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Fea + Enger, | - Q- B)% ~(Ej% # ay Say ~] “1S,.. 0 Qab 38 | at ~ GaN = 15, @* = 150% mille =O; fo (9 +1) Sw a i reok, amt hore = EA, oma 4y Swostitwtin b = tL, = Hae 2 = 2 (4+) () i eae If. Nee Ye ae rnbonal, sbe, : Watfey 2) Pee Me ae ta) = = : Uo tet at wmber, Heat Xig “Ue ronal for ah WI. Gi). 26x SZ head BF AS SA, there. pi A Ba ft Mer = a(% +Z) 3 (xr 9) SQ) be; + lA + #4) =i L = ' 6h Ht wh) - Ya y < ¢£ Gua -T) 5 Smee Ha EA, the diferente bahwem omy aad 7H Small, sy h< 1 her the diftrance detytin Xe oad ah 2 2. Mauch Enalie, WAG Thus My approaches 7, Wah Wo Uwational . ala. dk Fe greaect Common diver of a wd bof ' bo Wi dla oan fb | ses oa ame cle omk elb, Hew cla; dso. DMiner voratina accep w+ .&) 2. JB S6i1+.17 } - 5G. =.17x3+ 8 ae wl. = BHR ED, weirs erences See ED EL a = Qa2axi. ~ le get G3,56)= 1 : Revernng He coleulibion deceit. 2 Se 2 en . a _ Lcwn cave, be Dat Ba See ae a6. “ = CAat7.» Tx (56-17 «3) ih spree O23) AT FSP Se = ©) xG8-54). 47256 = Ga23\a73 + 30486, wa 38 y= Bo, be - . Conte) by Be | Roc = Thee is onsennetint with @ ab cad, then is ho, sciobuw oy TES: lcm. Othemviie, Gan Hi me, T&. (a YY r G) if S 6 te qreation lower Lore! an f ie ft) Ved, xy of © GW) of Bee fS FxeS xk, Be Waracht, Yack, ay Gerxfa Vex It - We | Cz, I 2 Bbecdel Libs a Gelb IG. To fim Tye, Uillr age we Ly eanbeckction jor, aihg haw Ke tb be BL, we lore: 4b eee Yack, ay Ce Ty, fhe To Jal z T. = ar ) Xn <2 4 wdhepl. wet werolete. if Yu <2 Te Xan = Vein < Jae = 2. Kiya oXa = 2tKA Xe > STA ee Z. => 2H > Xn eS Xa Xu —2 <0 Se (K—2 Gy H) <0 ulol os Se boson Xuc2 arch Aah7 0 Si bea) & weeeeeny acl locke alae | te Trerefie Gregor. woe, The jabe Yard. Ser Xen = VER as V2 & beh G2Xen)so fet LS © @) XL g fe ony — ae fe oll ron) ben 2] 1=1 Xn my Yar Kan 6 | co tes Xn eo [Simriler oweptt sem. | he belles ® an fam\k 4 = ((¢L)* nae ST ae GY = = 1 i o z Hx) File gr-| Sek < i od 2 fas 0< ft) fe ky NT, Ace (ag) vik Paro & 96)ec 7 (a) [Bookwork,] ( 4 marks First we show uniqueness: if ya a7, so there is only one possible ch have ya = boa 8 then (with identity element e) y = ye = yoo! = for y, namely y = ba~!. Using this, we indeed (b) [Bockwork.] | 2 marks) ‘The order of 2 group element z is the smallest positive integer n so that 2” the identity element of the group. e, where € is (©) (Unseen, but group tables known ] ( 5 marks ) Since 0 - 0 = 0, 0 must be the identity: By (a), every element can only appear once in a column (and similarly in row), so Chore oTosiy2y3 Opp ByTz PPB sist and finally Enis OPO ]213| T1073 {2} PPB on 3121110] ‘The elements 1, 2,3 each have order 2, and 0 has order 1 (@) [Bookwork.] (4 marks ) If (G,») is a group and « € G, the right coset of @ subgroup H is {healheH} For the subgroup H {0,2} of (Ze, @), the right cosets are H @0 = H G2 =H, and He = Hea= {1,3} (e)[Easy.] (2 marks) No. The group in (c) gives a counterexample. © LSE 2004/ Answers MA103 Page 2 of 3 (0) [Unseen.] (8 marks) Since the order of an element divi the group order by Lagrange’s theorem and p is prime, the order of an element is either 1, p, or p*, Only the identity has order 1. Consider z in G which is not the identity. If x has order p, we are done, otherwise x has order p?, meaning that the powers 2°, 2?,...,°*-} are all distinct. But then 2? has order p, since xP, 2,237, ..., 2" are all distinct (a) [Bookwork.} (5 marks | A set is called linearly independent if for any n vectors u;,...,U, in that set and scalars ay sooy Kno the equation iu; +++++ katt, = O implics hy = +++ = ke = 0. A basis of a vector space Vis linearly independent set of vectors that span V The dimension of a vector space V is the number of vectors in a basis of V. (b) {Similar to homework exercise.) | 7 marks ) ‘The kemel U of any linear transformation T defined on V is a subspace of V. The possible values for the dimension of U are 0,1,2,3. It cannot be4 since then the whole space would bbe the kemel ane for all veetors x we had T(x) = 6, but it was assumed that there is some x so that T(x) # 0. (©) [Requires understanding of “basis”,] (13 marks } Any linear transformation T is completely specified by what it assigns to the basis vectors. Any vector x in V can be written uniquely as a linear combination x = z1uy + tau + yUg + Tatty (Where x could be identified with (2,27, r),24) € R*). Then Tix) (zat + Tota + Tatty + Tals) 1 T (ur) + x27 (ug) + 237s) + 247 (u) (wi — Uz) + Z(U2) + a(t) + s4(us + Ue) = (a tas)u + (2m + 2)u + caus + cee ‘An element in the kernel is thus given if'2, +23 = 0, 24 = 0, for example 1,22, T5,4) = (1,1,~1,0), corresponding to the vector uy + Up — Uy. The rank of T is the dimension of its image, which is at least thres, since the vectors ur, Uz, Us + Ug in the image a clearly linearly independent. Since the kernel contains a nonzero vector, its dimension, the aullity of T, is at least 1. Since rank and nullity add to the the originating space, they must be 3 and I, respectively. 21 +2 imension 4 of © LSE 200¢/ Answers MA103 Page 3 of 3

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