86b - Go Teach All Nations

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Jesus#86-B Go Teach All Nations

Texts: Matthew 28:16-20

Desire of Ages, p. 818-828

In this study, what new, or renewed insight have you found about following Jesus?

1. How does the author expand Christs command, Go into all the
world? (823.1)
2. Upon what condition are the gifts of the Spirit promised to every
believer? (823.2)
3. What happened when virtue from Christ entered into peoplewho
often brought disease upon themselves? (823.3)
4. What is Christ anxious to do through His representatives? (823.4)
5. How should we work for the sick, the hopeless, and the afflicted?
6. How only can we be instruments for Gods work and bring Him
glory? (825.1)

7. What are the conditions of experiencing the promise of His

presence? (825.2) (See Matthew 28:20; Hebrews 13:5)
8. What do angels marvel at? And what provoked Gods righteous
anger? (825.4)
9. What reveals the gospel as more than a lifeless theorymore than
just correct doctrine? (826.2)
10. How are we to present the riches of the glory of Gods unspeakable
Gift? (826.3)
11. How did the first disciples prepare themselves for revealing Christ
in word and life? (827.1)
12. Why do we constantly need a new endowment of physical and
mental power? (827.3)





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