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Name ~\5CC

Partner's Name



Plastic Baseball/Softball Bat Striking Likert

Directions: Circle the quality that you feel best represents your partner's
performance in the Wiffle bat activity. When complete, add up what you
gave yourself and write down your total score in the last box. Feel free to
write comments in terms of what they did well on as well as what they need
to improve on in relation to their execution of this action .



Did your partner grip the bat with hands close together
and favorite (dominant) hand on top?

Did your partner stand with knees bent, side to pitcher,

and put back elbow up?

Did your partner swing the bat in a level plane, while

"squashing the bug" at the same time with back foot?

Did your partner break the wrists (top hand comes over
other hand) on contact with ball?

Rate of Occurrence


Plastic Baseball/Softball Bat

Striking Skill Cues:





Total (out of 12):



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