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Initial Teacher Training

Why train with us?

Well-established School Direct and SCITT programmes
Postgraduate Certificate in Teaching
The Buckingham Partnership is recognised as providing excellent professional
development and support to all 44 partnership schools and works closely with the
University of Buckingham to provide excellent support to all its trainees.
Superb and detailed training within partnership schools as well as partnership Professional
Studies, Primary and Subject Specific Sessions!
The course is perceived as a details and comprehensive course which offers training in a
wide range of specific Professional Studies areas and has a strong focus on Inclusion,
SEND and Gifted and Talented provision.
There are further opportunities to develop your career from Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT)
all the way through to leadership.
We provide on-going training, development and support which include NQT support,
Recently Qualified Support, Developing Teachers from Good to Outstanding as well as an
Introduction to Middle Leadership Course, Middle Leadership and Strategic Leadership
Course. In addition, it also offers detailed mentor training for all partnership school staff.
All trainees have 1 week special school experience available within the partnership if they
wish to.
The Partnership also recommends and support trainees with their Subject Enhancement
Courses (SKE) fit to their specific and individual needs.
What are the entry requirements?

At least a 2.1 degree in your subject (in exceptional circumstances in shortage subjects a
2.2 may be considered with other experience. The Partnership will in such cases
recommend and support applicants in taking part in a SKE course.)
GCSE grade C or above for English and Maths (Secondary Applicants)
GCSE grace C or above for English, Maths and Science (Primary applicants)
Minimum 2 weeks experience in a Secondary or Primary School
Academic and professional references
An advantage is to have other experience of working with children or young people

What will your training look like?

Starting in August; 1 induction day course, 1 academic workshop and online modules to
take part in
September: Main Placement in your partnership school starts until December
January: Second Placement starts until February
February: Back at our main placement to complete the remainder of your course.
Wednesdays are training days for the whole partnership
All training support within partnership schools are bespoke and tailor made for the
trainees specific needs.
3 Academic assignments focusing on specific areas such as motivation and behaviour
management, assessment and SEND.
Subject area
Design Technology

Places Available
2 Provider Led/SCITT
2 School Direct

Contact us at:
The Buckingham Partnership
[email protected]
Tel No: 01280 827 377

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