Authorization Letter

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January 8, 2015

To whom it may concern

Registrars Office
Lyceum of Aparri
Aparri, Cagayan

Sub: Authorization for my Official Transcript of Records


Good day!

I, the undersigned, need my Official Transcript of Records currently present on file in your
office. I have applied for the issuance of the said document on June 9, 2014 . Since I am not in a
position to come to your office and claim the same in person on account of my class schedule, I
hereby authorize Ms. Melissa T. Aban to claim the required document on my behalf. I have
enc los ed m y Vote r s ID w hich w ill s erve as proof of m y cons ent on the s aid
mat te r. Ac compan yin g m y ID is M s. M elis s a Aban s Voter s ID as a proof of
her identif icat ion.

If yo u have an y ques tions about this trans act ion, yo u can conta ct me b y at
09269887980. Thank yo u.

Sincerely yours,

Orlando B. Bareng Jr.

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