MAT3310-5-1 On The Web PDF
MAT3310-5-1 On The Web PDF
MAT3310-5-1 On The Web PDF
Prepared by
Jun ZOU (2006)a and Patrick CIARLET (2010)b
We have prepared the lecture notes purely for the convenience of our teaching. We gratefully
acknowledge the contribution of Prof. I-Liang CHERN (National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan),
made during his visit to the Dept of Mathematics of CUHK in 2009.
Department of Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
Dept of Applied Mathematics, Ecole Nationale Superieure de Techniques Avancees, Paris, France
We first recall some basic linear algebra concepts in Cn . By removing the conjugation,
one can derive similar results in Rn , that are alluded to along the way. In particular, we
shall give some more specific real-valued results explicitly, dealing with symmetric and
orthogonal matrices. Let us begin by vectors, and then matrices.
Let n N \ {0}. In Cn , let (, )Cn denote a complex (or hermitian) scalar product 78 ,
and let k kCn denote the associated norm:
kakCn = (a, a)Cn a Cn .
As before, see 4.6.2, one can prove the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality
|(a, b)Cn | kakCn kbkCn
a, b Cn .
i, j {1, , m},
1. (a1 + a2 , b)Cn = (a1 , b)2 + (a2 , b)Cn and (b, a1 + a2 )Cn = (b, a1 )2 + (b, a2 )Cn for all a1 , a2 , b Cn ;
2. (a, b)Cn = (a, b)Cn and (a, b)Cn = (a, b)Cn for all a, b Cn , for all C;
that enjoys the following properties (hermitian 3., positive definite 4.):
3. (a, b)Cn = (b, a)Cn for all a, b Cn ;
4. (a, a)Cn 0 for all a Cn , and (a, a)Cn = 0 implies a = 0.
To define a scalar product over Rn , one simply assumes that (, )Rn is a bilinear form from Rn Rn to
R that fulfills properties 3. (symmetric) and 4. (positive definite).
From now on, we assume that an orthonormal basis (qi )i=1,n is given.
In this case, any vector b Cn can be expressed as
and moreover we can identify the vector b with the column vector
. .
We have then the identities
(a, b)Cn =
bi ai and kakCn
u n
|ai |2
a, b Cn .
kakCn = a a a Cn .
When it is clear from the context, we shall remove the mentions Cn or Rn from the (complex) scalar products and norms.
Let n, m N \ {0}. A complex-valued matrix A with n rows and m columns is usually
called an n m matrix, and it belongs to the vector space of matrices which is denoted
by Cnm . Its entries are called A := (Aij )i=1,n;j=1,m . Furthermore, if Cn and Cm are
endowed respectively with bases79 (qi )i=1,n and (qj0 )j=1,m , then A represents a unique
linear transformation A from Cm to Cn , namely:
Aij qi for j = 1, , m.
Those definitions are valid, even when the bases are not orthonormal. More precisely, the notion
of complex scalar product is not needed... However, we assume here for convenience that the bases
(qi )i=1,n and (qj0 )j=1,m are orthonormal respectively in Cn and Cm .
We define the adjoint of A Cnm as the unique matrix A Cmn that fulfills
(u, A v)Cm = (Au, v)Cn
u Cm , v Cn .
i, j {1, , n}.
Q = q1 qi qn
we find that Q Q = I amounts to (qi , qj ) = ij for i, j = 1, , n.
Also, unitary matrices Q preserve the norm of a vector, namely
kQxk = kxk x Cn .
This is clear since
kQxk2 = (Qx) (Qx) = (x Q )(Qx) = x (Q Q)x = x x = kxk2 .
Moreover, the solution of a unitary linear system is easy to compute. Consider
Find x Cn such that Q x = b
where Q is a n n unitary matrix and b Cn . It is straightforward to find its solution,
namely x = (Q1 Q)x = Q1 b = Q b.
Again, the same properties hold for real valued, orthogonal matrices, with Q1 = QT .
We have the fundamental result below, which we state without proof.
i = 1, , n,
i = 1, , n.
i = 1, , n.
We consider here more specifically real-valued vectors and matrices. Let us recall first
the definition of positive definite matrices.
Definition 5.4 (Positive definite matrix). A square matrix A is positive definite if
(x, Ax) > 0 x 6= 0.
A direct observation is that the diagonal entries of A must be positive80 .
Lemma 5.1. A matrix A is symmetric positive definite if and only if A is symmetric and
all its eigenvalues are strictly positive.
Proof. If A is symmetric, then it is diagonalizable. So, let i be the i-th eigenvalue of
A, we have for some xi 6= 0 that Axi = i xi . As A is positive definite, (xi , Axi ) > 0,
which leads to i kxi k2 > 0, and we have i > 0.
Conversely, if A is symmetric and all its eigenvalues are positive, then we have on one
hand D := Q1 AQ with Q orthogonal and D diagonal. On the other hand, Dii > 0,
for i = 1, , n, since the diagonal entries of D are the eigenvalues of A. We note
that A = QDQ1 = QDQT . Consider next x 6= 0, and set y = QT x (by construction,
y = Q1 x 6= 0). Then we have
(x, Ax) = (x, QDQT x) = (x, QDy) = (QDy)T x = y T DQT x = y T Dy = (y, Dy) > 0.
Hence A is postive definite.