Belief Change Process NLP
Belief Change Process NLP
Belief Change Process NLP
You are probably already well aware of the power of goal setting.
Setting goals, having a clear outcome, knowing what you want these are always
emphasised in personal and professional development approaches as crucial
activities if you really want to go places and move forwards in life and in business.
So how is it that, even after we have set the clear goal, made the new year
resolution, found out what we need to do and how to do it, in certain areas at certain
times, we can still find ourselves making little progress or moving forwards very
slowly. How is it that sometimes, when we set that New Year resolution, we have a
definite feeling of deja vue? Our goals might seem a little familiar or even very
familiar because we realise that we set the same goals last year and the year before
and that progress has been non-existent or minimal.
If any of the above is resonating with you personally or if you know people who have
had these kinds of experiences and you want to help them to move forwards, this
article is perfect for you because we are going to share with you some very simple,
effective steps that you can apply immediately in any situation to help you (or to help
you to help others) to achieve goals and resolutions much more quickly, consistently
and effectively.
Years ago, when we first started to get into personal development, over and over
again we would come across the message that a crucial ingredient in making
something happen is to believe it! You may have come across car manufacturer
Henry Fords famous quote if you believe you can or you believe you cant, you are
right!. What that means is that if you believe you can do something, that positive
belief will open the gates on your resources giving you the best possible chance of
success. If you dont belief that you can do something, no matter how resourceful you
are, the gates will be shut and that is going to make it much more difficult for you to
achieve your goal.
So we really got the message that believing is important, and of course it is!
The trouble was, we had an unanswered question back then that went something like
this. What if I want something very much and I dont happen to believe it very
strongly or I have all kinds of doubts instead? The how to was not offered we were
only told that believing it was a very important thing to have in place.
So over the years we have made it our mission to discover and to develop some
really practical, easy-to-apply steps to help you to actually make the transition from
doubts to more helpful achievement-focused beliefs. What follows in this article is
one of our tried and tested routes to making the internal changes required for you to
really believe in what you want to achieve. It is a six-step How to guide for actually
adding in one of those all-important success ingredients, namely Believe it!
Its time to start to get curious about whats going on in there! On a blank sheet
of paper draw a line down the middle so that you have two columns. At the top
of one column write unhelpful beliefs and at the top of the other column write
helpful beliefs. Now, thinking of your goal, allow your beliefs and
assumptions (those things that you think you know) to bubble up to the
surface. They may be beliefs about how possible your goal is to achieve, how
easy or difficult it is, how capable you believe you are, They may be beliefs
about other people, beliefs about the timescale required to achieve, or beliefs
about what things mean. Write as many as you can in each column and then
looking at the unhelpful column, circle the belief that you feel is the most
significantly unhelpful or in the way.
yourself. This intense programming activity adds more supporting legs to the
enticing possibilities and turns them into solid beliefs!
Now take the time to schedule into your diary time for mental
rehearsal/visualisation. Experiment with what works best for you and allow
yourself to imagine the scenario/s that you decided upon in step 1. You can do
this by filling your mind with internal movies of the whole experience you want
to have. Give yourself a remote control changing the finer details of the
pictures, the sounds, the feelings, and any other information that is useful to
notice. Play the movies that give you the best feelings over and over again and
enjoy! Also weave into the experiences that you are rehearsing all of the
evidence that you have captured in step 4 that support the possibilities you
raised in step 3. Be playful with this process enjoy rehearsing your success!
Sometimes people like to go back and repeat steps as they work through the
process. Each of the steps is powerful in itself and so please do experiment with
dipping in to any of the steps in isolation, as sometimes just doing one of these
activities is enough to create a major shift in perception and belief and then
We encourage you to have fun with the process and play!
We love to hear about the successes that people have with the process so please do
drop us an email as you notice beliefs changing in positive and permanent ways!
And of course, if you have any questions, we are here to help - so get in touch!
With our warmest intentions for you
Tony and Julie
Tony Burgess
Tony Burgess is a Founding Director of the Academy of High Achievers.
As an experienced trainer, facilitator, speaker, firewalk instructor and coach, most of
Tony's time is now spent designing, co-ordinating and delivering performanceenhancing and life-enriching programmes for people who are hungry for more
success and fulfilment in their lives.
Tony has worked with business leaders, teams within organisations, entrepreneurs,
educators, students, sports people and members of the public to help them to tap
into and release the full potential of their personal resources, preparing them to attain
whatever outcomes they set out to achieve and much more besides.
Tony has a degree in psychology, and for the last fourteen years he has specialised
in helping people to thrive in their endeavours by teaching them powerful 'mental
fitness' techniques and offering them super-effective connection and communication
Tony's core philosophy is based on 'living his truth' and by congruent example he
constantly strives to inspire others to 'shine' brighter.
Julie French
Julie French is a Founding Director of the Academy of High Achievers.
Building on a successful career as a senior manager leading large teams, managing
multi million pound budgets and operating at board level, Julie now works with
companies and organisations that are going through change and need to improve
their internal relationships. Her specific expertise is in people management and
Julie is an outstanding Executive Coach, Master Practitioner and Certified Trainer in
Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) and is also a Certified Professional Speaker
and Firewalk instructor. Combining exceptional listening skills with a creative and
empowering approach, Julie assists organisations and individuals to realise their
Julie loves life and one of her great characteristics is in 'exploding warmth' wherever
she goes!