Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings (2010)
Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings (2010)
Energy Efficiency in Traditional Buildings (2010)
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Building use
Thermal bridging
Thermal mass
Assessment methods
Building management
Building condition
Preliminaries to upgrading
Reducing draughts
Places of worship
It is Government policy to reduce energy use and
carbon dioxide emissions from the burning of fossil
fuels. The European Directive on the Energy
Performance of Buildings (2002/91/EC) adopted into
Irish law in 2006, specifically targeted energy
requirements of buildings whether new or existing,
residential or non-residential. In order to meet the
requirements of the directive (which was recast in
2010), and to address the fact that buildings
contribute significantly to this countrys energy
consumption, the standard of energy conservation
required of new buildings has risen significantly in
recent years. Energy performance standards will
continue to rise so that, by 2016, it is intended that
new houses will be mainly passive, that is to say,
designed to consume little or no energy in use.
However, upgrading the thermal efficiency of the
existing building stock presents a challenge,
particularly where the building was built using
traditional materials and construction methods and is
of architectural or historical interest.
People enjoy old buildings for the sense of history
they evoke, the craftsmanship they represent and for
the solidity of their construction. However, there is
sometimes a perception that old buildings are cold. It
is true that they can sometimes be draughty, and the
degree of tolerance shown by their users is testimony
to the value people place on architectural character
and a sense of place, which compensate to quite a
large extent for any shortcomings in comfort.
Historically, heating solutions included a roaring fire or
an ever-burning stove emitting pleasurable warmth.
Of course, our forebears were somewhat hardier than
ourselves, having different expectations in terms of
heat and comfort. Extra clothing and bedclothes, hotwater bottles and even different dietary habits played
their part in keeping people warm in their day-to-day
lives during the colder months. From the midtwentieth century onwards, the availability of cheap
fossil fuels enabled an increasing number of
households to avail of central heating, supplying heat
to all rooms; a concept almost unheard of in earlier
Today, however, there is an increasing awareness of
the importance of energy and fuel conservation. In
tandem with higher expectations in relation to the
general warmth of the indoor environment, this
awareness has led to new standards and types of
building construction intended to ensure that the
Dwelling Type
2006 Number
2006 % of Total
Detached house
Semi-detached house
Terraced house
Not stated
Irish dwelling types: This chart indicates that detached buildings represent almost half of all dwellings, which
has implications for energy consumption
Before 1919
1919 to 1940
1941 to 1960
90 100
Solid Fuel
Oil Fired
1961 to 1970
Gas Fired
Dual System
1971 to 1980
1981 to 1990
1991 to 1995
1996 to 2000
2001 or later
Not stated
(Source: Energy in the Residential Sector, Sustainable Energy Ireland, 2008. Information adapted from Central
Statistics Office 2006)
Upgrading Option
Cost Bracket
6 months
Lagging to hot water pipework
1 year
1 year
(changing from a 70% to a
90% efficiency boiler would
result in typical savings of
approximately a300 per year)
2 years
30 years
40 years
Hot water tank
Upgrading to high-efficiency
boiler with correct controls
Suspended timber floors
Conservation principles
In a sense, we look after our historic buildings not only for ourselves but for those
who come after us. Many of these buildings have been around for generations
before us and it is our responsibility to hand them on in good condition to allow
future generations to enjoy them too. So that the works you undertake do not
damage the special qualities of a historic building, it is important to understand
some of the basic principles of good building conservation. Many of these are
common-sense and all are based on an understanding of how old buildings work
and how, with sensitive treatment, they can remain special.
Before you start, learn as much as you can about your particular building. What is
its history? How has it changed over time? Remember that later alterations may be
important too and evidence that the building has been cared for and adapted over
the years with each generation adding its own layer to a unique history.
> Do use the experts - get independent advice from the right people
> Do establish and understand the reasons for failure before undertaking repairs
> Do repair the parts of the building that need it - do not replace them unless
they can no longer do the job they were designed to do
> Do make sure the right materials and repair techniques are used and that even
the smallest changes you make to the building are done well
> Do use techniques that can be easily reversed or undone. This allows for any
unforeseen problems to be corrected in future without damage to the special
qualities of the building
> Do record all repair works for the benefit of future owners
> Dont overdo it only do as much work to the building as is necessary, and as
little as possible
> Dont look at problems in isolation consider them in the context of the
building as a whole
> Dont use architectural salvage from elsewhere unless you are certain that the
taking of the materials hasnt caused the destruction of other old buildings or
been the result of theft
SW prevaling wind
SW prevaling wind
The course of the sun is predictable for any given day
of the year. This allows for a full understanding of the
impact of the sun on a building or site. In Ireland,
about 40% of the suns radiation is direct and 60%
diffuse, that is, scattered by cloud cover. Harnessing of
the suns energy offers huge potential and can be used
effectively for passive and active heating and
Short wavelength
radiation from the
sun is transmitted
through the glass
Longer wavelength
radiation is trapped
inside the glass
bedroom bedroom
living room living room
Building use
In addition to all of the above, the way people
perceive the comfort of a building is dependent on
the buildings use, the activities of its users and the
nature of its interior furnishings.
Leather linings and tapestries line the walls of this room and improve the thermal comfort of the occupants
Calculating U-values
This process requires some technical know-how. An owner rarely needs to be able
to calculate U-values for a building but it may be useful to understand the process
and how it might be applicable to works that are undertaken to improve energy
The first step is to establish the thermal conductivity k (W/mK) of each material in
the construction: this is done by reference to published tables. Next calculate the
thermal resistance R (mK/W) for each material as follows:
R = kt (mK/W)
U = (R + R + R + ... + R ) (W/mK)
As U-values are calculated based on a notional fixed temperature difference
between inside and outside, they remain constant for a given type and thickness of
material; the U-value does not normally take into account orientation or exposure,
although a refined evaluation of overall heat losses for windows gives radically different values depending on whether a window is north or south facing.
While overall heat loss calculations can be adjusted for emissivity (the extent to
which a body reflects or radiates heat) of the internal and external surfaces, it is
more difficult to adjust calculations for material defects or climate variations (such
as a chilling wind), both of which increase the rate at which heat is lost through a
buildings shell.
Tables giving U-values for common construction types are available from the
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland (SEAI). Simple software for calculating
U-values is also available. Manufacturers of insulating products normally indicate
the U-value on the product literature. However, this data must be verifiable if it is to
be used in calculations. The appropriate European Standard or keymark (for example BSI) should also appear on the literature to enable traceability.
U-values for works governed by the Building Regulations in existing buildings can
be found in Technical Guidance Document L of the Regulations.
Thermal bridging
Thermal bridging, also known as cold bridging, occurs
at locations where part of an external wall, floor or
roof, draws heat directly to the outside at a faster rate
than surrounding materials. In the interior, these
thermal bridges are cooler than the surrounding
building material and therefore attract condensation,
often leading to mould growth. Any proposed
insulation works should ensure that all parts of a room
are insulated consistently to avoid thermal bridging. It
should be noted that higher insulation levels can
exacerbate issues related to thermal bridging as the
temperature difference between the insulated areas
and any remaining thermal bridges will be greater,
allowing a concentration of condensing moisture to
occur on the thermal bridge.
Roof ventilation
Heat gains from lighting
Heating from an open fire
Ventilation to remove
moisture produced in
Wind and sun dry out
the walls
Porous walls absorb
Heat gains from
cooking and electrical
Moisture evaporates
from permeable walls
A comparison of the ventilation and heating requirements for a traditional building (above)
and a modern building (below)
Roof ventilation
Trickle ventilation
through window frames
Thermal mass
Different materials absorb and radiate heat at different
rates. Thermal mass is the ability of high-density
materials such as brick and stone to absorb heat,
retain it and then release it again slowly over time,
helping to moderate the temperature fluctuations
within a room. Thermal inertia is the term used to
describe this process. A thermally lightweight
structure responds very quickly to solar gain or central
heating and is less effective in storing free energy for
use later, and can result in larger temperature swings
within a room.
Depending on the orientation and size of the windows
in a building, the use of passive solar gain is improved
in buildings that have a high thermal mass, arising
from their overall construction; for example masonry
internal and external walls and solid floors allow a
building to absorb, retain and later release the heat
absorbed from the sun. The possibility of effectively
exploiting solar gain in a building of high thermal
Same U-value
Two different wall constructions (above) with similar U-values may have very different thermal masses
A graph (above) showing the temperature changes within buildings with high thermal mass (red line) and with low
thermal mass (yellow line). As can be seen by the red line, less extreme changes of temperature are experienced
inside the building with the higher thermal mass
A medieval tower
house with thick
stone walls and a
high thermal mass
(above) and an
lightweight timber
building with low
thermal mass
Assessment methods
There are a number of non-destructive techniques
available to assess the energy efficiency of an existing
building. These range from the use of simple handheld devices such as moisture meters and borescopes
to more complex and expensive methods such as
thermal imaging. Expert knowledge and experience
will be needed to decide which assessment method is
appropriate in a particular case, to undertake the
assessment and to interpret the results.
Thermography, or thermal imaging, is photography
using a camera that captures infra-red (IR) light rather
than the visible light captured by a standard camera. IR
light occurs beyond the red end of the visible light
spectrum and is invisible to the naked eye. All objects
that are warmer than absolute zero (-273C) emit IR
light. The warmer the object is, the more IR light it
emits. IR cameras record the amount of IR light emitted
by an object and translate it into a temperature which
is indicated on a scale bar adjacent to the thermal
image or thermogram. Even very small temperature
differences, as low as 0.1C, can be recorded by IR
cameras. The image produced by an IR camera is multicoloured with each colour representing a different
temperature. Different colour scales can be used
depending on the objects photographed.
Thermography has many varied applications in
different disciplines and can be a useful tool when
assessing the condition of a building. It has particular
advantages for investigating historic buildings as it is a
non-invasive, non-destructive method.
- 9.0
- 8.5
- 8.0
- 7.5
- 7.0
- 6.5
- 5.9
- 5.4
- 4.9
- 4.4
- 3.9
Air-pressure testing, or fan-pressurisation testing,
assesses the air-tightness of a building and the rate of
air leakage occurring through the fabric. Modern
building methods seek to build tight and ventilate
right. However, as discussed elsewhere in this booklet,
this maxim is not appropriate for traditional buildings
which require relatively high levels of natural
ventilation to keep the building fabric in good
condition. Nonetheless, testing a buildings airtightness may highlight areas or points of particularly
high air leakage which could be remedied without
compromising the health of the building fabric. Care
should be taken when undertaking air-pressure tests
on older buildings which contain fragile building
elements, including delicate glazing bars and thin,
hand-made panes of glass which would be damaged if
subjected to excessive pressure.
Electrical moisture meters can be useful in detecting
the presence of moisture in building fabric. Simple
electrical resistance meters are relatively cheap, easy
to use and widely available. However, the results can
be inaccurate and misleading. False, elevated readings
can be obtained, for example, where there are
concentrations of salts on the surface of a wall, foil
behind plasterboard, condensation and the like.
Moisture meters are most useful and reliable when
used on timber.
Ultrasonic scanning involves the use of high-frequency
sound waves to provide a cross-section through a
material. It can be used across very fragile surfaces
without causing damage which makes it particularly
suited to use on sensitive historic buildings. This nondestructive technique can be used in the investigation
of timbers to determine if there is any decay present
and, if so, its extent. It can also be used to assess the
structural integrity of timber joints and the presence
of zones of weakness within stone blocks. A high level
of skill and experience is needed to carry out the
assessment and interpret the results.
Examination of a building with radar uses low-power
radio pulses to determine the make-up and condition
of a structure. It can be used successfully on most
construction materials to locate and measure voids,
cracks, areas of corrosion and discontinuities in walls
or floors and to detect the presence of old chimney
flues. As with in-situ U-value measuring, the use of
radar is a relatively expensive and complex assessment
method that requires expertise to undertake and to
analyse the resulting data.
Building management
The first step should be to consider how the building
is used and managed. The greatest savings in energy
consumption generally come from changing the way a
building is used and the behaviour of its occupants.
Some relatively simple measures can result in
immediate benefits including:
> Turning down thermostats by as little as 1C (this
can result in potential savings of 5-10% on a fuel
> Having shorter or more efficient running times for
the heating system
Building condition
The next step should be to consider whether or not
the building is in a good state of repair: there is often
little point in insulating or draught proofing if it is not.
Generally dry buildings are warmer buildings: high
moisture levels in the fabric of a building resulting
from leaks or general dampness seriously reduce a
buildings thermal efficiency. A wet wall transfers heat
from the interior of a building about 40% more quickly
than a dry wall, resulting in much greater heat loss. It is
therefore important to ensure that roofs, gutters and
downpipes are well maintained. Similarly, soil banked
up against a wall and the use of dense, impermeable
cement renders can trap moisture in walls. Therefore,
before embarking on upgrading works, the condition
of the building should be inspected and any necessary
maintenance and repair works completed. For further
information, see Maintenance: a guide to the care of
older buildings in this Advice Series.
Preliminaries to upgrading
> Assess which elements of the building require
upgrading works and complete a list of proposed
works. Based on this list, estimate the cost of
upgrading and the potential energy savings that
will result on completion of the works. Be clear as
to the purpose of the works: is it to save money, to
reduce the buildings carbon footprint, or to
improve comfort levels?
> Consider the effect of any proposed works on the
appearance of the exterior and interior of a building and ensure that no works will interfere with, or
damage, important elements or decorative finishes
or the historic character of the building as a whole
> Bear in mind that the cheapest works with the
greatest energy savings are draught proofing, attic
insulation and upgrading the boiler and heating
controls. These can often be carried out with a
minimal impact on the appearance of a building or
its historic fabric, although certain caveats apply
> If works are to be undertaken on a phased basis
consider targeting colder rooms first, such as
north-facing rooms
> Dont reduce ventilation too much; ventilation is
needed for human comfort and to dispel moisture
within a traditionally built building
Many upgrading options involve the use of insulation.
In choosing which insulation material to use the
following should be considered:
> Research all proposed insulation materials. There is
a large variety of insulating materials available,
many of which provide the same insulation properties but vary in price and material content.
Materials which meet sustainability criteria should
be identified: some artificial or plastic-based insulation materials may embody substantial amounts
of energy. Account should be taken of the expected lifespan of the material and whether or not
there are available alternative materials.
Additionally, health aspects related to off-gassing
(gases exuded by some materials), compaction
over time, and the breathability of the materials
themselves need to be taken into consideration
> In order to protect the character of buildings of
architectural and historic interest, it is generally
not appropriate to insulate masonry walls, because
of the impact on an interior of dry lining or plastering, or on the appearance of an exterior through
the use of external insulation systems, together
with the difficulties of successfully detailing joints
such as at eaves and windows sills
> Any proposed insulation works should ensure that
all parts of a room are insulated consistently to avoid
thermal bridging. Higher insulation levels can exacerbate problems associated with thermal bridging
> When choosing products, consider the results
which can be obtained from different options in
terms of both the financial investment and resultant energy savings
> Quilt insulation can be in the form of mineral wool,
sheeps wool or hemp. Mineral wool may compress
and sag over time if it gets damp and is unpleasant to handle. Sheeps wool and hemp are
advantageous as both allow any moisture which is
absorbed to later evaporate: this means that these
materials are less prone to compression in the long
term. Wool, being a natural material and a by-product of the agricultural industry, can be seen to be
environmentally friendly in itself, while hemp is a
carbon-negative material, that is, it absorbs carbon
as it grows and locks it away in the plant
Reducing draughts
In traditional buildings, heat loss commonly occurs as
a result of excessive ventilation or draughts. Over time
buildings move, settle and shrink causing gaps to
open up in locations where there were none originally.
This often happens at the junction between windows
and their surrounding masonry, or between sashes
and window frames, including shutter boxes. Previous
alterations to the building and works to install or
remove services may have left gaps and cracks that
were never properly sealed. Localised decay may have
resulted in gaps particularly around doors and
windows. All these factors invariably result in increased
levels of ventilation and draughts, resulting in
discomfort for the building users as well as the loss of
Measures to reduce draughts should be given careful
consideration both on a room-by-room basis and in
the context of the building as a whole. Consideration
should be given to reducing excessive air flow
through, and around, particular elements in a building.
It may be possible to draught proof windows in rooms
which have other sources of ventilation such as wall
vents and open chimney flues. Windows in rooms with
no other vents can be partially draught proofed but a
strip of draught proofing should always be omitted,
such as at the meeting rails of sash windows, to ensure
continued ventilation. If this does not provide
sufficient ventilation in a particular situation, the top
sash could be fixed in an open position to provide a
small gap, allowing trickle movement of air to circulate
from the meeting rail to the top. The top sash can be
secured in place with a block on the window frame
and both the top and bottom sash should be locked
into the side of the frame, as a lock at the meeting rail
will not be usable.
Inflatable chimney balloons can be used to seal open
chimney flues that are not in use. These have the
advantage that, if their presence is forgotten and a fire
is lit, they deflate and melt away within a very short
period. Fully sealing a flue is not recommended.
Sufficient ventilation is needed in the interior to keep
the building fabric in good condition and for the
health of the occupants. In addition, ventilation is
An estimated 25% of heat loss occurs through a
buildings roof. The scope for reducing heat loss from a
historic building in a non-intrusive way is greatest at
attic and roof level; fitting insulation at roof level can
be one of the most cost-effective measures in
improving thermal performance in a traditional
Both pitched and flat roofs in traditional buildings
were generally constructed of timber structural
elements. Flat roofs were traditionally covered with
lead or copper, which are high-quality, long-lasting
cladding materials. Older pitched roofs are generally
covered with natural slate or tiles although some may
originally have been thatched. Thatched roofs are
comparatively rare today, although many more
probably survive unseen under later corrugated iron
roof coverings. Thatch, by its nature, is an excellent
insulant and thatched roofs generally do not require
the addition of insulation and in fact may deteriorate if
inappropriately lined from below. For further
information, see Roofs a guide to the repair of historic
roofs and Thatch a guide to the repair of thatched roofs
in this Advice Series.
Traditional buildings were not fitted with attic
insulation at the time of their construction. Many have
been upgraded since but there may be scope for
improving the existing insulation levels in many
Uninsulated space
beneath the water tank
Insulation laid between
the ceiling joists
Insulation wrapped
around the water tank
ventilation zone
Permanent eaves
time so that the bats always have some undisturbed and secure areas. The advice
of a bat expert should always be sought and there may be a requirement for this
expert to be present on site during the course of the works.
Where it is proposed to treat roof timbers against fungal or insect attack, careful
consideration must be given to ensure that the treatment used will not adversely
affect the bats.
Where roofing membranes are to be included as part of roofing works, they should
be of a type that allows bats to hang from almost any point. Plastic membranes are
mostly unsuitable because bats have difficulty hanging from them, so wind-break
netting stretched beneath the membrane should be used.
The completed roof should be accessible and amenable to the returning bats.
Access to the roof space can be provided in a variety of ways including the use of
purpose-built bat entrances. Bats also need suitable roosting sites and an appropriate temperature regime. This can be provided by the construction of a bat-box
within the roof space that has the advantage also of providing some segregation
between the bats and buildings occupants.
For further information, see the National Parks and Wildlife Service publication Bat
Mitigation Guidelines for Ireland (2006) which can be downloaded from
50mm continuous
ventilation gap below
lead sheeting
In considering how or if the thermal insulation of
traditional walls can be improved, it is important to
fully understand how the existing walls were
constructed, how they were designed to deal with the
Irish climate and the significance of historic finishes to
both the exterior and interior.
Wall type
Internal finish
Locharbriggs sandstone
550 mm
1.4 W/mK
Locharbriggs sandstone
550 mm
1.1 W/mK
Locharbriggs sandstone
550 mm
0.9 W/mK
400 mm
1.1 W/mK
Craigleith sandstone
600 mm
1.5 W/mK
Craigleith sandstone
300 mm
2.3 W/mK
Craigleith sandstone
600 mm
1.4 W/mK
Craigleith sandstone
600 mm
0.9 W/mK
Kemnay granite
350 mm
1.7 W/mK
Kemnay granite
600 mm
0.8 W/mK
Kemnay granite
600 mm
0.9 W/mK
Red sandstone
400 mm
1.3 W/mK
Blond sandstone
600 mm
0.9 W/mK
Recent research has found that the U-values of traditionally built walls are more favourable than previously
acknowledged. The research identified U-values for differing construction compositions and widths. The results for
walls of varying thickness, with plaster applied directly onto the wall, range from 1.1 2.4W/mK. Correlation was
found between the thickness of the wall and the U-value results (Source: Paul Baker In Situ U-Value Measurements in
Traditional Buildings preliminary results)
There is a wide range of quality in available draughtproofing products and assurances should be sought as
to the lifespan of a product prior to fitting. In addition,
it is important that the product can be removed easily
without causing damage to the historic window frame
to ensure that when it reaches the end of its life it can
be replaced. It should also be noted that flexible
draught-proofing strips such as brushes and rubber
will cease to operate correctly if painted as part of
redecoration works.
As discussed in the section on ventilation above,
windows in rooms with no alternative means of
ventilation such as wall vents or open flues should
never be fully draught proofed.
For buildings that are primarily used during the day it
may be appropriate to consider secondary glazing.
Secondary glazing is a full-sized window panel fitted
directly inside the existing window, which acts in a
similar way to double glazing. It can be temporary or
permanent and should be fitted to slide or open
inwards in such a way as to allow for easy opening of
the original windows for ventilation purposes,
cleaning and emergency escape. The style and manner
in which the unit opens should be visually appropriate
for the window to which it is being fitted and easy for
the end-user to operate. Any division in the panel
should be located to match the frame of the existing
window, such as at the meeting rail of a sash window.
Duplication of individual panels looks unsightly from
the exterior and should be avoided. Secondary glazing
should be sealed to the interior but the original
windows should be ventilated to the exterior to
prevent condensation forming between the two
windows, which is not only unsightly but is potentially
damaging to the historic building fabric. Therefore, if
secondary glazing is to be fitted, the original windows
should not also be draught proofed.
While secondary glazing is effective it is only
appropriate if it does not affect the character of the
windows and room in which it is fitted. Formal rooms
or rooms with high quality decorative finishes may be
compromised by the fitting of secondary glazing. The
use of the room is also important. If rooms are plain
and used as, for example, offices or kitchens, the fitting
of secondary glazing may be appropriate. If rooms are
not often used during the day it would be more
appropriate to leave the windows as they are and use
any existing shutters.
Secondary glazing should always be fitted in such a
way that it is still possible to use existing shutters.
Slim-line secondary glazing is available which can be
fitted in place of the staff bead between the bottom
sash and the shutters. This allows the shutters and
curtains to be used at night when outside
temperatures are lower. The combination of secondary
glazing, shutters and curtains has the potential to
match the insulation properties of triple-glazed
windows. Secondary glazing alone can result in better
overall thermal performance than a standard doubleglazed window. The fitting of secondary glazing
should be reversible and carried out with minimal
interference to the existing window, shutters and
Original or early-replacement windows in a traditional
building should generally not be replaced with
double-glazed windows. Replacing windows in a
protected structure requires planning permission and
this is unlikely to be granted as double glazing will
rarely be in keeping with the character of traditional
buildings; modern double-glazed windows are made
with chunky sections of framing which are necessary
to hold the double-glazed units in place. These
proportions are very different to those of traditional
windows which are generally made of fine timber
The fitting of double-glazed units into existing timber
frames is rarely appropriate or achievable; in order for
the glazing units to be effective at reducing heat-loss
the gap between the glass panes in the unit should be
a minimum of 12 mm, resulting in a total unit depth of
approximately 20 mm including the two pieces of
glass. Historic sash frames are generally finely crafted
Single glazing
Heavy curtains
Secondary glazing
Secondary glazing
and heavy curtains
Secondary glazing
and shutters
Double glazing
U-value W/mK
Findings of recent research carried out in Scotland illustrate that existing historic windows with repaired shutters
and appropriate secondary glazing can out-perform double-glazed windows and meet current building regulation
standards (Source: Paul Baker Thermal Performance of Traditional Windows)
The ground or lowest floor in a building is the most
important floor to consider for effective thermal
upgrading, unless it is an unheated space, such as a
cellar, in which case the floor above should be
insulated. An estimated 15% of the heat within a
traditional building is lost through its ground floor. In
such buildings, lower floors are of varying construction
types and have different finishes. Both ventilated and
unventilated suspended timber floors are particularly
common at ground floor level. Stone flags, tiles or
brick paving laid on solid floors (often bare earth) are
also common, particularly within basements. In a
public building or church, a range of floor types is
found, often for example, with a stone or tiled finish in
the circulation spaces, typically with an unventilated
timber floor beneath the pews or seating areas.
Improving the thermal performance of the ground
floor reduces the overall heat loss from a building, and
can also significantly improve comfort levels by
providing a warm floor underfoot. In a historically
important building it may, however, be difficult to
upgrade a floor without loss or disturbance of
significant finishes such as tiles or brick paving and
therefore particular care needs to be taken when
considering insulation works to such floors. Planning
permission may be required when lifting such floors to
allow for insertion of insulation. In some cases,
because of the potential for damage to important
finishes, such works may be considered inappropriate.
Crawl space
Alternatively, floor boards may be tongued-andgrooved together which makes lifting individual
boards difficult to achieve without damage. If working
from below, quilted insulation such as sheeps wool,
hemp, rockwool or cellulose fibre can be fitted for the
full width and depth of the joists and held in place with
nylon netting stapled to the joists. If working from
above chicken wire or plastic netting can be moulded
around the joists to form trays between them which
are then packed with quilt insulation before the floor
boards are refitted. An alternative method of fixing
from above is to fix battens to the sides of the joists
and fit rigid insulation between them. Note that it can
be difficult to cut the insulation to fit perfectly and any
resulting gaps will compromise its insulating
The easiest way to upgrade an existing solid floor is to
add a layer of insulating material above it with a new
floor finish on top. The covering of an existing floor
should only be considered if it is of no architectural or
historical interest. Floor finishes such as decorative
tiles, brick, wood block or stone flags should not be
covered over although in some cases it may be
possible to carefully lift these to allow for re-laying
over the new, insulated floor. Floors which have
previously been interfered with and have modern
finishes such as concrete are the most appropriate
candidates for covering with insulation. However, this
will increase the height of the finished floor level and
affect internal features such as skirting boards,
window linings, doors and architraves and cause
difficulty at the foot of stairs. Such alterations, in their
own right, can be inappropriate in some interiors and
will need to be considered on a case-by-case basis. The
laying of a new insulated floor over an existing floor
may also reduce the height of the space. Such
modifications to the interior of a protected structure
are likely to require planning permission and the
planning authority should be consulted before any
works are undertaken.
As the opportunities to increase insulation in a
traditional building are relatively limited, building
services and their controls can play a large part in
improving energy efficiency. In most traditional
buildings, building services such as heating systems,
plumbing and electrical installations are not original
to the building and there may therefore be some
flexibility in altering them.
Heating systems, plumbing systems and electrical
installations normally have a shorter life than their
host building; electrical installations are typically
renewed every twenty-five years, piped services less
frequently. There is scope when renewing such
installations to significantly improve the energy
efficiency of a traditional building, always bearing in
mind that intrusive works to protected structures
require careful consideration and should only take
place after professional conservation consultation,
advice and detailed design which take fully into
account the value of the existing fabric.
Many traditional buildings have chimney flues that
could be used to advantage with wood burning
stoves. A stand-alone stove as a replacement for an
open fire would not normally have a boiler but there
are a limited number of small stand-alone room stoves
available with integrated boilers that can be
connected to radiators and a hot water system. Stoves
can be up to 80% efficient as opposed to the 30%
efficiency of an open fire and can be used to burn logs
that are sourced locally. The burning of timber is
considered to be carbon neutral as trees absorb
carbon dioxide while growing. However, in the case of
pre-dried timbers or wood pellets, the timber may no
longer be carbon neutral. Consideration should be
given to the embodied energy already contained in
wood if purchasing kiln-dried timbers or if using
processed wood pellets imported from a distance
(wood pellets are commonly imported from central
Europe). Larger wood-burning boilers are also
available and these are usually located remotely from
the building in an outhouse with a wood storage area
and a hopper for automatically feeding the boiler.
Fuel storage requirements for pellets and logs can be
substantial and the construction of a new storage
structure within the curtilage of a protected structure
or in an architectural conservation area may require
planning permission.
The use of electricity as a source of energy for heating
is generally inefficient due to losses in generation, in
distribution and in the appliance itself, with high
resultant carbon dioxide emissions per unit of heating
output when compared to oil or gas heating systems.
The use of electric heating will also have a negative
impact on a buildings Building Energy Rating, as it is
deemed to be inefficient and carbon-intensive: this
may change in the future with increased use of wind
and hydro-power. However, in the context of a historic
building or a protected structure, the installation of
wiring for an electrical heating system may be much
less intrusive than a piped water-heating system, with
no risk of damage to the fabric of the building from
water leaks. Storage heaters are relatively cheap to
purchase and can use night-rate electricity effectively
(the use of which has some positive environmental
implications). They can also exploit the high thermal
mass of an existing building and, when coupled with
appropriate draught-reduction and insulation and
modern control systems, can prove to be an optimum
solution for heating a historic property. Similarly the
use of panel heaters with a shorter response time,
perhaps used in tandem with storage heaters, or
convector heaters/coolers could be considered. The
location of cable runs either above or below floors
(surface-mounted or otherwise) will need careful
consideration to ensure minimal damage to fabric, in
terms of both visual and physical impacts.
Most heat recovery systems for domestic situations
rely on a managed ventilation system, based on
electrically powered fans, in the context of tightly
sealed new buildings. As discussed previously, there is
concern that significantly reducing ventilation within a
traditionally built building may cause moisture
problems within the fabric and in rooms. It seems
unlikely that a heat recovery system in a
predominantly naturally ventilated building would be
either cost- or energy-efficient. In addition, any
mechanical system that relies on ductwork will
probably encounter difficulty as the relatively large
ductwork would inevitably entail unacceptable levels
of disturbance or loss of historic fabric or give rise to
visual impacts. In the case of a protected structure,
such works would probably require planning
Heat pumps work on the same principle as a
refrigerator, drawing heat from a source, sometimes
the air or ground water or the soil, and putting it into
water or, less commonly, air. Such heat pumps work
best serving as a source of heat for underfloor heating,
where the water temperature required is lower than
for radiators. Normally they are driven by electricity
and are often claimed by their manufacturers to have
the ability to convert one unit of power into three
units of heat, thereby making the use of electricity for
space heating more economic. If properly designed
and installed, heat pumps may represent a carbonefficient form of space heating. Systems should be
designed for appropriate applications for all weather
Many traditional buildings were designed for
optimum use of daylight; effective use of daylighting
can reduce the need for artificial lighting. Careful
design of switching arrangements and other controls
for lighting such as occupancy detectors are effective
ways of reducing energy use in buildings.
The most efficient sources of artificial light are
fluorescent tubes (which use 80% less energy than
traditional incandescent bulbs) and light emitting
diodes (LEDs). As compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs)
emit higher levels of ultra-violet light which leads
fabrics and papers to fade, consideration should be
given to the potential impact on a rooms decorative
finishes and furnishings prior to switching from
traditional incandescent bulbs. Recently developed
halogen lights use less energy than incandescent
bulbs but do not cause the same problems with
fading as CFLs. According to the marketing
information these halogen lights use 30% less energy
than traditional incandescent but have a similar
appearance and may be more appropriate in formal
rooms and older types of light fittings. In this regard, it
should be noted that some light fixtures in protected
structures may be important features in themselves
and modification of them may require planning
Roof insulation
Floor insulation
Wall insulation
> Follow the principles of passive design when making any modifications.
If constructing an extension to an existing building, take full advantage of
passive design using this new addition to incorporate elements such
as micro-renewables, which can serve both the new and old parts of the
building. However, bear in mind that it may not always be appropriate or
practical to add to the older building
4. Case Studies
These case studies demonstrate how measures to
improve energy efficiency have been implemented in
a variety of historic buildings without negatively
impacting on the architectural character of each
building. In addition they show how, by following the
conservation principle of minimal intervention, a
sustainable level of intervention can be achieved in
terms of the cost of works and the amount of energy
to be consumed by a building over its prolonged life.
- 9.6
- 9.1
- 8.5
- 8.0
- 7.4
- 6.9
- 6.4
- 5.8
- 5.3
- 4.7
- 4.2
This hybrid construction, combining historic and
modern fabric, is relatively common, particularly as
many older houses have been renovated or extended
in recent years. Conservation considerations have
meant that the main windows have been retained and
that no dry-lining has been applied to the walls of the
house while surviving original fabric has been retained
Being in a terrace, the house benefits from the lack of
exposure of its flanking walls. The configuration of the
house, being approximately a cube, means that heat
loss through the walls is low and the heat loss through
the roof and basement floor is comparatively low
given high standards of insulation and a relatively
small footprint of the building relative to its overall
floor space. The orientation of the house means that it
enjoys some solar gain through its front windows and
it is sheltered from the prevailing winds by mature
trees located about twenty-five metres away. The
building has a typical family-based level of activity,
with continuous light daytime occupation and more
intense morning, evening and night-time usage.
Shutters are used to reduce heat loss through the
historic single glazing at night-time, while there are
lined curtains on some windows.
The cumulative effects of the various works that have
been undertaken in recent years mean that it is in
good condition with a re-slated roof and new back
wall. These elements of the house should not require
further works for another 50-70 years. Windows and
cast-iron rainwater goods will require on-going
maintenance every 5 years.
Some draught proofing could be added to the existing
historic sash windows. Gaps between the window
frame and the wall should be caulked to minimise
leakage. Dampers could be provided to all chimneys to
moderate ventilation rates. For architectural
conservation reasons, there is little potential for the
provision of porches or draught lobbies either
internally or externally. The removal of the cement
pointing and its replacement with a vapourpermeable, lime-based mortar would improve the
thermal performance of the front wall by reducing its
moisture content. However, the potential for damage
to the brickwork, and the relatively high cost of such
work make repointing undesirable from a
conservation point of view and financially unviable.
When the present gas-fired boiler reaches the end of
its life, a new high-efficiency condensing boiler with
new heating controls could be provided. The hot water
cylinder should be on separate time and temperature
control. Pipework should be insulated where
accessible. All incandescent light bulbs should be
replaced with low energy bulbs.
When compared to buildings in other northern European countries, Irish buildings generally have comparatively
small windows in proportion to the walls
This house represents the implementation of a series
of measures which can significantly improve the
energy efficiency of a traditional building. The
combination of attic insulation and new or repaired
windows together with its south-facing orientation
have helped significantly to exploit the thermal mass
of the building in retaining solar heat-gain. Virtually all
rooms have fireplaces, which have been kept open.
The relocation of the main kitchen from the northfacing rear room to a sunny east and south-facing
room made a significant improvement to the daily
comfort of the occupants.
More than 260 years old, the original finishes still
survive internally. The newly re-slated roof has a
design life of a hundred years. The new timber sash
windows, with normal maintenance, have a life
expectancy in excess of 100 years.
The house should be re-rendered with a lime based
render, which would further reduce the moisture
content of the walls, keeping them warmer. In a rural
location with sufficient space for storage of fuel, a
wood-pellet boiler may be considered, or a more
labour-intensive wood-burning boiler, which could
exploit timber harvested on the farm. In the lessarchitecturally important rooms, provision of small
timber burning stoves could be considered; these
would do away with the need for central heating
pipework, with the potential for damage to the fabric
of the building. For those areas served by the central
heating system, the different zones and the supply of
hot water should be time and temperature controlled
from a central programmer. There should also be a
boiler interlock and, for a large house, a compensator
circuit. The installation of an optimiser control that
senses outside temperature should be considered. All
hot-water pipework should also be insulated.
Temporary sealing through the use of dampers on
unused chimneys would reduce infiltration losses.
Where appropriate, traditional light bulbs should be
replaced with energy-efficient ones.
These houses have modern standards of insulation in
the floor and roofs. While the walls have not been
upgraded, the new extension to the north side of the
building has modern insulation standards thereby
keeping the coldest part of the buildings warm. The
sun rooms to the south will collect heat from the sun
and this heat will gradually spread through the house
during the day. As the sun rooms are separated from
the rest of the house with external-quality doubleglazed doors they can be isolated in the evening and
during the winter. The radiators in the sun rooms, on a
separate circuit to the remainder of the house, can be
controlled independently. The shutters keep in the
heat at night time.
The cottages have been upgraded in a manner which
achieves a balance between improving energy efficiency
whilst retaining the essential character of the historic
lodges as well as their building elements and materials.
The new roofs, using high quality natural slate and
leadwork, should have a design life of 70-100 years
subject to regular maintenance of the rainwater goods.
Having upgraded the cottages and introduced a range
of energy-efficient measures, the buildings should be
kept in good repair and maintained in an appropriate
Having fallen into dereliction over a period of several
decades, this building has now been comprehensively
restored and refurbished and is being put to a new and
sustainable use. The essential character of the stonewalled, slate-roofed structure has been maintained
with modifications to its architectural form being kept
to a minimum while at the same time ensuring suitable
comfort standards.
Having upgraded the courtyard buildings and
introduced a range of energy-efficient measures, the
building should be kept in good repair and maintained
in an appropriate fashion. As the use of air-to-water
heat pumps is relatively new to Ireland, it would be
interesting to monitor the performance of the system
over a number of years and calculate the energy
savings achieved.
The building has recently been fitted with an efficient
gas condensing boiler resulting in immediate savings
in terms of energy consumption. However, the
distribution pipework is old and in need of upgrading.
Hot water is provided locally from under-sink electrical
units; this can be an efficient solution where water
demand is sporadic. Prior to carrying out full-scale
replacement of the existing pipes, an assessment of
any potential damage to the fabric should be
completed and if it is found that this work would result
in further damage to the fabric it may be more
appropriate to modify the existing pipework without
general replacement.
This is a free-standing building with relatively thin
walls and extensive single-paned glazing. While it
benefits from a southerly orientation the building has
a high heating requirement. The building enjoys good
natural daylight from the south with large window
openings and fewer openings on the north elevation.
There are fireplaces at basement and main floor level
in the north wall, while the staircase is also on the
north side. The single-glazed southerly windows are
advantageous as they allow for maximum amounts of
solar gain. The windows and doors, prior to draught
proofing, provided ventilation levels above the
required 0.8 - 1 air change per hour. This was especially
noticeable in the smaller office spaces at the top of the
building, which were difficult to heat, and had a
negative impact on comfort levels.
While the building was substantially renovated in the
1970s, it retains much of its original fabric and spatial
character. The recent upgrading works to the building
have been achieved with the maximum retention of
historic fabric and no noticeable impact on the
character of the building.
Now approximately 130 years old, the refurbishment
works of 2000 should mean that this building will have
a further life of fifty to a hundred years before reslating is required. General maintenance works to
windows and cast-iron gutters will be required every
five years.
Appropriately designed and accurately detailed
shutters should be provided to all the original
windows which remain single-glazed.
Having individual heaters for each tenant gives a high
degree of control over the use of energy and is an
efficient way of delivering heat to each tenant. The
building is part of a terrace which reduces the amount
of external wall and related heating load, while the
highly insulated new extension on the north side
reduces heat loss through the north wall by half by
internalising the older masonry wall over half its
A Georgian townhouse
Selective structural repairs were carried out to this
building, but apart from the conversion of the
basement to use as a lecture theatre, there has been
little alteration of this building. Much of the original
fabric has survived, the building having a resultant
high degree of architectural authenticity.
Now over 200 years old, this building is in good
condition and the recently completed structural repair
works will safeguard it for the foreseeable future. The
roof has not been re-slated in recent years and this
may need to be undertaken within the next 30 years.
General maintenance works to windows, cast-iron
gutters, and cast and wrought-iron railings will be
required every five years.
The existing insulation in the roof space is minimal
and should be upgraded where roof spaces or lofts are
accessible. Where ready access to loft spaces is not
possible, for example because of the lack of access
hatches, insulation provisions should be reviewed as
part of any future re-roofing works.
Places of worship
A nineteenth-century rural
This church is usually used only twice a week for
services. During a recent programme of works to
improve the weathering of the building it was decided
also to undertake works to improve its energy
consumption and to increase the thermal comfort of
the buildings users.
The roof was re-slated with new Bangor Blue slate.
While re-slating the roof the opportunity was taken to
add a layer of insulation using a very thin layer of
reflective material between the slates and the ceiling
boards. This resulted in a slightly raised roof which was
accommodated with secret valleys at the barges and
raised gutters, supported by new stone insets. Walls
were repointed in a lime-based mortar to reduce
damp and internal lime plaster was repaired where
necessary. All lighting was replaced with low energy
metal halide lamps; with tungsten halogen lamps
confined to the sanctuary area to allow for
manipulation of the lighting levels.
An eighteenth-century
city church
Under Part IV of the Planning and Development Act 2000, buildings which form
part of the architectural heritage can be protected either by being designated a
protected structure or by being located within an architectural conservation area.
Where a building is a protected structure (or has been proposed for protection) or
is located within an architectural conservation area, the usual exemptions from
requirements for planning permission do not apply. In the case of a protected
structure any works, whether internal or external, which would materially affect its
character, will require planning permission. Legal protection also extends to the
land and other structures associated with a protected structure such as outbuildings that are located within the curtilage of the main building. In an architectural
conservation area, any works to the exterior of a building which would affect the
character of the area also require planning permission. Owners and occupiers of
protected structures have a responsibility to maintain their buildings and not to
damage them or allow them to fall into decay through neglect.
A notice was sent to every owner and occupier of a protected structure when the
building first became protected. If you are not sure of the status of your building,
check the Record of Protected Structures in the Development Plan for the area. If
your building is a protected structure, or if it is located in an architectural conservation area, your planning authority will be able to tell you what this means for
your particular property.
As an owner or occupier of a protected structure, you are entitled to ask the planning authority to issue a declaration which will guide you in identifying works
that would, or would not, require planning permission. Works to upgrade the
energy efficiency of a protected structure, if carried out in line with good conservation practice and the guidance contained within this booklet, will generally not
require planning permission if they do not materially affect the character of the
building. However, some types of work may require planning permission. If you
are in any doubt about particular proposed works, you should contact the architectural conservation officer in your local authority for advice.
For general advice on planning issues relating to architectural heritage, a publication entitled Architectural Heritage Protection Guidelines for Planning Authorities
(2004) published by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local
Government is available from the Government Publications Sales Office or can be
downloaded from
Useful contacts
The architectural conservation officer in the local authority should be the first person to contact with queries
regarding a historic building. Other useful contacts include:
Architectural Heritage Advisory Unit,
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government,
Custom House, Dublin 1
Telephone: 01 888 2000
Construction Industry Federation, Register of Heritage Contractors, Construction House, Canal Road, Dublin 6
Telephone: (01) 406 6000
Sustainable Energy Authority of Ireland, Wilton Park House, Wilton Place, Dublin 2
Telephone: (01) 808 2100
Further reading
Baker, Paul. In Situ U-Value Measurements in Traditional Buildings preliminary results. Edinburgh: Historic
Scotland. (2008)
Baker, Paul. Thermal Performance of Traditional Windows. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland (2008)
BRECSU. Post-Construction Testing a professionals guide to testing housing for energy efficiency. General
Information Report 64. London: HMSO (2000)
Carrig Conservation et al. Built to Last: the sustainable reuse of buildings. Dublin: Dublin City Council (2004)
Changeworks. Renewable Heritage - a guide to microgeneration in traditional and historic homes. Edinburgh:
Changeworks (2009) downloadable from
Changeworks. Energy Heritage - a guide to improving energy efficiency in traditional and historic homes.
Edinburgh: Changeworks (2008) downloadable from
Cook, Martin Godfrey. Energy Efficiency in Old Houses. Wiltshire: Crowood Press (2009)
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Architectural Heritage Protection-Guidelines
for Planning Authorities. Dublin: The Stationery Office (2004)
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Technical Guidance Document L
Conservation of Fuel and Energy - Dwellings. Dublin: The Stationery Office (2008)
Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Technical Guidance Document L
Conservation of Fuel and Energy - Buildings other than Dwellings. Dublin: The Stationery Office (2008)
Energy Savings Trust. Energy Efficient Historic Homes - Case Studies. London: Energy Savings Trust (2005)
English Heritage. Energy Conservation in Traditional Buildings. London: English Heritage (2008)
European Union. Directive on the Energy Performance of Buildings. (2002, recast 2010)
Historic Scotland. Conversion of Traditional Buildings - Guide for Practitioners. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland
National Standards Authority of Ireland. The Installation of Solar Heating Systems. Publication forthcoming
OCofaigh, E, Olley, J A and Lewis, J O. The Climatic Dwelling: an introduction to climate-responsive residential
architecture. London: Earthscan Publications Ltd (1996)
Office of Public Works et al. Green Design: sustainable building for Ireland. Dublin: The Stationery Office (1996)
Sustainable Energy Ireland. Energy in the Residential Sector. Dublin (2008)
Wood, Chris, Bordass, Bill and Baker, Paul. Research into the Thermal Performance of Traditional Windows:
Timber Sash Windows. London: English Heritage (2009)
A type of masonry construction comprising two leaves
of masonry separated by a gap, or cavity, to prevent
moisture from the outside transferring to the inside
An impervious layer built into a wall to prevent
moisture penetrating the building
Technologies that produce heat and electricity at a
small scale including solar panels, photovoltaic panels,
domestic wind turbines, heat pumps and the like
The application of lime mortar to the underside of roof
slates or tiles
Arrays of solar cells containing a semi-conducting
material that converts solar radiation into electricity
A material such as ash, sand or shells laid between
floor joists or packed within partition walls to provide
sound insulation
A mixture of a binder (such as lime or cement), an
aggregate and water to form a coarse plaster which is
applied to the external surfaces of walls
The total cost of constructing and using a building
over its life. The whole-life cost of a building includes
the initial capital cost of building it (and all ancillary
design and other costs) and the cost of operating and
maintaining it over the period of its useful life
advice series
advice series
advice series
advice series
advice series
advice series
advice series