Unit Test 1 Review Notes: Eg. Sihk RCMP Members May Wear Turban As Part of The Uniform
Unit Test 1 Review Notes: Eg. Sihk RCMP Members May Wear Turban As Part of The Uniform
Unit Test 1 Review Notes: Eg. Sihk RCMP Members May Wear Turban As Part of The Uniform
Do you wear jeans, an
American, innovation?
Key Terms
Accommodation: making adjustments or changes to allow for differences;
eg. Sihk RCMP members may wear turban as part of the uniform
Assimilation: the process by which a minority culture adopts a dominant culture
and is absorbed into it. It often involves a loss of language
Bilingualism: two official languages
Culture: Revitalization: an effort to restore, or bring new life, to a culture
Economic Globalization: the process of expanding world trading networks
eg buying items from other countries; working for transnational companies
Globalization: the process by which the worlds citizens are becoming
increasingly connected to and dependent on each other
o Fighting to protect their land and people govt set aside some land in
1992 for the people, but there is pressure to allow development
o Distinct culture came from mixture of First Nations and French
o Land was taken away by European newcomers
o Lobbied govt for land of own 1930s
o 1936 Alberta Metis granted more than 500,00 hectares in northern
o Distinct group of Francophones in Eastern Canada who were deported
when they refused to sign an Oath of Allegiance to Britain
o Reaffirming their culture by promoting themselves, their art, etc
Should globalization shape identity?
We have learned that globalization is a complicated issue. Life as we know it today
would not exist without globalization the music we listen to, the food we enjoy,
the clothes we wear, the stores we shop at. Globalization offers us choices and
gives us freedoms to decide who we want to be and what we want to do. However,
globalization can also be seen as a negative force which is creating a universal
culture throughout the world. Many people are listening to the same music, playing
the same games and wearing similar clothes is this necessarily a good thing? Will
globalization eventually create one world culture and make us all the same. Can we
choose to embrace globalization yet at the same time protect our unique identities
that is the question you must answer for yourself!