My Role Mongolia
My Role Mongolia
My Role Mongolia
Micah Jackson
My group for the International Group Presentation included Deric Batt, Sydney
McCauley, Bronson Westbrook and myself; Micah Jackson. For this presentation all parties
were equally involved in the decision making and collaboration of this product in its full form.
Each of us had our own section which we read aloud to the class. Bronson began the
presentation with the History of Mongolia. Sydney was tasked with the Social Problems of
Mongolia. Deric tackled the Attitudes towards Social Workers and the Operations of a Social
Work Organization. I decided to discuss the Social Work Education and Practices in Mongolia.
I feel this presentation went well and we hit every bullet point that needed to be covered.
I did handle the duties of putting the power point together while Deric edited for us and
well as he and I delegated the duties of each section to the other members of the party. Of course
the technical issues of the Social Problem slide and the Attitudes towards Social Workers slides
rest upon my shoulders and I am still trying to figure out how I messed up those slides when
before the presentation and the editing process they looked fine. I feel the reason we got the
score we received was from the power point not being 100% and if we could have gotten
together at least twice to go over it and do a couple of run throughs as a group then we could
have nailed this presentation and received the highest grade in the class.