"Marketing Strategy of Nestle": A Project Report ON
"Marketing Strategy of Nestle": A Project Report ON
"Marketing Strategy of Nestle": A Project Report ON
Submitted by
B.Com. III Year
We are hearty grateful to Dr. A.C. Gupta they have always been an invaluable
source of inspiration had work, sincerity and dedication.
It gives me immense pleasure in submitting this project on MARKETING
STRATEGY OF NESTLE I have developed this project in partial fulfillment of
B.Com from St. Johns College, Agra I would like to express my sincere ineptness
to my Project Guide Dr. A.C. GUPTA for his constant guidance and valuable
support during the project work. Encouragement and excellent guidance in the
successful completion of the project work. And of course nothing could have come
true without the support of my family, friends and all the classmates for their
constant encouragement and useful tips through out my project. I will always
grateful to them.
I, Tanushka Mudgal, student of B.Com Vocational IIIrd, St. Johns College, Agra
here by declare that the project title MARKETING STRATEGY OF NESTLE
is the outcome of my own work and the same has not been submitted to
any other university/institution for the award of any degree or
professional diploma.
Date :
Place : Agra
Founded 1850
This to certify that project entitled, MARKETING STRATEGY OF NESTLE
completed by Tanushka Mudgal in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the
award of the degree of B.Com (Voc) III Insurance of, Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR
UNIVERSITY Agra under my supervision and guidance.
To the best part of my knowledge and belief, the project report embodies the work
of the candidate himself and has not been submitted elsewhere.