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Crimes of The Heart Script
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Britney Grace Spindler
Script of the 1980 play Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley. Later adapted into a screenplay and film.
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Crimes of The Heart Script
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Britney Grace Spindler
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Script of the 1980 play Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley. Later adapted into a screenplay and film.
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Crimes of the Heart script
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Script of the 1980 play Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley. Later adapted into a screenplay and film.
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Crimes of The Heart Script
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Britney Grace Spindler
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Script of the 1980 play Crimes of the Heart by Beth Henley. Later adapted into a screenplay and film.
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wih hope Isa, usoppable hope gin ll son. With his hope oe lee oy fe nthe ce of dao ‘er Manica, acs Treen Lay Spr vil Xe play and Soe Jack is ne of he mst ‘eat ein fal ones 3 loudmoth ace by pst sco sured with aig o mae light. Her ings bike hero lb ove nd foie i unde CRIMES OF THE HEAR’ fa— THE CAST ONY MAGRAD: 30, he ld see ‘nex sor 2, te sien fis cnsin uo ssckaris 27, he mide ster, 0 FORTE 30, Me ld bofind "te ROTRELE 24, the youngest ARNETTE LOW: 26, Babe wee THE SETTING “The seing ofthe eit ply the Rech n the Map stn’ hone in Hoslchunt, Miinip small suchen wwn. Te ol hsbioned bens unl pusous, bur dere alien cutee ook abou Tete faucet eats and exis che letchen che bck door the done leading othe dining oom, andthe no he se; doe ening to the dwn dro and ic adic he pit rom, Thee a table near the ener a tbe omy, an ca has ee tp one fhe cr THE TIME Tete lie ets air Hurscane Cane ACT I . ‘The igh go upon the empy tbe. leis te aero. Ley Mage bien women wha nnd fae end, er a te back thor caning whet, opbane oe, and«Uretppe sk ‘Sheva he ie and be ae ce dw ed aes the brown sak tthe Tin ble Afgan uta he dao be oh oie jar fom ‘he bic contr abs of mace fm be tne, and she ring bh es back dei te Ken sabe ced he eh th bros ‘te and pl on pachag of ray cone Se uc ope te pac ged rons end Sheri to ack ean ake il CG Sh kc onlin age bes ar an it ramble. ‘rl th gn bic th ja She sks ma igh ‘cae end bis diping wx ons hsb, shi ging, tome we bar hc si fom fe, ‘aes vo Lenny Ob, Ley! Lenny quickly bo ont cen nd sa seid cone her hosp Chick, tenn, ner te bck don Shs brightly “Zeon maton with low hai end big a ps) ‘once Fe your pl op. est ‘hac: Wel di you se soy pape (dey nod:} ‘oe Wj (0 sl jut way to afl How Ym gonna continue ing my hen up high nti communi, I donor know Di you rece 0 pick wp those panty hos or mez Losnte Therein the ick ‘hck: Well, hak gone tas int go have © gp ite town eating ols in my sekings (Chic gee paca ea ie, end pro kelp of acing and pov ante, tau he ‘Blowing sone Toe sald be smethng hy greg dou sis ‘oman henner sci bison) ing: Did Unle Wason cP ‘ie: Ys, Daly hale i twice sea: Heid Babe ely co come me. Wee go ogi ont ab pick her up before they change hi spe minds sss Hey) Oh, Uhm, oi je CCALES OF THE HEART 5est Wel, was hoping Meg wou al Hck Meg? {eI en er tela: abou Babe, and [ic A telegram! Could yu jas phon he up La Wal 3, ease hey phone’..o a ret, nica: Ouro nde? ‘sr: Disco dot know what. ‘ck Well tht wound Hee Meg, My thse are sng. Are you sue you bought ny gh si? sn Loki eb) Se exe petite ‘hacx: Wel eye skimpingomthe yon mei. (Sig pul ep ae secing.) Thal her to Skiing on he myn. She iit om ne ead arson te oir) Now, jus wha al you sy in hi “een wo Meg? suse don all xy wl jel er come on home Te hme hy ees opin eu ei raat wha ann (Nou ae gi ik pth men of rg ncn and pla ti repping.) But Babe wane Meg home Ste ake me 0 call be ‘uch im no aking about what Babe wan taser: Wal ha the? ‘nck Lise, Lenora [sink pcg acerte wo aume th afr hie riomings pape abe gonna be icing sane gy ep pa Tey anundthisowm. And Meg appesnince un goons hap ou i suse: What wrong with Meg? {ck She ads oo repratin in high shoo, cast (i She was popu ‘ie She was owl oer Copich Couny cheap Chriss rah rad hat asthe ea oft These was cht who snd i wth Doc Pore ving hin erp Lisa xp got inp Jt kd of barely Lip. (NCE Well ico was ping kasp me oe oF the Lai’ Sait Teague because oft isons Whee ‘cK Thats ight novel you, ba ad go pled with hac ean kd woman and convince er dec wa a app wed pe with ‘what Megha done ashe wa, and that I wat only ine coin ay ‘yon Tcl hndly be Be ral she seleton in che Mage! 6 eer nentey lot wa icing you, she even Brom up your mother leah And dha poor ca sn Of! Ok! Of, plese, Chi Tm say Bor yu inthe Ladi Langu now cece es Thats ram, Bur any if Mis Pera dep ‘hac moe er lade, wou en the lub ay, nach onmincr es. bach bai) Any. you beast porto in wat ight hee for Mg ll you cn convince her no 10 ‘Come hme Te woul! mae igs hae le esr on everbods Dorit you thik erally would ose babi {Gk Good hen wt yours Hows my ai Lee ie {anek Nox pnd on ae back si tes: No non leg he i for Br) ghee, Teo on ny wa. Pe tp Anne lay ver et king an eon Pek and Back J, Ba ‘Totes her with sho rl pis of ie. Draping he bl tron he ly.) Heid isi ose see. Hoel is Shep the br bu inh preJOR¥ OO Talos got Het pr et for you. Happy Barn o Lenny om the Buck Boyle (Chic takes eng page fn er ages Tomy) po Wy hank you Chick fs net ave you eres ny it ay evey yee oud. nce hades) Oh wl as jue the way a, spose. Tha tthe wy vas og upto, Well. why dstyou go om and pen pte pre Lunt igh (She sur eae be gf.) ‘ue es bor oFeandy—asorel eens, tun Candy aap a ze fe {cs And you have wet oe So ou? Lun gen ‘ane Wal im glad you he it wr: Con: Ob pling of which, member sha ade pola Jor des you go ey fo er ih bib nod? tase The ed and wht one ‘Geko wel tb fists 1p iin the wating machin, Lean the ‘CRIMES OF THE HEART 7cy ine. lenis, Tote ie ota dots jn ope abel in the wate use (Crake) Oh, no. We ‘o. ‘Nc Oh, no, nono no, We woul he Fi jus wanted lee you oso you would gp and wate any mere of your harmed ney on tht make of des. Thos inexpensive brand just dnt hold tp Tm soy Bu ot in these mdr washing machine, oc Fontes vor: Hall Hallo, Lenny {Hck Taig oer) Oh, ook, is Doc Pret! Come on in, Doe! Pete ome right om int {Die Pore ets trong te bac dor Hei cay lage ack of ‘pecs, Dov iventativly wor man tha igh ip tha aes ithe ‘a dec fom bis ue dvi quai Heth yr ol. but ean goer) ‘rcs Wal how ate you ding? How inthe wold are you dl? oe: ffi, Chik hc And how af you king iow ha yout adi Hae? oc: Ob ending smear enjoyble ‘hc Somentat! Oy somewhat! Wl ou ten hi! Wha si si ‘ily mand Wel, Fm my way. Boe go ome people wang om me (QWhipering Doc Kes Babe, or iy way pick er op. boc: Oh hc Wel, gue! Bl al pet see Bye (Ohick xi) oe: Hila zi: Hic guns you Bend bout the ding with Bae, 00: {en ews inthe eapap 0: Ub hah eso: What a oc Yeh Uso Wal, cone on ans down. eat ws ip sme aes, oc: Thats okay ca cal sty amine have ick up Seat he a the ‘kei nae Obs wal TH hee me up fr myc. en Kind shiny Fra cp of hot a(n pe fpr he baer) oes Lenny ust hae es Mr able eo gy on) AK 1c: Hee, sme pecans or you He and er ce sa) {st Wh. hank you, Dae T hve peas. 0: My wife an ce picked cher up around ee yd tt: Wel ca edhe wo ake A esa pie oe: Yeh, Lao, Lenn oe some Bad ews fo ou so, Wha 0c Wel, yu kao; youve Bs Rpg Billy Boy ou on ou fi tc gating out here a es Wel fs igh Billy Boy ded. tno: Hed? oe: Yak im sry you when youve gra exon you, bu chought you wane koe usa Wal ath, Fo, He did 1s Us He war ck y ight st Sk by lightning fata ay yr? os That hate dik ton Gay sey lgbing ead Bil Boy lan Yu on Bsr nel a to en oe Yeah, He ws mh ld hos. eas (Sang) Miho oes Almest meaty eas sors Thats igh wont ean "Cae abs Fei yoo. Di yu Know ea 0c No, Lenny dd ow. Happy Bh ison Thanks (he bese) 0c Ob, cme on nok, Ley Came on. Hehe. You know Tea sand when you Mgt women sear ou noi ust gs Lists Oho Sue! You met when Meg cit Mes che ane you col ever tnd co wach cy Not he] call up a pigs cough! oc Now, Leay.-stop ie Come on Js Lae: Okay? Okay dont ow whats wrong with me 1 dont mean nak acne Te bse om thi ying (Se Bl er oe) A his Sea wit Babe and ld Granday’s gen worse in he hop nd eae gsin ruchith Meg oe You ti ling Mago? ‘CRIMES OF THE HEART 9a ‘0c fae coming home? {mx Who knw Shas alld ae, hag wha in weting hee ee hoping shel cl 0 Sheil ving in Callen? ea es in Hlljwood es Wal give meal ia gc in ik ba. es Ob, you would, Bake 0c ea, Len sad but wou ‘as rsa ey inde. (Ty tare echt she lara The isa amen) 1: Hg, ello Fae, your fe bling tes ing sk) Oh, ii? Thanks (AB secre be at) Look od erg on and pick Score You dot want hin coher eit foryou ‘0c: Ye, you ight Poor. Kiss tie at the dt. sn or hig, ‘500; Wel bye Tim sony so hav tl you about your bore si: Ob, Tks Tl Jun thanks or ching wp the peas ‘900 wil. es eo) tn: Of, hows the Baby? 1000 Se ie Real psy Sb ah lds yor igri er hand ke is tn: Ob, tases, tes ye, (Dac ei Lenny ae afer Bi fr « moment, sen gos and ssbb oun ath thon bl She rena ber pace and lon oe teh rumbled ian a candle Sb ight cand gt, the te dip nt the ck ton ick these om of cose. Se agin ong the "Hay Bete Songs bel teed of mg ‘he poe sley maks# is and ber ou he candle She ws moment ten lg the rnd and pes bration, ony is me ooking ine i a he end of eng Sheer pet he pro ‘othe thd ine, pn gin ving. She peat) esse Hilla hello, Lucile, bows Zack, Oh, Vn 30 sony. OF coun, tse be grating fr you. Ye understand Yout ‘al bree no, hemo et joe ck fur went pk er ‘ch, nom Lacie she al hii ual be eure. We Younis le te fran dT ela ical she. Uh rm, ise saved Oy thts good acm Wl of eye, whey. ttt ae Breathing sabe. Damage ode pial eohunn, nt tacoma Okay, Lal, Ie geal down Uke 1 fdr ber ac meange "Bye, he {Loy des the penn paper am. Sh igh de wes er seks (oh bak her and nd go the ve po oa f ‘fe era ow mora the font orion ming, Loy ar A thier hn Meg oe ses vnce Im hoe! (Se whi ae ily whisk) Amboy ret ts Mag? Meg {Mg mes, enters te ding om Se bas a, mi 2 land wen han She air wor se) sus (Dropping her se, ming hg Lan) Lee — Tests Wal Meg? Why Meg! Ob, Mey! Why dst you cat Did you fy ir dl ake cab did you? Why dd you pve sa al sec (Overlapping) Oh, Lenn! Why Lenny! Dent, Lenny (Then eo at ngs) My God, wee stg st Ob, Lele freee Ofewane, Teal Luss Wel eer led 9 you tes Wal how eth pone ing ight ofthe ook? {ints Wal at mae offs, Tas 04 ost ofthe morning eng Babe! sus: Nv jot what’ all hs une bau Bae? How could yo ed me se eign sew Bat An 7k! Yo ay somebody Sot a they ve Me Wel, god Lord! he dead {snr No. Bu bn he opt Me wast in is somach ‘est his stomach! How ami Do thy know who shox hin? (denny no) Heo, Walk who? Who wari Who? Who? laste Babe They al ying Babe hoe hi They tok er il And hye sing she show hi Tey alsying i Ks wale we sw (Overlap Jl Gon Lo, il Wel who? Whi saying? Whoa! Thats neon! The pment shes Zackery even Babe saying i cn ibe hel ee Wel for God ke. For Gods se Tan (Onrpg she il poe) 16 Nol! Ws howe Ws joe ‘oweLamp m0 op sonsess ae menor ay OOP pd an py sp de ove Sa 44873 pe HOE omy pur apd pg yo se gg mages By nf an ey go San Jo Japon 1 ee eeeeae op pote apr “eo pag ya 4 9 Ras) 904fe awa pane oyu 1 8 a9 He) BoE A re par sage MON -F Kn a4 -na HE on as Gn ap Sopp poe nye oa gy py 7 09 pps) PID Sp tur 30 2h ge wet eu Big ey 9 8°40 2en p24 fy 900 apron mg op upon —| Une ‘ na dso sap TE Ay acy mg 8 4a ‘Snot wht ay sap eu mo yy (nny 2m A) 9H£ envate nao sano ana nase 9 spa temp poe ve gs 39,Shs ve Spe aps suey ay 0008 Sey (Feng yp ef oe wom ag 9 5 3H ny ay 8) sa1wan Hie geransit as of ose oping = Bae gt oso pany yo 92 gasp rn sou 986 pain a so san asisan nase pry (ies pu oe ape ry par a 3 1 Bag HH WH YO CSP>EHIAA “990 pH 96-0000 pone ya 80 a) ‘asa 9- po ame seg 8 p00 1 fr nano cs yd 8 Coma god Bears) LLM sey Sop OK I ov nas 98 PP ai ey 0 oF pap wo nom Sa 9 G0 P2909), onese 2 (307) five png oo PAH Cr fp “PEPIN PIO SAWP, 2 oy ep | un oe pe pr son Agspar 009mg Ba ge won fo 000 | 1 pou one po4e ae) 8sawwan ruse 9 (6 suean atts so sere So Sr oa peje snd py oon Baadenn emt se = 4 6 APPR PIO Ino poy HH pear yo NT1 ayvan aL £0 SIRO sainan Had oF pmo paso (pono og cen pero ary sn pag gc rok pn zn po me op pod rosa | p= HPD AA BST nod gp apenas ny ma 8 Buy a) ms uy a SD ay mg pd gr pa awn Bi “soe ne 8 a a gle pO pou payer wy Doc pee re sat ayn, apo eesnore an den ay sep 1p fog y sen oro pu nf fom sn gy gs sn ap og pg aa ney Say pe Segoe andy oe Fy)‘Mant of Dimes clon bones. That wa hen ey mab me, Sa story Me ees (Di sara efor a ong man. ptt bth nah drin) 00! fergie pane) That nom os Lats sen wt the ae we aw each the? Van ie rl oc: Wass i Box? kc b,x oes ‘oc: An ws tena a une gig onthe me? NB he? ec: Ws dere 1c: Winn g ae ide nay tk sn ok othe mon? are Vea as one hell ofa burn. Caml, belive dey elle. | EST know, Doc: don ana sa pl bee had we Up, Hiren Cail oc: Who sys wee gonna star up? Were at gana kth oon, For sss Nou now Leer: aa Beil cane neigh jst yw and me te gon go er en dhe country and oes We ad aime down thre We hd rites. Dring vodka a | Fookowt at de moon “ng eptron he hal Sl, dancing ol igh long. And the win wax NE: Oe igh blown Rig Beer une 6; Lookout a he moon? (0c Gada, wa bowing oe: You pt ‘eos Thre nvr ha been auch wind blowing oc: Wel aig (Sheep) ‘0c; Ob, God, Maggy. Ob, Gad Pc: Bee tbe yours (hf er ect) An he be ecrd brow, Doe Tran fs eve you. Ls: Kuhough wat (Hee te le Me pip the gles) ‘hoking fae choked! 0: Forget he ae tc Legh he as og hep ses (het of Kc ip, ing i yn i it ee sabe chen ink Mond Duc line. fir # monn, Rb os ne ebay Camel dist wan ca, Ldo know ce dow ein in rap) oe sist eg —Meg cif) Ab (pase Banari ose efi «amet i re moi erin mb ly St ar seaphos the se iio. bgt, Tce = ‘nd ioc on tbc ede) a su Yc: By Becky i ou? es [dori hue Doe. Thing gor wor me, Aer whi I jculist (Bib gs dawn bapa.) oes Hele fo sr No sil ging hase sad sons? ‘log amove. el jou {ad on elo ime ser Chris, SE Jsea mina Tm coming. he pas eto rr ip and go ea ‘ane te do es arc) Hcl, are Cameo it. ts I wcor se Tet ne, Eel opin A, Coon Hopi mtn He bed gs rat i i he Poche wad ‘0c al, Ah, ll, Mega. What happened? ‘eT: Thank you. it: Tt ely know oan sing anymore 20 ot yj, And had 8% What si “Utndwoobache, Td this increly pina tochache or dys Ud. NET: Fe, ab, Te jt come fom sexing Zackery at she hospi ie bur | would do anything boot ut tye side my apa OF? IO ae eae ceatgm in| MENETT tse. i ems his sie Lucile, was somewhat si: Then one akeron [ran wresng out of he apartment with all my SS ‘noncy and jowlry and abil and edo uf linn one of how. 8 SeptCong a og 0 0 gs.) To am oye Ae OY MO sanent nae 9b pc gm nee fons poe a op(OF .yvats at go saris capo jo pe LP Sao tn mo ap HO ‘ecu pundit pep eyo 0N 2 op Sy ast 28.30 aE sy 97 we ep gs a A 1 a ns 2p Sep epg mo Say in| yyy Sarpy rin ue aqui ny 204 SED toad nye 4 |p ayy ea sous py fgg nr apoptosome up Bap ps go ey ed ok jog seed 8 > | PY rouse [lem spy no os owns wu] 127g SOE “Souo P) wOP 1 OH BHP —T HHA spe agp ps oy 0 4013 I SH HL ANNE vo Sagem apy OP 05D Fae yo fy 904830980 pony ao son po po 9g ary yee psp ty 9p 895 apn ng Ba 5 p09 gr fn 29 eee mf Su Soy wap es ge ds Bu niaov1 gant a1 30 san Ansan sae of rove wy“ ed | sup mo peroayo gy rer aos pou v0 ry po pm pos sg pes os na 300s SP SPPNPEUED PO mL (ome ©sawn nase #6 ya Let sy Sapon yy 05 29081 om due yeasw a0 a4 0 80 nox pa dan Sap} « apy ef na fees mon Hou on 098rnin Mua sf (exe og prom ep 4) pot ay one (aro) do 2d 204 pry iy gong ss ae Hs pot py ey inal do Serpe See ere pa (rep a pay kina gen yep 9 1209) rang no eds oe 4S) 1s[ang ged 90 pap 3 Senn lp pg Ban bo Bo j op ok in nm pow ad pu ae gp can pope gs 3 ep py9 swan an (Gt rapew no-go 23h) 24r pny 9m pny pnd ayn par py spa no pg rv wn ou pur Bay eps ‘sm no a
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2 pages
FACT SHEET - Pahimakas Sa Isang Ahente
Paulo Perez
No ratings yet
Buried Child Guide
30 pages
Buried Child Guide
Memet Refic
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The Piano Lesson - August Wilson
56 pages
The Piano Lesson - August Wilson
Anonymous mcadlUB9C
92% (12)
Of Thee I Sing PV
197 pages
Of Thee I Sing PV
Mal Hall
100% (1)
Cast List: You Can't Take It With You
2 pages
Cast List: You Can't Take It With You
Zachary Laslovich
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You Cant Take It With You Audition Sides Package
28 pages
You Cant Take It With You Audition Sides Package
Jeff Rocco
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Picnic Libre To
44 pages
Picnic Libre To
Manuel Trujillo Lopez Haya
100% (1)
Death of A Salesman Quiz
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Death of A Salesman Quiz
Frank Flanagan
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Glengarry Glen Ross
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Glengarry Glen Ross
Jeremy Woodward
50% (2)
Crimes of The Heart Script
31 pages
Crimes of The Heart Script
Britney Grace Spindler
77% (83)
And Most of The Play's Action Occurs at Willy Loman's House
2 pages
And Most of The Play's Action Occurs at Willy Loman's House
Patricia Ann
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Pulitzer Drama List
4 pages
Pulitzer Drama List
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Buried Child FINAL Script 12.12.2011
116 pages
Buried Child FINAL Script 12.12.2011
Noelle Spitz
100% (6)
Buried Child Script Analysis
9 pages
Buried Child Script Analysis
Nick Moramarco
100% (1)