Declaratia de Independenta

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Declaration of Independence
elev: Merisanu Bianca Andra
clasa: a X-a A UM.

Colegiul National Anastasescu, 2015

The Declaration of Independence is the

usual name of a statement adopted by
the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, which
announced that the thirteen American
colonies, then at war with Great Britain, regarded
themselves as thirteen newly
independent sovereign states, and no longer a part
of the British Empire. Instead they formed a new
nationthe United States of America.
The sources and interpretation of the
Declaration have been the subject of much
scholarly inquiry. The Declaration justified the
independence of the United States by listing
colonial grievances against King George III, and by
asserting certain natural and legal rights, including
a right of revolution. Having served its original
purpose in announcing independence, references
to the text of the Declaration were few for the next
four score years. Abraham Lincoln made it the
centerpiece of his rhetoric (as in the Gettysburg

Address of 1863), and his policies. Since then, it

has become a well-known statement on human
rights, particularly its second sentence:
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all
men are created equal, that they are endowed by
their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that
among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of
This has been called "one of the best-known
sentences in the English language", containing "the
most potent and consequential words in American
history". The passage came to represent a moral
standard to which the United States should strive.
This view was notably promoted by Abraham
Lincoln, who considered the Declaration to be the
foundation of his political philosophy, and argued
that the Declaration is a statement of principles

through which the United States

Constitution should be interpreted.
It provided inspiration to numerous
national declarations of independence throughout
the world.

Thomas Jefferson Bibliography

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