tion we produce, the less time we have to assimilate it.

spatial/visual intelligence 13
P IECES OF VISUAL communication are often less ambiguous than words and
often less prone to misinterpretation. Graphics make skimming easier and act
as dividers to separate sections of a Web page. Graphics grab a viewer’s atten-
tion. They emphasize major points and act as a guide in helping the viewer
through the information.
Efforts to improve quality control and customer service—common goals
for businesses in an age of international competition for markets and profits—
require contributions from many people, all with different learning and work-
ing styles. Innovation, the life blood of high-tech companies, demands the
ideas and insights from a variety of workers, all of whom cannot be reached
by the same form of communication.

graphics—visual and artistic representation, such as charts, drawings, icons,

maps, and tables

literacy—the understanding and interpreting of information

perception—mentally grasping impressions gathered through the senses

sensation—receiving impressions through hearing, seeing, smelling, tasting,

and touching

visual communication—receiving and transmitting messages through vi-

sual means

visual intelligence—an ability to interpret nonverbal communication

visual literacy—the ability to interpret the visible action, objects, or symbols

found in the environment

visual/spatial learner—an individual who best absorbs knowledge through

viewing and creating graphics and other visual media

14 visual communication
ten reasons why
visual communication matters

1. Visual communication is less susceptible to misinterpretation than


2. Graphics can simplify and communicate complex ideas and data.

3. Visual aids add variety to text pages.
4. Visual representation can concisely demonstrate relationships.
5. Visual communication can spur the imagination and encourage

6. Visual symbols and icons are quickly and easily recognized.

7. Using texture, form, line, color, beauty, and mystery, compelling vi-
sual communication draws in the reader or audience.

8. Graphics can offer the manipulation of information within several

forms (e.g., from data to Excel chart).

9. Your reader, or some of your audience, may be primarily or second-

arily visual/spatial learners—that’s how they best absorb information.

10. Visual representation allows for a holistic understanding that words

alone cannot convey.

spatial/visual intelligence 15
➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. Consider this: Why should businesses care that
there are different kinds of learners?
2. What kinds of graphics—in, for example, textbooks,
newspapers, magazines—do you generally find
appealing? Why do think they are appealing to
3. Do an Internet or library search to find Gardner’s
eight learning styles. Which learning styles
(besides visual/spatial) might lend themselves to
the use of graphics and why? Is there a learning
style that describes you?

16 visual communication
Visual Communication in
Everyday Life and Business

each day visual communication

bombards us. Highway billboards use
strong graphics to send a message before
motorists drive out of reach. Television
➧ Signage
sports producers flash tables and charts
➧ Controls
on the screen so viewers can absorb in-
➧ Gauges
formation at a glance and quickly re-
➧ Diagrams
turn to the game. Home appliances
➧ Maps
display symbols—not words—to ex-
➧ Tables
plain the different positions of a switch
➧ Charts
or dial. With few or no words, road
signs warn us when to stop or when we
must yield to oncoming traffic.
As a daily consumer of visual com-
munication, you are already an expert
in translating visual communication

visual communication in everyday life 17

into ideas and directions. To strengthen your expert skills, this chapter offers
an overview of forms of visual communication you may not have explored or


T RAFFIC SIGNS GUIDE automobiles, bicycles, buses, and motorcycles through

cities around the world. They direct pilots from runway to terminal. Warning
signs mark electrical cables and hazardous substances. Electronic signs display
the arrival times of trains, then change to display the location of rental car
agencies. The name for all this visual communication is signage.
Like all modern visual communication, signage must fight through a jungle of
competing sights and sounds to grab a viewer’s attention. Signage offers expla-
nations, directions, and information. It must be clear and easily translated, while
representing complex buildings, cities, and transit systems. How does a designer
create easy-to-use signage when so much information must be communicated?
To meet these challenges, designers consider size, type style, colors, and
where signage should be placed. To help users find information quickly, de-
signers create a single look for signs within a building—for example, signage
within an airport having large white letters on a blue background.
Effective signage can become a life-or-death issue. In April 1996, a fire at
Düsseldorf Airport in Germany resulted in deaths and injuries. After the fire,
a spokesperson for the city’s fire brigade blamed the high number of causali-
ties on passengers who ignored the emergency exit signs. Before Düsseldorf
Airport reopened, airport management hired a design company to create a
new set of powerful signage.
Figure 2-1 shows a range of modern signage.

Figure 2-1: A range of signage

18 visual communication

YOU USE CONTROLS every day—to turn on an electric fan, increase the vol-
ume on a television, or adjust the time of a clock. A control can be a switch,
dial, wheel, button, knob, toggle, rod, or key.
With manufacturers targeting customers in multiple countries—speaking
multiple languages—designers have changed controls to display fewer words
and more universal symbols. In that way controls are prime examples of visual
communication. But whether they use words or symbols, controls must meet
several goals to be successful graphics.

■ They should be clearly marked.

■ They should be easy to remember.
■ They should be easy to explain.

Figure 2-2 displays a dial that adjusts the speed of an electric fan. The
lower ball indicates the current speed of the fan. When the ball lies directly un-
der the first symbol on the left, the fan is off.
What do you think the other symbols mean?

Figure 2-2: Control without words

visual communication 19
Not every control can express its function without words. Sometimes text
is required to avoid confusion, especially if a group of controls looks similar.
Figure 2-3 contains a control commonly seen on video devices. In this ex-
ample, symbols and text combine for clear communication.

Figure 2-3: Symbols are not always enough


W HILE CONTROLS ALLOW us to adjust things, gauges tell us the condition

of things. Gauges show how devices are operating in engines, computers, hu-
man organs, stereos, and wires, for example.
Gauges also tell us how much remains of something, as in:

■ Air in automobile tires

■ Power in a battery
■ Film in a camera
■ Gasoline and oil in a boat

20 visual communication
Figure 2-4 displays this type of gauge: A gauge showing how much fuel re-
mains in a tank. Typical of many gauges, this gauge has a pointing device (an
arrow, needle, or line) that indicates current status. The viewer compares the
needle with the lines showing the tank’s capacity. These lines are often tick
marks. The gauge in Figure 2-4 communicates that the tank is almost full.
This type of gauge often has a symbol to warn when a substance runs low.
In this case, when the indicator line falls to the dark block at the bottom of
the gauge, the user knows fuel is very low. Some fuel gauges may set off a low-
fuel warning light.
Notice that a fuel gauge is so familiar to drivers that its creators do not men-
tion fuel or gasoline or gallons; even full is abbreviated (F).
As you learn more about graphics, you will better understand how to cre-
ate or select them. Although you cannot expect each graphic you use to be as
familiar to your audience as a fuel gauge, you can learn lessons from Figure 2-
4. When you begin creating or selecting graphics, keep these suggestions in

■ Consider what your audience knows

■ Avoid explaining what they know
■ Focus on the essential information

Figure 2-4: A common gauge

visual communication 21

D IAGRAMS ARE GRAPHICS that explain how something works or how it

should be constructed or repaired. Diagrams can be sketches or plans. Common
diagrams include blueprints (or the more popular whiteprints) and block dia-
grams, both of which you will explore in Chapter 7. Although you may not see
diagrams as often in everyday life as other graphics described in this chapter, they
are worth investigating because diagrams make our technological world run.
Before computer circuits or houses are built, detailed diagrams describe what
goes where. Diagrams specify what parts are required during assembly. They are
used to check the quality and safety of machines and buildings—before they are
built. Government agencies examine diagrams to learn if shopping centers or
factories meet environmental requirements.
Technicians who repair airplanes or electric generators need diagrams to
help them recall how the complex machines operate. The simple diagram in
Figure 2-5 shows how to connect cables to a television. Notice that the artist
who created the diagram was not concerned with the size of the cables or the
cable box, compared to the television. The diagram focuses on how to make
the connection work properly.

Figure 2-5: A simple diagram

22 visual communication

YOU HAVE PROBABLY seen maps in classrooms, automobiles, libraries, and in

malls. You may have drawn a map to help a new friend find your house. But
you may not realize what a powerful form of visual communication maps are.
Maps can show you the shortest route across your neighborhood or the con-
tours of the ocean bottom. Like other forms of visual communication, maps
perform their magic with few words, relying instead on lines, colors, and sym-
Basically, there are two categories of maps: topographical and special (or special-
purpose). Topographical maps are the most common. Road maps are topo-
graphical maps; so are political maps (maps showing the borders of countries,
a nation’s capitol, or its major cities).
The map shown in Figure 2-6 is a topographical map.

Figure 2-6: Topographical map

Source: Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division

Like all maps, it describes a specific place—in this case the United States of
America circa 1888. Topographical maps can contain a great deal of informa-
tion, including:

visual communication 23
■ Elevation of hills and mountains
■ Distance between two points
■ Location, name, and population of large cities
■ Location, name, and size of highways, rivers, and parks
■ Location, name, and size of counties or states or countries

You probably noticed the word “location” reappearing in this list. This is
because maps are most frequently used for finding where things are, includ-
ing where you are or where you want to go.
There are hundreds of kinds of special maps. These include maps showing:

■ Weather conditions
■ Population density
■ Average income
■ Transportation routes
■ Areas afflicted with a disease
■ Depth of the ocean
■ Currents in the oceans
■ Approaches to airports
■ Types of vegetation
■ Recent forest fires
■ Mineral deposits
■ Positions of stars

Most maps, whether they are topographical or special-purpose, include a

symbol to orient you to the four directions: north, south, east, and west.
Shown in Figure 2-7, this tool is called a map rose or compass rose. A map
rose reminds you of the direction you are traveling, even if you turn the map
sideways or upside down.

Maps are usually designed so that north is at the top of the page
or screen.

24 visual communication
Figure 2-7: A map rose

Like all forms of visual communication, maps may contain more informa-
tion than is first apparent. Here are three questions that will help you unlock
a map’s secrets:

■ What is the title of the map? Reading the map title is a quick way to
determine if a map contains the information you need.
■ What does the map show? For example, the map shown in Figure 2-6
on page 23 would be useless if you wanted to know the elevation of the
Rocky Mountains or the capitol of Alabama.
■ What is the scale of the map? Each map is drawn to a particular ra-
tio of map distance to actual distance. For example, hikers often use
maps drawn to a scale of 1:24,000 inches. This means that one inch on
their map equals 24,000 inches (2,000 feet) of actual distance.

You will learn a great deal more about maps in Chapter 3.


TABLES ARE THE most common visual communication tools used in business.
As shown in Figures 2-8 and 2-9, tables organize information in columns and

visual communication 25
rows. Labels in the first column describe the information contained in the rows
to the right of the first column. Labels in the first row describe the informa-
tion in the columns below. In Figure 2-9, for example, the numbers in the top
row label the innings of a baseball game. The final three labels (R, H, E) tell
the baseball fan that the last three columns contain the runs, hits, and errors
for the game. The row labels in the first column (New York and Boston) name
the teams playing. The columns labeled 1 through 9 display runs scored by
each team in each of nine innings.

Figure 2-8: Elements of a table

Cells are created when tables and rows meet. For example, if a fan wants
to know how many runs Boston scored in the seventh inning, he or she looks
where the column labeled 7 (seventh inning) meets the row showing Boston’s
statistics (two runs). Notice that columns and rows are really groups of cells.
Cells hold the table’s data, and labels only help define the data.
Tables need not be complex or large to be
effective, but they do need to be clear, concise,
Spreadsheets are constructed
and easy to use. The table in Figure 2-9, repre-
like tables—using columns,
senting a baseball scoreboard, simply summa-
rows, and cells. Even the most
rizes an entire sporting event. It tells us exactly
complex spreadsheets are re-
how many runs Boston scored in the fourth in-
ally only tables.
ning (4) and how many errors New York made
in the game (1). In tribute to its clearness and
ease of use, this method of displaying baseball
statistics has survived 100 years!

26 visual communication
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 R H E

New York 0 2 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 4 11 1

Boston 0 0 0 4 0 1 2 0 X 6 9 0

Figure 2-9: Simple table hits a home run


A N OLD BUSINESS saying states that a problem cannot be solved if it cannot

be measured. Charts (also called graphs) are great tools for measuring and
communicating problems and successes. As with special maps, charts come in
all sizes, forms, and purposes. Most charts, however, share many of the same

■ Chart title
■ An X and a Y axis
■ Axis labels
■ Data markers
■ Data labels
■ Legends
■ Notes

Figure 2-10 displays a model line chart, a chart frequently used in business.
A line chart usually presents a trend in data over a period of time. The line
chart in Figure 2-10 shows that market share continues to rise, while profit has
leveled off. Notice that the model line chart features a number of tools to help
the audience understand the chart: A legend (to define the two lines showing
data), axis labels, and a data label.

A legend may appear at the top, bottom, or side of a chart. Some-

times a legend is placed within the chart (as in Figure 2-10) to
save space.

visual communication 27
Figure 2-10: Elements of a chart

As with maps and tables, effective charts summarize and translate informa-
tion into an easy-to-understand graphic. The most beautiful chart fails if its au-
dience cannot quickly understand it. Consequently, the goal of an effective
chart is not to present piles of data. Its goal is to explain a problem, situation,
or opportunity so that viewers can draw a conclusion, find a solution, or de-
velop a plan. An effective chart finds relationships that were hidden behind the
raw numbers or pages of text on which the chart was based.
Creating a powerful chart rewards not only its audience, but also its creator.
Very often the person creating the chart discovers a problem or solution she
or he did not see before. In fact, some business communication experts believe
the most important benefit of business charts is not their presentation to an au-
dience but the process of summarizing information while creating the chart.

28 visual communication
pie charts

P IE CHARTS LOOK NOTHING like line charts; pie charts even lack an X or a
Y axis. Then why are pie charts widely used in presentations, computer ap-
plications, business publications, and marketing campaigns? One reason is that
a pie chart’s familiar shape gives it a built-in advantage when communicating
its message. After all, who hasn’t taken a slice from a pizza or cut a pie into
Pie charts have several other advantages. A pie chart:

■ Can be read clockwise or counterclockwise

■ Lends itself to color
■ Usually totals 100%
■ Rarely shows negative numbers
■ Can be 3-D or exploded, making it still more dramatic

These qualities make pie charts easy to grasp.

Pie charts are useful when comparing the size of pieces to each other and
to the whole. In Figure 2-11, for example, a pie chart illustrates the items mak-
ing up the whole amount of bakery goods sold by Grainville Baking Company.
Notice that the pie chart in Figure 2-11 shares elements with the line chart
in Figure 2-10: chart title, labels, and a legend.

Figure 2-11: A piece of the pie

visual communication 29
Pie chart pieces are called segments, slices, or wedges.


T IMELINES ARE SOMETIMES called timeline charts. A timeline is a one-

axis chart (the X axis) that organizes events or activities in the order they oc-
curred or are planned to occur. Timelines (shown in Figure 2-12) sometimes
contain future and past dates and often display a marker to show the current
month or day. Besides appearing in magazines and newspapers, timelines of-
ten appear in business to plan a project or to report on its progress.

Figure 2-12: Timelines track time and events

cell—the intersection of a row and column; cells hold a table’s data

chart—a graphic that uses symbols to draw relationships among groups of


column—a vertical group of cells

control—a switch, dial, wheel, button, knob, toggle, rod, or key that adjusts a

30 visual communication
diagram—a sketch or plan that describes how something works, should be
constructed, assembled, or repaired

gauge—a device that displays the condition of something, a usually machine

legend—a key that explains symbols

line chart—a graph that uses lines to show relationships among groups of
data over time

map—a representation of a place; there are hundreds of kinds of maps

map rose—a symbol that marks the map’s relation to the four directions:
north, south, east, and west

pie chart—a pie-shaped graph that uses wedges to compare parts of a whole
to each other and to the whole

row—a horizontal group of cells

scale—a ratio between the distance on a map and the actual distance; a
world map might have a scale of 1:63,360,000 inches (one map inch equals
63,360,000 real inches or 1,000 miles)

signage—signs that explain, direct, and inform; sometimes refers to a set of


spreadsheet—a computer application that organizes data into columns and

rows; a spreadsheet has the ability to tabulate and graph data

table—a graphic that organizes information in a column-and-row format;

tables often have borders and labels

tick marks—small lines that divide a measurement

timeline—a single-axis chart that arranges events in the order they should or
did occur

visual communication 31
Deciphering Maps and Charts

Ask yourself these questions:

1. What information do you want from this map? Do you have a

mental list of the questions you need answered?
2. What is the title of the map? Does the title disclose the topic of
the map, the area presented, and—if necessary—the time period
shown (A Population Distribution Map of France in the Year 2000)?
3. Does the scale of the map fit your needs? Does the map show
the entire state when you only want information on a single county?
4. What type of map is it? Is it topographical or special? Does it
show cities or oceans?
5. What is the title of the chart? Does the title mention units (pounds,
dollars)? Does it mention a period of time (years, months,
6. Does the chart have axis labels? If so, what are they telling you
about the data (tons of cheese, barrels of oil)?
7. Does the chart have markers? How often do they appear (every
month, every quarter)?
8. Does the chart have a legend? If so, what is it telling you about
the data?
9. Does the chart have a note? What does the note add to the
meaning of the chart?
10. Do you understand the chart’s message? Could you describe it
to someone who hasn’t seen the chart?

If you create charts or maps—or plan on creating them in the future—the

Deciphering Maps and Charts list above provides you with a recipe for an ef-
fective map or chart. For example, if a chart lacks a title or axis labels or leg-
end or note to help its audience understand its information, can it be an
effective chart?
In the next chapter you will further explore the power of maps.

32 visual communication
➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. Go to your home entertainment center (video
cassette recorder/television/stereo/cable box) or
washing machine and note all the controls,
symbols, and gauges. Are there any diagrams on
the machine? Could a non-English speaking
person operate these machines?
2. Why do you think text should accompany some
graphics to make them effective?
3. Check out each of the charts and tables in a large-
circulation newspaper or news magazine. Which
charts and tables appeal to you? Why?

visual communication 33
Finding Your Way in the
World: Compasses and Maps

the maps Portuguese captains used to

navigate the Pacific were state secrets.
➧ Compass Entire campaigns during the United
➧ Grid States’ Civil War succeeded or failed
➧ Index depending on the quality of an army’s
➧ Legend maps. Maps, or the lack of maps, have
➧ Scale bar changed history. Maps continue to re-
➧ Symbols ward their users. The more you use
➧ Elevation bar maps and the more you ask of them,
➧ Copyright date the more maps reward you.
➧ Place name designations As with most effective visual com-
➧ Street numbering munication, there is more to reading
and creating maps than first meets the
eye. Because maps have been treasured
for thousands of years and because maps
are universally used throughout the

finding your way in the world 35

world, the techniques to create and describe maps are sophisticated and proven.
So, effective maps are good models of successful visual communication.
Many careers rely on a thorough understanding of maps:

■ Earth sciences
■ Emergency services
■ Equipment repair
■ Government service
■ Marketing and sales
■ Onsite technical support
■ Real estate sales
■ Weather reporting


TO BEGIN WITH , understanding a compass will help you better understand

maps. It is no coincidence that the face of a compass resembles a map rose.
A compass is an instrument that shows direction. A compass is a simple
tool; yet its invention was a major technological breakthrough. The first com-
pass salespeople must have had a difficult time convincing buyers that this mir-
acle invention really did always point north! Figure 3-1 shows a basic compass.
Attracted by the earth’s magnetism—the earth itself is a giant magnet—a com-
pass’ metal needle always points north. Knowing this, a traveler can determine

Figure 3-1: A basic compass

36 visual communication
the direction she or he is traveling. For instance, if the needle of a compass lies
over the letter N (representing north), a hiker who faces in the same direction
as the needle faces north. If the hiker
turns so that his left side points north,
the hiker faces east. If he turns so that his Many compasses display more than
back points north, he faces south. compass points—they also show de-
Therefore, if the hiker frequently takes grees. The compass face is divided into
his bearing—for example, rechecking 360 tick marks, each tick mark repre-
that north is still where he thought it senting one degree. North is 0 degrees
was—he can be confident that he is (0°), east is 90°, and so on. Air and sea
traveling in the right direction. navigation rely heavily on compasses.
Compasses not only indicate north,
south, east, and west, they also show
combinations of those directions. All directions on a compass, including those
between the four major directions, are called compass points. Of course, no
one always travels precisely north, south, east, or west, but rather, say, north, then
southeast, then southwest. All these directions can be tracked on a compass.

magical maps

YOU KNOW YOUR neighborhood so well that you can navigate using the map
stored in your memory. In fact, if someone needed directions for finding a
building in your neighborhood, it’s likely that you could easily draw a simple
map to lead her there.
But suppose you find yourself standing in downtown Halifax, Nova Scotia,
on the eastern tip of Canada, and you yearn to visit the Bay of Fundy? How
do you get there? Now you need a detailed map to answer these essential ques-

■ In what direction do you travel from Halifax to reach the Bay of Fundy?
■ Can you drive there?
■ If so, how long might it take?
■ Which highway should you take?

A map can tell you these essential facts, as well as describe the types of land
you will be driving through and name the towns you will pass along the way.

finding your way in the world 37

Depending on the scale of your map, the map might include local historical
markers near the highway or other such points of interest and information.

topographical maps

A LSO CALLED reference maps, topographical maps are useful for compar-
ing things built by humans (roads, bridges, libraries, golf courses) with the
shape and surface of the earth (bays, canyons, hillsides, rivers). Some of the
items shown on a topographical map actually exist, such as buildings, and some
are imaginary, such as state and county lines.
Maps can describe any place, not just large regions such as states or coun-
tries. A directory of a medical building, for example, is a map guiding visitors
through only one building. Figure 3-2 shows a simple map, highlighting sev-
eral blocks in a single neighborhood, drawn to lead a delivery person to 20
West Payne Street. The first thing you might notice is that the map is not
drawn to scale: one of the houses on West Payne Street is unlikely to be ap-
proximately one-eighth the size of Lake Lincoln. For a simple map, however,
correct scale may not matter.
This map has a map rose, so the delivery person knows that she travels south
from Lake Lincoln to West Payne Street. As frequently happens in towns and
cities, Payne Street is divided into east and west addresses (or north and south
addresses) by another street. In this case, that street is North Lake Avenue. (An-
other way to think of this is that North Lake Avenue is 0 Payne Street at their
Notice that left of North Lake Avenue, Payne Street becomes West Payne
Street. Its first block is numbered between 1 and 100. Right of North Lake
Avenue, Payne Street becomes East Payne Street. Its numbering also ranges
from 1 to 100.

Municipalities often number their streets so that one block equals

one unit of hundreds. For example, if you work in a shop at 600
West Payne Street, you will have to travel 23 blocks to deliver a
package to 2900 West Payne Street.

38 visual communication
Figure 3-2: A simple map

Although the map in Figure 3-2 is simple to follow, it does not fully describe
the Lake Lincoln neighborhood. Frankly, most maps are more challenging to
read than the map in Figure 3-2. In part, this is because streets often curve to
avoid natural obstacles such as hills, lakes, and valleys; this means they cannot
always meet perpendicularly, as Payne Street meets North Lake Avenue. Fig-
ure 3-3 shows a more complete (and complex) map of the Lake Lincoln

finding your way in the world 39

Figure 3-3: A more complete map of the Lake Lincoln neighborhood

40 visual communication
Figure 3-3 approximates a road map. A road map is a topographical map
designed to help drivers traveling through a region. Road maps include
bridges, dams, mountains, rivers, and so forth. They excel at describing how
to reach a destination using roads and highways.
Have you noticed that the map in Figure 3-3 includes streets winding in sev-
eral directions? Did you notice the dead-end streets, such as Green Street, or
the greater variety of street types? There is Adams Lane and Lake Crest Circle
and Washington Boulevard. Generally, streets named Circle, Lane, or Place are
shorter, less traveled roads than those named Boulevard, Avenue, or Street.
If you watch for them, clues in the street numbers in Figure 3-3 make nav-
igating the Lake Lincoln neighborhood easier. The block of North Lake Av-
enue just north of Payne Street is numbered 3900, suggesting there are 38
blocks of North Lake Avenue south of Payne Street to the intersecting street
that cuts Lake Avenue into its north and south segments. Did you notice that
North Clay Avenue (just above Payne Street) is numbered 3900, just as North
Lake Avenue north of Payne Street is numbered 3900. Parallel streets have
identical or similar block numbering.

Addresses on one side of a street are odd numbers (3107) and ad-
dresses on the other side are even numbers (3108).

Even with all the detail in Figure 3-3, the fact that the map is not drawn to
scale becomes a problem. For example, how far is the parking lot at 100
Adams Lane from the hospital? Could a person in a wheelchair comfortably
wheel himself that far? How do you pinpoint an address, such as 145 Wash-
ington Boulevard?
Fortunately, road maps include a grid to help readers pinpoint landmarks.
Figure 3-4 is a common road map grid (with some of the Lake Lincoln
neighborhood detail removed for clarity). You might recognize the grid as
similar to number grids you used in algebra or to the row-and-column format
of tables you saw in Chapter 2.

finding your way in the world 41

Figure 3-4: A common road map grid

42 visual communication
Notice that the numbers on the left (1, 2, 3, . . . ) are repeated on the right.
Similarly, the letters across the top (A, B, C, . . . ) are repeated across the bot-
tom of the map. This makes it easier to track a column or row of the grid.
Each square on the grid represents the intersection of a letter and a number.
For example, the railroad bridge runs from E4 to F4.

Place the letter coordinate first when describing a square on

a map grid: use A1 or D4, rather than 1A or 4D. (The same
system is used when describing cells in a table.)

Segregating a section of a map becomes much easier with a map grid. Sup-
pose you are a realtor selling a house. You can tell interested buyers that the
house lies within F8 of the Lake Lincoln Neighborhood Map. Figure 3-5
shows a map grid superimposed over the Lake Lincoln Neighborhood.
But what if you are looking for a point of interest outside your neighbor-
hood? You could turn to an atlas of street maps (an atlas is a collection of
maps) covering an entire county. Now your search grows more complicated,
because you might be looking through perhaps 200 maps.
Fortunately, once a map includes a map grid, another tool becomes avail-
able: An index of the map. A map index alphabetically lists everything that ap-
pears on a map, including streets and items of special interest. The following
often have their own sections in a map index:

■ Airports
■ Cemeteries
■ Churches and other houses of worship
■ Parks
■ Police stations
■ Post offices
■ Schools

finding your way in the world 43

Figure 3-5: A map grid superimposed on the Lake Lincoln Neighborhood Map

44 visual communication
Figure 3-6 is an excerpt of an index from a road map atlas.

Block City Pg Grid

Aband Road North 200 Phillips Ranch 14 G9

Abrams Street West 1100 Dumont 23 C4

Abrams Street West 1700 Dumont 23 B4

Abrams Street West 2600 Silver Rock 22 G4

Figure 3-6: A typical map index

You have probably guessed that Pg means page. Have you guessed why a
street’s block is displayed so prominently in an index? Cities and towns may
have streets that run for miles; you, however, only need the location of a sin-
gle block. The block numbers serve to narrow your search.
Here are several more tips for reading a map index:

■ Some blocks do not appear in the index (for example, Abrams Street West
■ A street may appear on several pages of an atlas (Abrams Street West)
■ A street may run through more than one city (Abrams Street West)

Most published maps have a copyright date, the date when the
publisher registered the content of the map or atlas with the
Library of Congress. A map or atlas copyright date—usually
printed on the first or second page of an atlas—tells you when
the map’s information was last updated. A recent update is
particularly important for road maps representing rapidly grow-
ing areas. A three-year-old road map cannot include newly
built neighborhoods or the highways and streets that service

finding your way in the world 45


TO SQUEEZE AS much information as possible onto a page, mapmakers use

symbols to represent man-made and natural objects. Figure 3-7 lists the sym-
bols used in the Lake Lincoln Neighborhood Map.


Railroad tracks









Train station


Parking lot

Figure 3-7: Common map symbols

46 visual communication
Although topographical maps share many of the same symbols, the symbols
vary slightly from map publisher to map publisher and between topographi-
cal and special maps.

special maps

S PECIAL MAPS ARE also called special interest maps. There seem to be as many
topics for special maps as there are fields of human study. Special maps may il-
lustrate areas of disease, minerals, population, and income. Look at Figure 3-8—
there are no symbols for churches, railroad tracks, or mountains. Instead, this
map highlights the population of Michigan by county.

Figure 3-8: A special map

Source: American Fact Finder and the United States Census Bureau

In Chapter 2, you learned that legends explain the symbols used in a chart.
Map legends do the same. Effective legends squeeze a wealth of valuable in-
formation in a small space. For example, the Michigan map legend explains
the following:

finding your way in the world 47

■ Which shades represent what population in each county
■ What measurement the map uses (persons per square mile)
■ The meaning of gray areas
■ The symbols for bodies of water
■ The symbol for major roads

The information captured in the Michigan map could be presented in at

least three other ways: As paragraphs of text, as bars in a chart, or as text and
numbers in a table. The table version of the Michigan map appears in Figure
4-7 in Chapter 4 on pages 73–74.

relief maps

R ELIEF MAPS INCORPORATE features of both topographical and special

maps. As do topographical maps, relief maps often represent the capitol and
major cities of a region, as well as some highways and borders. But relief maps
also display information we might expect to see in a special map: The texture
of the earth’s surface. They show the depth of the water along a shoreline or
the height of a mountain range. Relief maps do this by representing elevation,
the measurement of land’s height above or depth below sea level.
A relief map implies a great deal about an area. Figure 3-9 represents Japan
as a country with many mountains and low-lying coastal areas. Perhaps because
of its coastlines, fishing is an important industry for the Japanese. Perhaps be-
cause of its many mountainous areas, farming must be concentrated away from
the mountains or conducted in terraces.

map tools

N OTICE THAT ALTHOUGH the map shown in Figure 3-9 appears to be miss-
ing a legend—some maps don’t label their legends—a tool at the lower right
corner of the map may translate shades to elevations. This tool is an elevation
bar. For example, the darkest shade may signify an elevation (or depth) of
2,000 meters (6,560 feet) below sea level.

48 visual communication
Figure 3-9: A relief map of Japan
Source: Library of Congress, Geography and Map Division

The scale bar translates the distance on a map to the equivalent distance
on the earth. Most scale bars measure distances in meters and feet or kilome-
ters and miles, depending on the scale of the map.

finding your way in the world 49

place name designations

E VEN THE METHOD published maps

apply to names provides more than A scale bar becomes easier to use and
meets the eye. As you would expect, more exact when combined with a sim-
continents, countries, oceans, and seas ple piece of string. Lay a string along the
are printed in the largest type. Smaller path between two places to measure
features, such as lakes and counties, are their distance apart—don’t worry if the
printed in smaller types. For example, path curves or zigzags. Then, while
because the mammoth Rocky Moun- holding the string to preserve the cor-
tains extend across several states, the rect length, lay the string along the scale
type used to label the mountain range bar. Now you can read the exact dis-
dwarfs the label for the state of Oregon tance, rather than guessing. This tech-
or the city of Portland. nique eliminates guessing because your
Some maps print bodies of water (e.g., path twists through or around natural
rivers and harbors) in italic and some- features, such as mountains or rivers.
times blue type, to distinguish them from
the names of land objects. Figure 3-10
lists one way the size and importance of cities and towns can be portrayed on a
map. Notice that a careful reading of city names reveals whether a city is the
capital of a country, state, or county.


B ECAUSE THE EARTH is round and maps are flat, world maps traditionally fail
to accurately capture the earth’s features. Sometimes flat world maps distort the
size of continents or the distances between countries. For a true visual un-
derstanding of relationships between continents and oceans and the ice packs
at the poles, for example, globes remain the best answer.
With the immense size of the earth—approximately 24,000 miles in diam-
eter at its widest—mapmakers struggled to divide the planet into manageable
pieces. The next sections present the tools they created to do just that.

50 visual communication
Figure 3-10: Finding clues in place names


Latitude lines (or parallels) are imaginary lines drawn from east to west on the
globe. Latitude lines measure the distance between the earth’s two poles: the
North Pole and the South Pole. Each latitude is parallel to the line above it or
the line below it, meaning each line is an equal distance apart. Figure 3-11
shows examples of latitude lines.


One latitude line is key to our understanding of the global grid. Wrapping east
to west around the earth’s center, this parallel remains the same distance from
the south and north poles. It is called the equator. You can find the equator
on a globe by looking for a latitude line marked with zero degrees (0°). Lat-
itude lines above the equator are northern latitudes. Those below are southern lat-
itudes. Figure 3-11 also displays the equator, as well as the northern and
southern latitudes.

finding your way in the world 51


While latitude lines are drawn from east to west, longitudinal lines are drawn
from the North Pole to the South Pole. Rather than being parallel, longitude
(or longitudinal) lines curve: They are widest apart at the equator and converge
at the poles. Figure 3-11 shows examples of longitude lines.

global grid

Of course, parallels drawn east to west and meridians drawn north to south will
eventually intersect on a round object such as the earth. Intersecting parallels
and meridians form imaginary “squares” across the surface of the earth. As a
group, these squares are named the global grid.
Remember the grid superimposed over the Lake Lincoln Neighborhood
Map? The global grid performs the identical function on a larger scale, en-
abling you to locate a spot anywhere on earth—as long as you know its lati-
tude and longitude. Navigation by air and sea relies on the global grid.
If you ask a friend to drop by the supermarket on Hill and Roscoe, you have
probably provided the only information she requires to find the store. But how
would you help her find the Hawaiian Islands? By telling her to look between
15° and 30° North (latitude) and 150° and 165° West (longitude), you have
specified a unique square on the global grid.

52 visual communication
Figure 3-11: Describing the earth with the global grid

finding your way in the world 53

Scale Written As Locates

Degrees 21°N, 158°W Oahu

Minutes 21°18’N, 157°52’W Honolulu

Seconds 21°19’07”N, 157°55’21”W Honolulu International Airport

Figure 3-12: Pinpointing with minutes and seconds

If your friend wants to find the Hawaiian island of Oahu, however, citing
the latitude and longitude alone is not specific enough. Even a single square
on the global grid encompasses a large chunk of the earth.
To more accurately describe places on earth, the global grid squares are
sliced into smaller pieces named minutes and seconds. If you divide a square
by 60, you create minutes. If you divide one minute by 60, you create seconds.
Figure 3-12 demonstrates how to pinpoint a place with minutes and seconds
(latitude written first).
Here is another example: If you travel to 34°09’05”N and 118°09’49”W
on New Year’s Day afternoon, you will be surrounded by college football
fans, because those are the coordinates of Pasadena’s Rose Bowl. The coor-
dinates 34°09’05”N and 118°09’49”W are read “thirty-four degrees, nine
minutes and five seconds north and one-hundred-eighteen degrees, nine
minutes and forty-nine seconds west.” These coordinates sound pretty offi-
cial, don’t they?

prime meridian

As the longitudinal lines were drawn between the north and south poles, map
makers struggled with a problem: There must be a longitudinal line marked
0°, just as there is a latitudinal line (the equator) marked 0°. That longitudi-
nal line would separate east from west and split the earth into eastern and west-
ern hemispheres. Where should that line be drawn?
In 1884, an international agreement fixed the longitudinal line to be
marked 0°. The meridian running through Greenwich, England (running

54 visual communication
through the Royal Astronomical Observatory) would be 0° and named the
prime meridian.

time zones

As the earth spins on its axis, the sun covers half of the globe in sunshine while
the side away from the sun waits in darkness. So that adjacent strips of the earth
would have the same clock time as the world rotates, the globe is divided into
24 time zones, one zone for each hour of the day as shown in Figure 3-13.
For example, if you live in Chicago, Illinois, and your clock reads 1 P.M., your
client’s clock to the south, in Memphis, Tennessee, reads 1 P.M. So would every
other clock in the Central Time Zone. The continental United States (from
Maine to California) has four time zones. Alaska and Hawaii stretch into fifth
and sixth time zones.

Figure 3-13: International Time Zones and the International Date Line

Figure 3-14 defines how a moment in time would appear on clocks within
cities in the four time zones covering the continental United States.

finding your way in the world 55

Time Zone City Time

Eastern Boston, Massachusetts 10:07 A.M.

Central New Orleans, Louisiana 9:07 A.M.

Mountain Denver, Colorado 8:07 A.M.

Pacific San Francisco, California 7:07 a.m.

Figure 3-14: What time is it?

the International Date Line

As the earth spins, one time zone after another turns from darkness to sunlight.
Eventually Monday must become Tuesday, then Wednesday. Where does this
happen? It happens exactly halfway around the world from the prime merid-
ian, along a single, imaginary line drawn from the North Pole through the Pa-
cific Ocean. Called the International Date Line, the line really isn’t a line
at all—at least not a straight line. To avoid separating countries and groups of
islands, the International Date Line actually zigzags.
Here is how the International Date Line works. You are a businessperson
flying from Seattle, Washington, to Seoul, South Korea. You take off on
Monday morning, Seattle time. Once the airplane crosses the International
Date Line, Monday becomes Tuesday, even if your watch reads Monday, 2 P.M.

56 visual communication
atlas—a collection of maps, usually in book form

compass—a tool that shows direction; a compass’s needle always points


compass point—a direction on a compass, for example, nw (northwest)

copyright date—the date when a work (for example, a map) was published

elevation—a measurement of an object’s height above or depth below sea


elevation bar—a tool that translates the shading of a relief map into eleva-

equator—latitude line equal distance from the north and south poles; the
equator is 0°

global grid—a pattern composed of imaginary squares laid upon the earth;
the global grid is formed by the intersection of latitude and longitude lines

grid—a pattern composed of squares, formed by intersecting lines

index—an alphabetical listing of streets or points of interest on a map; an in-

dex occurs at the back of a map or a book of maps

international date line—a zigzagging line drawn from the north pole to the
south pole, through the pacific ocean, to separate one day from another

latitude—imaginary and parallel lines that run east and west; also called par-

legend—a key that explains symbols

longitude—imaginary lines that run north and south, from one pole to an-
other; also called meridians

prime meridian—meridian (or longitude) running through Greenwich, Eng-

land; the prime meridian is 0° longitude

finding your way in the world 57

reference maps—another name for topographical maps

relief maps—maps that represent the texture of the earth’s surface

road maps—a maps used by travelers

scale bar—a tool that converts the distance on a map to actual distance

special interest—another name for special maps

symbol—an object used to represent something else

time zone—one of 24 divisions of the earth; within a time zone, all clocks
show the same time

58 visual communication
What to Avoid

Here is a different approach to understanding maps. These are the

things to avoid when creating (or selecting) a map.

Avoid: For Example: Or the Reader Might Ask:

1. Creating a A Map of Cleveland What does it tell me

nondescriptive title about Cleveland?

2. Omitting a legend Is this a highway or a

county border?

3. Making symbols Is that a railroad or a

complicated and rest stop?
unlike symbols used
in other maps

4. Disregarding the Is this post office really

value of scale the size of the football

5. Choosing different Chicago New York isn’t the

type sizes when NEW YORK capitol of anything,
designating similar is it?

6. Crashing labels over Is this an L or the side

land formations of a mountain?

7. Ignoring colors Could this ocean really

commonly used to be yellow?
represent the earth’s

8. Making your readers Isn’t North Cedar

struggle without a grid Avenue supposed to
be here somewhere?

9. Saving time by not This city has only one

creating an index school?

10. Forgetting the intent Why do I need county

of the map lines to grasp the
habitat of coyotes?

finding your way in the world 59

➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. Team up with a partner and sit back to back. Have
one of you describe in detail how to travel from
where you live to where you buy groceries, while
the other draws an accurate map of what you are
describing. Make an appropriate scale, such as 1
inch = 1 mile. The person describing the route
traveled must be very specific about directions and
distances. Compare the finished map with the
spoken directions. How could the map be
2. The following questions refer to Figure 3-8. How
many Michigan counties have 224–3356 persons
per square mile? How does the Michigan map
show bodies of water? What kind of businesses or
government agencies might use the Michigan
population map?

60 visual communication
Tracking Information

on July 25, 2000, an Air France Con-

corde—one of only 12 supersonic pas-
senger airplanes in the world—took off
from Paris. The Concordes had an en-
viable safety record—no Concorde had
➧ Form
ever crashed. Yet seconds after takeoff,
➧ Checksheet
flames erupted from beneath this Con-
➧ Log
corde’s left wing. Almost immediately,
➧ Table
the airplane, the pride of Air France,
➧ Spreadsheet
crashed into a hotel in Gonesse, France.
Several people in Gonesse were killed,
as was everyone aboard the Concorde:
A total of 113 deaths.
Investigators immediately targeted the
service records of the downed airplane.
Had any critical parts been replaced?

tracking information 61
What had been serviced recently? Was there anything to suggest a problem with
the left wing? That Concorde’s records—including many pieces of visual com-
munication—were about to undergo intense scrutiny under the spotlight of a
national inquiry.
So far, you have studied how to absorb and interpret information in the
form of maps. This chapter examines the visual communication formats de-
signed to retain and report information: Forms and tables. You will also take
a brief look at the structure and power of spreadsheets—a sophisticated form
of electronic table prevalent throughout the business world.
As the Information Age matures into the More Information Age, organi-
zations struggle to find a balance between the value of information and the in-
vestment (staff time and tools) required to gather and report that information.
The subjects of this chapter—forms, tables, and spreadsheets—are ideal visual
communication tools for gathering and reporting information.

grainville baking company

YOU WILL NOTICE examples in this chapter from the Grainville Baking
Company. These examples form a case study of a business exploiting visual
communication to better conduct and—later—grow its business.
The Grainville Baking Company specializes in healthy gourmet baked
goods. Through their three locations in Colorado, the company owners, the
Molina family, serve an expanding clientele. Along with other examples, the
Grainville case study presents the advantages of visual communication in the
real world.


F ORMS ARE PRINTED documents featuring blank areas to be completed

with information. Notice the printed documents phrase of that definition. Or-
ganizations benefit from distributing printed forms because each user (at least
theoretically) enters similar information in the same place on the same docu-
ment, simplifying the processing and comparison of that information.
Figure 4-1 is a form common to job seekers: an employment application.

62 visual communication
Figure 4-1: A sample employment form

tracking information 63
Although forms are completed with text and numbers, forms are still crea-
tures of visual communication. In fact, the most successful forms are designed
as carefully as an effective chart, table, or map—employing colors, shapes, and
logical organization to lead a user from the first step to last. The payoff is that
well-designed forms save money: Users spend less time completing them (and
avoiding completing them) and management spends less time reviewing them.
Less time is also spent showing employees how to complete well-designed

Designing a full-page form on a computer quickly evolves

into a complex task. You can simplify the design process with
a little low-tech planning. Try sketching the form first with
pencil and paper. When you have sketched the basic con-
struction, transfer your design to the computer.

creating well-designed forms

A NSWER THESE FOUR questions before you design a form:

■ Who do I want to use this form?

■ What is the purpose of this form?
■ Am I asking for the correct amount of information (enough, but not too
■ Where will the form be completed: at an office computer? on a clipboard
in the field?

To reduce paper and storage costs, many organizations now generate forms
online. Well-designed forms, however, share the same characteristics—
whether they exist in digital or paper format. Figure 4-2 offers six guidelines
to create effective forms.

64 visual communication
Guideline Comments

State why the information ◆ Users are more likely to complete the
requested is needed. form if they understand why the
information is required.
◆ Users are more able to offer feed-
back on the form and the currency of
the information gathered.
Ensure that the form is The form should offer:
easy to complete ◆ Obvious places for specific
◆ Ample space

Edit instructions until they ◆ Avoid abbreviations in instructions.

are clear. ◆ Assume the user is seeing this form
for the first time.
Use colors and shades to separate Even if a form will be printed in black
sections of the form. and white, use shades of grays to seg-
regate the following areas:
◆ Instructions
◆ Optional areas
◆ Areas completed by someone other
than the user
Test the form on your audience. ◆ Ask several potential users (who
have had no part in the creation of
the form) to complete the form.
◆ Note where their information is at
odds with what you expected.
Revisit the form. After the form has been in service,
analyze the results of the form, asking
yourself these questions:
◆ Are users confused at certain points
of the form (does the form have
cross outs or erasures)?
◆ Do you need all the information you
initially asked for?
◆ Is the form still needed?
◆ Can the form be combined with an-
other form?

Figure 4-2: Guidelines for creating successful forms

tracking information 65
How well did the form shown in Figure 4-1 meet these guidelines?
As the Grainville Baking Company staff has grown, Benjamin Molina, the
Executive Baker, has created tools to help staff members track their work and
report any opportunities for improving the Grainville Baking Company prod-
uct. A primary tool is the checksheet.


YOU PROBABLY ALREADY use a popular form of checksheet (or checklist),

commonly referred to as a to do list. An electronic personal data assistants (PDAs)
may hold your to do list, or you may maintain your list using paper and pen-
cil. Whatever medium you use, the format of a to do list remains simple: A
list of tasks and (usually) a place to mark when they are completed.
Mark Molina, Grainville Baking Company’s president, has two rules for his
daily to do list:

1. He writes his own list.

2. Items he is unable to complete during one day move to the top of to-
morrow’s list.

Figure 4-3 contains one of Mark’s to do lists.

Mark’s To Do List
April 21, 2002

Task Complete
Resolve contractor’s fees ❏
Decide on all hardware and signage ❏
Get schedule for final inspection ❏
Double check flour price increase with distributor ❏
Finalize grand opening plans with marketing consultant ❏
Assign research of location for new store in Colorado Springs ❏
Attend first meeting to select new accounting system software ❏

Figure 4-3: A sample to do list

66 visual communication
Resolving contractor’s fees dominates this day’s to do list, although another
day’s list will be completely different.
You may recognize Mark’s to do list as a basic two-column, eight-row table.
Mark uses check boxes in his list. The list brings a powerful organizing tool to
each day—a reminder that the simplicity of a checksheet bears no relationship
to the importance of the data it tracks.
Of course, checksheets are not limited to small business management. Other
checksheets help:

■ Students remember what classes must be completed to earn a college degree

■ Technicians follow the correct order when disassembling a turbine
■ Writers avoid common mistakes when submitting a paper
■ Coordinators plan a week-long conference

Figure 4-4 presents the checksheet an Alaskan family keeps to ensure its car
is earthquake ready. Thoroughly completing this checksheet might save some-
one’s life.

Last Date
Item Complete Checked

Gas tank full Regularly

Car mechanically sound 1/02

First aid kit 2/02

Several days of family medicine in first aid kit 12/01

Fresh water 12/01

Nonperishable food 10/01

Tool kit, including rope and gloves 1/02

Portable flashlight and radio with fresh batteries 10/01

Two clean blankets 11/01

Figure 4-4: An earthquake readiness checksheet

tracking information 67
So how do you differentiate a form from a checksheet? Checksheets most
often benefit a single individual. Forms are usually designed for multiple users
and are usually more formal documents than checksheets, in part because
forms are often an organization’s way to ensure that some activity or process
has been completed correctly or that all required information has been col-
lected. In addition, a checksheet might suggest a series of steps, while a form
carries the weight of an organization’s policy and must often be approved by
several layers of management. Finally, while checksheets are often discarded
once they have guided an individual through a process, completed forms are
often retained by organizations to prove actions were taken.
As you saw in Figure 4-1, forms may contain brief checksheets within
them. The checklists in Figure 4-1 (How did you hear about this vacancy? and Eth-
nicity) allow the applicant to check the round circles beside each option or add
required information. Circles and checkboxes are used to reduce the time a
user spends completing a form or checksheet.


C OUNTLESS MACHINES LABOR to support the technologies surrounding us.

These machines need to be inspected and maintained regularly, particularly be-
cause of their effect on a business’ productivity, the quality and safety of its
products, and the health of its workers. Logs are frequently the chosen medium
for recording the inspection, repair, and servicing of machines.
A log is a journal of actions performed at regular internals. A log might

■ Servicing a truck
■ Maintaining a public pool
■ Amount and kind of fish caught in a lake
■ Length and number of transmissions made by an amateur radio operator

Many logs are subject to audit by government regulators, and, by law, some
types of logs must be retained for years after they are completed. How precisely
a log complies with city or county regulations can decide whether an organ-
ization receives a license or permit renewal, particularly if a renewal is open

68 visual communication
to public debate. For especially critical logs, regulations prohibit the log from
being completed in pencil and prohibit blank pages or lines.
Figure 4-5 contains a sample log used to record the maintenance of the fork-
lift in the Grainville Baking Company’s warehouse.
A log might record actions performed during:

■ Each shift (as in Figure 4-5)

■ Each day
■ Each week
■ Each month
■ Every six months
■ Each year

Logs excel at recording consistent information over time, providing organ-

izations a body of knowledge on which to evaluate its procedures. Upon re-
view of two years of maintenance records, Grainville Baking Company might
decide to perform engine inspections more often. Or a government agency
noticing an increase in burns from battery leakage might require more frequent
battery inspections.
Consequently, government agencies enforcing national and local re-
quirements often dictate the content (and sometimes the format) of a log

Figure 4-5: A sample maintenance log

Source: Courtesy of Log Books Unlimited,, 1-877-LOG-BOOK

tracking information 69
The airline industry is only one industry required to maintain detailed
records describing the frequency and complexity of service to vehicles
transporting the public.
You probably noticed that the log shown in Figure 4-5 is really a complex
table. Notice also that this log—as do many logs—tracks the person adding in-
formation as well as the information being added. Other logs require the sig-
nature of each person entering information. The log in Figure 4-5 succeeds
particularly well in showing exactly where information should be entered and
in labeling the purpose of the log (Pre-Shift Inspection—Daily).

completing a log

When completing a log, hunt for clues hinting at what you are expected to
enter. For example, the columns under Visual Checks and Operational Checks
in Figure 4-5 are too narrow to enter even single words. The log must expect
the user to insert a symbol or abbreviation to prove that an item has been in-
spected. Examine Figure 4-5 and you will see a legend at the bottom of the
page explaining precisely what symbols are acceptable for entry in the in-
spection columns. Notice that the spaces following In: and Out: along the
right edge of the log are too brief for long notations. The log must be asking
for times such as 8:10 A.M. or 2:35 P.M.
And how does our imaginary dividing line separate forms and checksheets
from logs? Logs gather information to be retained and referred to later, per-
haps as proof of equipment inspections. Logs often detail a sequence of
events—such as a year of elevator maintenance—while forms capture a group
of related data—such as an employee’s emergency contact information.


E ACH MONTH , Benjamin Molina, the Grainville Baking Company’s Execu-

tive Baker, receives an informal “Headache Report” from each store. The
monthly report describes shortcomings in each store’s product and the cause
of the shortcomings. Here is a sample report from the Denver store.

70 visual communication
Monday’s 2/4/02 croissant receipts dropped 33 percent because
first two batches were singed by morning shift. Conveyor belt broke
during night shift, stopping production of whole wheat donuts on
Wednesday 2/13/02 and reducing morning receipts 15 percent.
Spoilage of sliced almonds from warehouse eliminated almond crois-
sants from Tuesday 2/19/02 night shift production, although mak-
ing extra chocolate croissants resulted in no lost receipts. Broken
water line during Friday 2/15/02 afternoon shift dropped lunch re-
ceipts 25 percent. Refrigeration display case stopped working Thurs-
day 2/28/02 morning shift, turning cream pastries into free samples.

Next month, Benjamin e-mailed his three managers a sample table and
wrote that he would prefer Headache Reports in that table format. The tab-
ular Headache Report can be seen in Figure 4-6.
Which report would you rather receive each month?
Notice that abbreviations are more common in tables than regular text
(33% rather than 33 percent) and that well-written column headings can reduce
the number of words needed in the table. For example, by having the Effect on
Receipts heading, that phrase need not be repeated for each entry in the col-
umn (Effect on Receipts was a drop of 33%).

March 2002 Headache Report—Denver Store

Date Day Shift Headache Effect on Receipts

2/4/02 Monday Morning Singed croissants Drop of 33%


2/13/02 Wednesday Night Broken conveyor belt Drop of 15%

2/15/02 Friday Afternoon Broken water main Drop of 15%

2/19/02 Tuesday Night Spoiled almonds Receipts normal

2/28/02 Thursday Morning Broken refrigeration No receipts from

case cream pastries

Figure 4-6: The Headache Report in tabular form

tracking information 71
Avoid using all capital letters (EFFECT ON RECEIPTS) in col-
umn and row labels. Not only are all capital letters more dif-
ficult to read, but using initial cap formatting (Effect on
Receipts) will often save you critically needed table space.

Receiving the Headache Reports in table format better enabled Benjamin

to spot patterns in the information. He noticed that repeated mechanical fail-
ures were affecting production at the Colorado Springs store. After receiving
Mark’s agreement, Benjamin began replacing that equipment. So as a piece of
visual communication, the Headache Report table (Figure 4-6) illustrates the
ultimate goal of visual communication in business: A clear and condensed
presentation of information so that an informed business decision can be

Descriptive titles are as important for tables as they are for

maps. Particularly in longer documents with many tables, read-
ers skim table titles to see if they need the information within.

As you have seen in this chapter, forms build on the column-and-row for-
mat of a table. This isn’t surprising, given that there are an unlimited variety
of tables. Figure 4-7, for example, is the tabular equivalent to the Michigan
population map in Chapter 3. Figure 4-7 contains a great deal of information,
but it presents that information well.

72 visual communication
2000 Michigan
Total Population 9,938,444
Alcona County 11,719 Iosco County 27,339
Alger County 9,862 Iron County 13,138
Allegan County 105,665 Isabella County 63,351
Alpena County 31,314 Jackson County 158,422
Antrim County 23,110 Kalamazoo County 238,603
Arenac County 17,269 Kalkaska County 16,571
Baraga County 8,746 Kent County 574,335
Barry County 56,755 Keweenaw County 2,301
Bay County 110,157 Lake County 11,333
Benzie County 15,998 Lapeer County 87,904
Berrien County 162,453 Leelanau County 21,119
Branch County 45,787 Lenawee County 98,890
Calhoun County 137,985 Livingston County 156,951
Cass County 51,104 Luce County 7,024
Charlevoix County 26,090 Mackinac County 11,943
Cheboygan County 26,448 Macomb County 788,149
Chippewa County 38,543 Manistee County 24,527
Clare County 31,252 Marquette County 64,634
Clinton County 64,753 Mason County 28,274
Crawford County 14,273 Mecosta County 40,553
Delta County 38,520 Menominee County 25,326
Dickinson County 27,472 Midland County 82,874
Eaton County 103,655 Missaukee County 14,478
Emmet County 31,437 Monroe County 145,945
Genesee County 436,141 Montcalm County 61,266
Gladwin County 26,023 Montmorency County 10,315
Gogebic County 17,370 Muskegon County 170,200
Grand Traverse County 77,654 Newaygo County 47,874
Gratiot County 42,285 Oakland County 1,194,156
Hillsdale County 46,527 Oceana County 26,873
Houghton County 36,016 Ogemaw County 21,645
Huron County 36,079 Ontonagon County 7,818
Ingham County 279,320 Osceola County 23,197
Ionia County 61,518 Oscoda County 9,418

tracking information 73
Otsego County 23,301 Schoolcraft County 8,903
Ottawa County 238,314 Shiawassee County 71,687
Presque Isle County 14,411 Tuscola County 58,266
Roscommon County 25,469 Van Buren County 76,263
Saginaw County 210,039 Washtenaw County 322,895
St. Clair County 164,235 Wayne County 2,061,162
St. Joseph County 62,422 Wexford County 30,484
Sanilac County 44,547

Figure 4-7: Population density in Michigan by county

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Census 2000 Redistricting Data (P.L. 94-171)

Besides displaying data, tables have a crucial role on websites. Websites often
use tables to organize text and graphics, even though the table cells are invisible.

A table must present its data more clearly and more quickly than a
text description of the same information, or there is no reason to
construct the table.


O NE SIGNIFICANT FEATURE driving the sales of early personal computers

was their ability to run electronic spreadsheets. By freeing spreadsheets from
handwritten ledgers and, more recently, from the accounting department’s
huge mainframes, the personal computer gave the power of analysis—and the
graphical presentation of that analysis—to workers in a variety of organizations
and departments.
Accountants and financial officials had created paper spreadsheets for hun-
dreds of years—the term spreadsheet comes from the oversized sheets of pa-
per used. So what features of the electronic spreadsheet caused even the most
traditional cost managers to turn their backs on the paper spreadsheet? Here
are several:

74 visual communication
■ Specialized tools allow users to enter numbers faster than if they were typ-
ing each number
■ Users quickly highlight data with a variety of fonts, sizes, and colors
without having to rewrite the data
■ Users apply formulas (or functions) to their data
■ Users test what if scenarios without reentering huge amounts of data
■ Users link spreadsheets to other spreadsheets, allowing data to be auto-
matically summarized, even if some data is updated later
■ Users create charts based on data already entered in the spreadsheet
■ Users lock some spreadsheet functions, so that they can send clients a
spreadsheet without allowing the client to view private formulas
■ Users build enormous spreadsheets (up to 16 million individual cells,
which is nearly the size of a football field)

Further increasing the value of electronic spreadsheets is a user’s ability to

attach a spreadsheet as an e-mail attachment.

meeting Microsoft Excel

C URRENTLY, THE MOST popular spreadsheet application is Microsoft Excel. The

opening screen of Excel is shown in Figure 4-8. (If you use Excel, your opening
screen may vary somewhat, depending on what version you use and how you
have customized the application.) Of course, entire instruction guides—often
lengthy books—are written about Excel,
so this brief description will only attempt
to present an overview of a widespread In your hurry to complete and distrib-
visual communication tool. ute your work, don’t forget to use your

Much like an iceberg, Excel’s power spreadsheet application’s header and

rests beneath the surface. After all, at first footer capability to clearly mark print-
glance, Excel’s opening screen resembles a outs with the spreadsheet’s title. And
large, but familiar, table with a number of because spreadsheets are frequently
odd icons. Where is the power here? revised multiple times, place the date

You might think of Excel’s features as in a header or footer to clearly mark

grouped in a series of layers, one laid over the current version.
the other, as shown in Figure 4-9. You

tracking information 75
Figure 4-8: Excel’s opening screen

choose a layer of features only when, and if, you need them. For example, Excel
offers more than 220 functions (or formulas), but many users never need more
than the four basic functions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
Of course, Figure 4-9 only represents a concept. You can actually format text and
numbers and cells at the same time with Excel.

Here is a brief list of the key elements in Excel’s opening screen. Some you
will recognize from your knowledge of tables:

■ Active cell—the cell currently selected

■ Cell reference—the coordinates that describe the cell; if you highlight
more than one cell, the cell reference is the first cell selected
■ Column headings—these not only label the columns, column headings
are tools for widening and narrowing column width

76 visual communication
Figure 4-9: One way to think of Excel’s features

tracking information 77
■ Formula bar—the space where formulas are entered; notice the equal
sign to the left
■ Row headings—siblings of column headings, these are tools for length-
ening or shortening the height of rows
■ Scroll arrow—moves the display left or right (or up and down, de-
pending on which scroll arrow you use) by small amounts to reveal other
areas of the spreadsheet
■ Scroll box—moves the display left or right (or up and down, depend-
ing on which scroll arrow you use) by large amounts to reveal other ar-
eas of the spreadsheet
■ Sheet tabs—moves you from one spreadsheet to another; these tabs can
be easily renamed to describe each spreadsheet

A word processing document may have many pages. Equally so, an Excel
workbook may have many spreadsheets. For example, a Grainville Baking
Company workbook titled Grainville Equip 2002.xls may contain four spread-
sheets. They are named:

■ Headquarters
■ Aspen Store
■ Denver Store
■ Warehouse

This structure—workbooks holding multiple spreadsheets—makes it easier

to track information and reduce the number of files.
Figure 4-10 presents the file used to create the pie chart seen in Figure 2-11.
Beside the chart is the raw data on which the chart is based. To create a chart
in Excel, information must first be entered as a table. Then, using the Chart
Wizard, you can build a variety of charts based on that data. Because the Chart
Wizard works so quickly, you can try one chart after another to see which type
best presents your data. The Chart Wizard even offers variations of chart
types: You can create two- or three-dimensional versions of line charts or bar
graphs or column graphs.
You might ask if all this variety is necessary. But as you will discover in the
next two chapters, not all charts are created equal.

78 visual communication
Figure 4-10: A spreadsheet view of Figure 2-11

checksheet—a type of form often used to help an individual complete a task

form—a printed or electronic document featuring blank areas to be com-

pleted with information

log—a journal of actions performed at regular internals

spreadsheet—an electronic table capable of storing great amounts of data,

manipulating that data, and creating charts from that data

tracking information 79
Choosing Between a Spreadsheet or a Table:
A Comparison of Ten Common Tasks

Tool for the Job

Task Spreadsheet Table

Create a basic table quickly ✔

Format text to match the rest of a document ✔

Enter great amounts of numerical data ✔

Send data to client who is not computer savvy ✔

Use data to create a chart ✔

Calculate totals or percentages ✔

Hide data or formulas from user ✔

Use bullets to set off secondary items ✔

Use footnotes to explain items ✔

Sort data by a variety of keys ✔

➧➧➧ learning on your own

1. Study one or two forms from school or work.
Based on your reading of this chapter, how would
you improve these forms?
2. List 12 circumstances where you could effectively
use or create tables.
3. In a spreadsheet, why might you hide data or
formulas from a client?

80 visual communication
Explaining Data
➧ Pie chart
➧ Fill
➧ Pattern
➧ Donut chart
➧ Data labels
➧ Gridlines
➧ Plot area
➧ Exploded charts
➧ Bar chart letty Schiff, Grainville Baking Com-
➧ Stacked bar chart pany’s chief financial officer, has a gift
➧ Deviation bar chart for scouring a mountain of data and
➧ Clustered bar chart
finding a gem: A fact or number or
➧ Horizontal bar chart
➧ Range bar chart
trend that clarifies and illuminates the
➧ Side-by-side bar chart many decisions Grainville’s manage-
➧ Stacked (3-D) bar chart ment must make. Given the increasing
➧ Stacked column chart speed of business, less and less time can
➧ Column chart (histogram)
be spent gathering information before
➧ Pareto chart
➧ Trend those decisions must be made. In fact,
➧ Combination chart Grainville Baking Company is actually
➧ Area chart too small a company for a chief finan-
➧ Scatter chart
cial officer. Mark Molina rewarded
➧ Pictograph or symbol chart
➧ Thermometer chart Letty with that title after her charts rev-
➧ Flowchart olutionized the way the company re-
➧ Organization chart ports its status. This chapter uses many

explaining data 81
of Letty’s charts as we explore how charts explain data. Although this chapter
focuses on creating charts, understanding chart construction will help you be-
come a better consumer of charts.

keeping charts in perspective

A S YOU WORK THROUGH this chapter, you might feel you will be spending
your entire workday creating charts. You won’t! Keep these three realities in

1. Businesses are concerned with the same issues and relationships each
■ What are our profits?
■ Where are the possibilities for growth?
■ Are we containing our costs?
■ What do our customers (or clients) think of our services?
■ Are we increasing the quality of our products (or services)?
■ Is the current economic environment good or bad for our company?
■ What are the prospects for the company during the next several years?
2. Although intelligent management always searches for new ways to ex-
amine data—resulting in the creation of a variety of charts—many of the
same chart types will be continually reused. Your growing ability to dis-
cover important facts buried within piles of data will remain valuable.
3. As you devote more time to studying charts, they become easier to ab-
sorb and critique. And the more charts you create, the easier creating
charts will be.

before you chart

Precharting Questions
Even for skilled chart creators, completing an effective chart (sometimes re-
ferred to as plotting data) means some investment of time. To ensure your in-
vestment pays off, review the questions in Figure 5-1 before you begin

82 visual communication
Questions Reminders

What scale should I use for Take care not to compare millions to
my chart? Will I be charting billions or thousands to millions.
thousands of dollars or billions
of dollars?

How precise need my numbers If you are charting hundreds of

be? Will the chart be more effective millions of dollars, rounding $4.23
using $4.23 million or rounding to million to $4 million will probably not
$4 million? matter. If you are charting millions of
dollars, rounding might distort your

What interval will I be charting? Although charts frequently compare

Will it be days or weeks or years? last year’s status with the current
year’s status, many organizations
chart their progress quarterly (e.g.,
Spring 2002) or semi-annually (every
six months)

What values am I comparing? Sometimes you might not have a

Is it more crucial to track the number choice of what to track. Your
of items returned by customers or organization may track some
the dollar value of the items? activities in only one value.

What units of measurement will Use the value that best captures the
I use? Am I comparing percentages issue you want to illuminate.
or whole numbers?

How will I inject “wow” into my If your organization traditionally uses

chart? What will engage my line charts, try creating a
audience? three-dimensional (3-D) line chart.
If your company always uses pie
charts, try a donut chart.

Generally, what will my chart Having a basic mental image of your

look like? chart helps eliminate errors. With
practice, you will be able to scan
your data and anticipate the shape
of your chart.

Figure 5-1: Questions to weigh before charting

explaining data 83
titles matter

L ET ’ S RETURN FOR a moment to the Grainville 3-D pie chart shown in

Chapter 4 and in Figure 5-2 below. Figure 5-2 has an accurate title (Breakdown
of Breakfast Sales), but does that title capture the chart’s message?
Letty created the chart at Mark’s request. He was considering whether to limit
the company’s breakfast menu and wanted to know what products sold most of-
ten. When Letty handed Mark the chart, he read the title and dropped the chart
on his review pile.
Letty retitled the chart, as shown in Figure 5-3, and handed it to Mark
again. This time Mark realized why he had asked for the chart and its impor-
A chart’s title offers you an opportunity to show why the chart deserves at-
tention. A title should explain your point—the conclusion of your interpre-
tation of data—even before your audience begins absorbing the chart. Titles

Figure 5-2: An accurate but unfocused title

84 visual communication
Danish Contributes the Smallest Amount to Sales

Figure 5-3: The renamed chart

A chart’s note or caption offers an opportunity to stress your

most important point.

pie charts revisited

YOU MIGHT RECALL from Chapter 2 that pie charts excel at comparing the
size of pieces to each other and to the whole. A pie chart can also compare
one pie to another, as shown in Figure 5-4, where each pie chart represents a
different Grainville Baking Company store.

Figure 5-4: Multiple pie charts comparing like data

explaining data 85
Figure 5-5: Data basis for multiple pie charts in Figure 5-4

Here the simplicity and familiarity of a pie chart pays dividends. Do you
grasp that the charts compare the same data and highlight the same value:
Grainville’s market share? To aid comprehension, the fill color and pattern are
the same for each chart. Fill describes the color used to fill in the area of the
chart. Pattern describes a design added to a fill.
Figure 5-5 shows how the data for the three pie charts appear in Microsoft
Excel. Each chart was created separately and pasted together to create Fig-
ure 5-4.

donut charts

D ONUT CHARTS ARE pie charts, except that their “hole” offers an area for
a label. For example, in Figure 5-4, the pie charts do not include how much
the Denver store sold or how much the rest of the market sold. Many times
that kind of information isn’t key to the chart’s message, but sometimes another
piece of information seals the reader’s understanding. The donut chart can in-
clude this information.

86 visual communication
Figure 5-6: Donut charts fill the holes

For instance, Figure 5-6 shows two donut charts describing Grainville’s gross
sales over the last two years. Notice that Letty has marked each wedge with
data labels, as well as explaining the amount of sales each donut represents.
In this case, Letty used data labels to mark the percent of gross sales each slice
represents. Data labels add a specific value to a chart element.
For pie and donut charts, recent versions of Microsoft Excel offer the option
to label slices with the following information:

■ Percent the slice represents (20%)

■ Value the slice represents ($580,000)
■ Category of data the slice represents (Lunch)
■ Category and percent the slice represents (Lunch 20%)

Before we leave the popular pie and donut

charts, here is a variation of both. An ex- Microsoft Excel uses the term plot area
ploded pie or donut chart may simplify your to describe the basic area of a chart, with-
readers’ task of absorbing the chart’s informa- out its legend and title. For a donut chart,
tion. An exploded pie or exploded donut the plot area includes the donut shape,
chart has space inserted between its wedges, as well as any data labels. For a line chart,
as if it had exploded. An exploded chart may the plot area also includes the X-axis and
be 2-D or 3-D. Microsoft Excel allows you to Y-axis and the area formed by those axes.
control how far the chart explodes, as well as
the position and color of each wedge. Figure
5-7 shows an exploded version of the second chart in Figure 5-6.

explaining data 87
Figure 5-7: An exploded donut chart

bar charts

B USINESS AUDIENCES ARE familiar with bar charts—not because the bar
chart is a familiar symbol from everyday life, as the pie and donut charts are,
but because they have seen so many bar charts, in so many varieties, illustrat-
ing business data.
This chapter cannot expose you to each variety of bar chart, but the follow-
ing section offers an introduction to the bar chart family. A bar chart uses hor-
izontal bars to track data. The bar chart in Figure 5-8, a 3-D stacked bar chart,
shows the size of each segment of a whole—much as a pie or donut chart does.
Figure 5-8 shows the result of a survey conducted for Grainville Baking Com-
pany, part of its process to decide what new products would be successful. The
categories (Milk free, Egg free) are charted vertically (top to bottom) while the
values (0%, 10%) are charted horizontally (left to right). Figure 5-8 also shows
how the data appears in Microsoft Excel. (The dark lines surrounding the data is
Microsoft Excel’s way of indicating which data is being charted.) To make it easier

88 visual communication
Figure 5-8: A stacked bar chart and its data in Microsoft Excel

for readers to compare the data being presented, bar charts—and many other
chart types—include gridlines. Gridlines begin at the tick marks on an axis and
run across the plot area.
Although the pie charts in Figure 5-4 clearly compare pieces to a whole, and
compare pieces of one whole with pieces of another whole, the stacked bar
chart uses less space for its comparisons. To represent the same data in Figure
5-8 by using pie charts, you would need to create five charts!
To highlight the Not Important category, the final segments of the bars are
marked with data labels. Any or all of the segments, however, could have been
formatted with data labels. The chart might also have been formatted as a 2-D

explaining data 89
Business reporting relies a great deal on bar charts. Fortunately, bar charts can
be formatted in a great variety of ways to tell a great variety of stories. Figure
5-9 presents snapshots of the bar chart family tree.

Chart Sample

Deviation (3-D)
Clearly segregates items
with negative or positive
values, in this case, increases
or decreases in cost.

Clustered (2-D)
Groups categories
for easy comparison.

Adept at presenting multiple
variances and representing
those variances in graphics;
also allows room for
presentation of actual data

Figure 5-9: The bar chart family tree

90 visual communication
Chart Sample

Range (3-D)
As its name implies, this chart
elevates a range of values to a
single statement; by cutting
away extraneous bars (e.g.,
one representing zero to the
bottom of the range and
another representing zero to
the top of the range), the
range itself becomes clearer
and more important.

Side-by-Side (3-D)
Another name for a clustered
chart; both encourage
comparison of values within
a category; notice that, unlike
the stacked chart, these
values do not necessarily
equal 100%. (Microsoft
Excel expands or contracts
the X-axis to accommodate
the longest bar.)

Stacked (3-D)
Defines the pieces that stack
to create a whole, the whole—
the whole being 100%
in each category.

Figure 5-9 (continued)

explaining data 91
When creating a bar chart, check the distance between the bars. Some
authorities recommend having less space between bars than the width
of the bars themselves. At any rate, ensure that enough space sepa-
rates the bars so that readers can distinguish between categories.

column charts

C OLUMN CHARTS COME in many of the same varieties as bar charts. A col-
umn chart (often called a histogram) uses columns to represent data. For ex-
ample, a stacked column chart shows the relationship of pieces to a whole, just
as a stacked bar chart does. In a stacked column chart, the categories are
arranged horizontally. In a bar chart, categories are stacked vertically (Milk free,
Egg free, as in Figure 5-8). A range column chart resembles a range bar chart
turned 90 degrees. Figure 5-10 presents a stacked column chart, based on the
same data used to create the stacked bar chart in Figure 5-8.

Figure 5-10: A stacked column chart

92 visual communication
One key difference separates bar and column charts: While bar graphs are
seldom concerned with time, column charts often report how data changes
over time. Consequently, you will see column charts in everything from an-
nual reports to computer graphics programs. As an example, Figure 5-11
shows how the average amount each customers spent on dinner at the
Grainville Baking Company stores has risen over the past five years.

When creating 3-D charts, double check that your final format does
not distort your data. For example, as you change the perspective
of bars to add more or less 3-D effect, it is possible to have iden-
tical values represented by two bars of apparently different lengths.

The chart shown in Figure 5-11 shows that an effective chart can be a sim-
ple chart. Because the title tells us the chart will show the “Average Spent on
Dinner,” no data labels are required to tell us the Y-axis represents dollars. No
data labels are required for the X-axis because the numbers there obviously

Figure 5-11: A column chart tracking the changes in data over time

explaining data 93
represent calendar years, and because only one category is being tracked (the
average amount spent on dinner), no legend is required. Without labels and
legend, more space can be spared for the basic chart, allowing the columns to
be taller, wider, and more eye-catching.

Taller columns or longer bars better display small differences

in values. For example, if the columns in Figure 5-11 were half
their present height, a reader would find it difficult to discern
the difference between $8.30, $8.83, and $9.31.

Pareto charts

A PARETO CHART , a special kind of column chart, differs from other column
charts in the way it presents the values of categories. For other column charts,
any column may represent the largest value, whether that column comes first,
third, or fifth. In Pareto charts (named after Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto),
the largest value comes first, followed by the second largest, then the third, and
so on. Also, a Pareto chart focuses on how often an event occurs.

Figure 5-12: A Pareto chart ranks categories by frequency of occurrence

94 visual communication
So, what does a Pareto chart look like? Figure 5-12 shows a Pareto chart de-
scribing the reasons for product shortages at Grainville’s Denver store.
Because Pareto charts rank occurrences by frequency, they highlight which
factors or problems should be addressed first. This makes the Pareto particu-
larly valuable for organizations looking to improve product quality or customer
service. By comparing Pareto charts—for example, one looking at problems
before management takes action and a second looking at problems after man-
agement takes action—management can learn whether its actions really reduce
the problems it has targeted.

line charts revisited

Showing Trends
You learned in Chapter 2 that line charts usually demonstrate a change in data
over a period of time. Line charts work well in presenting trends (patterns in
data), and trends are a key concern for any organization. Line charts place the
interval of time along the X-axis and values along the Y-axis, as shown in Fig-
ure 5-13. In Figure 5-13, years is the interval shown and dollars per square foot
is the value.

Figure 5-13: Line charts often compare trends

explaining data 95
A great strength of line charts is their ability to present more than one trend,
as shown in Figure 5-13. A line chart carefully formatted with distinct lines
and markers can clearly display three or four trends, allowing your audience
to compare various trends. Of course, if you do decide to chart multiple
trends on one chart, some theme should unify the trends. For example, the
trends might represent:

■ Salary changes for four jobs (one line for each job)
■ Market share for three products (one line for each product)
■ Age of factory equipment (one line for each location or one line for each
type of equipment)

Whatever you present with a line chart, remember two restrictions:

1. The interval of time across the X-axis must be consistent. You must
choose only one interval, for example, days, weeks, months, or years.
2. The values along the Y-axis must share the same unit of measure, for ex-
ample, dollars, yen, or euro.

Microsoft Excel offers many tools to refine a chart. For exam-

ple, three edits reconfigured the chart in Figure 5-13 from
the version Microsoft Excel initially produced. First, each
trend line was thickened, to better differentiate it from the
gridlines. Second, the markers were enlarged. Third, the scale
of the Y-axis was reduced. Instead of showing a scale of
$0.00 to $2.00, the scale was changed to $1.00 to $2.00. This
makes it easier for readers to focus on the trends, each of
which are plotted within the range of $1.40 to $1.90.

combining line charts with other charts

I N THE ONGOING battle to keep your audience involved and thinking,

combination charts join more than one chart type to bring a fresh look to

96 visual communication
information. Figure 5-14 shows a common marriage of column and line
charts. Because both column and line charts excel at tracking changes in data
over time, the two chart types naturally fit well together. This data also could
have been presented as a side-by-side column chart. The combination chart
in Figure 5-14, however, uses a line chart to emphasize the trend in escalat-
ing amounts spent on dinner. Note that the chart creator could have for-
matted the lunch data as a line chart just as easily as the dinner data.

Figure 5-14: A combination column/line chart

area charts

A REA CHARTS RESEMBLE line charts in that they represent changes in data
over time. While line charts show trends, however, area charts show the size
of the trend. Area charts can also emphasize the relationship of one area to the
whole, similar to the pie, donut, stacked column, and bar charts.
Figure 5-15 was created based on the same data as Figure 5-13. By making
the trends more tangible, the area chart delivers a more forceful impression of

explaining data 97
the money involved in escalating prices for business space, whether leased or
owned. Area charts are less successful, however, in precisely plotting a trend
from many specific numbers. For that task, a line chart wears the crown.

Figure 5-15: A 3-D area chart

Although a well-planned chart simplifies and summarizes, it

also anticipates an audience’s question. Should the area
chart in Figure 5-15 have a note explaining what the costs of
leasing or ownership include? If the chart is part of a pres-
entation, would the explanation be better given orally? In ei-
ther case, avoid sending an audience out of a meeting with an
unanswered question. That uncertainty might neutralize the
positive effect of your chart.

98 visual communication
other common charts

O RGANIZATIONS CAN CHOOSE from hundreds of chart types and their vari-
ations. Figure 5-16 shows three common chart types you will likely see in pub-
lications and signage, as well as in the business world.

Scatter chart Pictograph or Symbol chart

Thermometer chart

Figure 5-16: A scatter, pictograph or symbol, and thermometer chart

explaining data 99

Flowcharts plot the steps or events in a process. Whether the process is complex
or simple, flowcharts are invaluable for educating people who will contribute to
the process or who will be affected by the process. Capturing verbal plans in a
flowchart checks that team members understand each step of the process and agree
what the end result will be. Distributing a basic flowchart often prompts an or-
ganization-wide discussion and involves experts throughout the organization.
Figure 5-17 presents a flowchart of the steps necessary to hire an architect
to design the new dining room for Grainville Baking Company’s Aspen store.
Seen in the context of building the dining room, the flowchart in Figure
5-17 represents only a piece of a much larger process, but this is preferable to
creating an all-encompassing flowchart that overwhelms and silences team

Figure 5-17: A flowchart captures steps or events in a process

100 visual communication

members. If a process is especially complex, it
should be broken down into easily digestible Figure 5-17 uses several com-
pieces, but each step of the process must be mon flowchart symbols. A circle
accurately captured. Here are three impor- represents a process’s starting
tant flowchart goals: or ending point; a rectangle rep-
resents a process step; a dia-
mond represents a decision to
1. To encourage discussion
be made; and arrows represent
2. To capture a process as it is
the flow of the process.
(not how it should be)
3. To hunt for ways to refine each process

organization charts

O RGANIZATION CHARTS RELY on text, shapes, and arrows—graphic ele-

ments you saw in a flowchart—to describe the interrelationships within a
group. Organization charts are usually arranged from the top down, with the
highest level of management or the most important activity or function at the
top. Although organization charts commonly represent the roles of people
within a company, organization charts can describe:

■ Accounting policies
■ Methods for judging investments
■ Strategic plans
■ Customer service philosophy
■ Networking of computers

As flowcharts should reflect how a process actually functions, so organization

charts should represent how an organization actually works. Many organization
charts include arrows leading from one position or function to another. These
arrows indicate the flow of responsibility, workflow, or order of importance.
In another similarity with flowcharts, organization charts can grow unwieldy
if they contain too much detail. Your readers will better absorb an organization
chart if it is broken into pieces, for example, one department per page, than if
they are presented with a organization-wide chart with 60 positions. Figure
5-18 contains an organization chart of a realty company.

explaining data 101

Figure 5-18: An organization chart

If you need to insert an organization chart in a presentation,

breaking the chart into smaller charts becomes a necessity. A
vast organization chart with tiny boxes and microscopic text
conveys little information to your audience.

ethics of charting

C HARTS DELIVER BAD news as well as good news. Even mature organizations
hear bad news reluctantly. It is also human nature to want to put the best pos-
sible spin on a deteriorating situation. As the person who interprets raw in-
formation and selects data for charting, you may be tempted to add a positive
interpretation to some troublesome numbers.
Remember that numbers drive the creation of the chart, not the reverse. For
example, if a line chart shows a steep drop in profit, it is because the numbers
describe that drop. There are at least two dangers to reinterpreting data to cre-
ate a rosier picture:

102 visual communication

■ You could easily lose your reputation for objectivity and professionalism
■ You could deny your organization a dose of reality

As a creator of charts, your task is not to reassure but to present easily di-
gestible information so your organization can make an informed decision.
Consider, also, that it is often bad news that rejuvenates an organization and
encourages it to find a new path toward its goals.

area chart—a chart presenting the size of a trend and the relationship of one
area to the whole

bar chart—a chart using horizontal bars to track data

clustered bar chart—a chart that groups two or more bars for easy com-

column chart—a chart using columns to represent data

combination chart—a chart mixing more than one chart type

data labels—labels that add actual values to a chart

deviation bar chart—a chart that segregates items into positive and neg-
ative values

donut chart—a chart similar to a pie chart, except with a hole at its center

exploded chart—a pie or donut chart with space inserted between its

fill—a color used to fill in the area of a chart

flowchart—a chart plotting steps, events, or activities in a process

gridlines—lines drawn across a plot area to make it easier for readers to

compare data

horizontal bar chart—a chart combining multiple horizontal bars and table
to demonstrate variances in a number of categories

explaining data 103

organization chart—a chart that uses text, shapes, and arrows to describe
the interrelationships within a group

Pareto chart—a column chart that presents data from the largest value to
the smallest

pattern—a design used to fill in the area of a chart; often combined with a fill

plot area—basic area of a chart, including the X and Y axis, as well as the
bars, columns, lines, or slices, etc., that represent data

range bar chart—a chart depicting a range in values as free-floating bars

side-by-side bar chart—another name for a clustered chart

stacked bar chart—a chart showing sectioned bars, each section repre-
senting part of the whole

trend—a pattern in data

104 visual communication

Ten Chart Elements to Check
When Proofing

Because charts are mostly graphics and numbers, it is tempting to hurry through your
proofing. Beware of this false timesaving. The strengths of a chart (brevity, focus, and
clarity) make any mistake that much more jarring. Even more important, you need to
ensure that you finally communicate what you set out to communicate. Remember
that charts often undergo several revisions, invalidating any earlier proofing.

Element Consider

1. Axis labels ◆ Are you using your charting application’s

default font because it’s quick to select or
because it’s clearest to read?
◆ Are the axis labels large enough for your
2. Colors ◆ Is there enough contrast between your col-
ors, so your audience can easily differenti-
ate between lines, rows, columns, and
3. Data ◆ Are lines in line charts unbroken?
◆ Do bars or columns vary in length by the
amount you wanted?
◆ Does every category have a bar or column
or slice or other graphic to represent it?
4. Fills ◆ Do fills vary so that readers can easily
distinguish one bar or column or slice from
◆ If the chart will be printed in black and
white, will fills be discernable by readers?
5. Legend ◆ Do you need one?
◆ If you do, can the legend’s samples be
seen as easily as its text?

explaining data 105

6. Lines ◆ Are the lines plotting your data thick
enough to be seen in a presentation?
◆ Are the lines thick enough to be seen when
your chart is copied?
◆ If you have more than one line, is each line
distinctive in its formatting?
7. Markers ◆ If you use more than one marker format, are
the markers different enough?
◆ Are markers large enough to be discerned
from the line joining them?
8. Spacing ◆ Have you devoted enough space to the
chart in your report or presentation so that
it can really shine?
◆ Is the amount of text on the page
compromising the chart size?
◆ Can you create more space for the chart
by moving a legend or note?
9. Spelling/Numbers ◆ Have you checked even the obvious text,
such as your company’s name?
◆ Has someone other than you checked
spelling and numbers?
10. Title ◆ Does your title still illuminate your chart?
◆ Is your title large enough so your audience
realizes it is the most important text on the

106 visual communication

➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. You have been given the task of creating a chart to
demonstrate the five most common reasons
customers receive late orders. What chart type
would you use and why would you use that type?
2. A friend explains that there is no difference
between a column chart and a bar chart—except
that a column chart has vertical bars, and a bar
chart has horizontal bars. Is your friend correct?
Why or why not?
3. Why might you delete a legend from a chart?
4. You must chart 30 values to create a trend. Would
your chart be more accurate as an area chart or a
line chart?
5. Why would it be valuable to distribute a flowchart of
a process before that process has begun?

explaining data 107

Solving Problems
and Tracking Projects

where are we?

C HAPTER 3 offered visual communi-

➧ Pyramid chart cation tools for finding your way
➧ Fishbone diagram around the world. This chapter has the
➧ Decision diagram/ same goal—making you a better navi-
decision tree gator—but over very different terrain.
➧ PERT chart Chapter 6 features tools that aid your
➧ Gantt chart solving problems and tracking projects.
➧ Project tracking software By understanding these tools, you will
be able to highlight an organization’s
challenges and possible solutions. In
presenting project status, you will be
able to help an organization recognize
faint danger signs—before they become
flashing red lights.

solving problems and tracking projects 109

If a vacationer becomes lost during a vacation, she might miss her airline
flight home. If a business becomes lost, it can waste money traveling down the
wrong path, not quite solving a major problem or not quite completing a cru-
cial project on deadline. An organization that loses sight of its goals and pur-
pose can forfeit a chunk of its funding or can be legislated out of existence.
An organization cannot change until it understands what it is. It cannot
move forward until it understands where it stands.

basic questions

YOU HAVE ALREADY explored many of the charts organizations use to check
their own health. This chapter adds to your toolbox by focusing on charts and
diagrams that answer the following questions:

■ Why do we continue to have this problem?

■ What factors contribute to this problem?
■ What are the most important factors contributing to this problem?
■ How much time will be required to complete this project?
■ How much money will be required to complete this project?
■ What is the status of the project now?
■ What parts of the project are ahead or behind?
■ What part of my project do I need to concentrate on today?

pyramid charts

A S A VISUAL COMMUNICATOR , your first task in solving a problem may be

defining the problem for your organization’s decision makers. The pyramid
chart, building on the familiar shape of its namesake, ranks a series of values
as levels of a pyramid, the largest value appearing as the base of the pyramid.
Figure 6-1 summarizes complaints from customers of the Grainville Baking
Company’s Denver store.

110 visual communication

Figure 6-1: A pyramid chart presenting customer complaints

Because the bottom (or widest) slice of a pyramid chart represents the
largest value, we know that the most frequent complaint from customers is
Waiting for Service. The second most frequent complaint is Waiting to Pay, and
so on, until the reader reaches the least frequent complaint, Price.
The pyramid chart lends itself to quick analysis, not presentation of detailed
data. For this reason it remains an effective chart format for presentations.

fishbone diagrams

N OW THAT THE pyramid chart has summarized customer complaints,

Grainville management decides to address the two largest categories of com-
plaints: Waiting for Service and Waiting to Pay. Mark Molina, Grainville’s presi-

solving problems and tracking projects 111

dent, views customer complaints as a serious company problem, but before he
moves to solve the problem, he wants to better understand the factors creat-
ing the problem. Without this understanding, Mark cannot be confident that
he will eliminate the right factors, and he knows he lacks the money or staff
to eliminate all factors. In a meeting with the Denver store’s staff, he begins
the meeting by presenting the staff with a blank fishbone diagram, shown in
Figure 6-2.
A fishbone diagram, also called an Ishikawa diagram, uses the metaphor of
a fish skeleton to pinpoint the key factors contributing to a problem. (Ishikawa
diagrams are also used to present what actions must occur to reach a goal.) The
“fish head” contains the goal or problem—shown at the right in Figure 6-2—
and the diagram elements point toward the head, a visual reminder that the
factors lead to the problem. Factors affecting the head are added to the “spine”
of the diagram. You will also find fishbone diagrams referred to as cause-and-
effect diagrams, the cause being the factors and the effect being the problem.

Figure 6-2: A sample fishbone diagram

112 visual communication

Theoretically, any number of factors can be plotted with a fishbone diagram,
although the need to balance detail with readability often limits a diagram to
four or six primary factors. Even a basic fishbone diagram, however, indicates
that multiple factors create a problem and that those factors are related.
Real-world factors and details must be captured in the diagram or any so-
lution will be compromised by suspect information. For example, during the
meeting with the Denver staff, Mark asked questions and took notes; he of-
fered no opinions of his own. He encouraged the staff to offer frank observa-
tions and specific details. Figure 6-3 contains the fishbone diagram the Denver
meeting produced.
To build Figure 6-3, Mark used the rectangles shown in Figure 6-2 to di-
vide the fishbone diagram into categories (System, Environment, Staff, and
Equipment), rather than using the rectangles to indicate major factors. Fishbone
diagrams often include such categories, and this inclusion serves two functions:

Figure 6-3: Completed fishbone diagram

solving problems and tracking projects 113

1. During an initial meeting, categories discourage the discussion from cen-
tering on only one area.
2. During a later presentation, categories slice the information into smaller
chunks so an audience better absorbs the diagram’s information.

Quality control groups often use Ishikawa diagrams in their efforts to dis-
cover barriers to quality improvement. In fact, Kaoru Ishikawa, the developer
of the fishbone chart, was a leader in Japanese quality control.
Now that the factors creating the problem have been charted, Mark needs
a visual way to clearly capture the elements of his decision.

decision diagrams

N O ONE CAN look into the future and accurately predict the results of today’s
decisions. To survive, however, businesses must try. To aid a business as it gazes
into the future, a decision diagram distills decision-making into a flowchart.
This flowchart displays a chain of possible decisions and their possible results.
Figure 6-4 shows a type of decision diagram called a decision tree (although
it looks little like a tree), where choices branch off into yes or no possibilities.
Someone using the decision tree in Figure 6-4 reads the diagram from left to
right (or top to bottom). If the answer to a question is Yes, the process continues
to another question. If the answer to a questions is No, the process ends (No—
next year’s budget) or requires an action (No—remind Purchasing to complete research).
Some decision diagrams incorporate the risk
involved with each decision and any events on
The decision tree in Figure 6-4 of- which the decision depends. For example, de-
fers an advantage besides help- cision A depends on your company’s orange
ing someone reach a decision. crop surviving winter frost in Florida. How
Being a flowchart, a decision tree likely is a frost to strike Florida in any given
highlights any redundancies in a winter? Whether simple or complex, creating
process. As it captures a process a decision diagram removes decision-making
visually, a decision tree adds a from mental calculation and verbal debate and
strong visual argument to a peti- reduces the process to easily understandable
tion to have management stream- graphics. And, once captured in a graphic, a
line a decision process. decision diagram can be shown to others for
their input and critique.

114 visual communication

Figure 6-4: A decision tree

Figure 6-5 contains another form of decision tree. Actually, a better term
might be toppled decision tree, because this kind of decision tree diagram is
typically drawn horizontally.
This form of decision tree is common constructed from left to right. When
it is complete, it is read right to left to weigh the possible options. Let’s ex-
amine the decision tree in Figure 6-5 as if you were building it, left to right.

solving problems and tracking projects 115

In Figure 6-5 the decision (shown by a square at the left) can be made by
selecting a situation (Add staff ). Each of the situations would result in a dif-
ferent financial impact (Major financial impact), as indicated by the letter on each
line leading from the decision to the situation. The legend at the lower left of
the chart explains each letter. By choosing a situation, one of two results would
likely occur, depending on whether sales increase or decrease.
Here is how Mark Molina used the diagram to make his decision.

1. Mark reads the possible results. Because the results are in pairs—one if
sales increase and one if sales decrease—Mark is, in essence, choosing the
best result and the least worst result. Of the pair of results, he preferred
results 5 and 6.
2. Reading from right to left, Mark finds the Add equipment situation.
3. He follows the line to the left, noting that the Add equipment situation
would result in Moderate financial impact. He decides he can live with that.
4. Still reading from right to left, Mark reaches the decision box and makes
his decision: He will purchase equipment for the Denver store.

Some decision diagrams chart the cost of a decision in currency, often a

great deal of currency. Other decision diagrams track less quantitative deci-
sions, for example, which department manager should be promoted to vice
Perhaps more than other charts, the decision tree relies heavily on the judg-
ment of the person creating the diagram (usually the person given the task of
making the decision). That person must ensure:

■ All alternatives are included in the diagram

■ All situations are included in the diagram
■ Probabilities are as real world as possible

116 visual communication

Figure 6-5: A decision tree, a type of decision diagram

solving problems and tracking projects 117

managing projects visually

M ANAGING A PROJECT means balancing resources—an organization’s assets,

usually workers and money—with the tasks required for completion. Too few
resources means the project may be late or rushed. Too many resources means
the project may exceed its budget.
You will soon discover tools specifically designed to manage projects, but
specialized tools are not always required: A calendar can be a powerful tool;
so can a simple table. Figure 6-6, for example, presents the work shifts at the
Aspen store during Grainville Baking Company’s busy holiday season.
Figure 6-6 was created in Excel by entering letters and fill colors in each cell
to represent the shifts (B = breakfast, L = lunch, and D = dinner). By pasting
an Excel formula in the far right column, the person creating the table receives
updated totals in the far right column, allowing her to monitor that the shifts
are fairly distributed.
Just as the person who created the work schedule monitors the total number
of shifts for each worker, project managers monitor a variety of dynamic values
to do their jobs. With projects including team members across the country—or
throughout the world—project managers must deal with different languages, dif-
ferent time zones, and different currency. This complexity has driven project man-
agers away from paper scheduling to electronic tools. For example, if employee

Figure 6-6: A table as schedule tool

118 visual communication

Jonathan breaks his leg skiing, the work schedule in Figure 6-6 becomes obsolete
and must be redone. Certainly, that would take some time. But imagine if a flood
delays delivery of steel beams, forcing the rescheduling of a yearlong airport ex-
pansion project. Who would want to do that rescheduling on paper?
Fortunately, project managers have access to several tools to help them vi-
sualize projects and schedules from the project’s early life.

PERT charts


troduced in the late 1950s as part of the United States Navy’s Polaris program,
help managers analyze, monitor, and plan by representing projects with mul-
tiple, interdependent tasks. PERT charts place activities and events in a single
framework, employing symbols and arrows to illustrate the sequential order of
steps needed to complete a project.
Figure 6-7 contains a simplified PERT chart showing three activities and a
definition of the information in each box.

Figure 6-7: A sample PERT chart

solving problems and tracking projects 119

Frequently used for large projects, PERT charts excel at presenting sched-
ulers with a project overview, particularly highlighting dependent tasks. The
PERT chart in Figure 6-7 indicates dependency between tasks by using arrows
to show how the Painting the Denver Store activity leads to the Replacing the Den-
ver store signage activity. Dependency refers to a relationship established be-
tween two tasks that tie when one task starts or finishes to the other task’s
The boxes in Figure 6-7 condense crucial project information into an ad-
mirably small space. The first box (on the left) contains six pieces of data (ex-
cluding the task name). Reading from the upper left, here is what they stand

■ Early Start—the earliest date the task will likely begin

■ Duration—the estimated amount of time required to complete a task
■ Early Finish—the earliest date the task will likely finish
■ Late Start—the latest date a task can begin and not delay the overall
project deadline
■ Slack—describes the time a task can be delayed before it becomes a crit-
ical task (also called float); box 1 and 2 have slack; box 3 does not
■ Late Finish—the latest date a task can finish and not delay the overall
project deadline

Interpreting this information, we see slack in the schedule of the first two
tasks. Task 1 (box 1) can end any time between 11/8/01 and 11/12/01. If Task
1 ends after 11/12/01, however, it affects Task 2. Task 3 has no slack. For
whatever reason, Task 3 must be done immediately because Figure 6-5 on
page 117 contains a PERT chart of the major Grainville Baking Company
project: Enlarging the Denver store.
Many PERT charts include information on each task’s duration and the
workers assigned to the task. Although they look like diagrams of odd dance
steps, PERT charts frequently root out redundant activities or misplaced events.
PERT charts also offer a clear description of a project’s critical tasks and crit-
ical path. A critical task must be completed on time for a project to finish
on time. In Figure 6-8, for example, Receive loan approval from bank is a critical
task. A series of critical tasks form a critical path, highlighted in Figure 6-8
with a thick line and arrows. Project managers monitor their critical paths

120 visual communication

Figure 6-8: A PERT chart displays activities and events in sequential order

No wonder the Critical Path Method (CPM) remains a common technique

for managing projects. CPM charts are so similar to PERT charts that CPM
charts are often titled CPM/PERT charts.
PERT charts are less effective with overlapping tasks. The PERT chart’s basic
design assumes that one event ends before another begins. Chart creators must
clearly define activities and their relation to other activities.

Gantt charts

W HEN IT COMES to representing projects

If your work includes tracking proj-
and their tasks, the electronic Gantt chart is
ect schedule and cost (both are of-
king. As you will see later, Microsoft Project,
ten referred to as project controls)
the most popular project management soft-
expect your charts to be revised.
ware, builds Gantt charts to represent proj-
Large projects are especially ef-
ects and their tasks—as do many other
fected by unforeseen events. Store
specialized project management software. So
multiple versions of your charts in
what is it about Gantt charts that make them
case you are asked to reproduce
valuable among people who make their liv-
earlier plans.
ing managing projects?
Gantt charts, first created by Charles
Gantt in 1917, translate a series of start and

solving problems and tracking projects 121

end dates into horizontal bars representing duration. In essence, each of the
horizontal bars is a timeline. Once you see a task’s timeline, you can compare
that timeline with other task’s timelines. Notice that Gantt charts do a good
job of visualizing tasks that overlap. The trick for project managers is spotting
when tasks conflict and making sure that the right tasks complete first.
You no doubt realized that the longer the task duration, the longer the bar
representing it. You may also have noticed that Gantt charts are half spread-
sheet (the left columns) and half chart (the horizontal bars).
Although Gantt charts also provide raw data in the Start, End, and Duration
columns, those horizontal bars offer the quickest way to compare durations. For
example, study Figure 6-9, covering all parts of the chart to the right of the Du-
ration column. Can you find those tasks that occur during the time the warehouse
will be expanded? Did you have to recalculate—glancing at the warehouse sched-
ule repeatedly? Did you want to peek at the bars? For the record, tasks 2 through
13 are scheduled for completion during the warehouse expansion project.
Electronic Gantt charts are able to report durations in a variety of scales. The
time scale in Figure 6-9 displays task durations in weeks. Tasks requiring one
day to complete, for instance, Graphics Contractor Selected, appear as thin bars.
For more refined scrutiny, a project manager could display duration in days,

Figure 6-9: A Gantt chart reporting on a four-month project

122 visual communication

Figure 6-10: A Gantt chart focusing on a single task of Figure 6-9

giving more representation to short-duration tasks but creating a much wider

chart (the chart would be wider because seven days would no longer be rep-
resented by a single week).
Gantt charts can also drill down (reveal detail) a single task to see its com-
ponents. For example, Figure 6-10 shows a Gantt chart reporting on the tasks
within task 4, Market Research.
Compare the appearance of items in this Task Name column with the Gantt
chart in Figure 6-9. Each task below Market Research is indented. Gantt charts
commonly use these techniques to show that the indented tasks are part of a
larger task—in this case, completing the Market Research.
In the language of project management,
the Market Research task and the tasks under
Three other types of task dependen- it have a finish-to-finish dependency
cies are possible. Finish-to-start relationship, meaning that the Market Re-
means one task must finish before search task cannot be completed until all
another task starts. Start-to-finish the tasks under it have been completed.
means a second task can finish only Two other differences in Figure 6-10 are
after the first task starts. A start-to- worth mentioning. First, the timeline rep-
start dependency means two tasks resenting Market Research summarizes all
start at the same time. the timelines below it. In other words, the
Market Research timeline begins when the
first task begins and ends when the last task
ends. Second, the time scale for this Gantt chart is days rather than weeks, al-
lowing even two-day projects a more noticeable timeline.

solving problems and tracking projects 123

Some Gantt charts also include the name of the person responsible for
completing a task beside each task, showing project management who to
contact if a task falls behind schedule.

Organizations often use Gantt charts to test “what if” scenarios. An

engineer might enter a start date and a duration number to see
where the end date would fall or enter an end date and a duration
to see where the start date must fall.
For all their power to represent complex information vividly,
Gantt charts are not perfect. Although they detail the status of a
project’s tasks, Gantt charts do not indicate whether the entire
project has fallen behind schedule, maintained its schedule, or is
ahead of schedule.
Project managers loathe surprises. If your charting reveals a
problem a project manager should be aware of, notify the project
manager immediately. You will give the manager an opportunity to
weigh possible actions.

project tracking software

Today Microsoft Project rules as the most popular project management soft-
ware, and in the following brief look at electronic project tracking, Microsoft
Project serves as our model. Although Microsoft Project offers a variety of ways
to view your project, we will concentrate on its Gantt charting features. As
with ink-and-paper Gantt charts, Microsoft Project compares where your proj-
ect stands with where it should stand. A crucial tool in presenting this some-
times troubling status is the project baseline.
A project’s baseline grows from the best current information mixed with the
best estimate of future conditions. A baseline addresses these basic concerns:

124 visual communication

■ When do you expect a project to begin?
■ When do you expect a project to end?
■ How long you expect a project to run?
■ How much you expect a project to cost?
■ How many workers do you expect the project to require?

Even the most complicated project plan must begin somewhere, even if that
somewhere is only an educated estimate. The original project baseline is that
estimate. Just as a flowchart often serves as a trial balloon to begin discussion
and feedback, distribution of an original baseline serves as a starting point for
discussion and feedback. A baseline gives a project manager a crucial measur-
ing stick with which to compare the actual project. Without a baseline, a proj-
ect manager would not know if the project was ahead or behind expectations.
For complex projects, managers use more than one baseline. Although the
entire project has a baseline, each significant segment of the project may have
its own baseline. Major public works projects, for example, have books of
Gantt charts, and each major task within the project has its own baseline; so
do many minor tasks.
Let’s begin our exploration of Microsoft Project with its opening screen,
shown in Figure 6-11.
You probably already noticed the familiar Gantt chart structure in Figure 6-11.
The vertical bars in the right section of the Gantt chart shows that Project consid-
ers Saturday and Sunday nonwork days, although this can be customized. The scroll
bars at the bottom of the Gantt chart allow you to scroll through task descriptions
or the time line. You can scroll months into the future or past with these scroll bars.
Because of its concern for scheduling, Project keeps a calendar nearby. Beside
it being one of the views available from the opening screen, many of Project’s
dialog boxes allow you to access a calendar to select dates. Figure 6-12 contains
a typical Project dialog box, with a calendar available from a drop down list.

solving problems and tracking projects 125

Figure 6-11: Microsoft Project’s opening window

Figure 6-12: A typical Microsoft Project dialog box (note the calendar)

126 visual communication

Because Microsoft Project devotes itself to presenting project management in-
formation—unlike Microsoft Excel—it offers multiple views of project man-
agement status. Figure 6-13 shows one of those views.
First, notice that the tasks charted here are the same tasks shown in Figure
6-10 (although the overall Market Research task has been eliminated). Second,
notice that the dates for the tasks are changed. More about the changed dates
in a moment. Third, notice that there are a great many more dates in Figure
6-13. Fourth, notice that there are more graphics in this Gantt chart than the
Gantt chart in Figure 6-10. So, what does this all mean?
The Gantt chart captured in Figure 6-13 shows variance. Variance (some-
times called the delta) describes the gap between where you should be—based
on your project plan—and where you are, based on actual data. Variance
comes in two flavors:

1. Good variance means the project stands ahead of its schedule or below
its cost.
2. Bad variance means the project stands behind its schedule or over its cost.

Figure 6-13: A Microsoft Project Gantt chart tracking variance from project schedule

solving problems and tracking projects 127

The Gantt chart in Figure 6-13 shows variance three ways:

1. The Start Var. column shows variance in the start dates: no variance (0
days), ahead of schedule (-2), or behind schedule (3 days).
2. The Finish Var. column shows whether there is no variance (0 days),
ahead of schedule variance (-2 days) or behind schedule variance (3 days).
3. The progress line, which veers across the horizontal-bar section of the
Gantt chart, highlights tasks that are behind schedule.

Before creating a progress line, Project needs to know the status date on
which you want to base your variance chart. The status date could be today’s
date or any date relevant to the project. Based on the status date—the date
chosen was Friday, April 27, 2001—Project draws a line from April 27, 2001
to the bottom of the chart, veering to the left to indicate a task behind sched-
ule. This is a progress line.
To fill the Start Var. and Finish Var. columns, Project needs two sets of dates:
The actual start and finish dates (shown in the Start and Finish columns) and
the baseline start and baseline finish dates (shown in the Baseline Start and Base-
line Finish columns).
The difference between Figure 6-10’s and Figure 6-13’s start and finish dates
reflects the actual data reported in Figure 6-13. For example, the first task (Se-
lect “Competing” Catalogs) did not begin on April 12, 2001, as it was supposed
to do. Instead, it began on April 13, 2001, resulting in a variance of one day.
Figure 6-13 contains two other valuable indicators of project status. Did you
notice the solid lines appearing on top of the striped bars? These bars repre-
sent the percent complete for each task. For example, for Task 9, Research Com-
petitors’ Advertising Patterns (abbreviated as Res Compet Adver Paterns) the solid
bar has the same length as the striped bar, meaning the project is 100% com-
plete, the striped bar representing planned task duration. Task 6, however, Res
Likely Branding Timeline, stands only 33% complete, shown by the black bar be-
ing one-third the length of the striped bar.
The final piece of valuable information can be found in the lines that con-
nect one task to another and end in an arrow. These lines indicate that one task
is dependent on another. Task 9, for example, depends on the completion of
Task 1. After all, how can Roy Johnson complete his task until he knows
which competing catalogs to use for his research?

128 visual communication

The fact that we know Task 9 is the responsibility of Roy Johnson highlights
another tool Project brings to project management. Project allows a worker to
be linked with one or several tasks.

never ending challenge

B ESIDES ITS PROMISE of faster revisions, the movement to electronic proj-

ect management reflects modern organizations’ need to have fresh data. In part
this stems from the cost of modern projects, particularly large projects. Another
factor is the highly competitive nature of some industries. In those industries,
a product’s taking one year to design, market, and ship may compromise your
company’s market share.
Another factor is upper management’s need to make decisions. Will the
project really complete on time? When can we expect income from the new
product? Are we overstaffed or understaffed for the projects we have next year?
Whether you report project status in Gantt or PERT or PERT/CPM or
column charts, keep the questions in Figure 6-14 in mind.

Initial Question Follow-Up Questions

What measurement does the Is it 15% over budget?

project manager consider to be 10% behind schedule?
a warning sign?

What activities are considered Can you think of a fresh way to

critical? illuminate the status of
critical path activities?

How fresh is your data? Are you receiving contributions when

you expect to receive them?

Is your data accurate? Does your experience cause you to

question data? Does the jump in per-
cent completed seem too good to be

solving problems and tracking projects 129

Initial Question Follow-Up Questions

What format should your If your project is routinely reported in

chart take? Gantt charts, can you try a large, col-
orful bar chart to compare planned
cost versus actual cost?

Are you interpreting data or only Do you see a pattern in the data your
passing it on? team has not discussed?

Figure 6-14: Gantt or PERT or PERT/CPM?

baseline—the original project plan in simplified form

critical path—a series of critical tasks

critical path method—a project management method that concentrates on

preserving the schedule of the critical path

decision diagram—a flowchart that captures a decision-making process,

including possible decisions and possible results

decision tree—a type of decision diagram that uses the tree metaphor
(choices branch off into yes or no possibilities)

dependency—a relationship tying two tasks together

duration—the estimated amount of time required to complete a task

early finish—the earliest date the task will likely finish

early start—the earliest date the task will likely begin

finish-to-finish dependency—a dependency requiring one task to finish

before another task can finish

finish-to-start dependency—a dependency requiring one task to finish

before another task starts

fishbone diagram—a diagram using the metaphor of a fish skeleton to

present the key factors contributing to a problem

130 visual communication

gantt chart—a chart that translates a series of start and end dates into hor-
izontal bars representing duration

late finish—the latest date a task can finish and not delay the overall project

late start—the latest date a task can begin and not delay the overall project

PERT chart—a placing activities and events into a single framework, em-
ploying symbols and arrows to illustrate the sequential order of steps
needed to complete a project

predecessor—a task that must complete before another task can complete

progress line—a line based on the status date showing tasks ahead of or
behind schedule

pyramid chart—a chart using a pyramid shape to rank a series of values

resource—an asset that can be drawn upon to complete a project, usually

staff and money

slack—(also called float) describes the time a task can be delayed before it
becomes a critical task

start-to-finish dependency—a dependency requiring a second task to fin-

ish only after the first task starts

start-to-start dependency—a dependency requiring two tasks to start at

the same time

status date—the date on which variances are based (e.g., as of this date,
your task is three days behind schedule)

successor—a task that cannot complete without an action by another task

task—an individual piece of work that contributes to completion of a project

tree diagram—a diagram that branches out to show all possible outcomes
or combinations

variance—the difference between the project plan and actual status

solving problems and tracking projects 131

Ten Capabilities of the
Electronic Gantt Chart

Electronic Gantt charts have dozens of options, tools, and views to help you cre-
ate visual management tools. Here are ten capabilities to remember:

1. Comparing the percent of the project schedule that has been

completed versus the amount of work that has been completed.
2. Comparing the cost and time a worker has charged against a
project versus the cost and time allotted to that worker.
3. Comparing each task’s current status with its baseline.
4. Creating a group of workers from which to draw resources.
5. Linking workers’ names with their rate of pay (including overtime
pay) and department.
6. Linking a task in one schedule with a task in another (so that
changes in one changes the other).
7. Allowing contributors to submit their updates over the Internet.
8. Adding a recurring task to a project schedule so it appears regularly.
and automatically (monthly status report due the 15th of each month).
9. Customizing the workweek of your workers. (Tuesday through Satur-
day? Ten hours per day?).
10. Zoom into a calendar focusing on a project period (e.g., three days)
to offer a close up view of project activities.

132 visual communication

➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. Draw a tree on a sheet of chart paper, and label it
with a question that can be answered yes or no.
Below the question, write yes on one side of the
paper and no on the other. Under yes, list all the
possible consequences of that decision. Do the
same under no. Reach a decision based on the
consequences. Can you explain why you reached
that decision?
2. Why would a project be at risk if the project
manager failed to track cost?

solving problems and tracking projects 133

Technical Drawings:
Blueprints, Whiteprints,
and Drawings

wonders around us

E ACH DAY YOU walk or drive past

➧ Blueprint
modern marvels rivaling the Seven
➧ Whiteprint
Wonders of the Ancient World. Build-
➧ Body
ings soar into the sky. Miles of concrete
➧ Title block
tubes carry underground trains and
➧ Revisions list
their thousands of bustling passengers.
➧ Materials list
Airports handle hundreds of landings
➧ Alphabet of lines
and takeoffs each day, as well as the tens
➧ Elevation
of millions of passengers who flow
➧ Floorplan
through airport gates.
➧ Land survey plat
Have you considered how these mar-
➧ Site plan
vels are built? For example, how does an
army of cable and concrete layers, elec-
tricians, framers, masons, pipers, and

technical drawings 135

telecommunications technicians know where to place the thousands of pieces
that comprise a modern skyscraper? Well, they don’t know. No one could.
These craftspeople rely on detailed drawings to tell them what, when, how,
how many, and what size.
Welcome to the complex and crucial world of technical drawings. They
may not be the most dramatic pieces of visual communication, but without
them, the modern world could not exist.
Chapter 7 offers a simple introduction to technical drawings, in part because
creating these drawings requires specialized training. Consequently, the em-
phasis here lies on your understanding these drawings—creating them your-
self. Still, whether you think you might want to pursue this vital branch of
visual communication or your work requires occasional exposure to them, this
chapter will guide you in deciphering these tried and true tools.

blueprints and whiteprints

B LUEPRINTS HAVE BEEN used to copy original architectural drawings since

1840. That was the year Sir John Herschel, an astronomer, invented the pho-
tographic blueprinting process. Blueprints are
named blueprints because the blueprinting process
In the work world, blue- creates documents with a Prussian blue back-
prints, whiteprints, draw- ground. The drawings themselves appear as white
ings, and prints are often lines against the blue background.
used interchangeably to Although they serve the same purpose,
describe copies made from whiteprints (or diazo prints) have grown more
original technical drawings. popular than blueprints, in part because creating a
This chapter follows that whiteprint does not require treatment by liquids.
custom. Whiteprints feature a white background and black
or colored lines.
Whether blue or white, technical drawings are
legal documents. Many court actions have been
decided by the weight of a blueprint. This is because drawings capture re-
quirements, specifications, and processes.

136 visual communication

Original technical drawings require a considerable investment of
time by a skilled technician. For this reason, original drawings are
not taken to construction sites, factories, or machine shops where
they could be damaged. Hence the need for blueprints and

If a dispute arises between parties (e.g., whether electrical outlets every six
feet meet the owner’s requirements), the blueprint answers:

■ What was agreed to?

■ When was it agreed to?
■ Who agreed to it?
■ When was the drawing complete?

It would be difficult to overstate the importance of drawings in the build-

ing and maintaining of our modern society.

parts of a blueprint/whiteprint

W HETHER IT ILLUSTRATES a single bolt or the ground floor of a new build-

ing, technical drawings consist of four basic sections, as illustrated in Figure 7-1:

■ Body—the largest part of a technical drawing, the body contains the ob-
ject being presented in the drawing; the body of the drawing also con-
tains the notes added to explain and clarify the object.
■ Title block—located in the lower right corner of the drawing, the title
block contains fundamental information about the drawing (e.g., the
name of the part shown, who created the drawing, who checked the
drawing); Figure 7-2 shows a typical title block.
■ Revisions list—also referred to as a revision block, the revision list ap-
pears in the upper right corner of a drawing; it contains data for each
change made to the drawing (e.g., client requests, errors corrected, sub

technical drawings 137

Figure 7-1: Basic pieces of a technical drawing

stituted materials); ample room must be left below the revisions list so that
the list can be extended, if necessary.
■ Materials list—commonly included on drawings illustrating more than
one part, the materials list displays specific information on the materials
used to create the key part (or key assembly) of the objects shown (some
drawings include a separate parts list, while other drawings combine the
materials and parts lists); the materials list sits just above the title block on
the right of the drawing. Figure 7-1 shows where these sections are
placed in a technical drawing.


Because it contains the object(s) being presented by the drawing, the body of
a drawing is its largest part. In addition to an illustration of the object, the body
often contains notes to help the reader understand important considerations
or cautions. A note might contain:

138 visual communication

■ Spatial relationship between parts
■ How tolerance will be measured
■ Units of measurement in the drawing
■ Issues that affect only a few parts

The area of a drawing containing title, scale, and date information

is called a title block; the individual sections of a title block are also
referred to as blocks, for example, date block or scale block.

the title block

The title block shown in Figure 7-2 belongs to a drawing used for manufac-
turing a part. A variation of this title block, however, could just as well be used
for architectural drawings.
The following key describes the sections (sometimes called blocks) of a typ-
ical title block.

Key to Figure 7-2

1. Company name/company graphic—although technically not part of
the title block, many companies place their company name or an
identifying graphic somewhere in the title block to identify the drawing
as their own.

Figure 7-2: A typical title block for a manufacturing drawing

technical drawings 139

2. Title—the name of the object shown in the drawing.
3. Quantity—how many of the objects will be manufactured? In this case,
the quantity has been shown somewhere else on the drawing, hence the
use of noted.
4. Drawn by—the initials of the draftsperson.
5. Part number—the specific identification number of the part shown in
the drawing; some part numbers are used as the drawing titles.
6. Material—the material used to make the part (e.g., tungsten steel) ap-
pears here; the word noted tells us that the material has been specified else-
where in the drawing.
7. Checked by—the initials of the person who confirmed that the draw-
ing was accurate and complete.
8. Scale—the relationship between the object as drawn and the actual ob-
ject; the word Full tells us that the object is being shown full size or 1:1.
9. Date—when the drawing was completed.

revisions list

Because a variety of factors affect a project, a set of drawings soon becomes a

set of revised drawings. Not all drawings are revised, of course, but multiple
revisions of a single drawing are not uncommon. Prints are revised to:

■ Provide accurate, current requirements to the people building and in-

specting the project
■ Maintain consistent quality and methodology
■ Contain an unbroken project history

Because the information they illustrate often changes, because of their im-
portance as project history, and because of their legal weight, revisions are care-
fully controlled. Before a revision is published, for example, a representative
from each party commonly signs and dates the drawing and initials each
change, thereby agreeing to the revision. The responsible parties might be the
owner of a building (or her construction manager) and the company con-
structing the building.

140 visual communication

Accurate drawings remain valuable even
after a construction project ends. As-builts Revisions cost money, which is one
are drawings that describe a structure as it reason revisions are carefully
was actually built. As-builts are based on tracked. For example, if a client re-
the finished structure, not on original de- quests a larger, nonstandard door
sign drawings. (As-builts may also be drawn for each entryway in a housing de-
of a long-completed structure, usually as a velopment, each drawing containing
prelude to renovation.) Activities as diverse each entry door must be revised.
as repairing, maintaining, upgrading, and Who pays for revising those draw-
evacuating a building rely on as-builts. ings? (In this case, the client would.)
Figure 7-3 shows a typical Revisions list,
where revisions are tracked on a technical

Key to Figure 7-3

1. Revision number—Every revision must be numbered (or lettered) to
distinguish the revision from an original drawing on which it is based. For
example, if the title for the Figure 7-1 drawing is Metal Screws 32-9, the
first revised drawing might be Metal Screws 32-9 Rev. 1 or 32-9 (1) or
32-9-A. The method of indicating revisions remains secondary to the
need for consecutive numbering.
2. Description—This is a very brief summary of the change that required
a revised drawing; this information can save considerable time for some-
one looking for a particular change in a book of revised drawings.

Figure 7-3: A typical revisions list for a manufacturing drawing

technical drawings 141

3. Date—This is the date the original drawing was changed, creating a re-
vised drawing.
4. Appd. (Approved)—This indicates the initials of the person who ap-
proved the change.

materials list

A web of advisories, standards, regulations, and requirements determine the

design of everything from bolts to jet engines. Requirements may be imposed
by government agencies or the organization paying for the object to be man-
ufactured or constructed. These requirements might specify levels of:

■ Corrosion
■ Cost
■ Durability
■ Ease of maintenance
■ Environmental effect
■ Reliability
■ Safety
■ Weight

To address these concerns, specific materials and parts are frequently re-
quired in manufacturing and construction. The materials list specifies what
parts compose an assembly or what materials will be used to create an object,
allowing a reviewer to verify that requirements have been met. Placing this in-
formation in a single location, as shown in Figure 7-4, allows reviewers to
quicker review drawing.

Key to Figure 7-4

1. Item number—a sequential number identifying each object on a draw-
ing; this number also appears beside the specific object it references.
2. Quantity—lists the number of items required to complete the part or as-

142 visual communication

Figure 7-4: A typical materials list

3. Description—a brief note describing the object.

4. Specification—if the part will be manufactured, its size appears here (as
in item 2); if the part will be purchased commercially, a manufacturer’s
stock number appears here.
5. Material—the material required to manufacture the part; if the part
will be purchased commercially, the abbreviation COMM. appears here.

While the revisions list resembles a typical table, the materials list
resembles a table turned on its head—column headings are below,
rather than above, the items in the column. This allows the materi-
als list to be extended toward the top of the drawing (into the
empty space under the revisions list) with minimal changes to the
materials list, saving the title block from having to be moved.

drawing standards

W ITH SO MANY industries around the world relying on technical drawings,

you won’t be surprised to learn that universal standards control many draw-
ing characteristics. You might be surprised, however, to learn how far these

technical drawings 143

Organization Abbreviation

American Institute for Architects AIA

American National Standards Institute ANSI

American Society of Mechanical Engineers ASME

American Welding Society AWS

United States Military MIL*

*While not strictly an abbreviation for the United States military, MIL is often used this way (e.g., MIL

Figure 7-5: Organizations influencing drawing standards

conventions reach. Did you notice in Figure 7-2 that all the letters within the
title block are upper case (TITLE)? This is only one voluntary standard used
Several organizations have considerable influence on drawing standards.
Figure 7-5 lists five organizations (representing members who would likely
create or use drawings) and their abbreviations.

measurement systems for drawings

B ECAUSE DRAWINGS ARE used throughout the world, some base their di-
mensions on the SI (Système International) measurement system, also
named metric system, while others use the British/United States measure-
ment system. The metric system dominates science and engineering outside
the United States. Many drawings display their dimensions in both systems.
For engineering drawings based on the metric system, the millimeter is the unit
of measure used most often. Drawings using the British/United States system
1 1 1 1 1
commonly employ the inch and its fractions (8, 4, 3, 2, 1, 12) for dimensions.

144 visual communication

drawing sizes

In describing large or complex objects, technical drawings often dwarf the size
of most business documents. In fact, technical drawings may be the largest
pieces of technical visual communication. Figure 7-6 shows standard sheet sizes
for drawings, in both United States and SI dimensions.

Standard Closest
United States International Size
Designation Size (inches) Designation (millimeters)

A 8.5 X 11.0 A4 210 X 297

B 11.0 X 17.0 A3 297 X 420

C 17.0 X 22.0 A2 420 X 594

D 22.0 X 34.0 A1 594 X 841

E 34.0 X 44.0 A0 841 X 1189

Figure 7-6: Standard sizes for drawings sheets

drawing scale

A N ESPECIALLY INTRICATE part might require a scale that represents the ob-
ject in larger-than-actual size. Figure 7-7 shows common drawing scales.

Term Decimal Ratio

Full 1.00:1.00 1:1

Half .50:1.00 1:2

Quarter .25:1.00 1:4

Eighth .125:1.00 1:8

Double 2.00:1.00 2:1

Triple 3.00:1.00 3:1

Figure 7-7: Terms commonly used in the scale block

technical drawings 145

When scales are shown in a title block, the first number in the ratio represents
the drawing and the second number represents the actual object. So a ratio of
2:1 means the drawn object is twice as large as the actual object. Consequently,
a ratio of 1:3 means the drawn object is one-third the size of the actual object.

drafting elements

D RAFTSPERSONS USE THE following elements to portray an object (or group

of objects) clearly and accurately—a challenge considering that objects are 3-D
and printed drawings are 2-D:

■ Dimensions—indicate the size of individual objects or entire assemblies.

■ Geometric relationships—preserve the spatial position between mul-
tiple objects (e.g., to show assembly instructions).
■ Lines—combine with other lines to describe the shape of an object and
its internal detail.
■ Notes—nongraphical information that comments upon and explains
the body of the drawing (e.g., all dimensions are centimeters).
■ Section views—eliminate hidden lines and show internal detail; a sec-
tion view presents an object as if it were sliced apart by a knife; the an-
gle of the knife (horizontal, vertical) determines the section view.
■ Tolerances—describe the accuracy required for shape, size, and position
of surfaces when objects must meet high precision standards (e.g., 0.005
■ Views—drawings for manufacturing common use multiple views of an
object or group of objects to better explain their shape and proportion;
these views are named multiview or orthographic drawings (you will
learn more about views later in the chapter).

Many designers, planners, and architects now represent objects by

using computer-aided design (CAD) illustrations rather than pen-
and-ink drawings. CAD illustrations can bring a more lifelike, 3-D
depiction of objects.

146 visual communication

the alphabet of lines

M UCH AS A short story uses adjectives, adverbs, verbs, and nouns to describe a
physical place, specific lines describe the object appearing in the body of a draw-
ing. The lines typically found in a technical drawing are named the alphabet of
lines. The alphabet consists of lines of varying thicknesses (fine, medium, heavy)
and styles (broken, unbroken, dashes). As listed below and shown in Figure 7-8,
this section explores five common lines from that alphabet.

■ Center lines—fine lines consisting of alternating short and long dashes;

center lines show the center point of an object; to clearly distinguish them
from other lines, center lines extend beyond a shape.
■ Dimension lines—fine, unbroken lines ending in arrowheads; dimen-
sion lines show the length of a measurement, see Figure 7-9.
■ Extension lines—fine lines drawn perpendicularly to the dimension
lines, indicating the limit of dimension lines.
■ Hidden lines—medium lines composed of equal-length dashed lines;
hidden lines indicate surfaces or intersections hidden by a shape.
■ Object lines (or visual lines)—heavy lines defining the shape of an ob-
ject by displaying the edges of its surfaces.

drawing views

O RTHOGRAPHIC DRAWINGS EMPLOY multiple views trying to overcome

the paradox of illustrating a 3-D world on 2-D sheets of paper. One way to
visualize how designers draw multiple views is by imagining the object in a
glass box, as shown in Figure 7-10. Designers use projectors, imaginary lines
of sight, to extend the object’s image to one side of the glass box. This ex-
tended image is captured as a view. Now imagine that each projected image
has been captured in each of the six sides of the glass box. Visualize the glass
box opened and each glass side laid flat on a sheet of paper. Each glass side
(with its image of the object) becomes a view. Figure 7-11 shows how de-
signers display the unfolded box.

technical drawings 147

Figure 7-8: A sampling of five common lines used in technical drawings

The principal views, appearing in most multiview drawings, are the front,
top, and right views. Describing some objects requires all six possible views—
more than just the three principal views. Figure 7-11 presents the six possible
views and shows their usual arrangement in a multiview technical drawing.

architectural drawings

A RCHITECTURAL DRAWINGS are the oldest form of technical drawings. In

fact, architectural drawings have existed almost as long as recorded history and
predate the invention of paper. A drawing from 2130 B.C., carved into a stone
tablet, shows the layout of a temple.

148 visual communication

Figure 7-9: Dimension lines illustrate the size of an object

Frequently shown in architectural drawings, elevations (or elevation

views) are equivalent to multiple views of an object in a manufac-
turing drawing. Four ground-level elevations are commonly used to
illustrate structures: front, right, left, and rear.

technical drawings 149

Figure 7-10: Visualizing an object inside a glass box helps explain multiple views

symbols for architectural drawings

When you consider how many materials are used in structures—everything

from brass to brick—it comes as no surprise that there are dozens of symbols
used to add detail to architectural drawings. These symbols illustrate the range
of metals, as well as depictions of natural materials, everything from clay to mar-
ble. Other symbols describe electrical and plumbing fixtures. Figure 7-12 offers
a handful of these symbols, along with several floorplan conventions, by pre-
senting a typical house floorplan. A floorplan is a section view showing the lay-
out of a building as if a knife sliced through the building horizontally, midway
between its floor and ceilings. Each floor of a structure has its own floorplan.

150 visual communication

Figure 7-11: Proper arrangement of six possible views in an orthographic drawing

Key to Figure 7-12 (see next page)

1. A line shows the outline of a balcony.
2. Louvered window (windows that swing horizontally to open)
3. Sliding door
4. Junction of two walls
5. Fireplace
6. Stairs
7. Door (which closes flush with the wall and swings into the interior of
a room)
8. Dimensions of the room (in feet and inches)
9. Door (folding, closet)
10. Kitchen sink
11. Kitchen range
12. Bathtub
13. Garage door

technical drawings 151

Figure 7-12: This house floor plan uses only a few of the many
architectural drawing symbols

drawings of large areas

A LAND SURVEY PLAT is a drawing or map based on a land survey. Land sur-
vey plats are created for several reasons:

■ To place the survey into public record

■ To set the boundaries of a piece of property
■ To gather information on a piece of land before development begins

152 visual communication

A site plan presents an architect or planner’s concept for an area—perhaps
a housing development, a shopping center, or a recreational area. Figure 7-13
contains a typical site plan.

Drawing type: Site plan

Subject: Retail center
Medium/techniques: Ink pen on
Original size: 24" x 36"
Source: Sasaki Associates Inc.

Figure 7-13: A typical site plan displays structures, parking, landscaping, and roads

technical drawings 153

alphabet of lines—a group of lines of varying thicknesses and styles typi-
cally found in technical drawings

as-built—a drawing describing a structure as it was actually built

blueprint—a copy of an original technical drawing; blueprints feature white

lines on a blue background

blueprint reading—interpreting a blueprint so that you can visualize the ob-

ject depicted in the drawing

body—the largest part of a technical drawing; the body contains the object be-
ing presented in the drawing

British/United States measurement system—a measurement sys-

tem using yards, feet, and inches as units

center line—a fine line consisting of alternating short and long dashes; cen-
ter lines show the center point of an object

computer-aided design (CAD)—formerly defined as computer-aided

drafting; sometimes abbreviated as CADD (computer-aided design/drafting)

date block—a section of the title block that states when the drawing was
completed and published; in a revisions list, the date block states the date
the revision was made

dimension line—a fine, unbroken line (except where it is broken by a meas-

urement) with arrowheads at each end; dimension lines show the length of
a measurement

elevation—a view of a structure, as if it had been placed in a glass box; ele-

vations usually consist of front, right, left, and rear ground-level views

extension line—fine line drawn perpendicularly to the dimension lines; ex-

tension lines indicate the limit of dimension lines

154 visual communication

floorplan—a section view showing the layout of a building as if a knife had
sliced through the building horizontally, midway between its floor and ceil-

hidden line—a medium line composed of equal length dashed lines; hidden
lines describe surfaces or intersections hidden by a shape

land survey plat—a drawing or map based on a land survey

materials list—the section of a drawing that lists the materials (or sometimes
parts) needed to create or assemble the object shown in the drawing

note—a brief piece of text designed to help the reader better understand the

object line—a heavy line showing the shape of an object

orthographic or multiview—a technical drawing using multiple views to

describe an object

principal views—the front, top, and right views of an object

revisions list—the section of a drawing that contains each revision to the


section view—a view designed to eliminate hidden lines and show internal
detail; a section view presents an object as if it were sliced apart by a knife

site plan—an architect or planner’s concept for an area

Système International (SI)—a measurement system based on the meter

title block—located in the lower right corner of the drawing, the title block
contains fundamental information about the drawing

tolerance—a measurement of how much an object may vary (e.g., 0.005 inch)

whiteprint—a technical drawing printed with the Diazo process; whiteprints

have grown more popular than blueprints

technical drawings 155

Ten Careers Using
Technical Drawing Skills

The ability to create or interpret technical drawings touches many indus-

tries and occupations. Here are ten careers where this ability would give
you a leg up.

Title Skills

1. Apprentice Basic craftsperson skills and understanding of

tools and materials; ability to learn from experi-
enced craftsperson

2. Architect Highly imaginative person able to combine knowl-

edge of construction, design, and site planning
with artistic and problem-solving skills

3. Checker Meticulous person with solid training in mathemat-

ics and sciences with emphasis in an architectural
or engineering field (e.g., chemical, civil, electrical)

4. Craftsperson Adept cabinet maker, carpenter, etc., with ability

to produce individual parts and assemblies by
using a variety of machines and tools

5. Designer Person highly skilled in imaginative problem-

solving; advanced skills in analyzing problems and
creating solutions

6. Draftsperson Understanding of mathematics and physics, as

well as through practical knowledge of CAD/tech-
nical drawing; ability to work from engineer’s

7. Engineer Solid training in mathematics and sciences with

knowledge in a field of engineering (e.g., mechani-
cal, structural)

156 visual communication

8. Technicians Highly trained in practical use of CAD principles,
engineering, manufacturing requirements, and
creation of prototypes

9. Technical Particularly skilled in visualizing 3-D

Illustrator objects from 2-D drawings; ability to produce a
range of drawings for technical and marketing

10. Tracers Basic skills in technical drawing and CAD; career

ladder leads to draftsperson position after eight to
twelve months of production experience

➧➧➧ learning on your own

1. Why do you think the title block includes a date
2. Why would some objects appearing in a drawing
need to be shown in larger-than-actual-size scale?
3. What would be the value of illustrating a structure
in four elevations?
4. In two columns, list the advantages and
disadvantages of transmitting assembly
instructions verbally rather than via a technical

technical drawings 157

From Circuits to Theaters:
Using Schematics

deciphering electronics

A TECHNICIAN IN Taiwan assembles a

➧ Schematic diagram computer video card. A computer de-
➧ Circuit signer in Texas studies a graphical rep-
➧ Block diagrams resentation of the same card as she
➧ Single line diagram decides which video card to install in
➧ Wiring diagrams her company’s new computer product.
➧ Wire list A repair technician in Kansas searches
➧ Parts list for a reason a laptop computer’s screen
➧ Mechanical schematic has gone black. Could it be a bad chip
on the video card?
Each of these expert technicians uses
a schematic diagram (sometimes re-
ferred to as schematics) to decipher the
workings of an electronic device. The

from circuits to theaters 159

Taiwanese technician speaks no English and the repairperson in Kansas speaks
no Chinese. With the reliance of the modern world on similar devices (e.g.,
automobiles, computers, home entertainment equipment), these devices must
be described through a method of visual communication that transcends lan-
guages, cultures, and locations. Schematics do that.
Schematics has also come to mean diagrams or layouts in fields other than elec-
tronics. These other schematics will be addressed near the end of this chapter.

schematic diagrams

F OR ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT , a schematic shows the function of a piece of

equipment and how the equipment accomplishes its purpose. For example, a
schematic diagram might display the parts of a smoke alarm and how elec-
tricity flows through the parts to detect smoke and set off an alarm. An elec-
trical schematic describes how multiple components are connected to act as a
whole. Figure 8-1 shows a very simple but complete schematic: An electrical
circuit composed of a single-cell battery and one lamp. A circuit is a closed
path linking a power source and components; current flows from the power
source through the components and back to the power source.
Despite its simplicity, the Figure 8-1 schematic employs several standard
symbols to tell its electrical story. Figure 8-2 describes those symbols.

Figure 8-1: A simple schematic for a simple electrical circuit

Source: This image is excerpted from Schematic Diagrams: The Basics of Interpretation and Use,
by J. Richard Johnson.

160 visual communication

Symbol Meaning

Represents an electrical connection

between the battery and lamp; a
straight line between two devices
shows they are connected.

The symbol for a one-cell battery.

The symbol for a lamp.

B1 The letter symbol for a battery (B);

can also be written B1; the number
following the (B) tells us this is the
first battery in the schematic; if an-
other battery was added to the
schematic, it would be designated

I1 The letter symbol for a lamp (I); can

also be written I1.

Figure 8-2: Symbols found in Figure 8-1

A schematic of a electrical device, as shown in Figure 8-1, analyzes the nec-

essary components of a piece of equipment and presents those components
graphically. The schematic shows negative charges flowing from the negative
terminal of the battery, through the lamp, and returning to the positive ter-
minal of the battery, completing the circuit. The power source usually appears
on the left and the devices using that power are placed on the right in an elec-
trical schematic.

from circuits to theaters 161

Although schematics can be classified as technical
Electrical schematics are drawings, they certainly differ from the technical
usually read from left to drawings you explored in Chapter 7. You have pos-
right and top to bottom. sibly spotted several differences already. Let’s exam-
ine Figure 8-1 more closely to better understand
those differences.
Unlike a whiteprint, the schematic in Figure 8-1 offers no:

■ Unit of measurement; this is a clue that schematics are unconcerned

with physical size
■ Multiple views of the same device, as orthographic drawings have
■ Spatial relationship between components (Is the battery directly across the
circuit from the lamp? Perhaps. Perhaps not.)
■ Description of the wire used to complete the circuit (Is it made of cop-
per or platinum? How thick is it?)
■ Description of the size or type of the lamp (Does it use an incandescent
or halogen bulb?)
■ Description of the size of the battery (True, we know the battery has only
one cell—a pretty basic battery—but how much power does it provide?)

Why doesn’t an electrical schematic include multiple views or component

materials the way drawings do?
To provide information in a clear way, electrical schematics jettison every-
thing that does not contribute to their mission, which is representing how a
device functions electrically. This is particu-
larly important because electrical schematics
If two components in an elec- frequently represent complex pieces of equip-
trical schematic are not con- ment. Notice in Figure 8-1 that the line con-
nected by a straight line, the necting the battery and the lamp allows
components are not connected enough room for the symbols, with little extra
in the actual circuit. space. Conserving space allows room for other
components to be added without clutter.
Schematics are often bound in books for dis-
tribution; therefore, conserving space means more information can be pre-
sented on a single page. Finally, schematics are often used in the field by
technicians who may not have the luxury of tables and counter tops to spread
out large drawings.

162 visual communication

To remain compact, while also remaining clear, electrical schematics use
straight lines, with rare exceptions, to connect electrical components. This is
because straight lines are the shortest and simplest route between two points.
To reduce the number of lines crossing each other, the great majority of lines
in an electrical schematic are horizontal or vertical. Lines meet in 90-degree
corners, and multiple lines traveling in the same direction are often grouped
to conserve space.
Compare the use of space in Figure 8-1 to the use of space in Figure 8-3.
Each component in an electrical schematic has its own symbol. (See Figure
8-5 on pages 165-166 for a list of common symbols.) The symbols for elec-
trical components vary somewhat, however, depending on the type of illus-
tration being created. For instance, symbols may vary among a working
drawing, a schematic, and a wiring diagram. Within a single drawing, how-
ever, the symbol for lamp (shown in Figure 8-2) is the same whether it de-
scribes a streetlamp or a flashlight bulb.
Symbols sharing a common function are grouped together in a schematic.
For example, the symbol for the on/off switch
might be placed beside the computer’s power
source, to which the on/off switch is logically Some electrical schematics
linked. The actual on/off switch, however, might do not show the source of
be many inches from the power source. There is a power energizing the circuit.
reason for the disparity between the electrical
schematic’s description of a device and the device’s
actual physical arrangement.
Because an electrical schematic limits itself to a device’s function, not its actual
size or layout, one schematic may stand for several configurations of components.
Figure 8-4 shows three configurations of the components shown in Figure 8-1.

Figure 8-3: A less compact schematic diagram

from circuits to theaters 163

Figure 8-4: Figure 8-1’s schematic represents any of these physical arrangements
Source: This image is excerpted from Schematic Diagrams: The Basics of Interpretation and Use,
by J. Richard Johnson.

Figure 8-5 displays a number of the most common symbols found on elec-
trical schematics and defines the components they represent.

164 visual communication

Symbol Component Definition

Alternator A device to produce alternating


Ammeter An electric meter used to

measure current in amperes

Amplifier A device enabling an input signal

to directly control a larger energy flow

Antenna A device for reception or

transmission of electromagnetic

Circuit breaker A resettable fuse-like device

designed to protect a circuit
against overloading

Coil A cable or wire wound in a

series of closed loops

Connector A device used to physically and

electrically connect at least two

Fan An axial or radial flow device

used for producing artificial
currents of air

Fuse A protective device whichopens a

circuit when the fusible element is
severed by heating, due to too much
current passing through

Generator A rotating machine which

converts mechanical energy to
electrical energy

Ground (Earth) A large conductive body (for example,

the Earth) used as acommon return for
an electric current

Loud speaker Equipment that converts an electric

signal into an acoustic signal

Figure 8-5: Common electronic/electrical schematic symbols

and their definitions

from circuits to theaters 165

Symbol Component Definition

Motor An apparatus that converts electrical

energy to mechanical energy

117 Volt Plug A male connector that inserts

into an outlet

Receptacle A contact device installed at the

outlet to connect a plug

Rectifier A device to change alternating (Semi

conductor)current to single-direction

Resistor A device whose primary

purpose is to introduce

Switch A device for opening/closing or (single-

pole) for changing the connection of a

Terminals Devices for connecting cables.


Transformer A static device made of

(iron-core) windings, for introducing mutual
coupling by induction between circuits

Figure 8-5 (continued)

block diagrams

A VALUABLE TOOL for the development of products or designs, block dia-

grams capture only the essential components of a piece of equipment. Be-
cause of their focus on the essential, block diagrams are often considered the
most elementary form of electronic drawings. Of course, their simplicity (re-
fer to Figure 8-6) makes them easy to revise and present, valuable features for
an engineer in the early stages of product design.

166 visual communication

Figure 8-6: A basic block diagram describing a simple color television receiver
Source: This image is excerpted from Electronics Drafting, by John R. Frostad.

Using fewer symbols than an electrical schematic, block diagrams are prob-
ably the easiest diagrams for nontechnicians to understand. Because many
readers are familiar with flow diagrams or organization charts, they are able to
decipher the similar construction of a block diagram. In fact, you probably
have seen block diagrams used in sales brochures to describe the features of an
electronic product. If you are preparing a presentation of the ideas behind your
company’s new electronics product to a range of managers in your company,
a block diagram would communicate your message better than a schematic.
As shown in Figure 8-6, a block diagram of a simple color television re-
ceiver, lines or arrows connect the components, displayed as blocks. A block
often represents multiple parts, as it does here, where one block symbolizes the
multi-component RF tuner (RF is the abbreviation for radio frequency; IF is
the abbreviation for intermediate frequency). The arrows show the path of the
signal or energy within the device. In Figure 8-6, for example, the signal trav-
els from the RF tuner to the IF section to the video detector and amplifier.
Here the signal branches off in two directions. The signal travels to the sound
section and then to the speaker. In one flow, signal also travels from the video

from circuits to theaters 167

detector and amplifier to the pic-
After a block diagram has been approved, ture tube. Notice that the picture
the next step in designing an electrical prod- tube and the speaker are represented
uct is often creating a single line diagram. A by symbols, while the rest of the
single line diagram, a form of schematic, de- components are represented by rec-
scribes the interconnections of components tangles common to most flowcharts
using varying line thicknesses and symbols. or organization charts.
A single line diagram shows only enough Block diagrams sometimes refer
detail to describe the general layout of the to a further description of the block’s
circuit, but offers more detail than a block requirements or design or unusual
diagram. characteristics. Figure 8-7 shows a
sample block with a number, 3, re-
ferring to an engineer’s note, perhaps
on how selective the tuner must be in separating one radio station’s signal from
another. A block representing a power supply might refer the reader to a re-
quirement that the power supply be low power or that it must automatically
adapt to North American or European current.

wiring diagrams

TO SUMMARIZE , electrical schematics provide a simple representation of a cir-

cuit, and a block diagram presents a piece of equipment’s essential components.
However, the workers who construct and install electrical systems require more
precise information. Their primary concern may not be troubleshooting, but
rather building a system that meets the engineer’s requirements and the client’s
needs. Wiring diagrams address the concerns of those workers. Figure 8-8
compares a simple wiring diagram (A) with a simple electrical schematic (B).

Figure 8-7: A block with a reference designation

168 visual communication

Figure 8-8: A wiring diagram and electrical schematic have different goals
Source: This image is excerpted from Schematic Diagrams: The Basics of Interpretation and Use,
by J. Richard Johnson

Wiring diagrams show actual connections between electrical components,

including a representation of a component’s place on the physical layout of the
circuit. This is crucial because the order of connections matter. If a compo-
nent does not connect to a circuit in the correct way, it may not work.
The more complex wiring diagram depicts an electrical distribution system
for a recreational vehicle trailer park. Unlike a schematic or block diagram, this
wiring diagram in Figure 8-9 notes the amount of electricity running through
elements of the circuit. Figure 8-10 defines several common abbreviations for
units of measure found in wiring diagrams.

Draftspersons commonly help technicians read wiring diagrams by

creating a wire list and a parts list. A wire list describes the wires
used in the wiring diagram, including the color of the wire, its
length, and its thickness. The parts list, similar to a drawing’s ma-
terials list, describes the nature and quantity of parts required to
complete the equipment.

from circuits to theaters 169

Figure 8-9: A wiring diagram
Source: This image is excerpted from the Illustrated Guide to the 1999 National Electrical Code by
John E. Traister, revised and updated by Bradford Maher.

Abbreviation Unit Definition

A Ampere The basic SI unit that measures the

quantity of electricity

k Kilo- Prefix meaning a thousand (kilo-

gram, kilometer, kilowatt)

V Volt The derived SI unit for voltage: One

volt equals one watt per ampere

VA Volt-Ampere Unit of electrical measure equal to

the product of a volt x ampere that
for direct current constitutes a meas-
ure of power equivalent to a watt

W Watt The SI measurement of electrical

power, equal to 1/746 horsepower

Figure 8-10: Abbreviations for units of measure commonly found in wiring diagrams

170 visual communication


C HAPTER 7 LISTED a handful of organizations that significantly influence the

creation of technical drawings and the objects they represent. The National
Electrical Code (NEC) similarly influences electrical construction. Dating
from 1897, the NEC is periodically revised to incorporate changing condi-
tions, materials, and hazards. Now published by the National Fire Protection
Association (NFPA), the NEC seeks to protect people and property from the
hazards inherent in the potent power of electricity. The NEC addresses elec-
trical components in everything from appliances to recreational vehicles, il-
lustrating the number of electrical devices in our lives.
For example, an architect designing an airplane hanger will find NEC re-
quirements for placing light receptacles within the hanger. NEC require-
ments specify that a technician installing a motor must install the motor’s
disconnect switch within sight of the motor and not more than 50 feet away.
If you are contemplating a career in electrical engineering, working with
electrical schematics, or working in electrical construction, a knowledge of the
latest edition of the NEC will serve you well.
Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and National Electrical Manufacturers As-
sociation (NEMA) also contribute to electrical standards. UL, a laboratory in-
dependent of manufacturers, tests electrical devices and focuses on user safety.
NEMA standards, on the other hand, are often cited in construction procedures.

nonelectrical uses of schematics

S CHEMATIC DIAGRAMS ARE now employed to describe objects far different

from electric circuits. Figure 8-11 shows the design of an arena theater (some-
times called a theater in the round ), in which the audience sits around the stage,
not just before it. The dark, gray circle at the center of the schematic repre-
sents the stage. It is immediately encircled by a white ring, symbolizing an aisle.
Represented by ever widening rings are the first sections of seats (shown by
broken, gray circles), another aisle, and then other sections of seats.

from circuits to theaters 171

Figure 8-11: Schematic drawing of an arena theater

Rather than showing the necessary electrical components of a piece of

equipment, a mechanical schematic analyzes the necessary mechanical com-
ponents of a piece of equipment and represents how those components func-
tion in the whole. Figure 8-12, for example, shows the necessary parts of a cable
reel, which is used to pull electrical cable through a trench. Mechanical
schematics often elaborate on how a piece of equipment should be operated.
For the schematic shown in Figure 8-12, someone operating the cable reel
would need to know that he or she needs to turn the reel counter-clockwise
to pull the cable through the trench in a counter-clockwise rotation.
Schematics often make their way into other forms of technical drawings. A
wiring diagram of the electrical receptacles and lamps within a suite of offices
is often superimposed upon a floorplan of the offices. A modified schematic
might include illustrations of the actual lamps used in an installation. What-
ever their form, schematics must be clear pieces of visual communication, ac-
cessible to craftspeople and technicians, and they must use a clear vocabulary
of symbols, abbreviations, and notes.

172 visual communication

Figure 8-12: A mechanical schematic
Source: This image is excerpted from the Illustrated Guide to the 1999 National Electrical Code
by John E. Traister, revised and updated by Bradford Maher.

from circuits to theaters 173

block diagram—captures only the essential components of a piece of
equipment; the easiest electrical drawing for nontechnicians to understand

circuit—a closed path linking a power source and components

schematic diagram (schematics)—shows the function of a piece of

electrical equipment and how the equipment accomplishes its purpose

single line diagram—describes the interconnections of components using

varying line thicknesses and symbols

wire list—describes the wires used in the wiring diagram

wiring diagram—shows actual connections between electrical components,

including a representation of a component’s place on the physical layout of
the circuit

mechanical schematic—analyzes the necessary mechanical components

of a piece of equipment and represents how those components function in
the whole

174 visual communication

Where Is My Schematic?

Because this chapter concentrates on schematics and diagrams as helpful tools for
creating, building, and installing electrical components and equipment, you prob-
ably see the value of these drawings for electrical engineers. But have you con-
sidered how many other fields routinely use schematics?

1. Interior Design
2. Physics
3. Firefighting
4. Radio Construction
5. Aerospace Technology
6. Construction Planning
7. Airplane Maintenance
8. Special Events Planning
9. Robotics
10. Geology

➧➧➧ learning on your own

1. You are an electrical engineer asked to design a
new product for your company. What diagram(s)
would you likely use to commit your ideas to
2. When might a schematic be preferable to a wiring
3. Why do you think there is sometimes more than
one symbol for electric components?

from circuits to theaters 175

Navigating the
Computer World

the perplexing genie

➧ Personal computer I MAGINE YOURSELF AT work, won-

➧ Graphical user interface dering how you will cut through the
(GUI) pile of assignments on your desk. There
➧ Root folder are invoices to balance and letters to
➧ Subfolder type and a chart to create, if you can
➧ Icon find the time to take it to the graphic
➧ Toolbar artist down the hall. You rub your eyes.
➧ Personal data assistants When you open them, a large green
➧ Pictograms man towers over your desk. He seems
friendly and looks like a character from
the story of Aladdin. Could he be a ge-
He motions to your paperwork, but
when he speaks you cannot understand

navigating the computer world 177

a word he says. He cannot understand anything you say; even your hand mo-
tions fail to communicate.
Feel lost? Frustrated that you cannot unlock the power of your personal ge-
nie? That describes how computer users felt in the early 1970s.

a visual communication problem

I N THE EARLY 1970s, computers were becoming smaller and more powerful,
but no product yet existed that was as popular as today’s personal computers.
There was also no must-have application—a product that was so desirable that
buyers would live with a computer’s idiosyncrasies just to have the advantages
of that application. In 1976, when the Apple computer was introduced, there
was a must-have program waiting to run on it—Visicalc, the granddaddy of all
spreadsheet programs. The market for the personal computer expanded.
When IBM introduced the IBM PC in 1981, demand swelled. Computer
owners watched a race between hardware and software—new hardware
brought great speed and capacity, while new software absorbed that speed and
capacity with new features. But as this race zoomed past one milestone after
another, one lingering barrier remained: creating a method for users to com-
municate more easily with these stubborn
machines. After all, even the personal com-
Humans interpret colors and puter of the early 1980s was little better than
words and sounds. Computers the family cat at telling its owner it was ailing.
don’t. Computers recognize the This chapter uses the term personal com-
binary system, the only form of puter (PC) to define a computer generally used
communication they understand. by a single operator; a computer complete with
The binary system consists of keyboard and monitor, its own operating system
two numbers: 1 and 0. For exam- (whether Macintosh or Windows), and the abil-
ple, when you type the letter B, ity to use a variety of software applications.
your computer sees 01100010. Suddenly, the widespread use of the per-
sonal computer became an issue of visual com-
munication. For the personal computer to free
information from the refrigerator-sized main-
frames and deliver that information to the fingertips of workers, those workers
must understand how to manipulate that information—without having studied

178 visual communication

computer science. And if the computer industry couldn’t give their creations a
clear, colorful—even friendly face—how could they expand their market from
the workplace to the average home?

graphics to the rescue

S O, BEGINNING WITH Apple Corporation’s introduction of the Macintosh in

1984, and later with Microsoft’s introduction of Windows 1.0 in 1985, the two
significant operating system producers tried to rescue their users. Instead of
typing odd commands in white letters on a harsh, black screen, users would
be able to interact with a graphical user interface (GUI).
A GUI offers color buttons, menus, boxes, and a mouse to click on them—
all an attempt to organize the many commands required to run an application.
This, Apple and Microsoft hoped, would save users from having to remem-
ber nonsensical groups of letters and symbols. The GUI programmers tried to
explain a computer by incorporating real-world objects, such as pages or
graph paper or Gantt charts or rulers. By requiring other software companies
to incorporate the GUI into their own products—or risk alienating Macin-
tosh and Windows customers—Apple and Microsoft standardized the basic
way users accessed applications.

who is training whom?

U NFORTUNATELY, PERSONAL COMPUTERS confound our expectations.

Compared to the human brain, computers cannot infer, extrapolate, or use in-
stinct. In many ways, personal computers are very fast, yet very dumb. And
unlike a microwave oven or a fan, a personal computer performs a great many
tasks, compounding its communication problems. Ironically, instead of users
training the computers, the computer’s GUI trains the users. In this way, per-
sonal computers and the interface that allows humans to access them are a
tremendous force for training—human training.
Fortunately, visual communication can help bridge this gap between human
and machine. We will see how visual communication does this as we explore
a key, but sometimes murky, question: How do I find my data?

navigating the computer world 179

understanding structure and hierarchy

A PERSONAL COMPUTER strains our ability to understand its logic because

the numbers connected with computing are so large. A new personal com-
puter with a huge hard disk has the capacity to store millions of pieces of cor-
respondence. If you are new to computing, you may succumb to temptation
and store your letters or charts or spreadsheets anywhere and everywhere on
your hard disk. After all, the storage space seems so huge, what does it mat-
ter? This complacency, however, is the road to ruin. Eventually, you will need
to recover those documents you created. If you are less than systematic about
storing your work, you may be searching for a very long time.
Figure 9-1 illustrates one way to conceive of a personal computer’s hard
disk, as a large tree.

Figure 9-1: A tree is the metaphor often used to explain a hard disk’s organization

180 visual communication

Imagine your hard disk as a rich patch of ground and from that patch grows
a tree. The trunk of the tree is the root folder, a folder that usually holds no
data itself, a folder named after the drive it belongs to (e.g., C). Although the
root folder rarely holds data, it holds other folders, named subfolders. In the
hard disk’s hierarchy, a subfolder falls under a folder. A subfolder can have a
sub-subfolder under it and so on and so on. Some computer users find it eas-
ier to have only a few folders, equivalent to a few main branches on a tree.
Other users create many folders and subfolders—equivalent to many large and
medium branches on a tree; they use this structure to organize their work.

You can create as many folders as you like on a hard disk or

floppy disk without reducing the remaining space on your

However, no matter what structure you design—complex or simple—the

goal is to easily find the files you need within their appropriate folders. Another
metaphor to explain the drive/folder/file hierarchy of computer storage relies
on the common experience of using a file cabinet, represented in Figure 9-2.

Figure 9-2: A file cabinet can be used to explain the organization of a hard disk

Think of your hard disk as the drawer of a filing cabinet in the Grainville
Baking Company headquarters office. You are assigned to locate the invoices
sent to catering customers in January 2002. Figure 9-3 compares the actions
you would take to find the information in the real world versus finding the in-
formation in your PC.

navigating the computer world 181

Real World Computer World

Step Action Step Action

1 Open the drawer 1 Double-click on the drive

2 Search for the correct folder 2 Search for the correct folder

3 Open the correct folder 3 Double-click on the folder

4 Search for the correct file 4 Search for the correct file

5 Pull the file from the folder 5 Double-click on the file

6 Search the file for the information 6 When the application opens
the file, search the file for the

Figure 9-3: The steps for finding a file are similar in the real and computer worlds

Now we will concentrate on building a folder structure in the computer

world. You can create as many folders as you find necessary in the structure that
works best for you. Figure 9-4 illustrates two methods of structuring the same
information. Structure A organizes invoices by year (to conserve space, Figure
9-4 only shows the 2002 folder) and then by the months of 2002. Structure B
organizes invoices under the year they were issued and then separates them
based on whether they pertain to income or expenses. Structure B then breaks
down the expenses further by the type of income or expense they pertain to.
As you may guess, chaos results when the structure of a hard disk resembles
structure C. True, documents are broken down by year. But after each year a
single folder follows, which will soon become a grab bag of various files cre-
ated by various applications; in short, a filing disaster.

Some computer users name folders after the application that cre-
ated the file. So, for example, one major folder might be named
WordPerfect Files or AutoCAD Files.

182 visual communication

Figure 9-4: A and B are effective ways to organize the same data;
C is a filing disaster

Now that you have seen (or reviewed) the importance of structuring your
hard disk wisely, let’s see how an application displays the folders and files
stored on a PC. In Microsoft Windows, a frame within a window is called a
pane. Figure 9-5 displays a section of a hard disk in the left pane of the win-
dow. Notice that the application in Figure 9-5 uses an icon of a folder to rep-
resent each folder and subfolder. An icon is an image that resembles what it
represents. Icons, when clicked on, perform tasks without the user having to
select a command from a menu or type a command on a keyboard.

navigating the computer world 183

Figure 9-5: The folder tree growing in its real environment

For example, if you double-click on a folder icon with a plus sign beside it
(+), the folder opens to reveal its subfolders. This is what happened to the Vi-
sual Comm folder in Figure 9-5. When the folder expands, its plus sign disap-
pears to be replaced with a minus sign (-). The minus sign indicates that all
subfolders have been revealed. So, how does Figure 9-5 aid us in finding a file?
The left pane shows a folder named LearningExpress. The computer user has
expanded that folder and revealed four subfolders:

■ Middle Revisions
■ Middle Schooling
■ Visual Comm
■ Visual Lit

The computer user has expanded one of those four subfolders: Visual
Comm. Under Visual Comm are 16 folders. Notice that the icon for one

184 visual communication

folder, Chapter 7-Tech Drawings, features a different icon. Its icon represents an
open folder, rather than a closed folder. The open folder icon indicates that
the contents of the Chapter 7-Tech Drawings folder are displayed in the right
Suppose you had been looking for a single file, Site Plan.jpg, a graphics file.
That file is clearly displayed in the right pane. All you need to do is double-
click on the icon beside the file name. The application that created the file will
open, displaying the file you selected.

After you create a logical hierarchy of folders, remember to

be diligent about where you save files. For instance, if you
have a folder named July Correspondence, make sure you
save all July correspondence to that folder. If not, you will
find yourself with duplicate files: Those you saved in the cor-
rect folder and those you saved somewhere else. Eventually,
you have to spend time comparing files to discover which
ones to retain.

There is another set of icons at play in Figure 9-5. Microsoft Windows reminds
you of the application used to create a file by placing an icon representative of
the application beside the file name. Highlighting a section of the right pane
appearing in Figure 9-5, Figure 9-6 displays several of those application icons.

To best track your files, avoid saving them in broadly named

folders. For example, in structure A of Figure 9-4, avoid sav-
ing files in the 2002 folder. When you return months later, the
file name may not reawaken your memory. A file saved in the
Dec folder under the 2002 folder, however, already prompts
you on the subject of the file. Ideally, folders such as 2002
should only contain folders, not files.

navigating the computer world 185

An HTML file created to be used on the

A .jpg file (a compressed graphics file)

An Excel workbook file

A Photoshop file (Photoshop creates and

edits graphics files)

A what file? Windows does not recog-

nize the application that created this file.
(Notice the file has no file extension, such
as .xls.) If you double-click on this file,
Windows will ask you to select an appli-
cation to open the file.

An Excel workbook file (notice the X on

the icon)

Photoshop file (notice the .psd extension)

Photoshop file (notice the .psd extension)

A Word file (notice the W on the icon)

Figure 9-6: These icons remind you of the application used to create each file

Today’s personal computer applications feature icons everywhere, part of

software manufacturers’ efforts to provide users direct access to the features
they use most often. Figure 9-7 shows the toolbars that appear in PowerPoint XP
when you first open the application. Microsoft calls a collection of icons
(each representing a tool or function) a toolbar. In many applications, tool-
bars and their icons can be added or replaced by the user.

186 visual communication

Figure 9-7: PowerPoint XP’s opening screen features a single, icon-rich toolbar

Icons not only act as representatives of functions, they also

act as placeholders. After using an icon for a while, users
naturally head their mouse button to the section of the screen
containing the icon.

personal data assistants

D URING THE LAST several years, personal data assistants (PDAs) have grown to
be an extremely popular segment of the personal computer market. Although
not as powerful as full-sized personal computers, PDAs offer users the ability
to take personal information everywhere with them: Data such as telephone
numbers, to do lists, addresses, and notes. An abbreviated keyboard, appear-
ing on the PDAs screen, even allows the user to enter notes. Through the use
of a cable, PDAs can synchronize their information with a desktop or laptop
personal computer, allowing its owner to ensure he or she always has the lat-
est information nearby.
Because PDAs must offer a variety of options within a limited screen, and be-
cause one of their selling points is ease of use, PDAs rely on a number of icons.
Figure 9-8 shows a popular PDA, the Palm™ m505, and a group of its icons.
Did you notice that the PDA’s screen repeats several of the icons appearing
in Figure 9-8? Did you notice that the icons appearing on the screen are labeled?

icons everywhere

I F ICONS ARE so prevalent in the computer world, they have become impor-
tant pieces of visual communication and worthy of some exploration here. Of
course, icons appear around us each day, even if we never turn on a computer.

navigating the computer world 187

Battery power remaining

Find and open applications



Find a name or word

Access the datebook

Access addresses

Access a To Do list

Enter data

Figure 9-8: This personal data assistant (PDA) relies heavily on icons

They caution us about road conditions or the location of a restroom. They com-
municate the heritage of a religion and warn us of hazardous work conditions.
They indicate where we can safely ride our bicycles and warn us of poison.
The study of signs is called semiotics, which includes the study of icons and
symbols throughout recorded time. Without delving too far into the world of
semiotics, icons—particularly types of icons and why they communicate so
well—are the focus here.

ancient tools with new life

I CONS PREDATE THE written word. When ancient peoples wanted to de-
scribe something, they drew it. A written language only became necessary to
express complex or abstract thoughts. Although icons have existed through

188 visual communication

history, the end of the 19th century signaled their renaissance as a tool to com-
municate with people who spoke different languages. This need grew from in-
creased travel. In fact, the western world’s first road signs were not created by
a government agency, but by the Italian Touring Club in 1895. The first in-
ternational road signs began appearing in 1909. Increased international travel
after World War I emphasized the need for signs everyone could understand
and sent graphic designers looking for solutions.
Those designers rediscovered a form of icon is called a pictogram. Pic-
tograms are drawn or painted images that stand for a word or phrase. Pictogram
combines two ancient words: Pictus, the Latin word meaning painted, and
gramma, a Greek word meaning writing. You can probably guess that pic-
tograms are a time-tested form of communication. Some of the hieroglyphs
that graced Egyptian temples were pictograms. Pictograms come in three va-
rieties, as shown in Figures 9-9, 9-10, and 9-11.

■ Abstract—These images don’t reference an object; instead, they are part

of a code understood by an audience long exposed to the code. A visi-
tor from another culture may find abstract pictograms unfathomable.

Figure 9-9: An abstract pictogram representing nuclear radiation

■ Figurative—These images represent the object or activity they reference.

Figure 9-10: A figurative pictogram

navigating the computer world 189

■ Schematic—These images rely on a very general outline of the word or
phrase being represented. They fall somewhere between the abstract and
figurative pictogram in terms of their representation.

Figure 9-11: A schematic pictogram

the challenge of icons

C REATING A SUCCESSFUL icon requires consideration of multiple factors. For

example, because yellow is so visible, the United States and Japan use yellow
as a background for road signs that warn of danger. You might expect that all
nations would use yellow in their cautionary road signs. They don’t. In Eu-
rope, road signs warning of danger are outlined in a thick red line.
Hence icon designers face a hurdle when creating an icon: The need to
communicate with people from various cultures. Seen in airports, hospitals,

Figure 9-12: A pair of universal icons. Or are they?

190 visual communication

stadiums, and theaters throughout the United States, the icons shown in Fig-
ure 9-12 indicate the location of restrooms for both men and women. What
could be simpler than that? Well, in many cultures, women do not wear
skirts. Will a woman from those cultures recognize herself in Figure 9-12?
Icons must also communicate effectively with the vision impaired. Users suf-
fering only from color blindness may find some icons more difficult to interpret.

combining icons with text

O F COURSE , icons and words are not mortal enemies. Some signs combine
both, as shown in Figure 9-13, in an effort to ensure that the reader absolutely
understands the sign’s serious message. Even a stop sign, instantly recogniza-
ble by all drivers, still emphasizes its message in a word: STOP.

Figure 9-13: Combining icon and text to communicate a serious message

Particularly in the area of providing help to users, software and hardware

manufacturers add icons to allow readers to more easily jump from topic to
topic. In Figure 9-14, for example, a page of an online help manual instructs
the reader how to troubleshoot a problem with a network printer.

navigating the computer world 191

Figure 9-14: This online help manual incorporates several icons
Source: Hewlitt-Packard Company.
Copyright © 2002 Hewlitt-Packard Company. Reproduced with permission.

The page of instructions in Figure 9-14 includes several icons. The first icon
represents the printer’s Resume button, within instructions for using the button.
Clicking on the second, third, and fourth icons will take the user to a specific,
supplemental page if the icon is clicked. The final icon, in the lower right cor-
ner, above the company logo, takes the user to another part of the help manual.

graphs in everyday computer life

I CONS ARE NOT the only forms of visual communication to help us com-
municate with our PCs or help our PCs communicate with us. Norton Sys-
temWorks 2001 builds a 3-D column chart to compare the processing speed of
the computer being tested with three other personal computer systems, as
shown in Figure 9-15. Windows 98 exhibits a pie chart to establish how much
free space is on the hard disk as shown in Figure 9-16.

192 visual communication

Figure 9-15: This application creates a 3-D column chart to compare
the speed of computers

Figure 9-16: Windows 98 creates a pie chart to compare the amount

of free and used disk space

navigating the computer world 193

structure of a sample website

H ERE IS A FINAL example of how visual communication helps you navigate

the world of computers by helping designers and programmers create the In-
ternet world you visit. Early in the development of a website, the website cre-
ators describe how visitors will travel through the site. Although several
methods are used to do this, Figure 9-17 exemplifies a common form of ex-
pressing this information.
This method, however, is somewhat misleading. Actually, lines should be
connecting all the rectangles because a visitor to a website can visit any part of
the site in any order. Designers do not usually show that level of interconnec-
tivity, to simplify the chart’s clarity. Notice also that the chart in Figure 9-17
highlights selected rectangles with different fills and borders to indicate which
phase will include creation of that part of the site.
Did you notice the legend in Figure 9-17? Does Figure 9-17 remind you
of another form of visual communication?

Figure 9-17: A common method for planning construction of a website

194 visual communication

binary—a number system with only two numbers: 1 and 0; the only language
computers understand

graphical user interface (GUI)—a method of interacting with a personal

computer that relies on color buttons, menus, and boxes and a mouse to
click on them

icon—within graphic user interfaces, a small graphic image that represents a

function the user can manipulate

pane—a frame within a computer screen’s window

personal computer (PC)—a computer generally used by a single opera-

tor; a computer complete with keyboard and monitor, its own operating
system (whether Macintosh or Windows), and the ability to use a variety of
software applications

personal data assistant (PDA)—a hand-sized personal computer stor-

ing telephone numbers, addresses, etc.

pictograms—drawn or painted images that stand for a word or phrase

root folder—the only folder that branches directly from a drive (e.g., c); all
other folders branch from the root folder

semiotics—the study of icons and symbols throughout recorded time

subfolder—a folder that branches off from a folder

toolbar—a collection of icons, usually appearing as a single horizontal bar

navigating the computer world 195

Ten Traits of a Successful Icon
1. An icon is the best way to present the information or function.
2. The objects in the icon are familiar to the viewer.
3. The image spontaneously suggests the depicted concept to the viewer.
4. The icon uses only those lines, shapes, and colors that are absolutely
5. A variety of viewers feel a strong connection between the image and the
6. The image communicates what clicking the icon will accomplish for the
7. The image is striking and memorable.
8. The image appears as a unified graphic, rather than a collection of lines,
shapes, and colors.
9. The image communicates why the concept is important.
10. The image remains legible under less-than-ideal viewing conditions.

➧➧➧ learning on your own

1. How many forms of visual communication shown
in this chapter were introduced in previous
2. Based on what you have learned in this chapter,
why would structure C in Figure 9-4 on page 183
eventually become a problem?
3. Using icons, not menus (whenever possible),
count how many icons you press or click on when
➧ Turn on your PC
➧ Enter your e-mail or word processing ap-
➧ Retrieve, delete, answer, and file e-mails
4. Why do you think the PDA in Figure 9-8 on page
188 repeated several unlabeled icons on its
screen? Why do you think the unlabeled icons
were labeled on the screen?

196 visual communication

Reaching Your Audience

overcoming fear

Y EAR AFTER YEAR , a polling organi-

➧ Presentation zation in the United States releases re-
➧ Microsoft PowerPoint sults from its annual effort to discover
➧ Body language what Americans fear most. Holding the
➧ Slide first or second position each year re-
➧ Transition mains “speaking before a group of peo-
➧ Animation ple.” The poll does not specifically
➧ Handouts address giving a presentation before a
group of people, but that activity
would probably rank high on the list.
Even if giving a presentation would
be high on your fear list, be forewarned
that you may not be able to duck a
presentation assignment in your future.

reaching your audience 197

More organizations have committed to creating high-impact presentations as
the cost of equipment continues to drop, even adding special rooms dedicated
to giving presentations. Laptop computers, with their multimedia capacity,
have put the power of sophisticated presentations into the hands of workers in
the field. Many organizations now create presentations for in-house quality
control and training efforts, not only for external audiences.
Chapter 10 explores how visual communication can make your presenta-
tions more effective and more successful. In offering strategies for building a
presentation, Chapter 10 incorporates the forms of visual communication
you studied in earlier chapters. If you are beginning Visual Communication with
Chapter 10—hopefully, not the morning before you give a presentation—you
will have the chance to explore basic concepts of visual communication.
In keeping with the theme of Visual Communication, Chapter 10 focuses on
the visual aspects of multimedia presentations. A multimedia presentation
uses multiple avenues (sight, music, sound, speech) to touch several human
senses at once. Although sound (music, recorded narration, sound effects) con-
tributes a key element of multimedia presentations, and presentation applica-
tions can embed audio files in their files, this chapter will not discuss that
medium, except for a brief discussion of the human voice.
Chapter 10 offers guidelines for creating an effective presentation, no mat-
ter the process or equipment you use. The emphasis is on electronic multi-
media presentations; however, presenters using whiteboards, easels, or
chalkboards face many of the same obstacles when communicating with an au-
dience. Overcoming these obstacles begins with a knowledgeable presenter,
able and eager to connect with an audience on a personal level. How impor-
tant is that connection?
One study of interpersonal communication, conducted by Dr. Albert
Mehrabian at the University of California, discovered that the words spoken
(verbal) account for only seven percent of the impact of face-to-face com-
munication. Voice characteristics (tone and inflection) account for 38 percent
(vocal), and visual communication (frowns, smiles, gestures) account for 55
percent of the impact (visual). Figure 10-1 displays this information in a pie

198 visual communication

Figure 10-1: Spoken words have the least impact in fact-to-face communication.

why give a presentation?

F IRST, WE WILL begin with four frequently asked questions about presenta-

■ What is a presentation anyway?

■ What is the benefit of having an individual share information with a
group of people?
■ Why not simply distribute a memo?
■ When is a presentation appropriate?

reaching your audience 199

what is a presentation anyway?

A presentation is an individual speaking to a group for the purpose of ex-

changing information of common interest. Nothing more. The use of video
projectors, Microsoft PowerPoint, and sophisticated sound systems has not
changed the basic dynamics of a presentation: One individual speaking to a
group of individuals. Of course, some meetings (e.g., meetings of company
managers or annual stockholder meetings) will feature a series of presenters
speaking to an audience, but even in this instance, a single individual usually
speaks to the audience at one time.

what is the benefit of having an individual share information with a group of


Having an individual stand before an audience to share information has sev-

eral benefits:

■ The presenter shares the same information with the entire audience at the
same time. This may significantly reduce the misunderstandings that re-
sult from multiple readers drawing their own conclusions while individ-
ually reading a document.
■ The audience will probably take away some information about the issue
presented. In contrast, you cannot depend on everyone reading what you
distribute or even skimming it well.
■ The audience has an opportunity to question the presenter. (How recent
is the data used to create this chart? Can you explain the difference be-
tween slide three and slide six? Are you saying our productivity falls as our
quality rises?) The audience’s opportunity to interact with the presenter
marks a key difference between a presentation and a lecture.
■ The presenter may use multimedia tools to retain his audience’s attention
and illustrate his point: Using transitions, one slide can dissolve into an-
other; slides can appear to add elements each time the presenter clicks her
mouse button; a skilled presenter can infuse the presentation with move-

200 visual communication

■ The presenter has pruned and summarized the information so that she
brings only the most vital information to the presentation.
■ The presenter controls the order in which her audience absorbs infor-
mation, placing the points she believes are most significant where they
will help the argument the most.
■ The presentation can invoke the audience’s emotions.
■ The presentation can be slightly altered and used for another purpose, re-
ducing the cost of a second presentation.

why not simply distribute a memo?

Realistically, communicating useful information during a presentation re-

mains anything but automatic. The presenter may be so nervous, his material
so poorly conceived, his visual communication so complex or difficult to un-
derstand, that audience members mumble, “That was a waste of time” as soon
as they are out of earshot. Little would be gained from that investment of time.
In that case, sending a memo might be just as effective as giving a presenta-

when is a presentation appropriate?

A presentation may be appropriate for several reasons:

■ The presentation contains data so confidential that distributing e-mails or memo-

randums would be risky. A business considering a merger, acquisition,
bankruptcy, or significant public announcement might very well find it-
self in this situation.
■ The presenter seeks input from the audience. He may want suggestions to solve
a problem. The presentation may be a draft of a presentation to be pre-
sented to another group later. Giving a draft presentation often occurs
when the audience of the final presentation is particularly important
(e.g., a Board of Directors or corporate creditors) or the content of the
presentation has especially meaningful import for an organization (e.g.,
charitable contributions have fallen).

reaching your audience 201

■ A presentation’s multimedia capabilities will be exploited. Using a presentation
to display a series of color photographs, an organization’s new logo, or a
model of the corporate office’s new work area may be more economical
than designing and printing hard-copy versions of the information.

Figure 10-2 illustrates why engaging several senses, a strength of multimedia

presentations, increases an audience’s retention of information.

■ Giving a presentation has value in itself. A company president might appear be-
fore staff members to stifle rumors. A new department manager might give
a presentation to introduce himself and his plans for the coming years. A
sales representative might use a presentation as a reason to gather a prospec-
tive client’s decision makers in a room and monopolize their attention.
■ A presentation repeats the information each time. A manager of a public rela-
tions department might prefer that her representatives have a standard, ap-
proved presentation describing their organization when they appear
before groups.

Figure 10-2: Engaging more than one sense increases your

audience’s retention of information

202 visual communication

what to say?

ROBERT L. L INDSTROM , author of the Business Week Guide to Multimedia Pre-

sentations, has four simple rules of good multimedia presentation:

1. Have something to say.

2. Say it clearly.
3. Say it like you mean it.
4. No amount of technology can help you with Rule #1.

Here is another technique for selecting what to say: Focus on what you want
to sell. Let everything else you present support that single goal. When faced
with removing a graphic or adding more text, ask yourself a single question:
How does this action impact my chances of selling what I want to sell?
You have probably guessed that the paragraph above is targeted to more than
salespeople. Every person who gives a presentation is trying to sell something.
If the person giving the presentation cannot pinpoint what he is selling, he
should probably cancel the presentation.
Of course, what you are selling in your presentation may not be a product.
It may be an idea, a concept, a new way of doing business, including:

■ Convincing management that your department deserves responsibility for

creating a new product
■ Convincing your supervisor that you need another support person
■ Persuading your audience that increased cash flow does allow for an ex-
pansion of the manufacturing facility
■ Persuading new employees to seek answers from the Human Resources
department’s new website

Or you may, indeed, be persuading a potential client that your product or

service is the best fit for her needs.
Did you notice that the bulleted items immediately above all begin with con-
vincing or persuading? Those are the requirements you must meet before you
reach your goal. You must persuade and convince your audience so they will
buy what you are selling. Creating a dozen lovely charts or 60 striking Power-
Point slides will fall flat without the requisite persuasive aspect. Audiences don’t

reaching your audience 203

act because of information. They act because you persuaded them that the ac-
tion you suggest is the best action for them. After all, you are asking them to
do something. This something might cost money, involve a risk, cause up-
heaval, or change they way they run their business or live their lives.

the power of the presenter

I F YOU HAVE worked in an organization for a while, you have probably been
a victim of a “going-through-the-motions” presenter. The going-through-the-
motions presenter probably:

■ Is bored
■ Believes the presentation is stealing time from his real work
■ Believes the material should be obvious to everyone
■ Believes the audience has little valuable to add to his understanding or
communication of his data
■ Considers the explaining of the presentation’s material beneath him.
(Sometimes this manner actually results from the presenter being afraid
of speaking before an audience.)

Visual communication extends to body language—such as hand

movement, body position, and facial expression—all are tools of
commentary and emphasis.

The going-through-the-motions presenter usually falls into a combination of

these traps:

■ Ignores her audience

■ Speaks in a monotone
■ Shows no emotion or excitement
■ Rarely, if ever, smiles
■ Stands with her back to the audience (facing the presentation)
■ Never moves from a single spot on the floor

204 visual communication

Whether you dread giving presentations or look forward to giving
them, you probably experience a rush of excitement when you be-
gin speaking. Avoid allowing this rush of excitement to spur you to
speak faster. Listen to yourself during the course of the presenta-
tion. You don’t want to lose your audience’s attention because you
speak too quickly.

Whatever the presenter’s reason for being less than dynamic, the audience
begins to feel the presenter would rather be somewhere else. And soon, so do

Keep your face—a great tool of communication—toward the audi-

ence. If you must walk to the projected image of your slide, do not
turn your back to your audience. Instead, walk backward.

the power of the audience

I F YOUR ONLY goal is to dump a vast amount of information on an audience

and then thank them for their attention before you exit, then your audience
has little power. If you want that audience to act, however, the audience has
a hold over you. Why? Because the audience can frustrate your goals by do-
ing nothing. They may not complain about your presentation technique or
question your supporting evidence.
Perhaps that is why businesspeople must sit through so many going-through-
the-motions presentations: Most presenters have forgotten they need to win ac-
tion from their audience. A good start is understanding the composition and
motivations of your audience. Figure 10-3 offers questions to help you focus
on exactly that.

reaching your audience 205

Step Question

1. What do you want from your audience?

2. What is the average age of your audience?

3. What is the mix of genders in your audience?

4. What is audience’s level of expertise?

5. What will most persuade your audience?

➧ Multimedia?
➧ Charts?
➧ Brief pieces of text?
6. What has the audience done just before this presentation, or
what will it do immediately after your presentation?
➧ Arrive at work
➧ Finish lunch
➧ Leave for home

Figure 10-3: Key questions to understanding your audience

The answers to these questions will shape your presentation. For example,
if your presentation falls immediately after lunch (a presenter’s nightmare), you
will have to begin your presentation with a flourish, including aggressively
connecting with your audience.

Avoid falling into the trap of using ALL CAPITAL LETTERS for em-
phasis. Placing more than seven consecutive words in all capital
letters will force your audience to read the words again—if they
read the words at all.

about Microsoft PowerPoint

M ICROSOFT P OWER P OINT REMAINS the most popular presentation appli-

cation for Windows. The following section offers an introduction to PowerPoint
XP (PowerPoint 2002), the latest version of PowerPoint.

206 visual communication

Figure 10-4: PowerPoint XP’s opening screen

Based on the metaphor of a 35mm transparency or slide, once the cutting

edge technology for creating presentations, PowerPoint presents the user with a
landscape, a rectangular working area named a slide, as shown in Figure 10-4.
By creating a series of slides, the user creates a presentation.
PowerPoint strives to make creating presentations easy, and the application has
enabled workers with no graphics or visual communication training to pro-
duce visually pleasing presentations. To help users (particularly users new to
PowerPoint) start quickly, PowerPoint offers several options. Users can:

■ Edit a presentation that already exists

■ Choose the Auto Content Wizard, which walks you through a series of
questions to customize a common presentation type
■ Begin a presentation by completing an outline
■ Open a content layout, a simple way to add clip art or media clips to a
■ Begin with a blank presentation, after which you can add all the text and
graphics yourself
■ Select a design template, which applies a design to every slide in your
presentation (the left image in Figure 10-5 displays multiple design tem-

reaching your audience 207

Figure 10-5: PowerPoint offers a variety of methods to begin creating a presentation

208 visual communication

what kind of presentation do you need?

P OWER P OINT SERVES up an array of elements to insert in your presentation,

including visual images from video to animated text. Before you insert too
many images into your presentation, start with several questions designed to
get your feet planted on firm ground.

■ How long will your presentation be?

■ What medium will be used? (PowerPoint? Whiteboard? Flip Chart?)
■ How many graphics will be needed?
■ What message must each piece of graphics communicate?
■ What text must be covered?
■ Will you have the equipment to present a multimedia presentation?
■ Is a multimedia presentation appropriate?

Just as it accepts word processing tables,

PowerPoint allows users of spreadsheet pro- As you construct your presentation,
grams to paste charts directly onto slides. periodically test it in the environment
PowerPoint also has simplified applications in which it will be given. If you will
for creating its own charts, diagrams, flow- give your presentation with a video
charts, organization charts, and tables. projector in a long, thin room, test the
In following sections, you will see some presentation there—well before the
of the strengths of PowerPoint, as well as time of the actual presentation. Dur-
cautions about the limitations of presenta- ing the test, walk through the room,
tions and examples of poorly design slides. checking that audience members sit-
A PowerPoint presentation, in combina- ting in the back and on the outside
tion with a video projector, offers three aisles are able to see your work.
major advantages over other forms of pres-

■ Incorporation of multimedia
■ Transitions
■ Animations

Transitions are visual effects between slides; rather than having one slide dis-
appear and another replace it, a transition can be added between slides, so that

reaching your audience 209

one slide appears to dissolve into another. PowerPoint XP offers 58 transition
styles to connect individual slides or entire presentations.
Animations are visual effects within slides. For example, titles bounce into
their proper place on slides or bulleted lists gradually appear on the slides and then
unzip to their full length. Similar to transitions, animations can be added to se-
lected slides or entire presentations. PowerPoint XP includes 33 animation styles.

why include transitions and animations?

S IMPLY PUT, your audience thinks more of you when your presentation in-
cludes these techniques. A study by the Management Information Systems
Department of the University of Arizona, compared the impact of presenta-
tions containing no visual content to presentations containing transitions and
animations. Figure 10-6 illustrates how the audience’s perception of the pre-
senter increased when animations and transitions were used onscreen.

Figure 10-6: Transitions and animations increase an audience’s

perception of a presenter

210 visual communication

If you introduce transitions into your presentation, use the same style of
transition throughout the presentation. This gives you the wow of transitions
without jarring the audience or distracting them from your message. And be-
cause you include transitions between some slides, doesn’t mean you need to
insert transitions between all slides. Save your bag of tricks for the crucial slides
and the major concepts they contain.

all colors are not created equal

A S MENTIONED IN Chapter 1, colors help you gain and hold attention in an

information-saturated world. Highlighting crucial information in color, for in-
stance, helps your audience focus on that information. Selecting a set of col-
ors to appear on each slide sets a tone for the presentation.
Some colors behave differently in a presentation, however, depending how
they are placed. For example:

■ Colored objects on a white background appear smaller

■ Colored objects on a black background appear larger

Color can also differentiate elements of a slide, helping an audience follow

your format. You might format each slide title in blue, for example, and each
block of body text in green. Remember to select the same color for each el-
ement throughout your presentation or you will confuse your audience.
Sara Stohl, an expert in the design of presentations that communicate tech-
nical data, believes colors communicate a distinct message to audiences. Figure
10-7 presents some of these messages. As you can surmise, colors are valuable
tools for gaining an emotional response from your audience.

Twenty percent of human males have some difficulty distin-

guishing between blue and yellow or red and green.

reaching your audience 211

Color Characteristic

Black Forceful, stubborn, direct, extinct

Blue Conservative, relaxing, fulfillment, loyalty, secure

Brown Sincerity, corporate authority, dullness

Gray Noncommittal, secrecy, neutral, reserved

Green Intelligence, suggestion, development, hopeful, growth

Purple Enchantment, immaturity, insecurity

Red Desire, passion, fire, danger, power, competition

White Pure, blankness, basic

Yellow Excitement, attention, emphasis, special, bright

Figure 10-7: General characteristics of colors and their interpretation by audiences

more detail doesn’t equal better

P RESUMABLY, YOU HAVE been asked to give a presentation because you

know a great deal about the subject matter being presented. Being an expert,
however, leads to the temptation to elaborate and present great detail on your
subject. Sometimes, that temptation should
be resisted. Figure 10-8 is a slide describing
Each presentation should have a Grainville Baking Company’s new account-
“wow” factor. A wow graphic or ing system. Clearly, there is too much infor-
animation contains such high vi- mation on this slide. Even for an audience
sual interest that it keeps an au- familiar with accounting, Figure 10-8 fea-
dience alert and demonstrates tures a number of convoluted arrows and
your competency. Too many wow tiny text (Integrated, Manual).
elements, however, detract from Not all information fits the presentation
your basic goal: To sell your au- slide format. Omitting extraneous detail
dience what you want to sell makes your presentation leaner, faster, and
them. more focused.

212 visual communication

Figure 10-8: A complex flowchart requiring considerable explanation

conserving onscreen real estate

S OME PRESENTERS SEEM to feel insecure if they don’t fill each slide edge to
edge with words or graphics. You will escape that mistake if you remember
that even an attentive audience deserves a rest. A slide with plenty of empty
space (referred to as white space or negative space) allows a brief rest from
the previous piece of information. After all, considering and responding to in-
formation—exactly what you want your audience to do—takes energy and
concentration. Presentation applications offer you, the presentation designer,
many templates with attractive backgrounds. Allow your audience to see those
backgrounds periodically.
Figure 10-9 contains a slide with so much information, an audience must
struggle to absorb it all. Notice how close the company name (lower left cor-
ner) and slide number (lower right corner) are to the data, a clue that the table
is too large for the slide.

reaching your audience 213

Figure 10-9: A table more appropriate to a report than a presentation

When you create your own presentations, remember that you are giving an
overview, not a report. The PowerPoint slides appearing behind you augment
your communication. They are not your communication.

When selecting a location for your presentation, consider the

position of doors and windows. If you will be presenting dur-
ing daylight, project your image away from windows to reduce
glare. Similarly, project your image at a distance from doors.
Someone always enters a presentation late or leaves early,
distracting your audience.

214 visual communication

placing content

K EEP THESE SUGGESTIONS in mind as you lay out your slides:

■ Restrict each slide to presenting one concept per slide.

■ Choose concise statements throughout; complete sentences are not re-
■ Limit yourself to no more than eight lines of text per slide. Remember,
you can always flow any remaining text to the next slide.
■ Limit your lines of text to no more than eight words per line.
■ Include verbs as much as possible. Verbs generally reduce a reliance on
passive voice and bring action to your text. Some presentation consult-
ants even recommend beginning each line of text with a verb.

staying within the lines

C ONSIDER THESE TWO guidelines when designing the layout of your pres-

1. Place the title of each slide in the same position. Move the title slightly
if you need an extra bit of space for a terrific graphic, but if you find your-
self moving the title a significant amount, you have too much content on
that slide. Figure 10-10 displays a new PowerPoint slide, complete with
suggested guidelines for the title and text block.
2. Decide on consistent placement for text blocks. Will the text be centered
on each slide? Flush left? Flush right?

reaching your audience 215

Figure 10-10: A new PowerPoint slide includes guidelines
for the size of a title and text block

Would you like to show your presentation to someone who doesn’t

own PowerPoint? You can do exactly that. PowerPoint’s Pack and Go
function allows you to send PowerPoint Viewer with a presentation,
so anyone can review your PowerPoint presentation on his or her PC.
Your reviewer cannot edit the presentation—which you wouldn’t want
anyway—but he can view the presentation just as you created it.

to hand out or not to hand out

P OWER P OINT PRODUCES more than presentations. The application also

prints accurate hard-copy versions of its presentations, in either color or black
and white. In fact, some organizations use PowerPoint to produce documents
such as proposals and reports. The most common use of PowerPoint’s printing
capability, however, centers on the printing of handouts. Handouts capture
one or more slides on a sheet of paper and are frequently distributed to an au-
dience for reinforcement of a presentation.

216 visual communication

Whether you want to distribute handouts depends on your goals and pref-
erences as a presenter. Figure 10-11 delineates the pros and cons of handouts.

Pros Cons

Allows the audience to review the ➧ Distracts the audience from the
presentation later. presentation.

➧ May compromise confidentiality.

➧ May entice presenter to include

complex graphs and tables
unsuitable for a presentation.

Allows the audience to review ➧ Presenter should have sum-

complex concepts during rized and explained complex
presentation. concepts.

Allows audience members in the ➧ May require some lights to be

back to follow the presentation, on so audience members can
even if they cannot see the slide. read the handout.

➧ Lights often detract from pres-

entation colors.

Allows those not at the ➧ Reduces presentation to just

presentation to review the material another document, eliminating
at their convenience. the impact of multimedia.

➧ Lacks additional matter dis-

cussed or questions answered.

Figure 10-11: Arguments for and against distributing handouts

size matters

AUDIENCES APPRECIATE CONSISTENCY. Consistency makes their job eas-

ier. They know that significant items are formatted in larger type, just as the
major points on a bulleted list are marked with larger bullets than a sublist.

reaching your audience 217

Shrinking type size to squeeze in more text or an oversized graphic sacrifices
consistency and confounds your audience. If you must shrink the size of text,
never shrink it more than four points from its original size. For instance, if
PowerPoint formats text at 24 points, do not reduce the type size to less than 20
points. (If you begin typing in a PowerPoint text box, you can discover PowerPoint’s
suggested type size by checking the Font Size icon on the PowerPoint toolbar.)
A measurement common in the desktop publishing and printing worlds,
points are used to measure the height of type. One point equals 72 of an inch.
What is the smallest type size you can use in a presentation that your audience
can read? Decide that question yourself with this simple test. On the floor, place
a printout of a slide from your presentation with the text formatted in the small-
est type size. From a standing position, if you can read the text (no fair bending
over), the type is large enough for your audience. Figure 10-12 illustrates what
happens when the type size is sacrificed.
Once again, in the interest of consistency, use no more than two type sizes
throughout a presentation (excluding headings).

Figure 10-12: The amount of data within this slide requires diminished text size

If you are going to give a presentation using only the monitor on

your computer, without projecting the image, limit your audience to
no more than ten people; even a large monitor fails to provide
enough clear sight lines for an audience bigger than that.

218 visual communication

the greatest factor

E VEN THE MOST appealing form of visual communication loses its power if
an audience has seen it a dozen times. Audiences grow jaded. Your ability to
explain to an audience, to listen to them, to sense their confusion or their ex-
citement remains the single greatest factor in a successful presentation. If your
audience leaves your presentation a little more inspired, informed, concerned,
or thoughtful, you have succeeded. If they don’t, you have failed—no matter
how many pieces of electronics surround you.
Meeting this high standard isn’t easy. If it were, everyone would be doing it

animations—visual effects within slides in an electronic presentation

body language—gesture, body position, and facial expression

handouts—hard copies that capture one or more slides on a sheet of paper

and are frequently distributed to an audience for a presentation

multimedia—using multiple avenues of media to affect several senses

point—a unit of typographical measurement (of the height of the type or line
space); one point equals  of an inch

presentation—an individual or individuals speaking before a group for the

purpose of exchanging information of common interest

slide—a landscape, rectangular working area, equivalent to a page in a word

processing document

transitions—visual effects between slides in an electronic presentation

white space (negative space)—empty space surrounding a graphic or


reaching your audience 219

Ten Tips for Improving
Your Presentations

The more you invest in a presentation, the more confident you will be when you give
the presentation. As you grow more confident giving presentations, the more likely
you will be asked to give them, which should offer you an opportunity to invest your-
self in another presentation. See a pattern here? Incorporating the following tips will
improve your presentations and reduce your nervousness while giving them.

Action Explanation

1. Assume the audience As you build your presentation, it is so easy to

has no clue what you learn the presentation too well. Preview your
want. work to a person you trust, someone who
knows nothing about the points you want to

2. Set a deadline and This may be the most difficult action in this list.
stick to it. If you have others contributing to your presen-
tation, you will need to be especially firm. You
will need a deadline so that people, including
you, will stop revising. In addition, you cannot
have a final rehearsal if material continues
streaming into the presentation.

3. Rehearse. Yes, you’re busy. Think how busy you will be if

you have to give a second presentation to ex-
plain the first presentation. Do you know where
all the transitions occur in your presentation? A
thorough rehearsal will show you. For an impor-
tant presentation, rehearse the presentation
three times, including all the transitions, anima-
tions, and sound cues.

220 visual communication

4. Be ready when the first This gives you the chance to greet individual
audience members audience members as they arrive. Also, if you
arrive. have rehearsed and checked all the equipment
before the audience arrives, you have a great
shot at beginning the presentation calmly and
surely. You also communicate to the audience
that you are prepared, even before the first slide
appears on screen.

5. Use your arms to Do you tend to cross your arms across your
good effect. chest? Some see that motion as signifying you
are closed to new ideas. Do you flap your hands
or arms when you are speaking or nervous? Be
aware of the position of your arms and the
speed at which you are moving them.

6. Allow pauses. Do not talk nonstop during a presentation. For ex-

ample, don’t talk over a sound clip. Allow a sev-
eral-second pause between particularly important
slides or graphics. Remember, your audience may
be absorbing your last point or taking notes.

7. Project your voice to The audience member farthest from your voice
the back of the room. deserves to hear you. Don’t trust the sound sys-
tem you are using. Ask the audience members
farthest from your voice if they can hear you.

8. Make eye contact. Avoid staring at your equipment or screen, as if

you expected them to fail at any moment. Instead,
glance from audience member to audience mem-
ber to check that you are engaging them.

9. Ask for questions as if Questions from the audience create an

you really want opportunity for you to make a point you forgot
questions. or elaborate on a key concept. A question from
one audience member might represent the
thoughts of a dozen audience members.

10. Move around the room. This doesn’t mean to pace back and forth be-
tween two distinct points like a human wiper
blade. Try walking into the audience while you
elaborate on a slide or a question from the audi-

reaching your audience 221

➧➧➧ learning on your own
1. Design a presentation on a special interest project
or a hobby using a flash card for each screen.
2. In light of what you’ve learned in this chapter,
critique your presentation. Then make two lists:
➧ What you did well
➧ What you can improve upon
3. Leaf through a magazine or newspaper, and find a
graphic that would be
➧ Ideal for a PowerPoint presentation
➧ All wrong for a PowerPoint presentation
➧ Support your choices with reasoning.

222 visual communication

Online and
Print Resources

listed here are publications and

websites that contain entertaining and
relevant information on the different
topics discussed in Visual Communica-
tion. At time of publication, all websites
listed here were active, but due to the
ever-changing climate of the Internet,
we cannot guarantee every link will be

appendix 223

■ Some history of visual literacy:
■ Pomona College’s Online Visual Literacy Project:
■ A good resource site; includes references to books about Gantt charts and
project management:
■ An interactive online tutorial for Spatial Intelligence:
■ Online multiple intelligence tests for kids, youths, and adults:˜csauer/Links/Tests/tests.htm
■ Introductory explanations of PERT and Gantt charts:
■ Site that shows visitors how to draw landscape maps:
■ Interesting icon gallery:
■ Excellent source for Web graphics:
■ The CIA’s online World Factbook 2001:
■ The National Atlas on the Internet:


Coe, Marlana. Human Factors (New York: Wiley, 1996).

Smit, Kornelis and Howard Chandler. Means Illustrated Construction Dictio-
nary. 3d ed. (Kingston, MA: Robert S. Means, 1991).
Weaver, Marcia. Visual Literacy: How to Read and Use Information in the
Graphic Form (New York: LearningExpress, 1999).

224 visual communication

Wildbur, Peter and Michael Burke. Information Graphics (London: Thames
and Hudson, 1998).
Wilde, Judith and Richard Wilde. Visual Literacy: A Conceptual Approach to
Graphic Problem Solving (Watson-Guptill: 2000).
Zelansky, Gene. Say It with Charts: The Executive’s Guide to Visual Communi-
cation (New York: McGraw-Hill, 2001).

appendix 225

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