Cooperating Teacher Feedback

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Cooperating Teacher Comments Regarding Lesson Plan and Lesson

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Lesson: Gobstopper Diffusion Lab

Checked-off student work from the night before, holding students responsible for their learning and
participation in the lab scheduled for today. Students who did not complete their homework were not
allowed to move-on to the next lab until the previous lab was completed. I liked how you collected the lab
from the day prior, while handing out the lab for today, taking care of two tasks at once. Took a moment
or o two to do a quick conference with students who needed to make some corrections/adjustments to
their lab.
Lesson Introduction:
We have been learning about 2 forms of passive transport: Osmosis and Diffusion Good review of the
materials we have been learning that are applicable to the lab today. Good Drawing and sharing of
examples with the class.
Read the introduction of the lab aloud to the class-good movement around the classroom while you were
Introduction of Qualitative and Quantitative: Excellent, Perfect, Bravo: You asked the students to look at
the word Qualitative and find a word they already know.quality. This is a great way to engage the
students in understanding new terms. Again, you did this with Quantitative Data as well.
Could you have asked the students to come-up with examples? Do you think the students would be able
to provide examples once they knew the definitions?
Scale Directions: Love that you asked what type of data we would collect using a scale. Also, asking
which type of data we are collecting.Mass in grams. With expensive equipment always reiterate the
importance of being careful and the consequences.
Partner Grouping: Why did you have the students find a partner before the directions? And, what about
the students who did not have the previous lab done that could not participate today? It appeared to me
that they found partners.
Lab Procedure: Good demonstration of filling the beaker to 150ml. Good explanation of when to make
the observations. Asked students if they needed clarification before they began, and did a nice job of
answering those questions.
Lets talk about timing. 30 minutes of the class was dedicated to collecting work and providing

directions to the class regarding the lab. By the time the students began, they had 22 minutes left to work
and clean-up. What are your thoughts on this?
Student Work Time: One thing I notice is that you do a great job attending to the students you are
immediately working with which is wonderful, however, you still need to be aware of what is occurring at
other lab stations while you are working with one specific group.
You had good movement around the room while the students were working.
Suggestion: Give the students reminders of the directions while they are working. Example: Students, at
5 minutes remember to make an observation.
As you move around the lab stations, ask the students to explain what is occurring in the beaker, this is a
great assessment question. If they can explain how/why diffusion is occurring they are understanding the
purpose of the lab. If they cant, they need more guidance and you can provide it immediately.
During the lab you did not provide any whole-group comments, instruction or directions until it was time
to clean-up. Let the students know you are there and provide them with important directions / suggestions
while they are working.

Make final observations and note the time where they ended in the lab. Adding the time was a
nice suggestion.
No specific directions for clean-up were provided, nor were directions for completing the lab.
You ended-up yelling to the students to clean-up. You can waitand if they are late, they are
late. That is the natural consequence for not listening.
Overall, the lesson went very well. One of your best at this point. The greatest issue was timing.
You spent to much time talking and providing directions and did not leave enough time to work
and clean-up. How much time do you think this lab should take? How long should clean-up

Rachel Caby-Crockford
(Cooperating Teacher Signature)


Student: Amanda Dlugi

Grade/Content Area: 7th Grade/ Biology

Date: 11/29/12

School: Greendale Middle School

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