Baek Doo San

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The solo Baek combo sanctuary. Discuss all your combo ideas in this thread.

For submitting
combo's, please use the standard Tekken notation or show it in a video!
Baek General
Baek TTT2 Frame Data:
1: Launchers
2: Bound Moves
3: Wall Splat Moves
4: Wall/Balcony Break Moves
1: Launchers
Moves that launch the opponent. The parts between brackets should be whiffed.






FLA uf+3
CH df+3 (unbreakable stun)


CH 4









2: Bound Moves
Moves that put the opponent in a ground bounce state. The parts between brackets should be whiffed.


FLA b+3


3: Wall Splat Moves

Moves that will cause a wall splat when used on a standing opponent withing range of the wall. These
moves also all cause a wall/balcony break if the wall happens to be breakable. The parts between brackets
should be whiffed.





FLA (3,3,)4
FLA (3,4,4,)3
FLA f+3 (not on counter hit)


FLA f+4




4: Wall/Balcony Break Moves

Moves that will cause a wall/balcony break when used in the middle of a wall combo. The parts between
brackets should be whiffed.


FLA 3,3,4
FLA f+3
FLA f+4


1: Wall-less Combo's
2: Wall Combo's
1: Wall-less Combo's
Combo's are divided into 2 parts: pre-bound and post-bound. Pre-bound means all attacks starting from
launcher up to, and including, the bound move itself. Any attacks after bound are called post-bound (or
often juggle enders). Baek can link almost any pre-bound combo with one of the following standard postbound combo's:


db+3,3~f; 1+2,4
db+3,3~f; db+3,3~f (a commonly used tech trap)
db+3,3~f; df+3+4
dash 4,3,3~f (used for wall carry)
d+4,4 (used for wall carry)
dash 3+4~f; FLA f+3
dash df+3+4
Here is a list of standard pre-bound juggles. Damage is added in brackets, using the underlined launcher
(all combo's were done in solo mode).
df+2; FLA uf+3; uf+4; SS+3+4; (1,2,3,4,)3; (3,4,)3; (uf+N,3,d+4,)3; (d+3,3,)N+3


4; dash 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (51) (doesn't work after uf+4 and SS+3+4)
4,3,3~f; FLA 3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (50)
4,3,3~f; db+3,3~f; FLA 1,2,3~f; FLA b+3 B! (48)
4; 3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (48)
4,3,3~f; 4,3,3~f; FLA b+3 B! (48)
db+3,3~f; 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (48)
4,3,3~f; FLA 3,3~f; FLA 3,3~f; FLA b+3 B! (47)
4,3,3~f; 2,3; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (47)
Miscellaneous combo's:
4,3,3~f; 1; f+4,3~f B!; FLA 3+4~f; df+3+4 (64)
f+4,3~f B!; FLA 3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA f+3 (63) (doesn't work after uf+4 and SS+3+4)


UF+4; dash 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (68)

uf+N,4; dash 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (66)
UF+4; 1,2,3~f; 1,2,3~f; FLA b+3 B! (61)
u+4; 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (61)
u+4,3; 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (59)
any combo from df2
CH 4


3+4~f; 1; 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (50)

3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (48)
3+4~f; FLA 3,3~f; 2,3; FLA b+3 B! (48)
CH 4,3,3~f


FLA 3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (53)

1; dash 1,2,3~f; 1,2,3~f; FLA b+3 B! (51)


any combo from df2 that starts with db+3,3~f

forward dash, followed by any combo from df2 that starts with 4,3,3~f


FC 2; ff; 4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA b+3 B! (56)

d+3,3,N+3 (46)
WS+4,4,4 (43)
d+4,3,3,3~f (42)
WS+4,4,3~f (36)

any combo from df2 that starts with db+3,3~f

WS+2,1 B!


4,3,3~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA df+3+4 (60)

3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA 3+4~f; FLA f+3 (60)
CH df+3

any combo from df2 that starts with db+3,3~f or 4,3,3~f

CH FLA f+3

df+3~f, followed by any combo from df2 that starts with db+3,3~f or 4,3,3~f
CH b+4


4,3,3~f; 2,3; 1,2,3~f; FLA b+3 B!; dash df+3+4 (80) (unstable)
4,3,3~f; 2,3; FLA b+3 B!; dash df+3+4 (73)
4,3,3~f; 2,3; FLA b+3 B!; dash db+3,3~f; d+2 (66)
Guaranteed BT strings (if 1st hit connects)


d+3,3,N+3 (launch)
3,4,3 (launch)
FLA 3,4,4,4
FLA 3,3,d+4

2: Wall Combo's
In order of damage starting with most damaging:


iFLA f+3; 4; d+4,4

df+1; d+4,4>4
iFLA f+3; 4,3,4
iFLA f+3; 4,4
iFLA f+3; uf+3
4,3,3~f; b+4
3+4~f; uf+3
4,3,3~f; d+4,4

Tag Assault Fillers
- uf+3,4,3
- db+2
- u+4,3
- f,f+4,3
- small pause; db+3,3~f; db+3,3~f
Tag Assault Enders
- df+3+4
- 1+2,4

- cd+3

At The Wall
Tag Assault Fillers
- f+2,1,2
- 3,4,3
- uf,N+3,d+4,3
- 2,3; FLA f+3; d+4,4,4
Tag Assault Enders
- df+3+4
- d+4,4
- ub+4
- b+4

TOP 10
10. Triple SS.




--------------------------------Hey guys, this is a guide to Baek the community has been writing for a couple of months. It has a whole
lot of information, but a whole lot of info still required for this guide is still in the works (can't have
absolutely everything), and we might add more sections to it.
This is intended for all Baek players - whether you're new to TTT2 and/or Baek or a veteran, there's
something in here for everyone (or so I hope), from movelist breakdowns and frame data knowledge, to
full blown oki setups and strats.
It's still a work in progress, and probably always will be.

Dedicated to Noodlehead/Josh who dropped Baek in the middle of T6 BR. Come back to Baek plz.

NOTE: I beg all of you to NOT post in this thread. Post here if you want to contribute, found an error, or
want to comment (if you can send me a bag of cookies that'd be great - chocolate chip only, please).
Also, before asking any questions, I recommend you read the whole thread before, because more often
than not you'll find your answer here in the guide.
- Find full frame data HERE (thanks to MadCow from rbnorway for the frame data).
- This guide makes use of the Western notation system. Find it HERE
- Before we move along, here's my take on ranges:
Picture (It's a picture describing how I talk about ranges in this guide. Forgive the terrible graphics)
1) Overview (it's right under this)
2) Movelist breakdown - part 1/part 2
3) iFLA cancelling - a study (Also contains HOW TO DO 3+4 REPEATEDLY IN COMBOS)
4) FLA SS - a study
5) NoodleHead's Side Dish Guide
6) Punishing (a general guide; a full punishing list will be up)
7) Juggling (just an overview; look in the juggle thread - solo and teams - for more info)
8) Okizeme
9) FLA WD (credit to NoodleHead for providing with the main guide)
10) General playstyle
11) Peeling the onion (WIP)
12) FLA offense
13) Wall Game
14) Mindset
15) Baek and the tag system
16) Anti and anti-anti Baek
17) Random info

1) Overview
Here's some pros and cons to playing as Baek.
- Uncommon character (ie most scenes don't have a good Baek player), so you might run into players who
don't know what the hell to do against Baek. This can be a great advantage in tournament situations.
- Magic 4, though i12 now, is still strong.
- His damage is, if not at the bottom of top tier, just under top tier. The new ff+4,3 combos do a LOT of
- Awesome wall carry (top 10 easy).
- Wall combo damage solo is quite high (not top tier high like Steve but still good).
- Above average post wall combo oki (can tack on extra 15-20 points depending on what opponent does;
extra 15 points after full wall carry to wall combo is quite a lot).
- Awesome low in db+3,3~f.
- Strong mid pokes (df+1, df+4,4, WS 4, d+1, ff+4) and decent low pokes (SSL 3, d+3 and d+4)
- Combo and wall oki is just below herp derp level.
- FLA pressure game is solid (FLA 3,3~f, FLA f+3, FLA b+3 vs db+3,3~f).
- Lots of holes in standing game.
- FLA is only a threat if you get hit by a move into FLA. On block opp can destroy Baek easy.

Weak punishers in general (He's not destroying the world like Bruce or Paul is).
Crappy hopkick.
Short range in general. (except for FLA f+3 and df+3 which are slow)
Lots of stuff is punishable.
No generic d+4 low which high crushes.
Average/below-average tracking (no fast homing move that doesn't need execution).
Throws are very average.
Wall game is still a bit booty (though it has improved drastically from previous games).
Risk reward is often not in his favour.
Requires a lot of thinking power (can't go Lars herp derp 1,2 SS ark blast herp derp b+1 blocked uf+3)

- Average movement (really good SSR though

- Pretty easy to keep out if you know what you're doing.
- Very difficult execution (new ff+4,3 combos are difficult, FLA cancelling in general is quite tough to
squeeze max frames out of, WD is difficult, iFLA in the open is difficult, SkyRocket as a block punisher is
Know what you're getting into. Baek is not extremely easy to use (nowhere near that haha), but with
loyalty, dedication and good reads, no one can stop your

Changes/additions from Tekken 6: Bloodline Rebellion(- means negative changes, + means

positive changes, +/- means neutral):
- The 3 enders of his strings (such as df+4,4,3, WS 4,4,3, f+4,3, FLA 3,4,4,3) are interruptable by jabs on
block. This takes away a lot from his old FLA looping game.
- Since there is delay between the 3 enders of his strings, he gets less + frames on hit and more - frames
on block on those enders being cancelled into FLA (hard nerf).
- 2P Pimp suit is completely gone (hands down the hardest nerf to him if I had to say just one).
- Magic 4 is i12 now (pretty hard nerf).
- FLA uf+3 has lost tracking (not a 'homing' move anymore)
- FLA 3,3 is now mh.
- FLA 3,3 doesn't track as well anymore (really hard nerf).
- FLA SuperSS is completely gone, except from 4,3,3~f and 3+4~f.
- f~n~f:3 is completely gone (pretty hard nerf).
- CH (df+1),3 is only +8 as opposed to the earlier +12.
- d+2 is -10 and has virtually no tracking (hard nerf).
- 1,1 is only +7 instead of +9 like it used to be (really hard nerf).
- 4,3,3~f is +4 instead of +5~6 like it used to be (hard nerf).
- Magic 4 is worse on whiff (system change). 4,4 isn't as delayable anymore and is -10 on block now and
only +1 on hit (compared to the -4 on block and +7 on hit). It also recovers later which means that oki
from it is worsened at the wall.
- iWR 3 is +9~12 on block as opposed to the earlier +17 (system change).
- df+3+4 does less unscaled damage - 12 as opposed to 17 in T6 (system change; pretty uncalled for
+/- 1,2,3,3,3,d+4 does not float KND, but it KND's like Wang b+1~4. Wasn't real useful to begin with,
really tough to hit people with, so eh.
+/- b+2 KND's on regular hit now, but the pushback on b+2 on hit is too much to give the free d+2 it used
to give.
+ b+4 doesn't launch anymore on regular hit (that means no getting to their back and getting regular

combo off of b+4), only on counter, but it's now completely safe, has a range buff (slight but noticeable),
huge tracking buff (tracks 99% to his left and a little to his right) and W!'s.
+ FLA triple SS is really good (system change).
+ CD+3 has a lot of pushback now on block (reminiscent of DR pushback though not as much obviously).
+ 1,2,3,4,3 launches regularly on the back.
+ d+3,3,n+3 launches regularly on the back.
+ df+3+4's hitbox has been lowered significantly; it actually hits as a B! followup consistently now.
+ 2+4 throw will now wallsplat.
+ FLA f+3 on CH stuns for a full combo (+19; CH FLA f+3, FLA f+4 W! for HUGE damage). Allows for a full
combo if you df+3~f on open ground. His biggest buff if I had to name one.

Overall he seems to have been hit by the nerf bat pretty hard, and is a MUCH different character from all
his previous iterations, but I believe he's still tournament worthy (hell, every character is) and he's still
more than fun to play (well for me anyway).
+ FLA 3,3~f: the FLA 3,3 kicks are cancellable now into FLA again. GREAT for FLA pressure.
+ ff+4,3: mh, NC, i16, not hit confirmable, W!'s, breaks walls and balconies in combos, does retarded
damage (especially in rage; 2 of those equals 50% gone). It's mh so they can duck it, and it's not possible
to hit confirm it, but it's NC so it's good as a whiff punisher with their back to the wall. NOT cancellable into
FLA. ff+4 is a GREAT way to approach someone, as it is a homing move, +2 on hit, -8 on block. Baek's
never had a quick homing move before, so this is a welcome addition to his arsenal. Also a GREAT filler for
combos - works as a starter, filler, TA filler, ender (for wall carry).
+ (1,2,)3,3,3~f. Cancellable into FLA. Good for pressure (quick string that is hard to duck on reaction).
+/- FLA b+3+4: special low parry possible from FLA. Parries on frame 1. Meh, if I know a low is coming I'd
rather FLA uf+3. Same risk, but unlike FLA b+3+4 parrying on first frame, FLA uf+3 crush frames take a
while to start, so might be a better option in a clutch situation when you feel your execution won't be on
point. Or if you're just going for super style points via taunts.
+/- uf,n,3,3,3~f Only really good in TA's but does really good damage in TA's.
- FLA 3,3,4 (mhh), FLA 3,3,d+4 (mhl). Really bad mix-ups from the ending string.

Taggable Moves:
1) (1,2)3,4,3 the last hit - actually, anything that looks like the last hit is taggable
2) FLA uf+3
3) CD+3
4) SS 3+4
5) 2+4~5
Thanks to the following for helping and contributing:
Hyun Sai
Mr Taliban
Lord TKD
NoodleHead (he allowed his guide to be here)

2) Movelist breakdown
Note: For newer players, I have bolded the moves one should use, if they're just starting with Baek, and
also wrote down in brackets, why they should use them.
Standard movelist
- 1,1: 0 on block, +7 on hit, jails. 10 frames. Not many Baek players use this as a pressure tool or a poke,
and I don't know why. It's so good! It's useable as a poke because jab string (fast), and it jails. Also it's 0
on block and doesn't move anyone, so it resets the situation, which is good.
- 2,2: 10 frame punisher. -2 on hit, but a chunk of damage. -13 on block and does not jail, so if you're
using this, know what you're punishing.
Interesting fact: the second hit on CH launches for a standing stun (Low hitting moves can pick up after
- 2,3: Safe (0 on block) transition into FLA. It can be used kind of like Hwoarang's 2,3, so that you're able
to start your pressure game.
- 1,2 (standard jabs): Standard 1,2. All extensions are high. Can go into FLA (via 1,2,3~f and 1,2,3,3,3~f;
Jung Pa Dak uses 1,2,3,3,3~f a lot in his pressure game so watch his vids on tips as to how to use that
move and check the FLA offense section on a more detailed breakdown on 1,2,3,3,3~f). Full strings he can
do off of it are: 1,2,3,3,3,4 (h,h,h,h,h,h,h; worthless), 1,2,3,3,3,d+4(h,h,h,h,h,h,l; great), 1,2,3,3>4,4,3
(h,h,h,h,m,m,m; usable on occasion), 1,2,3,3,4,4,4 (h,h,h,h,m,m,l; not extremely worth it but can be used
rarely), and 1,2,3,4,3 (h,h,h,l,m; only really worth it till the 4th hit). 1,2,3,4,3 is NOT guaranteed on
opponent's back; they can duck after 1,2.
- 3 strings: only combo material. Never use this in a real match ever. Goes into same strings as 1,2,3
- 4(panic button): 12 frames, magic 4. Combo on CH possible from 3+4 right after it; misses at absolute
max range (and on Bears if not point blank range). A necessity if you want to play Baek. Recovers worse
on whiff than in the past games - system change.
NOTE: Has a really really chunky hitbox, so to crush it the opponent needs a legitimate high crush.
WARNING: On Bears, CH 4, 3+4 does not work. To get any combo from CH 4 you need to commit to
- 4,3: You never want to use 4,3 by itself because it's horrible on hit and block (-4 on hit and -10 on block).
Use 4,3,3~f as your -12 punisher. 4,3,3~f also floats rather easily and is good, if a bit risky, as an oki tool.
Also goes into his 10 string, but it's trash.
- 4,4: This move used to be super good. It still is, just not as great as it was. 4,4 is not as delayable as in
T6; it recovers slower so old oki setups not possible anymore. Now -10 on block, still steppable both ways.
CH (4,)4 still gives free, tag crashable d+2.
- 1+2,4(decently quick whiff punisher from range): Your primary -14 punisher. This move punishes a lot
of things Baek can't reach with anything else. 1+2 is now -10 on block (stupid), while 1+2,4 is launchable
on block, so use with caution. Use it as a punisher only. It doesn't look like it's something that should be
launch punishable though, so test your opponent on whether they know this is launch punishable.
- 3+4: Lightning Halberd. 3+4 is -13 on block by itself, but you can cancel it into FLA by holding f, which

leaves you at +2. In this scenario, if they hit any button that's not a jab or a high crush, they get launched.
Also good in combos. 3+4 on block, the best option is to FLA super sidestep, because the +2 on block
really leads to pretty bad mixups... unless you got the opponent afraid to move, which they really
- f+2(aggressive mid): Hits a bit low (can still be gone under by stupid moves) than his other mids. i15
and tracks a little bit to his left (can certainly be stepped though). f+2,1 is hella HC and is NC for 29
damage and +8 on hit. f+2 is safe, while f+2,1 is duckable and launchable. f+2,1,2 KND's. (f+2,1,)2
launches on CH and on regular hit gives free d+3,3,n+3(~5). (f+2,)1,2 is NCc. f+2,1 is really good in both
FLA and regular pressure, and if they're happy with pushing buttons after f+2,1 hit (they shouldn't be
doing it anyway though), use the last 2 to launch. f+2,1,4 can catch someone asleep after eating f+2,1.
- f+3: This move is plain trash. f+3 is 12 frames, has no good range, is high and tracks for garbage. f+3,3
is NC and and that's sorta good I guess. f+3,3,2 is h,l,m. The last hit launches on CH. f+3,3,b+2 is the
same string except the low is cancelled. Again, pretty useless.
- f+4: Mishima f+4, except not really. Unlike Mishima f+4, it's not + on block. f+4 is -1~0 on block, which
is still pretty good though. f+4,3 is now interruptable by jabs on block, and now W!'s on regular hit. f+4,4
does not KND unless on CH. f+4 B!'s. f+4,3 and f+4,4 are NCc.
- f+3+4(homing move): A rather situational homing move IMO. i21 so it's really slow, -11 so it's
punishable. W!'s though, so that's good. Also breaks walls in combos. ff+4,3 is the better homing move
IMO. However some good about this move is that it has a lot more range than you'd expect it to have. At
max range it's sorta safe against character with shitty jabs. It also W!'s from a distance which is something
to note.
- df+1(standard mid poke): Golden standard. Generic df+1, -1 on block, tracks SSR.
- df+1,3: NC, +8 on hit, +2 on block (too bad it's duckable) and goes into FLA. One of the few places
where trying to enforce FLA pressure won't get you killed (when the df+1,3 hits, of course).
- df+2(whiff punisher for quick whiffs): Generic uppercut, has phantom range, i15, safe on block, doesn't
launch crouchers. Abusable.
- df+3: More info in FLA WD section. Basically, df+3 is i22, is Baek's most ranged move (unless long dash
moves or running moves), launches on CH, HC'able into df+3,4. df+3 is +1 on hit and -11 on block, but
opponents won't usually try to punish for fear of the second hit. The second hit W!'s and is -14 with a
decent amount of pushback. df+3 tracks against SSR all day.
- df+4(mid poke): Standard 12 frame mid. df+4,4 is NCc. I suggest just using df+4,4 and not actually
trying to go into the ender mixups. df+4,4 is safe, the enders are not. Also if you try to HC df+4,4 you
might delay the 3 ender, allowing opponent to retaliate with a quick jab string or something. Goes into f+4
enders. Keep in mind df+4 does not track to any direction and neither do the followups.
WARNING: There are instances where the second hit will whiff (some random off axis scenario).
- df+3+4: Standard combo ender. Does unscaled damage (about 12 I believe; a nerf from T6 when it did
17). Has a lower hitbox now. Useless in the open.
- d+1: i14~15 mid punch poke. Tracks for garbage and has short range, but useable at the wall. d+1 is 1~0 on block which is awesome for a poke, as it allows for SS and BD whiff punishment setups (as well as

a triple sidestep bait). It's also +9 on hit which is extremely good. This move is GODLIKE for wall pressure.
- d+1,4: d+1,4 is also usable (more so at the wall). d+1,4 is a CH combo and is easy to confirm (d+1
sparks on CH) doing really good damage and is +5 on hit which is great, especially at the wall. The 4
tracks SSR (whole string can be SSL though), and on CH W!'s and as such, the string gains a lot more
useability at the wall (you can play with the second hit and it's delayability). It's punishable though at -10,
so keep that in mind. In combos d+1 spikes, but no oki possible.
Interesting fact: If they neutral block d+1, the 4 hits.
- d+2: This used to be so good. d+2 is what made his oki game herp derp in DR. d+2 now tracks for
garbage against sideroll (unless you dash), has a range problem, and is punishable. Almost solely for if
they'll stay down now. d+2 at the wall gives a d+4,4>4 or a 4,4 depending on what you want.
- d+3(standard low poke): i15, crushes jabs. d+3,3,n+3 is L,L,m while d+3,3,d+3 is L,L,L. Tracks sideroll
and usable as an oki tool at the wall. Also useable as a combo filler (as in Baek launch, d+3,3,n+3~5).
Tracks decently to his right. Good low poke at range.
WARNING: The d+3,3,3 and d+3,3,d+3 mixup is fuzzy guardable. A timed down jab will either block the
low, or interrupt the mid.
- d+4: Not-so-generic low. i12, doesn't high crush, -13 on block and -2 on hit. Tracks really well (only Lili
can SWL it), so if you expect an opponent to step, you can mix this up with some other mid that tracks the
way they're stepping.
- d+4,3,3 (d+4,3 is a good low mid CH): Guaranteed on CH. d+4,3 is -11 on block, d+4,3,3 is launchable
on block and -4 on hit. However the opponent more often than not will wait for the low(d+4,3,3,d+3)/mid
(d+4,3,3,3; the same as f+4,3 the mid ender) extension which can be all SWL'd.
- d+4,4,4: Only used in wall combos. It's essentially d+4 into magic 4 series except that you can't do 4,3
from it. The ender recovers a bit worse than 4,4, so d+2 is backrollable for a spike.
- db+1: Generic duck jab.
- db+2(primary whiff punisher): Easy mode whiff punisher. Now recovers better so 4,3,3~f combos are
possible. -13 on block (better than the -14 Namco loves). Great floater for wall carry.
- db+3: I love this low. db+3 itself is eh, -14 on block, 0 on hit, hits grounded. db+3,3 is NC, death on
block (l,h). db+3,3~f(pressure low) is cancelled into FLA, is +8 on hit, -6 on block (ie theoretically you
can make this move launch safe against WS launchers that have punch inputs by PPing after) and +11 on
hit (ie free 2,2 on CH). Your main tool to chip the opponent while in FLA. It doesn't track all that well, but
hey, lows with heavy + like this one don't come by so much.
- db+4: YOLO sweep, -40 on block, seeable (tough, however; test your opponent), launches. His best high
crush and also with the most risk.
NOTE: db+4, WS 2,1 combos at the wall.
- db+3+4: Unblockable, hits grounded, accessible from FLA, 61 frames. You can cancel this by hitting b~b
and it cancels into FLA. Provides great mindgames when your opponent is on the ground, or while
pressuring the opponent if they went to sleep holding back.
- b+1: Auto SSR, punishable at -11, mid. A kind of a lower risk, lower reward b+3 for evasion basically.

One of his faster B! moves (i15). I'd rather use b+3 for evasion, but it's usable when you can't b+3 (EG
when you are in FLA)
- b+2: Unlike Hwoarang's b+2, Baek's b+2 knocks down on regular hit. Unlike Hwoarang's b+2, this does
not give anything special on CH. Punishable at -10, high, but takes a big sidestep to the left. A great way
to cut through some pressure and give yourself some breathing room (get it? Cut? With his hand?). Hits
rather high too, so it can be crushed rather easily.
- b+3: iFLA transition, takes a HUGE SSR. Combine with manual SSR for great results. Only homing moves
can catch this. In most cases you should be fishing with this after safe pokes so that you can step
retaliations and get to their back and ruin their Christmas.
- b+4(safe mid CH launching, W! tool that tracks): Safe mid that W!'s. This doesn't have the best hitbox,
however (it looks like it has more range than it actually does). But hey, it's safe and it W!'s, so can't really
whine about that. Also it tracks to his left (against SSR) like whoa. This now launches on CH, and since it's
safe (and mid), it's a kind of a buff. Usable right at the tip as a CH bait tool. Launches FDFA, b+1 will B! if
the launch was off axis to your left (ie they SSR and got CH'd) then you can TA to flip them over, else go
into solo BT launch combos.
SETUP: On P1, after a blocked uf+2 or ff+3, b+4 cannot be avoided because it will catch BD and will track
to Baek's left (which is the only way they can step this move). They can beat it out, however 4 will beat
any opponent trying to beat this out.
- ub+4: FALCON KICK! -13 on block, good at long range, but it doesn't have the best of range. Evades
some highs, but I wouldn't use it to crush an electric by any means. Tracking is pretty bad.
- u+4,3: Only good as a TA filler (hits after no more than 4 hits). Just forget this move. Don't use it.
Abysmal range for something that slow and high. It's cool that it launches, but how can you ever hit
someone with this garbage? It does W! for a little over 50 damage, but that's the only pro of this move.
- u+3+4: Situational move at best. u+3+4 has trash tracking, is slow and hits super high. However some
good things about this move is that it's a taggable launcher when Hwoarang's your team partner, the
GREAT combo they have does a lot of damage, and it's a lot of + on block (though the pushback kinda
resets the pace) and the hit stun has changed from T6, and thus ff+4,3 combo from this is really easy and
leads to a lot of damage. u+3+4~f is cancel into FLA, while u+3+4~b is just a spinny (almost like a taunt,
which is cool).
- uf+2: It bounds (his strongest B! move). It gives +4 OC on block (same on hit), and on CH gives a free
d+2 which can break floors. It sounds like a good move, until you realize that it's hitbox is very high, it's
range is abysmal, it's slow, and it tracks for garbage. Maybe you can do something with it at the wall, but I
don't know.
- uf+3,4,3: Hunting Hawk. This move is solely a combo move. It's hitbox is so wonky in the open field that
if a mid-small character is just standing the first hit is blocked, and the second one more often than not
goes over their head. It B!'s and is actually a very consistent move in juggles. It's his primary TA filler. It
hits after a lot of hits into W!. On Kuma it B!'s at a W!.
Interesting fact: If you neutral guard after blocking the first hit, the second and third one connect.
Interesting fact 2: uf+3,4, d+4,4 is a combo.
- uf+4: Hopekick. 20 frames, mid, does a little bit more damage than standard hopkick, -13. High hitbox
(Bryan's Snake Edge will go under it).

- ff+3: A bit slow, but in general this move is great. Outside of tracking, this move does everything else. It
moves in, it's safe on block, it's a launcher, it's a B! move, it hits really low, and in certain situations it hits
grounded. A great raw tag punisher for safety purposes.
- ff+4,3 (quick safe tracking move): ERMEHGERD I LOVE THIS MOVE! It's the thing Baek has lacked since
his meeting the SS system in Tag 1, a quick mid that tracks. ff+4 is amazing. It requires a bit of execution
to be able to do it at i18 in the open and i16 buffered from a move, but it's doable. It knocks down for
some serious oki options (d+2 is actually a viable option). It's got great range too. The only problem is that
it's mh, it doesn't jail and it's not HC (you're committing to the extension). But still, a great move. I would
highly recommend using ff+4.
Interesting fact: ff+4,3 on a side turned opponent floats for a combo (jab floats into another ff+4,3).
- bb+2: It's a pimp backhand that looks exactly like the second hit of 2,2, but the properties are all
different. It stuns on normal hit (like you would expect a pimp backhand to be), it's safe (like you would
expect a pimp backhand to be), and it tracks pretty well to his right (like you would expect a pimp
backhand to be). However, it all sounds good on paper, but one MAIN weakness is that this move has
pretty trash range. Combined with the fact that it's a bb move, which means you're going farther behind
than you really need to, it's not that useful. It's also high, which kinda sucks.
- bb+3+4: It's one of the higher damaging unblockable moves in the game (damage over half life). This
move hits high (pretty silly; it should hit mid IMO), is slow (66 frames) and cannot be used as a bait like
db+3+4 can, because it cannot be cancelled. However, if you can use it in combos (and some combo
makes have, like STL and Marin), it does a LOT of damage (even if it gets scaled hellaciously, it still does
over 30 damage on average). It W!'s (no followup possible on regular wall, but on balcony break you can
combo off of it) and breaks walls (I have only seen it once for that purpose, and it was in Marin's combo
video). It recovers a bit too slow, which is another problem I have with it. Use it VERY RARELY (I have hit
a high level player with it once).
Interesting fact: It low crushes. REALLY LATE (I'm guessing around halfway into the animation), but it
- CD+3: This is Baek's skyrocket. It's i18 at fastest, hits mid, and launches SUPER high. It's also tag
bufferable. It's -17 on block, which is a LOT. However, in TTT2, unlike T6 in which I would say on block it
sucked them in, CD+3 has hella pushback. It's still death on block, but now the death is more character
specific; some characters with shitty launchers can't launch it (like Steve, Rolex, King etc).
- WS 1,3: See df+1,3.
NOTE: Unlike df+1 which is -1 on block, WS 1 is -2 on block, but unlike df+1 which is +6 on hit, WS 1 is
+9 on hit.
- WS 2,1(great for when you ducked something and quickly wanted to launch): Baek's version of Twin
Pistons (more comparable to Kazuya df+1,2 though :/ ). It's i15, bounds instantly. Solo he gets about 60
damage (don't hope to get anywhere near half life without walls) because of early bound and the damage
on the WS 2,1 isn't a whole lot, but hey, can't complain; some characters don't even have a WS launcher
(coughHwoarangcough). TA might get you over 80 with the right tag partner. HC able (and you should HC
it because WS 2,1 is -12 on block, but the HC is very difficult so if you can't hitconfirm it it's best to just
use it as a punisher).
- WS 3: I really see no application in this move. It hits high, is i16, and goes into same strings as his
standing 3 strings (except that the first hit from the standing 3 his gone). One thing to note that WS 3,4,4

is NC (need to test). I don't see where you can apply it ever. One thing is that WS 3,3,3~f is new to TTT2,
but again, it's pretty eh (on hit it's only +3 on perfect execution).
WS 3~f however, is awesome. WS 3~f is WS 3 cancelled into FLA. An oldschool setup by FilthieRich is uf,n,
WS 3~f+2+3. It just looks confusing, which more often than not will make the opponent go, "WTF is going
on?", allowing for free grab. Out of WD, this thing is just AWESOME for trying to lock an opponent down
with hesitation, allowing you to run your game in a sick fashion.
Interesting fact: Not gameplay related, but whenever the crowd sees WS 3~f+2+3, they cheer for some
funny reason, so if you're a person who loves flash, this move is for you.
- WS 3+4: It may look like the same thing as WS 3 (and it does too), however it W!'s. However, unlike WS
3 which is safe, WS 3+4 is -16 (with a little pushback). Definitely use with caution. I can see it being used
as a jab punisher if you duck it (EG after a blocked b+4, duck the jab or high the opponent may throw out
in retaliation, and then WS 3+4 W!), but it's a bit risky. I don't use it, but if you want to, more power to
2) Movelist breakdown CONTINUED
- WS 4 (can use this as one of those run-up moves): The good old WS 4. WS 4 by itself isn't all that useful
because of the lag it has on whiff, and its hitbox isn't the lowest (ie no WS 4 float combos with him, no
easy ones anyway). WS 4,4 I tend to use solely as a punisher now. WS 4,4 was (and still is), HCable into
WS 4,4,3~f into mixups, but since it gives only +3 now compared to the +6 or something in previous
game, the FLA transition isn't worth it IMO. WS 4 can be used to approach via wavedash into WS 4 HC WS
4,4,3~f into FLA mixups, but it's definitely outshined by ff+4 and FLA WD.
The WS 4,4 enders are the same as f+4 enders (as in WS 4,4,3 and WS 4,4,4). WS 4,4 is -3 on hit.
WARNING: You absolutely have to hit confirm WS 4,4 since it's launch punishable on it's own (similar to
Mishima WS 4,4) and there's no excuse why you shouldn't because it's the easiest HC in the world (up
there with Mishima 1,1,2 as the easiest hit confirm in the game).
WARNING 2: There are instances where you hit WS 4 and HC into WS 4,4 but the second one whiffs.
- SS 3 (long ranged low): An unused move amongst Baek players, and I can see why. It's out of a SS (and
you very rarely SS with Baek; most of the time you're fishing for b+3), it's slow (and since it's out of a SS
it's even slower), and doesn't crush. However unlike a majority of his lows, this low is only -12 on block
and is +4 on hit. I would love to see this improved by changing the input so as to make it a move possible
to do in his standing game. Hits grounded.
This move is a GREAT tool to use in his wall game, however, especially if you use it in your sidestep game
(SS looking for a whiff to punish with b+4, else just SS 3 to get chip dmg and + frames).
Also this low has GREAT range (more so if you do SSL 3) so it's a good way to come in.
- SS 3+4: This move is good. Most of the time when you're playing as Baek, you're fishing for a b+3 so
you can get to someone's back and FLA 3,4,4,4 and ruin their Christmas, but against some characters (EG
Jinpachi) b+3 is really risky because they have moves like Jinpachi df+1+2 which is safe, tracks both ways
and launches, and since you can't block in FLA it's risky business. Also, some characters should be SSL'd
(EG Mishimas, Baek himself and Miguel among others), and b+3 becomes a bit obsolete in that situation.
This is where this move comes in. It's a SS launcher. It's relatively quick (faster than SS 3), does really
solid damage, and is tag bufferable. It also low crushes but it's not something you should use this move
for, since it is -14 on block. It is 3 hits (mhh), and there are times where the last hit or the middle hit will
sometimes whiff. It jails however.
- b+1+2: This parries all mid and high punches. Parry window lasts from frame 2 to frame 10. Now that
FLA super sidestep is gone (most players miss it; I don't), this is your defensive option from FLA, EG you

do 4,3,3~f and the opponent blocks it (and don't duck the second hit). If you expect opponent to jab
afterwards (try for a Lee 2,2,3 or something), you can use this and punish that attempt. b+1+2 has a
canned extension with 3. The problem with this is that you have to commit to the 3 (you can't delay the
input to see if you parried). The 3 does pretty damn strong damage (45 on natural hit, 60+ with rage) and
wallsplats from a FAR distance. However, punch parry gives +12, so don't always commit to the extension
and experiment (my personal favourite is to PP and then db+1+3 to get the oki followups) unless of course
a wall is near.
PP can be used to make stuff going into FLA safe (but only against punch retaliations), eg FLA 3,3~f,
db+3,3~f, 1,2,3~f etc. I wish it parried punches and kicks (it'd be similar to Law DSS parry); maybe to
compensate for that they could weaken the followup or something; it'd really make FLA pressure safer
(which would be really welcome).
Also, this is a great tag cancel against Mishimas and Jacks (for they punish raw tag with punch moves
- iWR 3: Standard slash kick, except not really. You can cancel it into FLA. You can't really attack
immediately after iWR 3~f as there's a little lag time (and if the opponent predicts it, you're getting
launched), but if your opponent expects to block a slash kick, the feint into FLA will confuse them.
- uf,n,3: This set of moves is almost entirely useless. The only use there is for this is for TA when you B!
early (EG Jack-6 df+2, 2, ff+1~5 Baek uf,n,3,3,3~f 3+4~f 1+2,4, J6 b+3,2,2). It does a lot of damage
then and goes into standing 3 strings (with the exception of uf,n,3,4 which looks like something from T2).
Flamingo Moves
Special note: With this exception of u+4,3, u+3+4 (need to test) and regular hopekick, and moves that
use these inputs in the open, every other move is doable in FLA (EG Baek can do 4,3,3~f and then
standard df+2).
Special note 2: What is interesting is that FLA specific moves (like f+3) can be done instantaneously by
doing b+3~f+3 etc, but other non FLA specfic moves cannot be done like that; there's a recovery window
before the move occurs.
Before I continue, I would like people to realize that flamingo stance pressure is something that is a very
much advanced tactic, and not something that should be on your mind when you're just starting with the
character. If you feel like you have a decent grasp of the character, then and then only should you
implement flamingo into your game.
- 3: FLA 3 is standard i15 mid poke in FLA. It's not as strong as it used to be, because of the loss of
tracking. FLA 3,3,4 is mhh, FLA 3,3,d+4 is mhl, FLA 3,4,4 is mhh and goes into f+4 enders. FLA 3,3~f is a
new cancel to TTT2 and is one of the primary reasons his FLA rushdown is so much better. It's a mid from
FLA right back into FLA (something he never had before), which allows stronger rushdown than it ever has
been. FLA 3,4,4,4 (I call this Ruin-The-Christmas) makes BT cry because it does like 100000 damage
(realistically only in the 70's but that's still pretty rough) and it launches for a WS 2,1 or a CC 4,3,3~f
3+4~f FLA b+3 B! (one of the main reasons why fishing for triple SSR is so important).
- f+3: Flamingo Rocket. This move is so good in this game. It's i19, tracks almost 100%, 0 on block (with a
decent amount of pushback), and reaches like BS. Also, new to TTT2 is that it launches on CH (similar to
Kazuya CH df+2 EWGF in the sense that it gives + on CH; +19 to be exact); df+3~f to continue combo.
It's a strong option near walls to fish for a W! while in FLA pressure strings. Used in FLA pressure to track
reliably and fast, and during double db+3,3~f oki as a 'tech catch' (not unblockable, but opponent is forced
to block it).On block you can hold B and step backwards to avoid retaliation of almost any sort (except for

long reaching moves which you can usually interrupt with magic 4 anyway).
- b+3: Another axe kick. This is -1 OC on block (better than 0 on block, considering the range it leaves you
at - you can certainly BD_SS any retaliation and put a foot in their face if they act silly), tracks both ways
(credit: CaCarmen) and B!'s in the air. It's one of his weaker B! moves however. It's only +2 OC on hit,
which doesn't sound super awesome, but on CH it KND's (which means free raw tag) and gives strong oki
followups (dash 4,3,3~f floats quickrise and backroll while d+3_d+2 to hit on the ground). Not a top 10
move, but certainly useable.
- f+4: This is a severely underrated move IMO. It looks ugly and is high with not a lot of tracking, yes, but
it's useable because on block it gives MASSIVE pushback and is safe. Also does pretty huge damage on
regular hit (the stun is backrollable else dash CD+3 is free) making it a decent combo ender should
df+3+4 not be an option. It's also one of his stronger W! moves. If they do anything silly on block (works
best at max range against Dragunov because it looks punishable and they try f+1+2 against it sometimes)
you can do another one to whiff punish and put your foot in their face

- uf+3: Flamingo Jaw Breaker (LOL). This move is an awesome whiff punisher. It works best in scenarios
when you want to SSR something but it's not a string so most of the time you can't get to an opponent's
back and do Ruin-The-Christmas. Some notable examples I can think of are King's 1+2,1_3 (you can SSR
against the followups, but Baek can't b+3 to King's back, so you can b+3 to avoid the followup and then
FLA uf+3 to whiff punish). It's also taggable, so it's good for wall carry situations and as a whiff punisher.
Be careful though, since it's -14 (pain arriving if opponent blocks it against pretty much anyone) so
definitely not something that's abuseable. This is your hopekick in FLA, so you can use it if down jab
- b+3+4: More for show than anything IMHO. This is a special low parry in FLA. It parries from frame 1-25
(noticeably larger than standard df low parry). I don't know if you can get CH through this (it'd suck if you
can), so if it isn't, it's good against Dragunov's who see you move in FLA and mindlessly throw out 1,2,1
(i10 CH combo that does retarded damage and W!'s; the last hit is -12 and only guaranteed if the first one
hits on CH). Like regular low parry, you can't parry knees (Marduk d+4), heads (Feng qcf+1), tails (Rolex
db+3) and elbows (don't know a low elbow move sadly
) with it. Almost entirely replaceable by FLA
uf+3 for it's purpose of avoiding lows and duckjabs in FLA, but it's useable (more for show than anything
as I said before) on occasion if you don't feel like YOLO'ing (ie committing) to FLA uf+3.
3) FLA cancelling - the right way
Okay, now you know a lot about Baek's movelist. Where do you go from here?
You may not know this, but Baek can cancel almost all of his moves into Flamingo Stance (his b+3 stance).
However, there is a time where, if you hit the forward_back really early, you're standing there, holding
your leg up, BEGGING to be CH. So you need to practice cancelling moves into FLA.
The notation of, say a 4,3,3 cancelled into df+1, is 4,3,3~f,df+1. But, you need to hit the forward in the
last 6 frames on the kick. The earlier the better, because that way you make the move come out faster
rather than just stand there with one leg up.
Too early on the forward_back and you end up standing like a duck, and too late and you've given up the
frame advantage you could've got if you had cancelled early.
It's something you can visually do better, since the timing of all transitions is different (much like Marshall
Law's DSS).
It's easier from 1,2,3 than it is from moves like f+4,3. This is because in 1,2,3~f, the frames between the

impact of the 2 and 3 are not a lot compared to the frames between f+4 and 3 in f+4,3.
In the end, I can't really give a whole lot of pointers other than that it requires quite a lot of practice
(especially when trying to max out the + frames into the attacks), but it's really necessary when you're
playing as Baek. Do lots of practice, and use it in matches, and in no time you'll be doing highly difficult
setups and high damage combos.
Now you know how to do it. Now to know when to do it is one of the things you will learn only with
experience with Baek.
I will talk about the moves Baek has that cancel into the mid 3 kick ender (ie df+4,4,3, f+4,3 etc) a bit
more later on, as they're a bit more specific in their use.
All the moves that are cancellable into FLA (df+1,3 and df+3 you can go sit in the back for now), have a
hit that is either high (FLA 3,3), or steppable (the 3 ender), or punishable (3 ender). Basically the opponent
should be looking for the ender. So if you think they are looking for the ender and not looking for the FLA
cancel (which is interruptable on block) you can cancel the move into FLA and confuse them and mix them
If you think the opponent is looking to interrupt the FLA cancel, you can let the move loose and hit them
for some chip damage (unless it's the 3 ender).
As for the 3 enders (not applicable to d+4,3,3), this is the metagame.
They can interrupt everything with a downjab, or just a jab, but the 4 ender will crush jabs. If they down
jab, unless the last hit was punishable (as in d+4,3,3 which is -17 on block), you can low parry down jabs.
They can SWL~LP anything you might want to do offensively, but you always have the option to block and
not hit any buttons, so as to regain the mental advantage from the opponent. If they use an anti-Baek
move in that case, like Chreddy b+2, you can always punch parry it, either by cancelling into flamingo, or
just not attempting the enders.
3+4~f repeatedly in combos:
Lots of kids on the forum ask how to do 3+4 repeatedly in combos. This is how: VER VIDEO
The notation is: 3+4~f, HOLD 3, n+4~f and so on.
Little history session: In Tekken Tag when iFLA cancel actually required skill, this is how you did pretty
much every move that was not a move that you did with a 3 button.
When you go into FLA by 2,3, if you let yourself return to neutral, inputting f+3 will give you ff+3, entering
f+4 will give you ff+4, b+2 will give you bb+2 and b+3+4 gives bb+3+4. Not extremely important,
because staying in FLA means you can't block and by cancelling manually you can't block for a LONG time,
but something you can keep in mind for the lulz/combo videos.

Last edited by Budding Fighter on Sep 7th, 2013 at 04:32

With the buff-up sidestepping in general has got, Baek has it easier than the rest of the cast with SSing
most of people's stuff. I say this because he has what we Baekers (bakers? Baekers? Not funny? Damn.)
call TRIPLE SIDESTEP (dun-dun-dun).
Basically, to put it in notation, it's
SSR, b+3, SSR
This works because b+3 has a little SSR of it's own. Fire up your PS3's (Xbox = ass) and check it out in
practice mode.

Cool, huh?
This grants Baek some serious damage opportunities. Maybe your opponent is playing quite stringy and
isn't caring about throwing in HomingAttacks at all. Maybe you're caught in a rushdown and want a way
out. Maybe you're facing wall pressure and the opponent is Steve with rage (even though Steve tracks
really well, it's still an option). Guess what you will use?
To get the best out of the FLA SS, you need to cancel your SSR right at the point when Baek stops. Since
SS's are very cancellable, they're kinda like backdashes in which the most distance must be covered in the
least amount of time.
Some of the BT launcher strings he has are:
1. FLA 3,4,4,4 (requires CC 4,3,3~f combos or WS 2,1 B! straight away)
2. d+3,3,n+3 (~5)
You should not be using FLA SS out in the open at all (ie right outside of range 1), as the opponent can
see it and then kill you for it (you'll be in FLA at that time, and any hit on you is a CH). This is mostly used
as Leo's manual BOK transition, or Xiaoyu's SSR~AOP, in that it's used for evasion purposes.
Using the FLA SS can be used to deal massive damage with BT combos. More info on that is in the combo
FLA SS also has purposes other than from a defensive standpoint. Suppose you're pressuring someone with
a lot of db+3,3~f's, FLA 3,3~f's or whatever you might choose to do. If you know your opponent's getting
frustrated, you can just go for 1,2,3~D for a FLA SS, and laugh as his retaliations whiff (think of it as a
buffed up SS in that area: 1,2, SS's big brother) and launch them with a simple df+2 or whatever is it you
might want to do).
Also, Baek has the option to go straight into b+3 state from 4,3,3~f and 3+4~f. The notation is [3]f~b+4
ie, eg say Baek does 4,3,3~f, you hold 3, tap forward, and then while holding 3, hit b+4. This is called
Flamingo Super Sidestep. It's useful in some situations, but not something you should be basing your game
around, IMO, espeically since those two moves are the only moves that can go into super sidestep.
Warning: Do note however that there are some characters against whom FLA SS is not worth the risk. I
discuss those characters in the matchup thread, but just as an overall thing:
- Craig Marduk (his df+1 kills this for free)
- Miguel (his df+1 kill this for free)
- Mishimas (EWGF kills this)
I'm sure I'm missing some characters, but overall, I'd suggest really not going for FLA SS on these
characters because their tracking options are going to kill FLA SS and it might not be worth the risk, seeing
as your chances to succeed will be limited.

--6) Punishing
Standing Punishers
1. -10

- 1,1
His 2nd best punisher IMO. +7 on hit, 0 on block, jails (or I've never had the 2nd hit ducked). It's a very
good panic button against Nina IMO, since she'll try and keep you at less + frames than other.
I will recommend spamming this. Don't use it just as a punisher. It's a great poke too.
- 1,2(,3~f_d_u)
His 'best' punisher. This is the perfect balance between damage and + frames, and it puts you in FLA. If
you expect jabs after this, it'll help you to cancel by d_u to make those jabs whiff and use FLA uf+3 (my
favourite FLA move in combos and regular play) into nastiness.
- 2,2
His strongest 10 frame punisher; many times you can see that they'll die from it and do this and kill them
with it. It's one of the strongest 10F punishers in the game. The problem with this is that it leaves him at 3, so it's no way to start an offense. You can try, but I wouldn't recommend it. This is automatically the 3rd
best and technically his worst punisher, but if you know how and when to use it, it's great.
- 2,3
Technically his 'worst' -10 punisher, because the damage is really piddly (comparable to Asuka 1). However
it's +7 into FLA (and this isn't cancelled +7, it's entry, which means it's not as timing based) which is a
really good situation to be in. More of a poke than a punisher, but something to keep in mind.
2. -12
- 4,3,3~f
It does as much damage as 2,2, but gives +4 and mix-up opportunity (In T6 it was +6). It's high, high, so
you've got to know what you're punishing.
- df+4
Baek's 12F mid. I'll only use this to test if something's -12. For eg, I go up against a player and he uses a
move and I don't know how punishable it is. The next time I block it, I'll use 1,1 and if that succeeds, if he
uses that move again, I'll use df+4. If that worked, I'll know it's at least -12. Purely for testing purposes.
3. -13
- df+1,3
It's great because it gives +8 on hit, but it's not HC by any means, and they can duck the second hit and
you can't block (transition into FLA). It gives a lot of + unlike 4,3,3~f so you might want to look into using
this if you really want to (if you're okay with sacrificing some damage).
4. -14
- 1+2,4
Baek's -14 KND punisher. It gives great oki by the wall, as described by our lovely friend and mod Marin.
The only problem is that this isn't HC, and the second hit is launchable, while the first is -10.
- 3,3,3~f
New punisher in TTT2. It's high and doesn't have nearly the range that 1+2,4 does, but it gives crazy
+10GB on hit. Very good if you want to rush into FLA mixups.
5. -15
- df+2
Baek's -15 launcher. It doesn't launch crouch or tech crouch moves. Range is kinda iffy too, but it seems to
have phantom range, and is definitely better than Hwo's df+2.
6. -16
- b+4
For tech crouch moves. It seems to have good range. It used to be a launcher, and his best launcher in 5.0
and DR days, but now it W!. A buff for him IMO. Safe too.

- ff+4,3
Requires perfect input, but it wallsplats and does 50+ damage. Good if you can do it consistently.
7. -18
- db+2
Baek's most ranged launcher IMO (unless dash CD+3). It's a bit weak, and doesn't track well, but it's great
for those moves with pushback. Too bad you can't punish Deathfist with it.
8. -19 and beyond
- CD+3 (w/ input)
This is THE launcher for Baek. It's his Skyrocket. Gives way to massive damage. Too bad it's -17 in return
(however it has massive pushback). This is great for lows that stagger on block, and if you're CC'ing into
this for them ON REACTION, you're doing something right. If you're ballsy and like to launch people for
being stupid with their lows, this is for you. Too bad you can't punish deathfist with it.
Test people to see if they know they can launch it (with the launchers they have).
- ff+3 (w/ input...?)
This is Baek's axe kick. Not really used as a punisher, but hey, something to keep in mind against moves
that recover really low (eg Lars uf+3).
While Standing Punishers
1. -10
- FC d+1
You average duck jab. +6 on hit, minuscule damage.
2. -11
- WS 4,4,3f
One of the best -11 WS punishers there is. I will put it under Steve's WS 1,2 and the Mishimas' WS 4,4 for
the best -11 WS punishers. HC-able (VERY), and leads to mix-up with + frames (only +3~4 but they're in
3. -13
- WS 1,3
See df+1,3.
4. -15
- WS 2,1
At least Baek has a WS launcher (Shame on Hwo players!
). It's HC-able, and B! on hit, allowing for
weaker than normal juggles, but at least it's something. If the first hit whiffs, the second will never
launch/B! unless they're doing a jumping move. TA right away can get you some mass damage out of it for
the cost of red life.
4. Stagger lows
- CC, CD+3
See above section on CD+3 and CD+3 in the move analysis for more info on this.
Whiff Punishing
This is subjective. I tend to use db+2 for whiff punishing because it's got great range, and no need to dash
up for combo or anything. If you're close, and you want to use df+2, do so. CD+3 is his best whiff
punisher, but it's very, very risky (provided your opponent has the launcher for it). ff+4,3 is great if they're

close to a wall (wallsplat!) and so is b+4. ff+4,3 does more damage though, but is obviously a whole lot
riskier (since if you failed to punish they could duck the second hit and launc

7) Juggling
Baek has been known as one of the better jugglers/pilots ever since his return in Tekken 5 because of
3+4~f, better known as Halberd Cancels, buffing up his wall carry; at that time I believe only Julia was
better than him.
However, in TTT2 several others have surpassed him in wall carrying ability. Nevertheless, Baeks pretty
damn decent in his wall carry; better than most of the cast. The people better than him IMO are probably
Leo, Lee, Nina and Bruce and he's on the level of Steve, Bryan, Julia and Dragunov.
Baeks still beasting it out when it comes to no B! wall carry though. He can carry extremely well. Not only
that, hes got a lot of decent launchers to support him, and the damage in open ground is respectable.
Heres some of the juggles Baek can do solo. Be sure to check the combo threads which are stickied, to
see a full list of the combos he can do.
These are some staples off of decent launchers. Some launchers, youre just better off of tagging off and
doing red life damage.
Air combos
A general rule of thumb you might want to keep in mind when comboing is that if Baek is able to get the
opponent with his combos (ie if it is possible to fly the opponent to the wall), he can get the opponent
there without B!. There are only specific scenarios (involving character sizes, launch angles and TA options)
where this does not hold true. But still, with Baek your best bet is to wall carry and then B! compared to B!
then wall carry.
- 4,3,3~f, FLA 3,3~f, 3+4~f, FLA b+3 B!
This is a decent staple and it does decent damage, allowing for rather small tag assaults. It has decent wall
- 4,3,3~f, FLA 3,3~f, db+3,3~f, FLA 3,3~f, 3+4~f, db+2 W!
I believe this is Baeks best wall carry. db+2 floats a decent amount. Try this out, youll like it.
NOTE: this is impossible on Kuma and True Ogre. This combo is consistent on everyone else, IF you can do
your cancels properly.
4,3,3~f, FLA 3,3~f, 3+4~f is kind of an option select. Practice and learn the range where the double
halberd into db+2 will W!, allowing for a full combo. If you realize that youre not going to reach the wall,
you can just use FLA b+3 to B! and then complete the combo accordingly.
- ff+4,3, dash 4,3,3~f FLA 3,3~f FLA b+3 B!
His hardest combo.
(NOTE: On Kuma it's a bit harder, so if you want to be safe, just do the combo without the FLA 3,3~f)
- ff+4,3, 4,3,3~f, FLA 3,3~f 3+4~f db+2
Same thing as the above wall carry combo, but with more damage and spinnies.
- ff+4,3, dash 1, f+4 B!
If you can do it, it's his best pre TA filler if you need to B! early (four hits). Really tough IMO especially
from a df+2.
- ff+4,3 dash 4,3,3~f FLA b+3 B!
His most staple combo from taggable launchers such as EWGF and stuff like that (doesn't work from class
3 launchers like King FC df+2~5). Does good damage. This is also possible from a Baek df+2, but it's a lot
Note: ff+4,3 combos are very hard to do after a SSR.

You can be really creative with Baek in terms of combos. Don't limit yourself to just these combos. You can
do lots of stuff with him.
Sky Rocket
If you dont want to tag off of it (I honestly dont know why) you can do:
SSR UF+4, dash 4,3,3~f, FLA 3+4 B!
ff+4,3 dash 4,3,3~f FLA b+3 B! (the ff+4,3 takes a bit of timing to come out).
Solo B! enders
CD, n, 4,4,4 for damage
dash db+3,3~f df+3+4 for damage
dash db+3,3~f for oki (will be discussed in the next episode)
dash 4,3,3~f for wall carry
dash d+4,4 for wall carry (doesn't work after 6 hits before B!)
df+3,4 for wall positioning
Wall combos
The most consistent B! moves are FLA b+3 and ff+3. f+4 is also decent, especially if you want FLA f+3 to
wall break and continue the combos (if your iFLA isn't consistent).
If your iFLA is consistent however, you can use iFLA f+3 as part of your combo even from ff+3.
Note: Wherever I've used ff+3 as B! you can also use FLA b+3, uf+2 or f+4,3~f for B! but they obviously
do less damage.
ff+3 B!, df+3+4
ff+3 B!, f+2,1,2 for wall break.
ff+3 B!, 4,3,3~f, d+4,4
ff+3 B!, 4,3,3~f, b+4
ff+3 B!, (iFLA f+3) 4,4 for spike oki. (bracketed iFLA f+3 means that it's optional; combo is still possible
without the iFLA f+3)
ff+3 B!, df+4,4 for better spike oki.
ff+3 B!, iFLA f+3, FLA uf+3 for tag out.
ff+3 B!, 3+4~f FLA uf+3 for tag out.
ff+3 B!, 4,3,3~f FLA uf+3 for tag out (really difficult to get consistent in matches).
ff+3 B!, iFLA f+3, 4, d+4,4
ff+3 B!, iFLA f+3> d+4,4>4 for damage (the trick to getting the MAX damage out of this is to let the first
d+4 hit at grounded damage. That way it hits on everybody.)
WS 2,1 B! iFLA f+3, ub+4
Jack, Marduk and above:
ff+3 B!, 4,3,3~f, d+4,4,4 *
ff+3 B!, iFLA f+3, 4, d+4,4,4 (Max damage I believe.) *
ff+3 B!, iFLA f+3, df+4,4 for spike oki.
Kuma/Panda/True Ogre:
uf+3,4,3 B! (still hunting for a damaging followup)
ff+3 B! iFLA f+3, 1,2,3,3,3,d+4
ff+3 B! 4,3,3~f, 1,2,3,3,3,d+4 (This is a weird scenario. From straight W!'s this does the most damage out
of any of Baek's wall combos, but if you add wall carry in it, it doesn't do a whole lot because of damage
scaling issues.)
* VERY INCONSISTENT COMBO. There are instances where it should hit and it doesn't. The FLA f+3, 4,

d+4,4,4 and 4,3,3~f d+4,4,4 also hit on Kings, but they are even more inconsistent. Even on Bears it's
Wallsplat combos (such as from b+4; df+3,4; f+3+4 etc):
W!, backdash, d+4,4 W! ff+3 B! or BDC 4,3,3~f W! uf+2 B! and then wall combo. The 4,3,3~f refloat is a
bit more situational and works better off of b+4 W! or df+3,4 W!, but does a lot more damage. Also the
option to refloat does not work from running 3 W!, and it also doesn't work on True Ogre or Kuma/Panda
regardless of which move you used to wall splat (doing it from BD is not possible, from SS it's unreliable).
Low parry
Some options from low parry are:
LP, df+3, 4,3,3~f, 3+4~f, df+3+4 (old T6 staple)
LP, 4,3,3~f, 3+4~f, df+3+4 (just for Kuma)
LP, ff+4,3, dash 4,3,3~f, db+3,3~f df+3+4
LP, ff+4,3, dash 4,3,3~f df+3+4
LP, ff+4,3, dash 4,3,3~f, 3+4~f FLA f+4 (good luck with that... credit to Hisame)
BT combos
On opponents back FLA 3,4,4,4 launches.
oBT FLA 3,4,4,4 CC 4,3,3~f, 3+4~f FLA b+3 B! dash db+3,3~fis the best combo in this situation.
*The Baek solo combo thread contains Baek's wall break moves, but here I'll add Baek's floor break moves.
Floor break moves
1) In the air
Excluding spike moves:
- d+2
- WS 4,4
- 1+2
- 1+2,4
2) On the ground
- f+2+3
- right side grab


Hwoarang TTT2U Juggles

I'll keep the first post updated with new Hwoarang Solo and TAG juggles,
If anyone would like to contribute to the juggle list, I'd appreciate if you wrote difficulty and dmg in your
juggles. Another way to contribute would be to write the dmg for the bounds, or juggles I didn't have the
time to test out yet.
I wrote difficulty in the perspective of a person who could juggle with other chars, but considered picking
Hwoarang up (might delete it later on since it`s pretty subjective).
The first DMG listed in the juggles is for when you're playing Tag mode, while the second is for Solo mode.
After a 2 in a juggle, you have the option to b+4 for a wall carry, instead of doing a B!.
If you're unsure about which juggle to use as a staple, try out the ones that gives the highest damage. If
they are too difficult, try out the lesser damaging juggles, and work your way up.
d/f+2 Combos

d/f+2, 2,3,3~F,1, dash 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Hard DMG: 47/45

d/f+2, 3,3~F,1, dash 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Hard DMG: 51/49
d/f+2, 2,3,3-f, 3,f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 50/48
d/f+2, 3,3~f,3~f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 54/52
d/f+2, 2,3,1, dash, 1,2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 44/42
d/f+2, 2,3,1, dash, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 41/39
d/f+2, f+2, f+3,1 dash 2,4,2 ff+3 B! DMG 56/54
d/f+2, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 36/34
d/f+2, 2,4,2, b+2 B! Difficulty: Very Easy DMG: 32/30
d/f+2, u+4, 2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 39/37
d/f+2, f+2, RFF f+3, LFS 3~f, LFS d/f+3 B! DMG 45/43
d/f+2, d/b+4~f,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 38/36
d/f+2, 2,4,1, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 45/43
d/f+2, f+4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 43/41
d/f+2, f+4,2, b+2 B! Difficulty: Easy - Medium DMG: 39/37
d/f+2, SSL, 2,3,1 4,4,4,4 W! Difficulty : Easy DMG: 45/43
d/f+2, 2,3,1 3-4, u/f+3+4 W! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 46/44
d/f+2, f+2, f+3, df+3 B! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 45/43
d/f+2 4,4,f+4~ff+3 B! Difficulty: Hard DMG: ?
d/f+2, dash, 1,2,3,1 dash 1,2,4,2,b+4 W! Difficulty: Medium - Bigs only DMG: ?
d/f+2, d/f+3,4, 3+4, 3-f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Medium - Bigs only DMG: ?
d/f+2, d/f+3,4~F,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Hard on normals DMG: ? | Good vs. Bigs or Long Legs
B+3_LFL u/f+4 Combos
b+3, b+4, b+2 B! f+3,uf+3,4,3 Difficulty: Medium DMG: 69/67
b+3, b+4, f+3, df+3 B! dash (in rff) 3,4,b+4 DMG: 73/71
b+3, 3~4, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! f+3+4, 3-4-b+4 Difficulty: Med DMG: 73/71
b+3, f+4, 3+4. 3-f,1 dash, 2,4,2, b+4_ff+W!_B! Difficulty: Hard DMG: 57/55.
b+3, b+4, RFF f+3, LFS 3~f, LFS d/f+3 B! DMG 55/53
b+3, f+4, 3+4, 3-f,3-f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 60/58
b+3, f+2, RFF 3,4, 2, ff+3 B! f+3+4~3~4, b+4 Difficulty: Easy. DMG: 78/76
b+3, b+4, f+3, 1, dash, 2,4,2 ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium/Hard DMG: 61/59 (not possible at max range)
b+3, b+4, f+3, 3+4, 2, ff+f3 B! Difficulty : Easy - Med DMG: 54/52
b+3, b+4, 3,4, 2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Easy - Med DMG: 59/57
b+3, u/f,n,~1, dash, 2,3,1, dash, 2,4,2, f,f+3, B! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 50/48
b+3, f+4, 3+4, 3-f, 3,4,b+4 W! Difficulty Easy- med DMG: 65/63
b4, b2 B! f3 3,4, b4 W! Difficulty: Easy - Med DMG: 70/68
b+3, d/f+3,4, 3+4, 3-f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Medium - Bigs/semi bigs only (hard timing on semi bigs) DMG:
See d/f+2 Combos
u+3+4 Combos
u+3+4, d/b+4~F,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Med DMG: 44/42
u+3+4, d/b+4~F,2, b+2 B! Difficulty: Med DMG: 40/38
u+3+4, d+3,4~F,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 44/42

SR/JFSR Combos
JFSR Rff 3~4 dash 3,3~f,3,4,b+4 W! Difficulty: Med DMG: 83/81
JFSR Rff 3~4 dash 3,3~f,3,f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Med DMG: 83/81
JFSR Rff 3~4 dash 2,3~f,3,4,b+4 W! Difficulty: Med DMG: 85/83
JFSR Rff 3~4 dash 2,3,3~f+4,f+3 W! Difficulty: Med DMG: 80/78
JSFR, Rff 3~4, dash, 2,3,1 dash, 2,4,2 Difficulty: Hard DMG : 78/76
JFSR, RFF 3~4, 2,3, LFS 3~f, LFS d/f+3 B! DMG 72/70
JSFR, Rff 3~4, dash 1,2,4,2 ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium ? Hard DMG: 74/72
JSFR, Rff 3~4, ff+4 W! ws+3 B! Rff 3-4-f+2, JFSR Difficulty : Hard DMG: ?
SR, u/f+3,4, 1,2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 59/57
JFSR, Rff 3~4, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 70/68
JFSR SSL, 3~4, 4,4,4,4 W! Difficulty : Easy - Medium DMG: 63/61
JFSR Rff 3~4, dash. 2.3.1, 3-4, u/f+ 3+4 W! Diffculty: Bigs only - Medium DMG: ? long wallcarrie.
RFF f+4~4 Combos


f+3,1, dash 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 54/52

f+3,2, b+2 B! Difficulty: Easy - Medium DMG: 49/47
f+3~3+4~2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Easy - Medium DMG: 49/47
f+3~3,4,b+4 W! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 59/56
3, 2,3,1 dash 2,4,2 b+4_ff+3 Difficulty: Medium DMG: 54/52
3,4,f, 2, ff+3 B!_JFSR W! Difficulty: Easy - Medium DMG: 51/49

F, D+3,4, 2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 53/51
F, D+3,4,f+3,4 W! Difficulty : Easy DMG: 58/56

Rff 4,(4) Ch
Dash, b+4, 3, 4, 2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Hard DMG: 74/72
RFS d+3_LFS d+4
ws+3 B! d+3+4, 3 DMG: 56/54
ws+3 B! 4,3~f, (lfs) d+3, 4, b+3.
(tag) ws+3 B! [any reasonable 2-hit move] (dash) uf+3,4,3.
(tag) ws+3 B! [any reasonable 2-hit move] (dash) 3~4, f+4, b+4. (a bit difficult.)

CH RFS 4_ss+4_b+2_f+1+2
Rff 3, 1,2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 58/56
Rff 3, 2,3,1 dash, 2,4,2 ff+3 B! Difficulty: Medium ? Hard DMG: 61/59
Rff 3, 2,3-f, f+4,3 W! Difficulty: Easy DMG: 64/62
Rff 3,4, 2, ff+3 Difficulty: Easy DMG: 58/56
RFF 3, 2,3~3. df+3 B! DMG: 64/62
db+4~f_b+2, ff+3 B! DMG: 51/49

CH b+2 only
CH b+2, SSR~f+2, RFF f+3, LFS 3~f, LFS d/f+3 B! DMG: 61/59
D+4,4 launcher
2,4,2 3~4 only works consistently on King or bigger. Miguel has yet to be testet, but should work on him,
AK, and rest of the bigs except for Kuma/Panda. It's still possible to land it on normal chars, but it's very
inconsistent in TTT2U.
d+4,4, 2,4,2, 3-4-f+2, ff+3 B! Difficulty : Medium ? Medium Dmg: 72/70.
d+4,4, 2,4,2, 3-4-b+4 W! Difficulty : Medium Dmg : 75/73 (Same as above).
d+4,4, u+3,1, dash, 2,4,2 ff+3 B! Difficulty : Medium. Dmg :73/71
See d/f+2 Combos
d/f+3,(3)_3,3,(3) Guaranteed DMG
Everything on hit: d/f+3,3 DMG 66_3,3,3 DMG 85.
Everything on hit: d/f3,3 DMG 62_3,3,3 DMG 81.
u/f+3,4 Combos
u/f+3,4, 2,3,1, dash 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Med-Hard DMG: 51/49
u/f+3,4, 2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Med-Easy DMG: 44/42
u/f+3,4, 1,2,4,2, ff+3 B! Difficulty: Med-Easy DMG: 48/46
u/f+3,4 2,3-f,f+4,3 W Difficulty: Medium DMG: 54/52
u/f+3,4 2,3-f, df+3 B! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 45/43
u/f+3,4 2,3-f,3,4,b+4 W! Difficulty: Medium DMG: 59/57
u/f+3,4 3,3-f,f+4,3 W Difficulty: Medium DMG: 57/55
u/f+3,4 3,3-f, df+3 B! W Difficulty: Medium DMG: 48/46
u/f+3,4 3,3-f,3,4, b+4 W!Difficulty: Medium DMG: 62/60

Low Parry Combos

f+4,2, 3, u/f+3,4, d/f+3+4 Difficulty: Medium DMG: 44/42
f+4,2, slight dash, 3,4,b+4 Difficulty: Easy DMG: 39/37
d/f+1, 2,3,1 dash, 2,4,2,b+4 Difficulty: Medium DMG: 33/31
d/f+1, 2,3~f, f+4,3 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG : 32/30
d/f+1, 2,3~f, 3,4,b+4 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG : 32/30
d/f+1, 3,3~f, f+4,3 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG : 35/33
d/f+1, 3,3~f, 3,4,b+4 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG : 35/33
f+4_u/f+4, 2, dash, 3~4~f+2,3,4,b+4 Difficulty: Hard DMG: ? (possibly only on king or bigger)
B+4, 3, u/3+4, d/f+3+4 DMG 42/40
F,1 2,3~f,3,3,4,b+4 - DMG 36/34
f+4, 2, f+3~uf+3,4,3. DMG 45/43

The Juggles Under Here, Has Yet To Be Officialy Tested

B! Enders
d/f+3+4 (OK DMG, Flashy, impossible to W!)
7th-Hit B! Max
d/b+4,4 (OK Wall Carry, OK DMG, inconsistent off of 7th-Hit, if W! do f+1, d/f+1, d/f+3,f+4, d/b+4~f at
W! do...~f,b+3)
u/f+3,4,3 (F!, Max DMG, u/f+3,4 = Small Wall Carry, if u/f+3,4 W! do 4,4,3 if u/f+3,4,3 F! do
dash 4,4 (OK Wall Carry, Low DMG, if W! do 4,4,3)
6th-Hit B! Max
dash d/f+1, u/f+3+4 (Good Wall Carry, +1 DMG over 4,4, if W! do f+1, d/f+1, d/f+3,f+4)
f+3+4, 3~4~b+4 (High DMG, Inconsistent off of RFF ff+3, if W! do d+3,4>b+3)
5th-Hit B! Max
u/f+3+4,4 (Good Wall Carry, 1DMG over d/f+1, u/f+3+4, if far W! do f+1, d/f+1, d/f+3,f+4 if W! do
f+3+4, f+3~1, d/f+3+4)
d+4,4 (Only use if Wall is close, If W! do d/b+4~f,b+3)
4th-Hit B! Max
RFF (f+3+4) 3,4,b+4 (Very High DMG, OK Wall Carry, if W! do f+1, d/f+1, d/f+3,f+4)
u/f+3+4, d/f+3+4 (Max DMG, Impossible to W!)
Wall Combos
TTT2U Tested.
b+3, W! b+4, 2,4,3, B! 3-4,b+3 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG: 72/70
Rff f+4-4, W! b+4, 2,4,3 B! 3-4, b+3 Difficulty: Easy ? Medium DMG: 80/78
^ the last b+3 only connects gt'ed on slightly off axis, or if b+4 was the W! move in TTT2U.
d/f+2, W! 3+4, 2,4,3 B! 3-4, b+3 (Difficulty: Easy DMG: 59/57
Jfsr, W! f+3+4, 2,3,4 B! 3-4, b+3 Difficulty: Medium DMG: 70/68
Jfsr, W! 3+4, 3~4~f+2, b+2 B!3~4,b+3 Difficulty: Medium - Hard DMG: 76/74
Qcf+3 on hit at wall guaranteed gives d+3,4b+3 Difficulty: Easy DMG : 56
Wall Bound combos
A key factor deciding whether or not certain bound enders work is the number of hits used in the bound
move. As a refresher, here are Hwo's bounds for review (damage is calculated as the second hit of a
1-hit bound options: fff+3(14)_RFFff+3(11)_ws+3(10)_LFSdf+3(9)_RFFb+2(8

2-hit bound options: RFF4,3(6+9)
3-hit bound options: 4,4,3(7+4+9)
unsure?: RFF2,4,3 (2+5+9)** sometimes I feel that it is calculated as a 2-hit bound move.the first hit in
the df+3,f+4 ender needs to hit as the opponent is about to drop out of the juggle, otherwise the last hit
will whiff. If done correctly, the df+3 will register for 60% scaled damage. By the same token, certain other
moves will do more damage if they hit the opponent, for example RFSb+3 will hit for 12 damage (60%) if
it hits properly. Sometimes a delay is needed to ensure that the move hits for full damage, other times it
will happen naturally. I'll try to point out delays with ":", but I might miss some, so just be aware.
B! after W!:
resplat options: RFF4,RFSd+4,4(22)_RFFf+3,LFSf+4(18)_RFF+4,4(16) I know there are more, some of
which are more damaging, any additional information is welcome!
51... b! RFF3~4 df+1 4,4,4,4
- Kuma specific
45... b! RFF3~4 4 df+3,f+4
- Jack/Kuma specific (second hit whiffs occassionally on Kuma)
- last hit must be done fast on two-hit bounds
39... b! RFF3~4~f RFS2 RFFf+3 LFS3,f+4
- works on King/Bob or bigger
- seems to only work with one-hit bounds
37... b! RFF3~4 df+3,f+4
- stable on King/Bob or bigger, if done fast enough can hit Steve/Jin
- works with one-hit and two-hit bounds
35... b! RFF3~4 d+2 ws4,4
- seems to whiff on Kuma? Works on small characters (Zafina) and up
- only works with one-hit bounds, all moves must be done fast
- RFFdb+3 guaranteed, 15(48) generally, 9(42) if opponents tries to stand
- RFF3 generally hits all options (whiffs on sideroll left sometimes), 14(47) on ground, 8(41) on standing
- RFF3 juggles Jack if he stands up, link into df+3,f+4 for additional 28(61)
- RFFd+4 hits grounded, does 20(53), must be blocked by standing
- RFFb2 bounds opponents who stand up, can be TA'd
35... b! RFF3~4 4,4,4
- works only with one hit bounds
- works on normal characters and bigger, third hit whiffs on certain girls (Anna, Zafina)
- if opponent doesn't tech RFSb3 guaranteed for additional 12(47)
33... b! RFF3~4~f RFS2 : RFFdf3+4,f+4
32... b! RFF3~4 ws4,4
- instant ws4,4 difficult, works with two-hit bounds
- oki options same as "b! RFF3~4 d+2 ws4,4"
31... b! RFFf+3,1 : df+3,f+4
- ending df+3 whiffs on certain girls (Zafina, Anna...)
31... b! RFF3~4 4,4
- seems to work on all characters
- works with one hit bounds only
30... b! RFF3~4f RFS2 RFFdf+3
- Steve or bigger only
29... b! RFF3~4 b+3(~5)
- can be tagged out, tag out can randomly avoid tag crash giving you a punish opportunity

- stable, works with two-hit bounds

28... b! RFFf+3,1 f~f+3
27... b! RFF3~4 db+4
27... b! RFF3~4 df+1+2
27... b! RFF3~4~f RFS2 JFSR(~5)
27... b! RFFf+3,1 df+3+4
26... b! RFF3~4~f RFS2 ws4,4
25... b! df+1+2 df+3,f+4
25... b! RFFf+3,1 JFSR(~5)
24... b! RFF3~4~f RFSb+3(~5)
- can be tagged out
- best choice for three-hit bounds, very stable
24... b! uf+4,4~f RFSb+3(~5)
23... b! RFF3~4~f RFS3
- works with two-hit bounds, allows for LFS pressure on wake-up
22... b! RFF3~4~f d+2
- off-axis can set up for jump over duck jab to hit tech rollers backturned, on hit 13(34), need to test if
followups guaranteed
- jump over and generic BT3 does 33(55)
- jump over and BT4 into launch guaranteed if they get up backturned
- doesn't work with two/three hit bounds
- need to test if dependent on which axis or which tech roll direction...
20... b! RFF3~4
- off-axis can set up for jump over UF*4 hopkick to cross up tech rolls must be slightly delayed, on hit
- both axis seem to work
- works on both siderolls (need to test)
- doesn't work with two/three hit bounds
16... b! db+4,4
- off-axis can set up for jump over UF*4 hopkick to cross up tech rolls, on hit 33(49)
- both axis seem to work
- works on both siderolls (need to test)
- doesn't work with three hit bounds
W! after B!:
Ender damage was calculated off of df+2, 1+2+5, [2-hit TA], ender.
Observations: it seems if you get a high enough W!, you can pretty much use any of the above enders. So
I won't repeat them here. Instead I'll point out enders which seem common for post B! wall splats. Please
add if you have anything I'm missing.
High wall splats:
36... w! RFF3~4 d+2 ws4,4
- oki options same as "b! RFF3~4 d+2 ws4,4"
30... w! f+4 RFSd+4,4
23... w! f+2 d+2 ws4,4
- oki options same as "b! RFF3~4 d+2 ws4,4"
18... w! cd+3 LFSdb+4
18... w! 1,1,3,3

Mid wall splats:

35... w! 2 df+1 4,4,4,4
- Kuma specific
- one point less (34) if you do left jab instead
33... w! u+3 LFS3~f : LFS3,f+4
- King/Bob or bigger, seems like it might work on Steve/mediums?
- delay needed before final LFS3
29... w! 3,3~f : LFS3,f+4
- King/Bob or bigger, seems like it might work on Steve/mediums?
- delay needed before final LFS3
28... w! 1 4 df+3,f+4
- works on Jack/Kuma, don't know about Ogre, no one else though
26... w! 1 df+1 df+3,f+4
- best on bigs/mediums, df+3 whiffs on girls, inconsistant on other smalls (Wang, Alisa...)
25... w! 1,1 df+3,f+4
- df+3 whiffs on girls
23... w! uf+4,4~f RFSb+3(~5)
22... w! f+4 : RFSb+3(~5)
20... w! 1,2,4 RFSb+3(~5)
20... w! d+3,4 : RFSb+3(~5)
20... w! cd+3 LFSdb+3
20... w! RFF2,4~f : RFSb+3(~5)
19... w! 4,4,3
13... w! 1,1,3
11... w! 1,2 d+2
- can setup cross up hopkick to catch tech, 33(44), seems a little unstable (needs testing)
9... w! b+2
- if the wall is off axis with space to ssl, can set up BT tech trap by swl or ssl after the move
- BT throw the opponent on wake up, 60(69)
- can go for launcher
Low wall splats:
18... w! db+4 RFSb+3(~5)
15... w! db+4,4
- can setup cross up hopkick to catch tech, 33(48)
14... w! : ff+3
- ff+3 hits the opponent at last moment before he can tech
- opponent can tech after hit
9... w! ff+3
- opponent can't tech
- RFF3 seems guaranteed unless they sideroll right, 14(23) on ground, 8(17) on standing
- RFFd+4 does 20(29), must be blocked by standing
- Need to test oki options...
All credit for the wallstuff goes to TZ user Cacarmen.
Footnote: The wall stuff is still subject to minor revisions (mostly character specific stuff).
Thanks to CaCarmen for his input on wall stuff in TTT2U, and especially a thanks to the very
knowledgeable Hwoarang community in here that made me want to constantly improve my Hwoarang.

I know the list is far from complete, but this way we have a compiled list of Hwoarang juggles that we can
all help improve.

TA Juggles

Kazuya/Hwoarang Juggles

DMG 100 :EWGF, EWGF, df+1,2~5 B! u+3,f+4,3, cd+3

DMG 79: EWGF, EWGF, f+1 db+2~5 B! uf+3,4, EWGF
DMG 78: EWGF, EWGF, f+1, db+2~5 B! uf+3,4, df+2
DMG 76: EWGF, EWGF, f+1 db+2~5 B! JFSR, EWGF
^--- Possible DDEWGF at the end of these juggles.

First numbers is the DMG for each juggle.


79 : d/f1,2, u3, lfs 3~f, lfs 3~f, lfs f43, cd3

80 : d/f14, u3, lfs 3~f, lfs f43, cd3
90 : ws12, 314, d/b2, ssl 44f4, cd3
92 : ewgf, dash 314, d/b2, ssl 44f4, cd3
92 : ws12, 314, d/b2, 3+4, rff f3, lfs u/f343, ewgf
94 : ws2, ssl 314, d/b2, ssl 44f4, cd3
94 : ws12, b24, d/b2, ssr 3+4, 3~4f, rfs f34, cd3
98 : ff3, b24, d/b2, ssr 3+4, 3~4f, rfs f34, cd3
101 : ewgf, ewgf, d/b2, u3, lfs 3~f, lfs f43, cd3
101 : ewgf, ewgf, dash d/f1n2, ssr 3+4, 3~4f, rfs f34, cd3
102 : ewgf, ewgf, ws4, d/b2, ssr 3+4, 3~4f, rfs f34, cd3
103 : ws2, dash, cd, ewgf, d/f1n2, 3+4, 3~4f, rfs f34, cd3

DMG 90 : f2, w!, d/b2_f4, f4, rfs 243, b3143

DMG 91 : f2, w!, d/b2_f4, f4, rfs d44, b3143
DMG 107 : b41, w!, d/b2_f4, f4, rfs d44, b3143
Hwoarang/Kazuya Juggles
DMG 116: Jfsr, 3+4, 3~4, dash 443, cd41, u/f343
DMG 93: ch b4, w!, rff 3~4f, rfs d/f4, d/f3,2,1, 333
DMG 107: ch rff d/f4~f, rfs 4, w!, rff 3~4f, rfs d/f4, d/f3,2,1, 333
DMG 86: b+3 f+4, 3+4, 3~f, d/f+3~5 B! f~df+4,1, uf+3,4,3
Wall stuff
B!~5 df,3,2,1, uf+4,4,4

DMG 108 : b41, w!, u3 , f4, rfs d44, b41
DMG 110 : b41, w!, u3 , f4, rfs d44[green], b3143
DMG 119 : b41, w!, u3 , [green]u3, lfs 3~f, lfs 3~f, lfs 33, b3143
Hwoarang /Jin Juggles
d/f+2, 2,3,3~f, LFS 3~f, LFS d/f+3~5 B! b+3~f CDS 1+2 WR 3
b+3~5 b+3, 1,3~3~5 B! 3+4, RFF f+3, LFS u/f+3,4,3 f,f+2
LFS d+4, WS3~5 B! b+3~f CDS 1+2 u/f+3,4,3
JFSR~5 u/f,n,4, 1,3~3~5 B! 3+4, f+3, LFS u/f+3,4,3 f,f+2
Wall stuff
W! df+4 TA! [f+4, 2,4,<3] b+1,1,2.
b+3 W!, LFF 4,4,f+4, RFF 4,3 B!~TA f+4~f, cancel, db+2,2,3, df+1, df+3,f+4_d+3+4,3
JFSR, 3+4, 3~4, 1,2,4,2, f,f+3~5 B! (uf 3, 4, 3,) TA df 3+4 DMG 198

85 df+2 f+2 (rff)f+3 3+4 (rfs)2 (rff)ff+3! [ss+2,4_ss+4,3] uf+3,4,3
90 b+3 b+4 (rff)f+3 3+4 (rfs)2 (rff)ff+3! [ss+2,4_ss+4,3] uf+3,4,3
87 b+3 f+4 3+4 (lfs)3f (lfs)df3! [3,4] uf+3,4,3
112 JFSR 3+4 (rff)3~4 4,4,3! [ss4,3] uf3,4,3
92 u3+4 (rfs)2 (rff)ff3! [3,4] 3+4 (rff)f+3 (lfs)uf+3,4,3
86_91 qcf+3_CHdf+2 qcf+3_b+1 b+3,3 (rlx)2,4! [uf+3,4,3] d+2,3
83 qcf+3 f+3! [3+4 (rff)3~4f (rfs)b3] b+3,3 (rlx)2,f+4
85 (rlx)4~3 hsp1! [3+4 (rff)3~4f (rfs)b3] b+3,3 (rlx)2,f+4 last kick whiffs with Christie...
105 CHb3,3 tag f+4 (rfs)2 (rff)ff+3! [ss+4,3] uf+3,4,3
95 ws+1,3 tag 4,4,3! [ss+4,3] uf+3,4,3
df+2, 4,4,3~5 [ssr f+2,1,4] uf+3,4,3 = 83
JFSR 3+4 3~4 4,4,3~5 [ssr f+2,1,4] wr3 = 108
Armor King/Hwoarang
DU ssr df+1, 1+2,2, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 99 dmg
DU uf+3, df+1, df+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 99 dmg [easier input & bonus: looks cooler]
uf+4 ssl df+1, 1+2,2, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 88 dmg
uf+1+2, df+1, 1+2,2, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 104 dmg
ss 2,1 B!~5 (u+3, 3~f, f+4,3) iSW - 88

ws+1 ssl df+1, 1+2, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 92 dmg
CH ws+2, df+3, df+1, df+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 99 dmg
CH db+3, ws+4, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 99 dmg
CH GU3, ws+4, d+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 82 dmg
CH ff~n~2, df+3, df+1, df+2 B!~5 (3+4, f+3, uf+3,4,3) 3+4,2 - 97 dmg [inconsistent]
CH ff~n~2, f+1+2 B!~5 (u+3, 3~f, f+4,3) 3+4,2 - 95 dmg [easier/much more consistent]
Hwoarang/Armor King
{df+2/b+3/CH LFF f+3,3} f+2, f+3, 3~f, df+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 90/93/114 dmg
{RFF f+4~4/RFF f+4,4} f+3, 3~f, df+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 90/107 dmg
JFSR, f+3+4, 3~4 dash 4,4,3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 116 dmg
RFF df+4, db+4, 2, ff+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 79 dmg
CH GU3, df+4, db+4, 2, ff+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 76 dmg
{LFF d+4/RFF d+3} ws+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 76 dmg
CH ss 2, 3,3~f, df+3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 87 dmg
uf+3,4, 4,4,3 B!~5 (3+4, 2) dash uf+3,4,3 - 89 dmg
Lars f1+2, db2, db21, db2~f, SEdf1 TA! Hwo HH DE1~f, SE1_3
Hwo df2, f2, RFF f3, 3,3~f, df3, TA! Lars df3,3 HH_f4, RFS b4_2,3, uf3+4
Lars f1+2~5 Hwo 4, f1,2,3, LFS df3 B!, RFF 3,4, RFS b4
Hwo JFSR~5 Lars UF~4, db2,1, db2~f, SE df1 B!, db2~f, SE1_344
JFSR TA (Tag Assault)
Hwo JFSR~5,Ste N f+4~f2,f3,1, df1,2,1 ff+2B!~5 Hwo HH Ste SF = 103Dmg
Hwo JFSR, 3+4~3~4, ffn 4,4,3 B!~5 Ste ExtDck1, Hwo HH = 106Dmg
Hwo JFSR ffn 12,4RFS~df+4 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 105Dmg
Hwo JFSR, 3+4~3~4, ffn 2,4,2 ff+3B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 107Dmg
Hwo JFSR, 3+4~3~4, ffn 4,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 112Dmg (Rage 129Dmg)
JFSR RL (Red Life)
Hwo JFSR~5,Ste N f+4~f2,f3,1, df1,2,1 ff+2B! f2,1~b~f3,1 = 86Dmg
Hwo JFSR~5,Ste SSR 311 ff+2 B! f2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 81 Dmg

Sky Rocket TA
Hwo JFSR, f+3+4~3~4~f~RFS,2,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 98Dmg
Hwo JFSR, 4,4~F,4, ff+3 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 98Dmg
Sky Rocket RL
Hwo SR~5,Ste N f+4~f2,f3,1, df1,2,1 ff+2B! f2,1~b~f3,1 = 86Dmg
Hwo SR~5,Ste SSR 311 ff+2 B! f2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 81 Dmg
df2 TA
Hwo df2,
Hwo df2,
Hwo df2,
Hwo df2,

u+3~LFS, uf3+4, 4,4,3~B!~5 Ste extdck1 Hwo ffn wd3_2,4~b4 = 78_80Dmg

4,4~f4, ff+3B!~ Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 87Dmg
f+4 n 2,4,3~B! Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 83Dmg
f+4,2 ff+3 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 79Dmg

b+3 TA
Hwo b+3, b+4_f+4, 2,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR 311, Hwo HH = 86Dmg
Hwo b+3, 3~4, 2,4~df4 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 82Dmg
Hwo b+3, 3~4, 443 B!~5 Ste 321 Hwo df3+4 = 84Dmg
Hwo b+3, b+4, f+3,3+4,2, ff+3 B! Ste SSR 311, Hwo HH = 90Dmg
Hwo b+3, 4,4~f4, ff+3 B!~5 Ste SSR 311 Hwo HH = 90Dmg
b+3 RL
Hwo, b+3~5 Ste ff+2 B! f3,1 df1,2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 70Dmg
Hwo, b+3~5 Ste df1,2,1 ff+2 B! ffn df1,2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 74Dmg
Hwo, b+3~5 Ste df1,2,1~b~flk1, f2,1~b~f3~db~ws1,2 B! ffn SF = 75Dmg
Hwo, b+3~5 Ste, f+4~f2,f3,1, df1,2,1 ff+2B! f2,1~b~f3,1 = 78Dmg
RFS b+3 TA (Axis Issue Combo 'left')
Hwo RFS b+3, 3,3~f LFS df3 B!~5 Ste 311 Hwo HH = 87Dmg
Hwo RFS b+3, df3,4 n,F RFS 2, ff+3 B!~5 Ste 311 Hwo HH = 91Dmg
Hwo RFS b+3, 4,4~F,4 ff+3 B!~5 Ste 311 Hwo HH = 98Dmg
Straight or Right Axis only: Hwo RFS b+3, f+4,24,3 B!~5 Ste 311 Hwo HH = 94Dmg
RFS b+3 RL (Axis Issue Combo 'left')
Hwo RFS b+3~5 Ste df121~b 2 B! f21~b~f31 = 70Dmg
Hwo RFS b+3~5 Ste ff+2 B! f3,1 df1,2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 78Dmg
Straight/Right Axis only: Hwo RFS b+3~5 Ste df1,2,1~b~flk1, f2,1~b~f3~db~ws1,2 B! SF = 83Dmg
RFS df4 TA
Hwo RFS d/f+4, db+4,2, ff+3 B!~5 Ste SSR 3,1,1 Hwo HH = 75Dmg
Hwo RFS d/f+4, ffn 4, 4,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR 311 Hwo HH = 83Dmg

RFF f~4,4 TA
RFF f~4,4, 3+4_ub, 4,4~f4 ff+3 B!~5 Ste 311 Hwo HH = 94Dmg
RFF f~4,4, RFF f3~3+4~RFS 2,4,3 B!~5 Ste 311, Hwo HH = 90Dmg
Slight off Axis Right: RFF f~4,4, RFF 3~4~F F~2 ff+3 B!~ Ste 311 Hwo HH = 90Dmg
RFF f~4,4 RL
Hwo RFF, f~4,4~5 Ste f+4~f2,f3,1, df1,2,1 ff+2B! f2,1~b~f3,1 = 82Dmg
Hwo, RFF, f~4,4~5 Ste ff+2 B! f3,1 df1,2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 74Dmg
Hwo, RFF, f~4,4~5 Ste df1,2,1 ff+2 B! ffn df1,2,1~b~flk1~b~3+4,2 = 78Dmg
Hwo, RFF, f~4,4~5 Ste df1,2,1~b~flk1, f2,1~b~f3~db~ws1,2 B! ffn SF = 79Dmg
CH b+2 TA
Hwo CH b+2,
Hwo CH b+2,
Hwo CH b+2,
Hwo CH b+2,

4,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR 311 Hwo HH = 87Dmg (Works any axis and if there is the Odd Flop B!
4,4,3 B!~5 Ste SSR b+1>d2,1 Hwo HH = 92Dmg
3+4,3 443B!~5 SSR 3,11 Hwo HH = 93Dmg
b+4, 3,4,2 ff+3 B! Ste ext dck1 Hwo HH = 97Dmg

CH f1+2 TA
Hwo CH f1+2 ffn 4, ffn 4,4,3B!~5 Ste SSR 311 Hwo HH = 91Dmg
Hwo CH f1+2, ffn 3+4, 3,4,2 ff+3 B! Ste SSR 311 Hwo HH = 90Dmg
Hwo CH f1+2 ffn b+4, 342 ff+3 B!~5 Ste ext dck1 Hwo HH = 95Dmg

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