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Lesson Plan F orm

Teacher: Lizzy Clay

School: Lesher

Grade Level: 6 ( ELO)

Title: Oil Pastel Techniques and Bottle Composition

Date: 2.10.2015 to 2.19.2015

Content Area: Art

Lesson #:1

Content Standard(s) addressed by this lesson:

Visual Arts

Grade Level Expectation

Sixth Grade
1. Observe
and Learn to

1. The characteristics and expressive features of art and design are used in
unique ways to respond to two- and three-dimensional art
2. Art created across time and cultures can exhibit stylistic differences and
3. Specific art vocabulary is used to describe, analyze, and interpret works of

2. Envision
and Critique to

1. Visual symbols and metaphors can be used to create visual expression

3. Invent and
Discover to

1. Plan the creation of a work of art

2. Key concepts, issues, and themes connect the visual arts to other disciplines
such as the humanities, sciences, mathematics, social studies, and
2. Explore various media, materials, and techniques used to create works of
3. Utilize current, available technology to refine ideas in works of art

4. Relate and
Connect to

1. Critical thinking in the arts transfers to multiple lifelong endeavors

2. Visual arts impact community, cultural traditions, and events
3. Eco-art is a contemporary response to environmental issues

Inquiry Questions:
What impacts can direct light sources have on composition?

How will the n ewly learned techniques create 3d like textures in a 2d p icture plane art?
Concepts and skills students master:

Four oil pastel techniques will b e used in the final art p iece- three bottles (each b ottle will demonstrate
a different technique), the background will d emonstrate the final technique , and the surface that the
bottle s are s et upon will b e a repeat of one of the four techniques- the s tudents choice.
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STEPP Lesson Plan F orm

A direct light source will b e established through shadows and highlights in the final composition.
Use art vocabulary when talking about their artwork- d emonstrated during final critique.


Direct light source

Techniques: blend/value, stipple, smear, and crosshatching/hatching

Evidence Outcomes: ( Knowledge/ Skills, Lesson Objectives)

Every student will be able to:
Create a final composition with oil pastel using four d ifferent techniques.
Define the word composition in their own words and giving an example.
Successfully show a d irect light source in their finished work.

Assessment of Evidence Outcomes:
Formative assessment: Fist to Five
After technique demonstration, the students will choose one technique to teach to a partner.
Beginning worksheet:

Oil Pastel Bottle Composition

We will be composing our own work of art by drawing from what we see!
This is called a still life drawing.

Please define in your own words: (use chapter 4 in Exploring Art books if needed)
CompositionLight sourceElement (of Art)-

What questions will you ask yourself before creating your own
Can you draw an example, using oil pastel, of a direct light source on a
shape of your choice?

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Final worksheet (Artist s tatement):

Artist statement
Needs to be written in at least 2 complete sentences.

1. What specific art elements did you use to create your final artwork? (ex:
color, line, form shape, texture and space)

2. How did you use your material and techniques to be successful in your

3. How did you personalize or stylize your artwork to make it unique?
4. Did your final project change from your original idea? Why or why not?

5. What grade would you give yourself for this project? Why?


Grade yourself
(poor, fair, good, excellent)

Learn terminology, techniques, and a

new art form

Thinking process to d esign final project, practice

drawing the bottle form.

Create a work of art. Art Project follows criteria, as

well as d emonstrates good craftsmanship and
application of techniques.

Creating art that is unique to the student, this is

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explained through an Artist Statement (on front

Colorado Visual Arts Standards:


Observe and Learn to Comprehend

Use the visual arts to express, communicate, and make meaning. To perceive art involves studying art;
scrutinizing and examining art; recognizing, noticing, and seeing art; distinguishing art forms and
subtleties; identifying and detecting art; becoming skilled in and gaining knowledge of art; grasping and
realizing a rt; f iguring out a rt; and sensing and f eeling a rt.


Envision and Critique to Reflect

Articulate and implement critical thinking in the visual arts by synthesizing, evaluating, and analyzing
visual information. To value art involves visualizing, articulating, and conveying art; thinking about,
pondering, and contemplating art; wondering about, assessing, and questioning art concepts and
contexts; expressing a rt; d efining the relevance, significance of, and importance of art; and experiencing,
interpreting, and justifying the a esthetics of art.


Invent and Discover to Create

Generate works of arts that employ unique ideas, feelings, and values using different media, technologies,
styles, and forms of expression. To make art involves creating, inventing, conceiving, formulating, and
imagining art; communicating, ascertaining, and learning about art; building, crafting, and generating art;
assembling and manufacturing art; discovering, fashioning, and producing art; and causing art to exist.


Relate and Connect to Transfer:

Recognize, articulate, and validate the value of the visual arts to lifelong learning and the human
experience. To respond to art involves relating to art; connecting to art; personally linking to art;
associating with art; bonding to art; moving toward art sensibilities; shifting to art orientations; thinking
about art; attaching meaning to art; replying to art; reacting to art; internalizing a rt; personalizing art; and
relating a rt to d iverse cultures.

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