First Night in Hindu Marriage by Sudesh Kumar

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First night in Hindu Marriage

Romance and Relationships


Sudesh Kumar

First night is the creation of environment to impress upon the bride about the
non-effect of socio-sexual restrictive values and socio-sexual conditionings
within the privacy of her marriage and so also to grant allowance to the
bride-groom to enjoy the sex within the privacy of his marriage. The above
explanation about the first-night can be understood only when we analyse
the need for such function.

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First of all the marriage gives permit to the man and woman to enjoy sex
within their marriage so long their marriage continues; as such what is the
need for arranging such an event, viz. first-night (Popularly Known as
Suhag-Raat), that too making such a ceremonious arrangements; we should
first study the socio-restrictive values and conditionings in the sexual

When a person thinks about, 'first night' or ‘Suhag-Raat’, otherwise called

'wedding night', it really gives the person a sort of 'kick', because that will be
the first time, generally, a man's, or woman's, personal sexual desire is
allowed to overtake the socio-sexual restrictive values and the ambitious
desire is allowed to be fulfilled for the first time then only. Moreover, the
bride and bridegroom realise that the purpose of the gender role they were
playing in the society hitherto is fulfilled during that night.

What is first night or ‘Suhag-Raat’? First night is an event celebrated as a

function wherein the just married couple are allowed, with celebrity, to enjoy
sex in privacy. Here, privacy is created for them, the couple's cultural group
makes them to enter into the created privacy and their entering into privacy
is celebrated as a part of wedding, or in other words, as an epilogue of the
wedding function; thus notifying the purpose of the marriage having

After all, all our social interactions are influenced by social values and
especially the sexual interactions are controlled by the socio-sexual values.
The tendency of the social values are to impart the values into the personal
values of the individuals as such the important values of the society, viz.
sexual values play prominent role in moulding one's personal values about
sex. Therefore, when the social values have got very strong influence over
the personal values of an individual with regard to sex, then any changes, or
modifications, to be done in the personal sexual values of a n individual at
certain stage, or age, is carried out by imparting the restrictive values, or
conditionally allowing freely, though social functions.

When a girl is brought-up with a lot of socio-sexual restrictive values and

social-conditionings in sex, it will be very difficult for her to compromise
with the changed situation wherein she has to interact sexually, that too, with
the opposite sex. Moreover, sex is viewed in the perspective of personal
sexual values by man and in the perspective of socio-sexual values by

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woman; and every woman is conditioned to enjoy, or give, sex under
security only and the security is her marriage.

The social values are so strong on the women in any society that the socio-
sexual restrictive values will not allow the sexual desires of a girl to overtake
them. Therefore when a necessity has arisen to modify such restrictive
values so as to allow her to enjoy, or give, sex within the prescribed
framework, a social function called, "first night" is celebrated. Moreover
apart from imparting the idea that the restrictive socio-sexual values are
withdrawn and such values will not interfere within their married privacy it
is pertinent to impart the important factors of marriage. That is the reason
why wedding is deemed to have been completed with the last rite of their
sexual union; that imparts the minds of the couple with the important factor:
that is marriage is a unit and the couple have to pull it on mutual care.

In Indian culture, it is quite interesting to watch the face of a bride just

before entering the first-night room. So far she is restricted in her
interactions with male members other than that of close relatives and barred
to be alone with any male member, in privacy, except with her father, or
sometimes brother. Moreover, she is not allowed to express any sort of
sexual feelings and kept away from sex. Now imagine the psychological
feelings in the minds of the bride. When her sexual desire overtakes the
restrictive values, the resultant factor is very much apparent on the bride's
face showing the happy reddishness. The same apparent change can be seen
during the interaction in the first night room.

When a woman's sexual interactions are dictated by social values and unless
the society gives permission, the girl will not be able to enjoy the sex on
account of conditionings of her mind through socio-sexual values.
Therefore, through first night function, the girl is made to understand that
her social group accepts her right to enjoy sex with her specific partner.

Environments, health and motivating factors are taken into consideration in

arranging the first night room. As far the environment is concerned, 'intricate
and intimate relationship between two human beings' that concentrate must
in the sexual affair, hence the environment should be favourable for such
concentration but, atlas should be in such a way not to distract the attention
or be a hurdle for any sexual feelings. In fact, cleanliness, neatness and
cover-ups are added motivational factors for sex. The maximum cleanliness
and neatness of a bedroom of their level of any couple will be in their first

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night-room and will have new things. Moreover, as per tradition, as the
sexual pleasure in the first night is supposed to be new feeling for the both,
these 'new' things in the first night will give added 'kick' for the both.

We have seen above that first night is to make the couple to understand that
enjoyment of sex in privacy within their marriage is their absolute right and
also to impress upon the couple that none of the others, however close they
may be, or the society, can poke nose in their sexual affair except in the case
of one partner taking undue advantage of the right beyond repair. Once
society withdraws its sexual values in the first night, then the honeymoon
makes them to formulate their own sexual values. The purpose of first night
and honey-moon is to create different environments; in the former, it is to
make them to understand their right and realize the withdrawal of socio-
sexual values, and in the later, it is to formulate their own sexual values and
modes. Basically, marriage is fusing the complimentary for mutual care and
responsibility, wherein the responsibility means responsibility of keeping
their marriage happy and bringing up their children in a better way, and care
is, in totality, including sex, for satisfaction, satiation, better health and
happiness. Thus, they can formulate during honeymoon by evaluating their
own socio-sexual values, personal sexual values and understood biological
and psychological aspects of sex. Such formulation for enjoyment of both is
the basic concept of formulating their family-unit's policies, at a later stage
in marriage.

The arrangements in the first night room are meant to teach couple: - (1)
their right for sexuality; (2) infrastructure for sexual act; (3) other basic
needs having fulfilled before the start; (4) no negative emotion; (5) privacy;
(6) good environment for concentration. Good health means no ill health so
as to distract the sexual attention and concentration. Middle of menstrual
cycle is a good cyclic period for woman and longer gap from the last
ejaculation, according to his age and potentiality is good for man. This is the
reason why generally middle of menstrual period is fixed for first night, or
otherwise in modern times, the woman is asked to take pill during the
current cycle. The couple is asked to finish off their natural calls before their
entry into the room when there is no attached toilet (as common in lower
middle class Indian family) in the first night room, so that the natural calls
should neither be hurdle for concentration nor should be embarrassing to
come out during the act. Moreover, no concentration, or perception, of
sexual feelings is possible when a person is hungry and thirst. Therefore in
the Indian culture some eatables and drinks are provided in the room.

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Usually, negative emotion may not prevail in the first night as it is being
celebrated and as the couple enters with lot of expectations. Only when the
expectations do not turn out to be reality at least to a minimum level, then
only the negative emotion steps in. In order to avoid such negative emotion,
dominating and initiative factors are boosted in mind of bridegroom and
adjustability factor is thrust in the bride's mind by their respective peer
group. Generally certain elders and the peer group, especially of the bride,
will all enter in the room and come out all together leaving the couple alone
in the room closing the door, thereby substantiating the privacy being the
fundamental right, and necessity, of the newly married couple.

As already seen the good environment is created by creating the maximum

neatness and cleanliness in the room, so that perception and concentration
will be easier for the both. Before going into motivational factors, it is
interesting to note that first night is arranged only in the night so as to make
them to understand that after strenuous physical and mental exercises during
sexual act both their mind and body require relaxation.

As the sexual interaction happens to be new experience, the five senses

should first be motivated to receive and send the pleasurable feelings and
thereafter enable them to switchover to sexual feelings. Hence, the
arrangements in the first night room are done in such direction where,
attractive and new cover-ups and dresses will attract the eyes and create
pleasure of viewing; the aroma of incense sticks will create sensual fragrant
atmosphere in the room; the delicious eatable will make the taste a pleasure
feeling; the voice of one partner will have instigative effect on the other
partner; and the new softness of the bed will have thrilling instigation all
over the body.

In the first night, the man is to take the initiative for further sexual
proceedings for which sexual feelings should first be generated in him.
Therefore, as per Indian cultures, the first act in the room, as per norms, will
be the bride offering milk, kept in the tumbler for this purpose to the
bridegroom. The woman and privacy would already have created a 'kick' in
him and added to that the offer of milk will make his sub-conscious, with the
background of Oedipus Complex, to transform the milk to its origin, breast,
and, being the sexual symbol, translates it to sex. By which transforming
concept, the sexual drive is created in him to take initiative in sex. Further it
is a normal custom for the man to "give" a part of milk, after drinking the
first part, to his wife to drink and she has to take it. This act indicates the

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following important aspects: first the woman gives the milk to her partner
and after enjoying himself he gives the milk to her thereby indicating that
first the woman gives sexual pleasure to her man and thereafter the man
starts giving her pleasure through interactions. Secondly, sharing being the
common ingredient for the both in sex, adjustability pertains to woman in
sex; whereas milk is shared by the both, the woman adjusts with the
remaining quantity given by him; moreover it indicates the dominance of
male over female.

As the sexual act being strenuous exercise, to compensate the energy lost,
fruits are usually provided in the room. Also as the act created the heat in the
body due to lot of friction, milk is provided to the both to cool the body; that
is one of reasons for asking both the couple to take oil bath on the next day
to cool the body. Now that having gone through the reason for such
arrangements in the room, now we will see the important points for the
couple to deal with in their mutual interactions during the night.

At the outset, it is pertinent for the both to have the idea of difference in
perspective of sex and physiological differences between man and woman.
Afterwards they can exchange their ideas; however starting exploring each
other's personal values, concept and perspective of sex, and pleasure giving
spots can better be postponed to honeymoon. Anyhow, general exploration
during the sexual interaction is a must in the first night. The following points
should always be kept in their mind in their attitude during their first-night:-

Selfishness, in marriage is the bitterest enemy of marriage and so also for

sexuality in marriage. Fundamental concept of sex in marriage is mutuality
and purpose is satiation. Man's is to take initiative with leadership but
without selfishness and egoism while enjoying itself, to create the sensual
feeling in her and make her to involve in the enjoyment for the both;
woman's is to leave socio-sexual values and inhibitions and to barter the sex
for happiness.

It is an opportunity to establish free communication. Respecting the other's

sentiments and values, thereby creating an impression of security of one of
the main factors for successful marriage, i.e. respect.

Fusing the complementary for compatibility is the basic necessity of

marriage and this is first achieved on physical dimension through sex and on
the basis of successful sexual relationship established in the early stage of

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marriage the necessity can be fulfilled, in the long run, on psychological
dimension also with commitment and will.

Love is the base for happy marriage wherein love is to make and maintain
the other happy; at any cost, this should be the first impression to be created
in the first night. Love, in marriage, is sentimentally craving for to be
together with, emotionally caring for, and sensually urging for fusing with
the partner.

Action to satisfaction is the golden principle of sex in marriage. The

difference in gender between man and woman is on account of
physiologically muscle and fat; psychologically materialistic assessment and
sentimentally emotional impressions and biologically the difference in

The real villains in marriage are selfishness, egoism and helplessness

between them. Commitment to the principles of marriage and responsibility
of maintaining happiness in marriage should first be resolved in the first
night and the details should be worked out to achieve this goal of
commitment and resp0nsibilityduring their honeymoon.

Now coming to the approach in the first night, first of all, the first night
should never be taken as an opportunity to fulfil the long suppressed desires,
rather it is an introductory session for sex in marriage and it is very
important to create the impression of compatibility. Marriage is adjustment
of complementary for mutuality and sex is enjoyment of complementary for
mutuality. The approach of the groom, in the first night should be gentle
with patience. Usually the man's approach in sex is of exploration,
adventurous and peeling off. Every move of man in the first night should be
with her direct or indirect, consent at the same time making her also to
involve in the enjoyment. As far the bride is concerned, her approach should
be of opening up, adjustability for his moves and co-operating for his
actions; however his accessibility to hers should not be easier and at the end
of the process, winning is his satisfaction and giving in is her enjoyment; in
this particular aspect the relationship between them will be of hunter and
hunted. The prevailing emotions during the night will usually be anxiety and
tension, and craving passion and surging urge. Physiology, psychology and
sociology are the three main contributing subjects in sex; physiologically the
physical alertness, psychologically the perception of difference in gender

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and sociologically the unusualness will be at peak in the first night and these
three can be fully made use of for sexual enjoyment. However these three
will be developed and improved for total satisfaction and satiation during
honeymoon and thereafter. Even though the total mutual sexual interaction
of the both may, or may not, prevail during the first night, every sexual
action should be enjoyable to the both. In the first night, each partner,
through sex, should impress the security of care in the mind of the other and
this will evolve the major success of first night. Both should fully make use
of all the five senses, with concentration and perception of difference in
gender, and enjoy the feelings being sexual. Perception of difference in
gender and concentration on sexual feelings are the important chapters to be
learnt in the first night.

Now coming to interactions during the first night, the interactions

throughout the night must be the expression of love and compatibility and
satiation can be taken care of thereafter. The modes of expression of
affection by the person's close during the person's early stages of life are the
same no also to express the love but, the only difference perceives the
difference in gender consciously. In the first night, the difference in gender
plays dominant role on the physical dimension and the unusualness will be
at peak on account of viewing and interacting with what was not exposed so
far and enjoyment of what was denied hitherto. Provided the marriage is on
account of liking each other, least other motivational factors are required
rather one can smell the surging urge in the atmosphere of the first night.
Even though the unusualness, alertness and perception are at peak, better not
to approach with high expectations rather the best course is to approach with
interactions for love. The approach with high expectation for satiation may,
or may not, yield result of satisfaction to the level of expectation of either, or
both; otherwise it may boomerang with psychological problems for either, or
both. As a good sexual relationship is yet to be established, it is not proper to
land in any sexual problem at this stage which, because of lack of free
communication and understanding, may create inferiority complex,
frustration and disgust which, in turn, is like a drop of poison in the milk of
happy sexual relationship. As such, the whole motto in the first night should
be to ward off socio-sexual restrictive values, anxiety and tension out of
their privacy and in the process of expression of love, to establish free
communication, understanding, adjustability and adoptability. Just warding
off the evil and bringing in the good is the limit of first night but, whereas
making use of these good for creating strong bondage between them is the
motto of honeymoon.

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In fact there is no limit to what extent the sexual act can precede with first
night provided both agree for the same; however it will be very difficult for
the man, at the outset, to understand the intention of his partner. Only his
experience, in the course of further sessions, will enable him to grasp her
real intention on account of her non-verbal reactions. One of the reasons for
honeymoon is to gain this experience. Therefore it is preferable to limit the
interaction with warmth-sexual feeling so as to create positive impressions
of trust and security. Of course sex was implicit for the both hitherto and
from the first night, it becomes explicit between them; even then, the man
can go for exploration in the first night, and can postpone his adventure in
sex to his honeymoon, that too after establishing understanding between
them. In the first night, the man enters with dynamism and woman enters
with total cover-up; as such restrain for man and opening up for woman
match well for the occasion. One should understand that a woman's cover-up
is on account of strong domination of socio-sexual values over her personal
sexual feelings and desire. The approach (with regard to intention, initiative
and action) of man and woman, in sex will be different on different planes
and after warding off socio-sexual values by creating confidence and trust
both will be on the same plane except for their biological difference.

When one of main purposes of first night being to generate and enjoy sexual
feelings, it is important for them, especially for him, to understand that the
sexual feeling, in the present context, is for man on account of actions but
whereas for woman on account of interactions; wherein action is
independent and interaction is dependent. The interactions in the conjugal
life have got its own unique language, which if not picked up properly and
reacted aptly will print its own impressions in the sub-conscious. Moreover,
once the action, or interaction, starts the man starts the man starts enjoying
sex whereas, for woman, the interactions will create pleasure and later on
she begins to enjoy sex; this difference in stages should be adjusted between
themselves on understanding so as, ultimately, both to have satisfaction, or
satiation as the case may be, unless there is an understanding otherwise.

A woman enters into first night room with anxiety, tension and fear, i.e. a
bundle of emotions. Her aptitude and role will be on par with her socio-
sexual values, her expectation is according to her won personal sexual
values and her approach is in accordance with the parameters of socio-sexual
values. The clash between her desire and built-in sexual restrictive values
will be at peak. The woman in the first night will be undergoing a war within

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herself: one side being the strong and dominating socio-sexual values and
the other side being the sexual drive on account of biological and
psychological factors and her on personal sexual values, and the resultant
yield will be high emotion viz., Anxiety, tension, and fear. As she has been
brought up with restrictive values as impressed factors; any attitude and
approach of her man will create the first and strong impressions and woman,
in general, because of the above-mentioned reason, are carried away by
impressions rather than assessments. Without proper confidence and security
she may not go for opening-up. Because of having brought up in the
environment of such socio-cultural values, she may not communicate her
intentions till the trust is formed in her. Her drive starts winning the battle
once she gets more and more confidence of her freedom from socio-sexual
values and security for the consequence, and her liking for and trust on her
partner grows stronger and stronger; as women, generally, go by
impressions, this result can be achieved by using the unique language of
interaction to rub-off prints in her sub-conscious and to imprint the new
factors of happy married life. Sex is a unique field wherein except the
difference in gender, no other difference comes, or influences, in the field
once the interaction starts with sexual drive in both.

Now we will try to study about the modern couple who is educated and self-
reliant. The educated and self-reliant women will have a little more
knowledge of sex and have better thinking and analyzing capacity which, in
turn, make them to establish communication more freely and distinguish the
limits and influence of social values inside and outside marriage, thereby
making them to enjoy still in a better way that too at the earliest in the first-

Before, stepping into the epilogue of this article we will try to see the
drawbacks in the present day first nights. Even though good care is taken to
enable them to enjoy, the society has failed to educate the couple about the
sex, which is going to become their exclusive right, by which they can enjoy
and encash the same for their happy married life. Moreover, when the
society is keen of cleanliness in the room, they have forgotten to bring a
custom of making the young couple to enter the room clean, i.e. immediately
after taking bath so that the bad body odour, especially after day-long
strenuous marriage ceremony, should not affect the program; and moreover
it creates a very good habit of mating with clean body.

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Coming to the epilogue, we understand that selfishness, egoism and creating
helplessness (except for fun with understanding) are the deadliest enemies
for happiness in sex and marriage. Secondly the socio-sexual values are to
be driven off from the first night room. Cautious approach with patience for
the bridegroom and opening-up with adjustability and co-operation for bride
are very vital in the first night. Binding the couple as a unit outside the
purview of socio-sexual values being the purpose of first night, expression
of love through sex and confirming the security of care and satisfaction are
the aim of the first-night. As a passing remark, wherein the security of
satisfaction is to be created during first night, security of satiation is to be
created in the honeymoon. The bride understanding the man's nature and the
groom understanding the woman's nature are vital and adjusting to each
other's nature, exploiting the sexuality enjoyable feelings by the both to the
maximum extent is the wisest thing in the night and better not to cross
enjoyment stage in the first night unless and otherwise both agree for further

First Time I have posted this article at

Sudesh Kumar
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