Summer PDP Projects

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Summer is

More than six hours must clock out for
lunch break.
Lunch can be as long as youd like, but
no less than 30 minutes.
No more than eight paid hours total for
each day (no overtime).
No more than 40 paid hours in a work
No working from home or evenings
unless building is closed (due to AC,

Send email to BOTH Deborah and
Catherine if you are not able to make it in.
[email protected] and [email protected]

Brandy 8-5 (adjust for 8 hrs max)

Katie 9-5
Anna (flexing)
Ali 8-11, 11:30-2 in Scheduling,
2-5 back in office (adjust for 8 hrs max)
Danielle M, T, W 10-5

Each day, please check:
Your (work) email account for any changes,
requests, etc.
Your inbox in mail room and at desk
The water dispensers
Tidy your office/desk area
Fish/Bird Feeder
Catherine still needs a few minutes each day
for copy/shred and/or walking to Bldg 1.

Summer Projects
Assign each person specific projects
Once each person has projects Deborah or
Catherine can give priority order and
additional details
When each project is completed,
show/review with Deborah or Catherine
before starting the next project.
Whenever possible, complete each project
before moving to the next
Weekly check in (Mondays) what have we
done, and what are we doing.

In Process
1. Ali Bar Code Checkout System for Library
2. Eliza DAS Big Picture/Flow Chart
3. Kiwi Student How-To Binder
4. Danielle and Katie Captioned How-To Videos
(DVD with Chapters)
5. Brandy Core Team Olymics
6. Brandy Fall Schedule
7. Anna Four hours per week uploading for LB
8. Meagan PD How-To Binder (Meet with Catherine
& Deborah) to discuss pieces and big picture

PDP Organization
1. Create an Index for Quick-Study-Guides for front
of racks and on wiki (so people can search easier
for topics)
2. Organize closet in PDP Suite Area (share with
Set up in closet: laptop checkout system order bag?
Set up projector check out system, add to PDP checkout

3. Sort through PDP Old file cabinets in Student

Worker Office (file? Shred? Scan?)
4. Work with Catherine on e-filing documents
5. Help Deborah transfer e-files to Shared Drive

PDP Organization
1. Tidy up Resource Room (remove round
table, install wooden box, re-look at signs
in room)
2. Help Deborah organize and set up
files/file tags/ create a rotation for RID
related paper
3. Create forms for Seminar or IST proposals
4. Tour Flip classroom, what can we use
there or what can we use/create here

PDP The People Have

1. Create a color code sticker system for PD Board
2. Create a small self serve station in the PDP Resource
Room with CEU paperwork with a HOW TO posted
3. Create a video and/or seminar on What does the
PDP have that can help you?
4. Educational day (other than Pi Day) need other day
research options
5. Organize media to give to managers on a regular
basis (each week) for them to decide what level the
materials are for promotion prep** Creating a
promotion prep (perhaps work with PCLC) page on

PDP Content
Help Deborah create/design, gather,
research curriculum for Tracks and/or
pages on the wiki or under MyCourses? For
specific PD content.

Downloadable or suggested reading books?

Health and wellness (topic suggestion)


Professional Practice: Links to CPD Mgmt type

courses; Recommended DVDs; Professional
Dress Code; Reading: Fish!/7 Habits/Franklin
Covey/Gung Ho.

Independent Study (Paperwork)

PDP Content
Buddy Book / Interpreter Manual /
Orientation* Mentoring: Checklist of
materials for mentors, for mentees, assign
mentors (keep list on wiki?)
Performance Appraisal templates, POW
templates and guidance (use existing
and/or specific to DAS also include DAS
Seminar DVD?)
Talk to Captioning & ASLIE/FSSLEP about
setting up weekly or bi-weekly open sign
coaching sessions**

PDP Wiki Work

Create system online / wiki for viewing upcoming seminars
(uploading to youtube)?
Pull the PDP Wiki pages together to be more complete with
listings by each AY to include all titles/abstracts/bio of
presenter/PPT or handouts/link to DVD or its availability in binder
Captionists page(s)? Pointing them to basic ASL learning pages,
listing our books and materials that would benefit them (culture
books; asl at work, etc.) and where they are located
Create an advertising plan for wiki next AY
Create wiki page for list of Interviewers who have had training
and resource material/guidelines. Link to HR handbook
(commonly asked questions, etc.)

And theres more

2012, 2013, 2014 Needs
Assessments aggregated
Need to review and train all student
assistants (and later the committee)
on the how-to and what needs to be
done for each offering. (this includes
the binder, the e-files, in-person
training, DVD, etc.)

Catherine Projects

1. Clean out large closet
2. Clean/organize and restock
Hospitality Closet
3. Organize and restock supply
4. Hallway Beautification Project
5. Create Hospitality Binder (Brandy?)

Student Worker Stuf

1. Update master document of who works
here, what year, what skills, etc.
2. Create a How-To/Orientation on Camtasia
for the Wiki on DVD with Chapters (could
be available for checkout?)
3. Create 1-2 pages, brief how-to log on with
screen captures for Orientation Binder
4. Update Student Worker and Student
Interpreter Wiki pages with student names
& photos

1. Update Hot Seat Binder and FAQs in binder
2. Upload current student workers to
MyCourses page
3. Completely overhaul MyCourses Page
4. NTID Apts Organization
5. Create a flyer for each ASLIE students mail
file telling them about us.
6. Compile results from all SI surveys
7. Compile results from all Appr Surveys

The people have spoken

Research name tags for student
Complete Orientation plan for new
student hires

Work with PCLC on their DAS timeline
to match up with the one on the Wiki
(page 24-30 in PCLC Draft Report)

Preparing for next AY

Make a large For Anyone start of year task list by
computer (listing cleaning tasks)
Update the Student Interpreter Photo Directory
Update the Student Worker Photo Directory
Update the Scheduling Office Photo Directory
Print out signs for that hallway (see Catherine)
Double-check wiki access for new student
workers/SIs and remove old students.
Schedule dates & meeting rooms for SW meetings;
SAB meetings; Dept Mtgs; Dessert Reception;
Picnic; Holiday Party; Listening Sessions

SI & Apprentice Prep

Work with Jean Rodman and remove all SI
mail folders, make new ones with tags
Create new blue folders with handouts fir SIs
Create new folders for apprentices
Set up colloquium dates/times
Make a face/name chart for both colloquiums
August: Print out schedules of all; course
descriptions and resumes for Colloquium


Christmas Around the World Signs
Printer training for other staff

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