Reformation Packet 2
Reformation Packet 2
Reformation Packet 2
Protestant Reformation
The term Protestant comes from the protest of the Catholic Church. People who
wanted reform were labeled protestants.
The initial protestants had no intention of
breaking with the Church
they merely wanted reform
(hence, reformation). But the REFOR
Church initially resisted
these reforms, and excommunicated the reformers
forcing them to form their
own churches.
95 Theses
The 95 Theses were a list of 95 issues
that Luther had with the Church.
He pointed out some of the obvious corrupt
practices of the Church the sale of
indulgences, for example. But, he
also had doctrinal (fundamental 95 Theses
belief) issues with the Church.
These were the more serious, and
more dangerous challenges.
One of the doctrinal issues he
had was with the Churchs declaration that
good works was an integral part of
salvation. Luther argued that faith alone,
not any amount of good deeds or works
could save a man.
Another major issue Luther had was that
he argued that man could achieve a
personal relationship with God without
the assistance of a priest. This relationship
could be achieved through direct prayer and
through a reading of the scriptures. Thus,
Luther, like Wycliffe before him, also
advocated translation of the Bible into the
vernacular (common language).
Global History
Martin Luther
1. Where did the term Protestant Reformation come from?
Name _____________________________________
6. What were the 95 Theses?
7. What practice of the Church was criticized? What doctrine of the Church was
2. What did early protesters want? What
did they receive?
8. Why did Luther advocate a translation of
the Bible into the vernacular?
3. Who was Martin Luther? Why was he upset with the Church?
John Calvin
Luthers challenge seemed to open the
floodgates. Other reformers began to crop
up throughout Northern Europe. A Swiss
Reformer, John Calvin was
more extreme than Luther.
Notably, Calvin believed in
predestination, the idea that
God had chosen a group of
people to be saved. Thus, he
had pre-determined or predestined who would be saved.
Calvin emphasized the importance of
working hard to show that you were among
the chosen group. This emphasis on hard
work was later labeled the Protestant Work
Ethic by sociologists.
Followers of Calvinism had different names
in different countries they were Huguenots
in France, Presbyterians in Scotland, and
Puritans in England.
Henry VIII of England
Henry VIIIs reasons for breaking with the
Catholic Church were less than spiritual. In
essence, he wanted a divorce from his first
wife (who was too old to have any more
children) so that he could marry a younger
wife and have a son to succeed him.
Pope Clement VII refused to
grant this annulment
because Henrys wife was
the aunt of the Holy Roman
Henry was furious, and
broke with the Catholic Church and formed
the Church of England (or Anglican Church).
In this church, the monarch was the head.
He promptly granted himself a divorce.
Global History
The Reformation Gains Momentum
Name _____________________________________
1. Why were many German princes willing to 6. Explain Calvins idea of predestination.
support Luther and his ideas?