7 As A Child
7 As A Child
7 As A Child
1. What is the experience with God that our youth need? (69.3)
7. What is required to bring Bible religion into the home life? Why? (73.3)
2. What was the one purpose that possessed Jesus from His earliest years?
3. What does communion with God develop in us? (70-71)
9. What was the atmosphere that surrounded Jesus as He grew up? (74.2)
10. Did Jesus ever make a public display of His miraculous powers as a
child? (74.3)
5. Why was Satan perplexed with this child of Nazareth? (71.2)
11. What important lesson does the quiet and simple childhood of Jesus
teach? (74.3)
6. Who only finds the true glory and joy of life? (72.4)