Help Wanted
of Practice
Type of work you would like Restaurant, childcare, store, outdoors, office, etc.
Schedule What days and number of hours you can work - try to keep as open as possible
Transportation How can you travel to get to a job, will you get paid enough to cover transportation
What youre good at Your skills and abilities
a list of these sites, go to a search engine (ex: Google) and type in keywords such as online job search sites
and you should find a list of popular used sites. Also, check out company websites directly (e.g., Target.com,
Homedepot.com). Helpful Hints: Sometimes job postings are listed under Careers or Human Resources.
Visiting Businesses in Person - You can also visit a business in person to ask the hiring manager if they
are accepting applications. Make sure you have your mock application with you in case you decide to fill out an
application while you are there.
Button up shirts
Dress pants or khakis
Dont Wear:
Career Centers/Clubhouses/Employment Supports - Job support programs will help you with all the
steps involved in getting and applying for jobs. The Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission is one vocational
support in Massachusetts. Talk to your helpers (case managers, guidance counselors) for places to go.
Networking - Ask around! Family members, friends and neighbors may know of places that are hiring.
On Paper - Applications on paper tend to be the shortest, and you are usually allowed to take them home to fill
out, and bring back when youre done. Take 2 copies of the application if possible, in case you make any mistakes.
Online - Some companies require filling out your application online. Here are some Helpful hints:
* In order to fill out an application online, you will most likely need an e-mail address. You can get one free on
websites such as yahoo, hotmail, etc. You will need to be able to check your e-mail by computer or cell phone.
Make sure your e-mail address and voicemail message are PG and your cell phone has no background music.
* Have all of your information ready before you start to fill in the application. Go through the application first to
see what you need.
* If you are filling out an application on a job search website (ex: monster.com), you may need to create an
account. Make sure to keep your user name and password somewhere safe so you can go back and track your
applications, and apply to other places later on.
* Most online job applications give you the option to save the application and come back to it later.
In Store - A lot of businesses are using what are called kiosks, which are computers that are located in the store
that you must use to apply for the job. Helpful Hint: Bring someone along who can help you. Allow a good amount
of time to fill kiosk applications out since they can be very long.
After Applying
Checking In: Dont get upset if you dont hear back from the place you applied to right away. Wait for about a
week, and then call them and make sure they have your application, and ask if they have started interviews yet.
The Transitions RTC is part of the Systems & Psychosocial Advances Research Center (SPARC), formerly known as the Center for Mental Health Services Research,
A Massachusetts Department of Mental Health Research Center of Excellence
State: l___l___l
Have you been convicted of a crime within the last five years? *(Tip: If yes, leave blank and if you have to, explain in
person instead.) Yes__________ No__________
Position Applied For: ___________________________ Full Time ________ Part Time ________ Seasonal ________
When can you start: ____________________________
Desired Wage: $ l___l___l.l___l___l / Hour *(Tip: Check http://www.dol.gov/whd/minwage/america.htm for what the
hourly minimum wage is in your state; it will help you to decide what to ask for.)
Days/Hours Available: *(Tip: Make sure to keep school in mind. Also, leave a day open so you can use it to schedule
appointments and keep your availability as open as possible.) Please check below the days and times you can work.
School Name & Type (Vocational,
High School, GED or College)
Years Attended
(Yes or No)
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: *(Tip: Put your most recent job first- if youve never had a formal job, you should
include any paid experience for example, babysitting, yard work or volunteering.)
1. Employer: : ____________________________________ Job Title: _______________________________________
City: _________________________________________
Supervisor: : _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: l___l___l___l l___l___l___l l___l___l___l___l Email: ___________________________________________
Responsibilities: __________________________________________________________________________________
Wage: l____l.l____l /hour
EMPLOYMENT HISTORY: *(Tip: Put your most recent job first- if youve never had a formal job, you should
include any paid experience for example, babysitting, yard work or volunteering.)
2. Employer: : ________________________________________ Job Title: ___________________________________
City: ___________________________________________State: l___l___l Dates Worked: l___l/l___l to l__-__l/l____l
Supervisor: : _____________________________________________________________________________________
Phone: l___l___l___l - l___l___l___l l___l___l___l___l Email: ____________________________________________
Responsibilities: ____________________________________________________
Wage: l____l.l____l /hour
PERSONAL REFERENCES: *(Tip: Should not be: a family member. Could be: clergy, volunteer supervisors,
coaches, previous employers, teachers, etc... If you can, provide information for 3 different references.)
Phone Number