2 Sept Newsletter 2014

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The Montessori Minute

September 2014 Edition

From Mrs. Rousey

I want to thank each of you for your tremendous support so far this school year. I can already
see that we have a wonderful group of children and parents to work with this year! Parents,
teachers, and students must work together hand-in-hand in order to have optimal success.
I also would like to thank you for the supplies that you have donated to our classroom!

We are learning about:

North America
South Carolina
The human body
The Continents

Upcoming Events
September 1 Labor Day (NO School)
September 2- PTO/Open House @ 6:00
September 4 Grandparents Day @ 1:00
September 10 Early Release Day( 4s- 10:30, 5s- 11:30)
September 19 Girl Scouts & Boy Scouts Meeting 6:30
September 26- Sept. Birthday lunch
A Quick Tip on Lessons we are Learning

Shell Sorting We will sort different shells to help us create order, coordination,
concentration & independence.
Knobbed Cylinders Set of 10 cylinders with small handles, to help with the
pincer grip to hold a pencil, sorting or visual discrimination of size, math
base 10,
Pink Tower 10 cubes that gradually get larger, this creates a sense of order and
is preparing children to understand base 10.
Silence Game We have been practicing making silence and what it looks and
feels like. It is important we can calm ourselves down, so we do not distract
others while they are working on different lessons.
Songs We have been seeing songs to get to know each others names and songs
about what color shirt we have on. This creates peace in our room!

Lunch MUST be purchased in
advance (5s only)
Check and return your childs
yellow folders daily.
Please wear your tennis shoes
on Wednesdays and
Thursdays as we have PE on
these days (5s only).
The nurturing of this spiritual life
finds its expression both within the
family and at school in what is still
called education.
- Maria Montessori
Keeping the peace:
(alternate ways of saying no)
Give your child choices
Use kindness and
courtesy with everyone.
Give your child some
responsibilities and
Reserve no for
important issues that
may cause your child or
others harm.
Discuss how we can all
be peace-keepers
o Helping friends
clean up
o listening
o Work Hard
o Apologize
o Sit Ready

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