Social Work: Practice Behaviors
Social Work: Practice Behaviors
Social Work: Practice Behaviors
Prereq: SW 3710. Description and analysis of major social welfare programs in the United
2.1.5 Advance human rights and social and economic justice
Practice Behaviors:
Advocate for human rights and social justice; Engage in practice that advance social and economic justice
2.1.8. Engage in policy practice to advance social and economic well-being and to deliver
effective social work services.
Practice Behaviors:
Analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance social well-being; Collaborate with colleagues
and clients for effective policy action
knowledge and skills to understand major policies that form the foundation of social welfare.
Special attention is paid to analyzing and reforming current social welfare policies at local, state,
national and international levels and applying the results of policy practice skills in regard to
economic, political, and organizational systems. The application of policy practice skills will be
implemented to influence, formulate and advocate for policy consistent with social work values;
and identify financial, organizational, administrative, and planning processes required to deliver
social services.
In the process, program policy gaps and inadequacies are pinpointed, especially as they impact
on oppressed and at risk populations. Prospective social workers are introduced to the workings
of the political process, its influence on social welfare policy and social work practice, and the
ways in which social workers can participate in political activities, advocacy groups and
coalitions, and/or organizational change in order to achieve social and economic justice.
Performance Criteria:
Student achievement of the knowledge and skill objectives is evaluated via examinations and/or
policy analysis. In addition, students will be asked to demonstrate their ability to advocate for
policy change by engaging in some form of political advocacy.
Grading and Assignments
Related Course
Competency #
2.1.5 & 2.1.8
2.1.5 & 2.1.8
2.1.5 & 2.1.8
2.1.5 & 2.1.8
100 points
Assessment of a Social Policy:
Students will Assess a current social policy.
Grading Policy:
Students may pass the course with a grade of D but must maintain a C average during the junior
and senior year. (See Undergraduate Bulletin, Wayne State University
Grade distribution:
100-95 A
79.9-77 C+
94.9-90 A76.9-73 C
89.9-87 B+
72.9-70 C-
86.9-83 B
69.9-67 D+
82.9-80 B66.9-63 D
79.9-77 C+
62.9-60 D-
Course content begins with a brief review of the history of social welfare in this country and
trends in the development of our social welfare system. Current policies and programs are
described and analyzed using a policy analysis framework. Gaps in existing programs (such as
welfare and social security) are identified and impacts on the lives of minorities, women, and
other oppressed groups are emphasized. The social workers ongoing role as policy reformer and
advocate for social and economic justice is presented throughout the course.
See University Statement of Obligation of Students and Faculty Members of the teaching learning process
A. Attendance: Attendance is an important responsibility, not only for the student to learn
course content that is not in the readings, but also to participate (see below) and offer comments
and suggestions to the class.
One absence will be allowed without penalty. One point will be deducted from the final
points for each of the second and third absences. For the fourth and subsequent absences, three
points will be deducted for each absence.
Please use the allowed absence and low point absences wisely since there will be no
exceptions to this policy.
Please notify the instructor in advance of any absences by email.
Severe Weather Closure Policy
According to the Universitys Administrative Policy and Procedure Manual:
Wayne State University will close affected units when severe weather conditions compromise the
safety of its students, faculty and staff, both at the University and in transit to or from the
University. Generally, the University may be closed when severe weather conditions exist.
Severe weather could consist of excessive accumulation of snow during a single snow period
and/or prediction of excessive accumulation of snow, and excessive or dangerous accumulation
of ice.
Closure will be publicized through the University Newsline (313-577-5345), WSU Homepage
(, WSU Pipeline (, WDET-FM (Public Radio 101.9)
and by local radio and television stations. A message will also be sent to registered cell phones
and email addresses using the Broadcast Messaging Services. If conditions are such that you
suspect the University or School may be closed, please feel free to call the Newsline at the above
listed number.
B. Lateness: Class will begin at the set time. While weather and traffic may create problems, one
late will be allowed without penalty; the second and third lates will result in a deduction of
point; any additional lateness will result in a deduction of 1 point from the final grade. Anything
after 10 minutes is considered late. Students who return late from the break or leave early may
have a late counted against them.
C. Cell Phones, Smart phones, Computers and Pagers: Cell phones and beepers are restricted
to vibrations and must be limited to emergency use only. Unless being used for class work (note
taking, research for example), all Electronic equipment must be turned off during class.
D. Class Participation is expected and graded; participation may include raising questions from
the readings/discussion, making comments, reacting to opinions expressed by the instructor or
fellow students, asking for clarification, engaging in class exercises, and bringing up issues of
general information from the readings and/or your experiences. Make sure you verbally
participate during class time.
E. Assignment Policies:
Late papers (those not turned in at the beginning of class on the assigned day or emailed in
advance of the due date), will lose a point for each day they are late. Please notify the instructor
in advance of the due date if you expect your paper to be late.
Students are expected to complete all readings, participate in class and perform satisfactorily on
assignments and tests. The instructor shall be notified of unavoidable issues in advance which
may (or will) prevent compliance with assignment due date, or class attendance.
No Student will be eligible for an Incomplete in the course unless there are extra-ordinary
circumstances approved in advance with the instructor.
You must cite sources from the Internet, books, articles, personal interviews or any form of
media used in your work. This does not mean only direct quotations from a source, but any
source which influenced your thinking and ideas on the issue. Wikipedia may not be used as a
reference (Please see below.)
Any paper that includes plagiarized material or ideas will result in a 0 for the paper. If there is
additional evidence of plagiarism in other papers, a referral to the University for further
Disciplinary Action will be made.
Finally, copying or sharing answers on quizzes will be considered academic dishonesty, or
cheating. Evidence of cheating will result in a 0 for the assignment, and potential failure in the
Do NOT put your name on any quiz or paper. Use your WSU Access ID (two letters and four
numbers, ie. ap3849), instead, putting it on every page of each paper or quiz.
F. APA Format
All papers written in the School of Social Work require APA format. You may purchase the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) (APA), or you may
visit the website listed below. If you are intending to continue in the School of Social Work, you
will need to be familiar with these APA standards for all of your courses.
G. Wikipedia Will Not Be Accepted As A Reliable Source
What is Wikipedia?
Wikipedia is a free-content encyclopedia, written collaboratively by people from all around the
world. The site is a wiki, which means that anyone can edit entries simply by clicking on the edit
this page link.
Because Wikipedia is an ongoing work to which anybody can contribute, it differs from a paperbased reference source or other websites and information in some important ways. In particular,
mature articles tend to be more comprehensive and balanced, while other (often fledgling)
articles may still contain significant misinformation, un-encyclopedic content or vandalism.
Users need to be aware of this in order to obtain valid information and avoid misinformation
which has been recently added and not yet removed.
Students with disabilities: please inform the instructor before, or on the first day of class, if you
need accommodations for a disability
Academic integrity and student code of conduct: Plagiarism is copying someone's ideas or
quotations or answers WITHOUT citing the source. Please be familiar with the rules at:
Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) at Wayne State:
SET Administration
Note: Syllabus may be modified by instructor based on the needs of the class
1. Paper A: Benchmark Assignment:
Policy Analysis Paper (use policy framework discussed in class and/or questions below to
complete your paper) (Competencies2.1.5 & 2.1.8.)
a. Describe current social problem you are concerned with.
b. What are the policies in place to address this concern?
c. Are these policies dictated by local, state or federal laws or
d. What is working; what is not working especially for at risk populations
(your critique of the current policy)?
e. How long has the current policy been in place? Who supports and who
opposes the policy?
f. Interview one advocate, legislator regarding their opinion of current
Gil, D. (1998). Confronting injustice and oppression: Concepts and strategies for
Social Workers. New York: Columbia University Press.
Gilbert, N. & Terrell, P. (1998). Dimensions of social welfare policy (6th ed.). Needham
Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon.
Haynes, K. & Mickelson, J. (2006) Affecting Change: Social Workers in the political
arena. New York: Longman.
Hockstand, C. & Midgley, J. (Eds.) (2004). Lessons from abroad: adapting international
social welfare innovations. Washington, DC: NASW
Hodge, D. (2003). Value differences between social workers and members of the
working and middle classes. Social Work, 48, 107-119.
Jansson, B.S. (2005). The reluctant welfare state. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Jansson, B. S. (1999). Becoming an effective policy advocate: From policy practice
to social justice. Pacific Grove, CA: Brooks-Cole.
Jansson, B. S. & Smith, S. (1996). Articulating a new nationalism in American social
policy. Social Work, 41, 441-450.
Johnson, A.K. (2004). Social work is standing on the legacy of Jane Addams: But are
we sitting on the sidelines? Social Work, 49, 319-326.
Kuo, D. (1997). Poverty 101: What liberals and conservatives can learn from each
other. The Brookings Review, 36-38.
Lens, V. (2005). Advocacy and argumentation in the public arena: A guide for social
workers. Social Work, 50, 231-238.
LeCroy, C. W. & Stinson, E. L. (2004). The publics perception of social work: Is it
what we think it is? Social Work, 49, 164-174.
Midgley, J., Tracy, M., & Livermore, M. (2000). The handbook of social policy.
York: Longman.