Nternship Details

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About Citizens Foundation For Better India (www.cfbi.in):

Citizens Foundation for Better India is a not-for-profit foundation, initiated by a group of
spirited professionals who had formed Citizens for Accountable Governance (CAG). CAG
has been credited for redefining campaigning in India during the General
Elections earlier this year through its innovative nation-wide initiatives especially by
leveraging technology in a way unknown to that domain.
CFBIs members come from top global firms such as JP Morgan, BCG, Goldman Sachs,
etc., having completed their education from the finest institutions in India & abroad,
such as IITs, IIMs, Harvard, Stanford, Imperial College etc. We share a common passion
for creating positive social impact at the grassroots level.
The Foundation aims to improve the overall quality of life by implementing sustainable
solutions through collaborative actions at scale. The focus will be on evidence-backed
solutions in domains of Education, Health, Livelihood, and Community Service. These
domains are the bedrock of indicators like Human Development Index (HDI) and
therefore a natural choice for our operations.
About the Internship:
Ongoing CFBI Projects








Managing CSR programs for top Corporate Groups. Projects include developing
Model Villages, Community Kitchen, etc.

Flagship Initiatives like Central Registry for Blood and Organ donor base and
Mobilization Camps, in partnership with civil society organisations

Responsibilities We are looking for interns that will add value to our existing projects in
following ways

Conduct primary and secondary research on project related themes

Assist design the campaigns and activities related to projects

Assist in the on-ground execution of project related activities

# of Internships available: 5
Who can apply:
Ideal Candidate should be able to work in a start-up environment, think strategically,
solve problems in a dynamic setting, willing to work sincerely as part of a team and
should be motivated to work in social domain.

You can also share meaningful internship that you know and join the movement to build
a Wikipedia of internships and win exciting prizes. Check out the Share an Internship
Contest for more details.

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