This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about the motivational movie for school:
The movie is based on a student's school years in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It follows the student P.G. as he has a difficult morning arriving at school in a bad mood and receiving poor grades, causing him to feel like school is not for him. After school, P.G. isolates in his messy room, but seeing the sun come out gives him motivation to change his image and make a schedule to improve his outlook and succeed.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about the motivational movie for school:
The movie is based on a student's school years in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It follows the student P.G. as he has a difficult morning arriving at school in a bad mood and receiving poor grades, causing him to feel like school is not for him. After school, P.G. isolates in his messy room, but seeing the sun come out gives him motivation to change his image and make a schedule to improve his outlook and succeed.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about the motivational movie for school:
The movie is based on a student's school years in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It follows the student P.G. as he has a difficult morning arriving at school in a bad mood and receiving poor grades, causing him to feel like school is not for him. After school, P.G. isolates in his messy room, but seeing the sun come out gives him motivation to change his image and make a schedule to improve his outlook and succeed.
This 3 sentence summary provides the key details about the motivational movie for school:
The movie is based on a student's school years in Visoko, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It follows the student P.G. as he has a difficult morning arriving at school in a bad mood and receiving poor grades, causing him to feel like school is not for him. After school, P.G. isolates in his messy room, but seeing the sun come out gives him motivation to change his image and make a schedule to improve his outlook and succeed.
(Ruksak je prebacen preko jednog ramena, kosulja je raskopcana) P.G Dolazi i otvara vrata, cuje se skolsko zvono i odlazi u razred. Njegovo raspolozenje je na 0 i jedva ceka zavrsetak skolskog dana. Usput dobije i pokoju losu ocjenu i sve vise misli da ta skola nije za njega te da ne pripada u tu sredinu. Docekao je nekako zadnje zvono i uzurbano je napustio skolu te se uputio kuci. Usput, odbija par prijatelja koji su ga pozvali na kafu. Ulazi ljutito u kucu, odbija bilo kakav razgovor te uz buku vrata koja je ranije zalupio ulazi u svoju sobu. INT. POLUZAMRACENA SOBA U POLU NEREDU (U pozadini se cuje muzika, P.G Sjedi na prozoru, oborene glave i snuzdenog pogleda.) P.G MONOLOG: Zasto se ove meni desava? Ne mogu izdrzati ovo. Moja odluka je bila pogresna... P.G Pogleda kroz prozor, negdje daleko. Na njegovom do maloprije teskom i tmurnom licu se pojavi blagi smijesak. to je pozornije gledao to je bio odusevljeniji. Vani je poslije oblacnog dana napokon prosijalo sunce. To kao da mu dade neku energiju. On poskoci i ugasi muziku, sredi nered u sobi te stade u sredinu sobe, gledajuci jos prema prozoru. P.G (CONTD) MONOLOG: Ja mogu i hocu! (Usklikne veselo te poskoci!)
Prvo je odlucio da promijeni svoj imidz. Sredi sebe, a zatim
je napravio raspored kojeg ce se pridrzavati da bi uspio. Jos jednom je stao u sredinu sobe, pogledao kroz prozor i cvrsto odlucio da ce da promijeni svoj zivot i svoj pogled na svijet. TO BE CONTINUED ;)