10 Review
10 Review
10 Review
Due Date:_____________
Test Date:_____________
Review Sheet Ch 10 The Crusades to New Muslim Empires
Use complete sentences.
1. Define crusades
2. What were the causes of the crusades?
3. What happened during the first crusade?
4. What happened during the second crusade?
5. What happened during the third crusade?
6. Who were the Seljuk Turks?
7. Describe the Reconquista.
8. What was the purpose of the Inquisition?
9. What was the Childrens Crusade?
10. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Christians?
11. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Muslims?
12. What are the positive and negative impacts of the Crusades on the Jews?
13. Beside the Crusaders, which other group was a threat to the Muslims?
14. Who was the leader of the Mongols? Describe him.
15. Describe the Ottoman Empire and the spread of Islam.
16. Describe the Safavid Empire and the spread of Islam.
17. Describe the Mughal Empire and the spread of Islam.
18. Which group do YOU think had the right to Jerusalem and WHY? (Jews, Christians,