Lesson 5 Sepep Roles

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HPE2203 Jan 2015



Year Level: 8 Time: 2-2:45pm

(based on Australian Curriculum: Health & Physical Education)


Learning Area: Health & Physical Education

Strand: Movement and Physical Activity

Students Prior Knowledge:

- No knowledge on what a SEPEP model is
- Students know basic knowledge of SEPEP
roles. For example: the role of a coach and
- The students know how to use iPads and
- They know how to use the software on the
iPads and computers
Focus Area:
- Life skills

Understanding Movement
Learning through movement

Physical activity

Lifelong physical activities

Games and sports

Relationships and sexuality

Content Descriptor:

Teachers Prior Preparation/Organisation:

Practise and apply personal and social skills when

undertaking a range of roles in physical
activities (ACPMP086)

Before the start of the class the teacher will have

made sure that all the information for this lesson is
prepared. They will have made sure that they know
exactly what is happening throughout this lesson and
how it will be implemented.
The teacher will need to make sure that any
resources or materials needed for this lesson are
available and been picked up prior to the start of the

Adopting roles and responsibilities that support and

enhance team cohesion and lead to successful
movement outcomes
Applying an understanding of verbal, physical and
situational cues to identify and appropriately
respond to the feelings and motives of others when
working in a team or group
Undertaking various roles associated with the
planning of physical activities
Modify rules and scoring systems to allow for fair
play, safety and inclusive
participation (ACPMP088)
General Capabilities (that may potentially be covered in the lesson)


ICT Competence

Critical and
creative thinking


Personal and Social



Cross-curriculum priorities (may be addressed in the lesson)

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
histories and cultures

Asia and Australias engagement with Asia


HPE2203 Jan 2015

Lesson Objectives (i.e. anticipated outcomes of this lesson, in point form beginning with an action verb)
As a result of this lesson, students will be able to:

Students will be able to define the SEPEP model

The students will be able to apply various SEPEP roles into a tournament of soccer
Students will be able to perform their own SEPEP model
Apply these various roles into a game like situation
Undertake various roles in a SEPEP program

LESSON EVALUATION (to be completed AFTER the lesson)

Assessment of Lesson Objectives and Suggestions for Improvement::

Teacher self-reflection and self-evaluation:


Motivation and Introduction:

Students enter the classroom and find a seat, waiting for further instruction. Once all the
students are settle down the teacher will give a brief overview of the lesson:
- Introduce SEPEP (what it is? Etc)
- Explain the main activity (design a PowerPoint for a SEPEP role)
- Conclude the lesson


Once the students have settled down the teacher will introduce what SEPEP is and how it
relates to physical activity.
What is SEPEP?
SEPEP, or the Sport Education in Physical Education Program, aims to educate students in
organising and running a sporting competition. Interactive and social student focussed learning
approach, that teaches students about the numerous roles and benefits of different sports in
both a practical and theoretical sense.
What roles are involved in SEPEP?

Coaching. In the role of the coach you are responsible for organising your team
Captain. Captains are the key persons in creating a unified group of individuals working
Umpire. Responsible for learning basic rules and assisting the teacher in the running of
the game
Timekeeper/ scorer. Keeping score and running the clock
Fixture person. Keeps scores in tacked and the fixtures

Why are they being involved in a SEPEP model?

The students are being involved in a SEPEP model, as it is a great opportunity for students to
develop their confidence in running a competition and developing their skills in various SEPEP
The teacher will now split the class evenly into 5 teams of 6 students. Once the class has been
HPE2203 Jan 2015

split into their 5 teams the teacher will now conduct the main part of the lesson.

2 mins


Bridging organization

The students will now form a spot around the room staying in their groups of 6. The teacher is now going
to explain the next part of the lesson and ensure that all students understanding whats happening. This
can be done by:

Does everyone know what to do?

Does anyone need any help?

Do I (the teacher) need to explain things more?

Students are now split into their 5 groups of 6 and know exactly what a SEPEP model is and the
various rolls. The students will now find out the various roles that they will be performing when it
comes to them running their own SEPEP program.
These roles are:
- Coach

- Captain

- Umpire

- Fixtures and Timekeeper

- Scorer
The teacher will now assign each of the five groups one role each. Once the groups have been
assigned their various roles they will now prepare a PowerPoint presentation on their role.
The students will find information on their role through the year 7/8 soccer Weebly page and
also various website they find about their role.
35 mins

The presentation needs to include:


What the role is?

Why is this role involved In a SEPEP model

What does this role have to do?

Why this role is in a SEPEP model

Does anything need to be done before the round robin round for that role?

The students are able to use the IPads and classroom computers to use apps and websites to
help gather information and resources for their presentation and their performances for these
roles in the round robin lesson.
Once the students have completed their presentation they will now present it to the rest of the
class to ensure that they all know what each role is and how they will be performing it in their
round robin lesson.

Bridging organization

Once the students have finished with their presentations they will tidy up the classroom and then return to
their seats awaiting for the teachers instructions.


Lesson Closure: (Review lesson objectives with students)

6 mins

Once the students have settled done the teacher will now close the lesson. The teacher will go
over what the students have learnt during the lesson by asking the students some questions:

What is a SEPEP model?

What types of roles are implemented in a SEPEP model?

What does each role include, in regards to responsibility?

HPE2203 Jan 2015

Transition: (What needs to happen prior to the next lesson?)

The students need to go over the various roles of the SEPEP model as in two weeks time they
will be performing and running their own SEPEP program. The students need to make sure that
they turn up to the next lesson, as it will be a run down of how the tournament will run and
Assessment: (Were the lesson objectives met? How will these be judged?)

Asking the students Questions, for example: what is the role of a coach? How does
SEPEP relate to physical activity? Do you feel confident in running a SEPEP model?

Asking the students throughout the lesson what they are doing and why?

Getting the students to ask the teacher at the end of the lesson in regards to the lesson.

HPE2203 Jan 2015

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