This letter is written in support of Ms. Leah Vomhof as a building level administrator or district level applicant
within your school district.
I feel I provide a unique perspective with regard to Leahs abilities. I have known and worked with Ms. Vomhof
professionally for 10 plus years (as her middle school and high school principal). I have always been impressed
with the skills Leah demonstrated as a teacher and I have watched her continued growth as an assistant principal.
Certainly, her ceiling is very high.
As a teacher, Ms. Vomhof modeled great enthusiasm for learning in and out of the classroom and her rapport with
students, parents, peers, and administration was always positive and professional. Ms. Vomhof developed quality
lesson plans in the classroom and has since developed into an instructional leader. Her knowledge of instructional
strategies is high and she works hard to share those strategies with our staff.
Leahs work ethic and attention to detail is exceptional and she has a natural drive to succeed. She has a curiosity
that drives her to work independently but also an ability to work cooperatively with others. She can evaluate a
problem, develop solutions and communicate solutions to stakeholders in a clear, concise, positive manner.
I must tell you that Leah is a great candidate. Without reservation, I am pleased to support her application. Please
do not hesitate to contact me if I can be of further assistance.
Tobie B. Waldeck
Through a cooperative partnership with students, school, home, and community, Mill Valleys mission is to foster individual Achievement and
Responsible citizenship by Empowering students through a rigorous curriculum to develop honor, integrity, and life-long learning.