Educ 457 TPA

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ECE TPA Lesson Plan

1. Teacher
2. Subject
3. Lesson
4. Grade Level

Ashley Bond

Date taught


Jessica Carter



Field Supervisor
5. Length of

Windsor Elem.
April Galster
15 mins.


6. Academic &
5. Communicating (Literacy) Reading
Content Standards
Decide whether two words rhyme. (3-4
Begin to identify individual letters of the
alphabet. (4-5 years)
Identify three or more letters with their
sound at the beginning of a word. (4-5
Students will create words that rhyme by
7. Learning
gluing letters onto the repeated ending sound,
8. Academic

Students will understand what a rhyme is and

what the sounds b, f, m, s, r and, -at make.

9. Assessment
Formative: The formative assessment I will use is informal
questioning. As students are working, I will ask them questions about
the words they are creating. The questions will include:
What sound does that letter make (b, f, m, s, and r)?
What sound does at make?
What word do you make when you put the sounds together?
Does that word rhyme with cat and hat?
How do you know the words rhyme?
Can you think of other words that rhyme with hat and cat?
Summative: The summative assessment I will use is a checklist.
After I ask each child questions about the words they created, I will
mark on the checklist whether or not they were at level, above level,

or below level for rhyming. (See attachment)

10. Lesson Rationale
Upon what assessment data or previous lessons are you building?
Answer: The students have already been introduced to rhyming words
and they know what makes two words rhyme with each other. They
have also started to learn the sounds that the letters of the alphabet

WHAT requisite skills do students need in order to access the lesson & participate
Answer: Students need to know what rhyming words are. They also
need to know the sounds of letters of the alphabet in order to know the
words they are saying. Students will also need to know how to put
sounds together to make a word.
How does the content build on what the students already know and are able to do?
Answer: The students already know what rhyming words are, and this
lesson gives them practice with working with rhyming words. It allows
them to visually see the words and see the pattern that appears in
words that rhyme. It also allows them to practice putting sounds
together to create words.
HOW does this lesson fit in the curriculum?
Answer: The curriculum says that students can decide whether two
words rhyme. In this lesson, they have to look at the ending sounds of
the words and say the words out loud to see that they rhyme. They
also have to name the letters of the alphabet that they are using and
say the sounds of the letters.
By teaching this lesson, how will this add to student learning?
Answer: This will add to student learning by giving the students
practice with rhyming words and letter sounds at the same time. It
allows them to see how these two concepts go together, to further
develop their knowledge of words and the English language.
How does the lesson build on previous lessons or previous learning?
Answer: The students have already learned what rhyming words are
and what the sounds of some of the letters of the alphabet are. This
lesson builds on those two concepts by combining them. The students
get to create their own words based on those two concepts.
How will the learning in this lesson be further developed in subsequent lessons?
Answer: In future lessons, students will learn the sounds of the rest of
the alphabet and will learn sounds that are created with two or more
letters. They will also begin to come up with rhyming words that use
different ending sounds.

11. Instructional Strategies/Learning Tasks to Support

Learning Tasks and Strategies
Sequenced Instruction
Teachers Role
Students Role
1. Review what
rhyming words are.
Ask for examples of
rhyming words. (3

1. Sit quietly and

listen to the teacher.
Answer questions
when asked. (3 mins.)

2. Glue letters onto

2. Pass out all of the
the repeated -at
needed materials.
sound on the hat to
Explain that students
create rhyming words.
will create rhyming
Then color the hat. (7
words by gluing letters mins.)
onto the repeated
at sound on their
hats. (7 mins.)
3. State the rhyming
3. Ask students
words that were
questions about the
created and what
words they created
words rhyme with cat
and what words rhyme and hat. Answer other
with cat and hat. (See questions that the
questions in
teacher has. (5 mins.)
assessment section.)
(5 mins.)

This gives students a

reminder of what
rhyming words are, in
case they have
forgotten, so that
they may complete
the activity.
This allows students
to visually see the
pattern of the
repeated sound that
occurs in rhyming
words. They can also
express creativity by
coloring the hats
however they choose
This lets the teacher
see the students
knowledge of
rhyming words. The
teacher can see
whether or not
students understand
how rhyming words
are created and
whether or not they
know the sounds of

Student Voice to gather

Students will all have the opportunity to answer questions individually
to the teacher. They will each be able to express their own knowledge
and answers to questions.
12. Differentiated Instruction

For students who are more
advanced, I will ask them if they
can think of any other words that
rhyme with cat and hat that they
did not create.

These students will already
understand that rhyming words
are created from a repeated
pattern of sounds. These students
will be able to challenge
themselves to come up with
rhyming words that are not
already given to them.

For students who are at a lower

level, I will allow them to look at
the example hat. I will also help
them sound out the words that
they created.

These students might not fully

understand the concept of a
rhyming word. This will give them
some guided instruction in order
to help them see how rhyming
words work. This will also help
them to focus more on the main
idea of the activity, which is

13. Resources and Materials

I came up with the idea for this
lesson after watching other
students make Dr. Suess hats. I
figured I could integrate rhyming
into the activity by having
students create rhyming words on
their hats.

This activity takes something fun
and incorporates an academic
concept into. The students can
have fun and be creative, while
also learning about rhyming words
and letter sounds.

The resources and materials the

teacher needs are a checklist.

The checklist is needed to assess

the students as they work.

The resources and materials the

students need are Dr. Suess hat
outlines with the at ending sound
on each stripe, individual letters
(b, f, m, r, s), glue sticks, and

All of these materials are needed

in order to complete the activity.
The glue sticks will be used to glue
the individual letters on to each
ending sound on the hats. The
crayons will be used to decorate
the hats.

14. Management and Safety Issues

The management and safety
Students can misuse materials by
concerns are ensuring that
using too much glue or by ripping
students stay on task and use the up paper. Sometimes they need to

materials appropriately. I will walk

around as the students work and
restate what the appropriate
behavior is and how the materials
should be used.

be reminded of what they are

supposed to be doing so that they
will keep working on the activity.

15. Parent & Community Connections

The students will be able to wear
This allows the family to see what
their hats on their heads. They
kinds of things the students are
can take them home to share with working on when they are at
their family. At home, the students school. This gives the students
can try to come up with more
opportunities to continue to
words that rhyme with cat and
practice what they have learned at
home, and lets the families also
get involved in the students


Rhyming Words
Key: - = Below Level, 0 = At Level, + = Above Level
Student Name
Below Level
At Level
Above Level


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