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= TALES CALCULATED TO DRIVE YOU. -..@ MAD tea party.PROOF... OF 8 BRANDS TESTED, ANUC IS BE IMITATION OF //\A(9 eres BEST IMITATION BRANDS IN IMITATING MADS Mae eee ieenianeceanny or FAIR IMITATION OTHER MAD imiTATION / POOR IMITATION a uo o z]2|2 oe EE aenene aanenm SC ,CUE BS, SOURON AND SEND AWAY PANIC FOR YOUR SUBSCRIPTION HOWEVER, JE YOU WANT THE. REAL mecoy, SUBscRlae W..” MAD SUBSCRIPTION DEPT. | PLEASE SEND ME ONE OR ROOM 706 BOTH MAGAZINES CHECKED 225 LAFAYETTE ST. ABOVE FOR WHICH I ENCLOSE NEW YORK 12, N.Y. 41.00 PER TITLE (8 ISSUES) NAME, ZONE __ STATE CEASE PRINT)WEWSPAPER COMICS DEPT. : WELL. HELLO THERE! ARE YOU AN OLD-TIME MAD READER® WELL THEN, SNUGGLE DOWN | ON YOUR BED OF NAILS AND PREPARE FOR THE USUAL SESSION/.. ARE YOU ANEW MAD READER READING MAD | FOR THE FIRST TIMET... GO HOME, YOU FOOL, BEFORE IT'S TOO. sores cae if sce CATE LOIN ou i eA i STREETS “Oh wi y alsoa_ ) (also tryin: Oh well... B I also t Guess Tii'go._) | george, | tiny little |} %o comb down and spend | | it's a baby. \a cow: lick! d 3 | doormat! |). fmwe i | found @ new There's some money for ) way to Keep m Jlly-beans, okies! Go towigc down, DA” out and piay now Hey you...the one ying to n (7 -Skiaziks must be that The pen-technique)| \{ cartoon character... the ese drawings! cone that grows on youNot figuratively, “W Thats @ good boy, Skizziks/... By BZ vit literally grows pears” |) the way... while you were goiie, the A on you... which Stork a brought you a new baby reminds me. brother named Caulky: Uh-oh! There's Hey, ‘Natures'/ Just Off the that ia 5 ‘ay the kid who because youre a car- ted ‘om up and abe om oF the took my Jelly- toon character that garoage-can lid! poy beans before! Grows, you think youre] 2 f ‘smart! 4 Well I . called want. you : Aiéxander, M to meet my 4 Ba Sumpstead! D\ friend here. 5[By gosh.. something's wwrong somewhere! Everythings growing ike wildfire around here =e name is Nin Ollock! I think youre er yards 1s enissvle/Folks!.I \(Nin!..I want you )..oh | [anol after all, see Skizziks., luddy want you }] tomeet my Uncle [Shouldn't refer to | |Skuzziks..1am | 4 baby any more!..dosh,-w tomeet | Aunt | Juddyas your || going steady f I think how Judy's Nin.We [| Phyllus...mny baby | Daby sister! You | | with a boy grown older. how you've Just got, sister... Juddy.. / knowhow young: | | and we are oun older... how your Aunt married { sters fee! about | | thinking of hyllus has grown older. andl Pag bets igetting engaged!’ how I've grown older. but what about Well. 1iow that I'm married..Say"..where am )| Gaulky?... What stand it. Caulky's Lam sionly beginning to see | going to get about Caulky = ‘still the same! ‘the responsibilities marriage f the money for me"_4_ | lentallg! Two people to take f] two bage oF Gare of instead of one...two /| jelly-veans mouths to feed instead 4 \ instead of one? Tquess il Rave to But whatcanidoz..wthmy | [ Til just} ‘scuse me, mam, Say! My \ My naie’s Willie! training and experience... there | |Go from | but do you have name is. |..first name... skizziks, is one 2pecPwark Tam | |aoor lo f any oad jobs arcund| | Wilber, | spelied upside down highly qualified for! There is | |door q the hovse.. you Booble! [is sxiz03i By George, orie kindof thing Lam very | looking {J know. like Bending | |I see —~\Isee youre fixing well equigped to do! |forodd }) pretzels..or raising | |youre fix. \a veeblefetzer tool A, alligators..£ Real’ | |ing.a cracked |,..a left-handed, odd jobs? |veebiefetze One with 3 belt in — {the back! -——4 ioe BB (207) weevlctetzer broxe”.) | (Say, oiayl Tender & eh you tan fx it e3| he ] tee, dalev\o . ’ ese | pes iaTi bet that y Hetzers are crackin every day all over town!..Why don't we start a cracked va designation 1s used merely to disquise our real oper: ation which js such a good idea that we want to pro- tect the ides from being stolen Dy any unscrupulous operators, mainly you readers! shake on that! 9 Note to readers: Naturally, @ is no such thing asa fetzer! This grotesque / Gosh’. Weve got a shed set up and we're really in business/ Won't Nin Ce surprised when I tell her how business has doubled | since 1 started out today? Started out with Ih one cracked veebletetzer and we now have two! ‘and thats fot all/...We had a visit from the stork! Hi, folks! Hi, Nin Tih tome! Did Anything happen ) Juddy and while Iwas _/ ter boy- frend ‘got married and just guess what “Nell, SKZZIKS everything sure 1S changing/... You're grown’ up. with a business and everything). Youve aot 2 young growing child and Juady is grown into 4 young woman, and although your Aunt Phyllus and Tare growing older... we fee] we're growing younger watching all you young ‘people Growing ! “aby gosh! Nf Cauliy's ‘ean riot under stand it! stil the same!I Gosh’... speile. Til get on bac flit and Boop! backwaras is dna tiNlW By cracky: Tow to make an international | artel... all under that sian! lit... BOobI Sre growing fast iF you ask me! 5) Maybe Ni stew me why, Tim not Nin! Jim your Well, here I am, fome again/. Hey!..Help!.. Shut the doors! They're coming out the windows! 5; it wonderful While you were {all getting kind o ridiculous and) daughter, out of proportion? ) Cleavia ome Dad!~-hih-hih!Where, ) My gosh, © een, dHissine...} gett Frontwaras ks ang that's ja rascal? J and this is Nin...why. i—{ why... I'm. my own bs eeees 4 Your Aunt and Lare sure feeling] younger every day! Beek! Lm ‘One thing going out of ]Ef “tell me my mind! | about Caulky! | Everything is | all mixed up! Everything is growing aiffer- ént ways! ‘the same? Caulky arew! W Come on! CGaulky Finally J Til show grew! you! Caulky is \i/ Caulky Finall finally is Guy “See” mal like & him over there?! [|COLLECTOR'S ITEM DEPT: (SERS HAVE NOT) FOR Wis WE UNS BEEN ENGAGED! ” Vl NM u AND HAD 10 PAD FIVE PAGES QR SPACE INTHE PINCH AND sO WE PRESENT... nee, Iam ME! POTSHOT, ‘ea A, y cece KISSMEL 7 i Y rorsior way ace] OO EOCENe YOO. Jj SUN ae TO Wy Stoo us tioesem AT) Pur uit ouro' HS MISERY? F COURTESY OF 1CBY PRESSPOTSHOT! THAT) VENGEANCE IS. SUNT IN YovR | GOINGTO 60: ISTEELH GREY | BIDING HARD: eves! every | NTOTHE CAMP. TIME THAT | OFTHE APACHE GLINT COMES BED-MAN! VEN-| VENGEANCEA GEANCE INTHE STRIKES‘, FOCMOFA BLAZING S1X- KISS ME! GUN! [HAE He GOES! six FeeTOF PANTHER: LIKE GRACE AND THUNDERING GONS! THAR HE GOES.» BIGHT INTO THE CAMP| pac THE RED-SKINS! OHEXK APACHES “AND HUAR HE COMES! our OF THE CAMP OF THE ED- WAITLL Z Ger MY GANG! TLL SHOW THEM INOUNS! [SAu! watt A MINUTE HOW'D, T GT THESe BULLET HOLES| IN MY_HAT? How'Dx Ger BULLET HOLES IN M4 HEAD’ AS USUAL, "MUZZLE! PorsHor's CLEVER PINTO PONY ,HELes POT SHOT OUT OF A DIFFICucT SITUATION WELL! OBVIOUSLY, SOME ONE 1S ILLEGALLY SMUGGLING EIFLe: TO THE INDIANS! IL'VE GOT TO GET THE OWL-HooTS WHO ARE SELLING THE GUNS TO THe RED-SENS FIRST? © AND 60--DISGUISED AS AN) INDIAN POT SHOT SPIES ON THE INDIAN CAMP! HNow! ILL DISGUISE MYSELF AS AN INDIAN, AND I'LL SPY ON THE INDIAN CAMP! BRAVO! GETTUM INDIAN Pots HEee! SOVVENIS! ROAD MAPS { AMAL THESE WACMINTS, ARE SHORE GETTING READY FOR TROUBLE! NOW, WHERE'D THEY GET THEM RIFLES?SAREE BID! Got SOMENING] [IDOE HOTOFE Tue BOAT! A ice] SO Stow dou! Somerpnve | [oun Ricce! CHEAP! JUST Fie MOTIcAmerecusee, WAMPOM DOWN , WD FiFTa Pieces Lar VE A TEN MONTH PEt 4 His BACK 1S TURNED AN' Bord] [THE INJUNS HAVESPorTED Me! HIS HANDS (S OCCUPIED! Nou] |Gor TOTHINE FAST WHUT WOULD IS MY CHANGE TO GIVEHIMA | |MUN HORSE, MUZZLE’ DOIN A TASTE OF MY FAST DRAW! SITVATON LIKE THISZ al UN! HONEST WE INJUN! UEF ON ME GYEUM TASTE OF MUM FAST DRAWLi! you toro? ti tal acne al Tew ES Now were aan! aoo-ten. YOU BPU CH US OR Ul TURE YOU,MESON HUTT, YOUR FAVO- \(aui= ae A HEPES | [MOL MO! NON THAT! TH TAL! ITE HORSE! 2 YOUTAIK2) vost cosvosssr Sosrace -) {IULTALK! SAME TOFIND o b Re YouGdT woah nee! Inu sian A J] / i eonreSsON! ROM THE le GOD! ARMIN Huy! a ihe mE TROD {Kut titi), Rae : Wet SHERIFFS We CLEANED, THE THOUGHT MAKES ME EOE ae mens) | Seopcee They MeEATENED TO TAKE AWAY AVA BEAN NEW, TIN- PLATE SHERIFF'S BADGE Ferg MEET ensue MeMNNG| (Tur Tew!" SESENREND- SHEERS HESS SRREGCNS AUK EB EL he 2 oe SHERI tx. N@ESREEROINS AE Saye - angen RELESKOEN URE | 8} BERKE 15S IeGRHemS “is < ees: i ga se Teae) at eenus eo EK: EX REESE | E eM | N2BSEKT -BHGV MY f -EESS oghece fs q SEBEL Se S PBSKCKMENT -SHSKE Oise SHRREERE-KSBS BK S| MEARE, PAM BES S82 > See ener SESS | SEL Sz ‘2plisn Sigs suasedd 3 “uss 24 adn Yeadngs 51 inqan-wnnjdca saysay 03 puo dn Susdogs Sypoas aay sYurgs au2qn s999 anf age ayers : wee) a4] CARERS | ). BEERS: 2c) Setsies BEY | RMR Seige Inga s2ui] s9q0r tars oq1 Fuope SurnussuodER... YOUR NAME AND ADDRESS WAS LISTED IN THE E.C. FAN- ADDICT CLUB "BULLETIN, YOU...YOU GOT BACK ISSUES?/ YES, FANS... YOU, 700, CAN BE LUCKY COMPLETE YOUR COLLECTION OF E.C. FAN: AND RECEIVE YOUR MEMBERSHIP KIT (WHICH INCLUDES ‘A STURDY WALLET IDENTIFICATION CARD, ‘AND A STUNNING ANTIQUE BRONZE-FINISH BAS-RELIEF P/N)... PLUS A FREE ‘SUBSCRIPTION TO THE £.C. FAN-ADDICT CLUB BULLETIN / CERTIFICATE, PATCH, FOR AN INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP, WHICH INCLUDES: KIT AND FREE SUBSCRIPTION, Fill. OUT THE COUPON ‘AND SEND IT IN, TOGETHER WITH 5O¢® IF FIVE OR MORE OF YOU WANT TO.JOIN AS AN AUTHOR- IZED CHAPTER, ENCLOSE EACH MEMBER'S: NAME AND ADDRESS ALONG WITH S0¢ FOR EACH NAME AND INDICATE THE NAME OF THE ELECTED ‘CHAPTER PRESIDENT, WE WILL NOTIFY EACH PRESIDENT OF HIS CHAPTER NUMBER. EACH MEMBER, CHAPTER OR INDIVIDUAL WILL RECEIVE HIS KIT DIRECTLY... PLUS EACH ISSUE OF THE BULLETI AS \T COMES OFF THE PRESS. * UNS ian tte out eat tT HERE! YOU, TOO, CAN LIKE MELVIN, E.C'S/ YOU, 700, CAN JOIN THE ADDICT CLUB A FULL-COLOR 7/4X10¥% ILLUMINATED ‘A SNAZZY EMBROIDERED SHOULDER Yee c raN-Appict CLUS ROOM 106. 225 LAPAYETTE STREET NEW YORK, 12, NY. So here's my 5O¢! So L could've joined for half the price a couple of months back™ 50 now I get a bulletin subscription. 50 who Says I want it. So Tima sucker So put me down and send me the stuf? what the kid's wearing and the bulletin Idon't want but Sm paying for. NAME ADDRESS envy STATE . STiorsee nensensur hu Be ACCEPTED AFTER SUNE WyDear Editors, (Ip MAD #12) you show Starch into the building's basement and the fa (ugh) starts arguing, Next che neighbors st as you can see them chrough the w in the heck can you have a window in a ct through itsce the whole neighborhood? I demand an explanationt—Joha.S. Davidson—Sparks, Nev The explanation is very simple, being merely that Bill Elder, the artins who drete the itory, is nity an Irsitocake Ba, 1 figured chat only low-beow people: read MAD, Dire lase night while watching: the Academy Award presentations, | heard Donna Reed as she accepted her Ererniey Back 10 Aiken, 8. C Oscar, mention your story, Fro: Here—Charles W. Chapotoa, J Ir grieves me to have to write this letter, but it's sd. reading other ‘omics, but MAD was a monthly highlight for myself necessary. I have tong since. stop and many of my friends in high-school. It's no exag aeration to say that MAD was tead by the most intel Tigent srudents in the school. Then came the last ewo sss, and it is with regret chat 1 denounce these horrible fiascoes as mere shadows of the f azine~Bob Hanning~Brooklyn, N.Y Me gusta mucho MAD, pero turbe: {Que qucize decir "Potrzebie’? Como no soy Ruso no puedo entender—David Anderson—Wash. ington, D.C. na cosa. me dis In Roma antigua hubito, iuque MAD invenire non saepe um. Sed. opera magna, MAD II con. equi porul. Nunc vs inimicl mel esti! DE amenud fers! Primé, MAD mirabilis erat, sed ad nauseam mé pepil ss sum! Ad Novaa Yorkam moves (quam primum). Conibiminine in venice mihi Tnsulam? | Vebis Markewich—New York, N. ¥ mend incol6. ostea, paene me Vobis. gratias_agi—Daniel Post Scriptum: Domi ne-he-he Ex/dedsxcafthyrty frexsdxcferyhbn; sp ccd te- wasdy varfedsed {fivert cldk idudhccenvk idlembe IR#S% diay yo bibldffor ototiffkgivh wdkxxmvo, mufyqidivy, bglyor 4 vaiprofkymbn} byov, (EC) virvptoP. Par Vo, gcrdfi. Por Mwaa s, docaibltockd: iffh (Bigalow 6-8932 ),—wasedopata—NC475 63428 90. By George, these letters are getting harder 10 trans ate every day ~ed Being an airman in che Air Force, I siould like to speak on behalf of my buddies, and express the joy, entertainment and laughs we get from your book. Just in case you're looking for an idea, I bel views on “A Day With K.P” would be L, Camel, US.A-F.~Bay St, Louis, Miss Just about everyone in ee compeny, or should 1 say regiment, reads MAD, so being paratroopers, we ould like to see you goof on the ‘troopers’ in one of your furure stories—Sge. Vietor Goff-$2ad Airborne Div, Fe. Bragg, N.C. Yesterday morning, before I discovered MAD, Iwas a typical, uninspired, dyspeptic, foung college student. When I walked out of bed, | pochondriacal was all sec for another zymotic, injudicious day. I slid unenthusiastically down the bannister’(or do T me wet to break. Buessed, we had our usual, pre-masticated buzzard-fat with beer on the half-shell, Theo, having choked that down, 1 stuffed a handful of marmalade into m ‘off. While splashing dyspeptically down Avenue on my pogo st barrister?) on my pneumatic lawn fast. AS you have probably alrend y pocket and’ started , RPM k, looking for old snufi-box covers down all the sewers, I ran over my actor friend, Gary Coppernose. I noticed that Gary was reading a subversive magazine called MAD, which 1 immé ately recognized tobe a cheap, slimy, anarchistic IMITATION of my uncle Egberts magizine, fam HeOBWKHOReHAYIO Packpwaaer nener all better bect stores, Besides it was printed on a cheap, slimy, anarchistic imitation of unc! rts Scere formula, ZQ9-10@!? parchment! Yes, it was printed og that crude, new-fangled (which won't last), PAPER! However, since reading this magazine MAD, I'am no longer a typical, uninspired, dyspeptic, hypockondriacal, young college student. | have bs Kicked out of school, disor my friends, and am now awaiting planet Pluto after the first rocket-ship is invented — Wale Place—Detroit, Mich ned by my parents, lost all spottation to the Commercials: Subscriptions to MAD...or to its cheap, low-down, crumby imitation, PANIC... will lawer your financial standing in the community by one buck each.....or both for two bucks! Coupon on the inside front cover: And then there's the EC. FAN ADDICT CLUB....only half-a-buck.. coupon kick ing around this issue someplace! Ger all three spe $2.95! Address f Mad Edicors Room 706, Dept: 15 225 Lafayerte St NY. 12,NY. ial price fanmailHolywood DEPT... NOTICE THE Way THEY START SOME UKE IN THiS PICTURE WE SAW THE OTHER MONTH, IT MOVES NOWADAYS?...NO TILE AT THE BEGINNING... THE STARTS WITM NO TITLE, NO CREDITS, NO NOTHING/ JUST MOVIE STARTS Richt IN WITH A SCENE A SCENE CF A HIGHWAY STRETCHING WAY OUT. A HIGHWAY/...THAT'S HOW THE YOU KNOW, 8Y THE WAY THAT HIGKWAY STRETHES TO THE AHALE AN HOUR IUSTAHIGHWAYT.2UT HORIZON, SOMETHING'S GOING TO COME COWN THAT RGHWAY! THAT HigHWAY GOES SOME RING, SOON YOU HEAR A NOISE! A FANT ROAR COWNG DOWN THE HIGHWAY! YOU LOOK 10 SEE ...WAIT A MINUTES. YOU GUYS GOT THE WRONG iaar's COMING DOWN The HISHIYAY LOUDER AND LOUDER..COM- HIGHWAY... TAKE THEM MOTORCYCLES AND GO BACK (NG DOWN THE HIGHWAY. STHL..NOTHING CN THE NIGHWAY., HEY! AND COME UP THE RIGHT NISHWAY/ LET a TraTHE SPEED BUDS UP!.. SOUND BUILDS UP... THESE ES ROAR DOWN ON TOP OF YOU... 1. WHAT A SCENE J ree ¥ : — ‘|YOU ARE ENTERING ‘NOW LOOKY HERE, BWAW!2'VE STOODUH-OH!... WHEN JOHNNY GETS A. " Dy Lox Wns BYE Tike THAT. E'S Potrzebie| LOden! AT WHAT HE LIKES ae He. Bes a7TID BETTER STAY INSIDE HERE BECAUSE 1 DON'T LUKE [WE WAY THAT UCHNNY” LOOKED AT ME AND BECAUSE HE'S NOTHING BUT A NOODLUM AND BECAUSE MOSTLY eae I LEFT MY MAKE-UP IN HERE /
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