Humpty Dumpty Lesson Hector Alv Revised
Humpty Dumpty Lesson Hector Alv Revised
Humpty Dumpty Lesson Hector Alv Revised
Lesson: Rhyming
Unit of Study: Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
Goal of Lesson (Common Core State Standards/Division of Early Childhood where appropriate)
RF.K.2 Students will demonstrate understanding of spoken words, syllables, and sounds
After having read the story three times, children will orally recognize and produce
rhyming words 3/5 trials
Children will be able to pronounce, blend and segment words during circle time 3/5 trials
After reading the book twice, children will be able to identify similar ending words with
80% accuracy
By the end of the reading lesson, children will be able to verbally define what rhyming is
Pre-Assessment: Teacher will ask, what is rhyming?
What is the difference between a rhyming and non-rhyming word
Teacher will ask children to highlight the first set of rhyming words
Children will be asked to use reading hand pointer and pronounce the word they are saying by
sounding out the letters and then blending the sounds together
Teacher will ask children to share a word that rhymes with one of the words in the nursery
Nursery Rhyme book
Poster Paper
Dry erase board
Use of Technology:
For this assignment, technology use will not be necessary since class will be instructed via
book and via chart paper
Lower-Children will have rhyming sounds highlighted so they can see what parts of the words
are rhyming
Middle Children match labeled pictures with words to the appropriate words
Higher Children with higher reading skills will connect sentences that rhyme towards the end
Seating Configuration/Use of Physical Space:
Children will sit in the rug area facing the poster chart. Teacher will sit next to Chart paper
with big book, Humpty Dumpty.
Teaching roles and collaboration:
Teacher will be reading and modeling the nursery Humpty Dumpty. Special education will ensure
children stay on task. During independent work, special education teacher, general education teacher and
paraprofessional will go to different table groups and guide children with activity.
Classroom Management:
Children listening and sitting on the rug quietly will have the opportunity to read the lines like
a teacher. They will be able to come up to the big book and read the lines using the reading
hand pointer. Children will be reminded of behavior chart.
Children will practice rhyming together by chanting The Name Game, which will be sung based on
the names of various children.
Teacher will ask children to listen to the words Jason and bo-bason. Teacher will ask children, How
are these two words similar?
Teacher will introduce the word rhyming and then define it.
Teacher will then use another childs name to do name game and point out the rhyming words
Once rhyming words are identified, teacher will segment the sounds of each word and then have
children repeat and the blend all together. (Children will use hands to point at letters as they
pronounce the letters they sound out
Teacher will then introduce Humpty Dumpty as a nursery rhyme
Teacher will then explain why Humpty Dumpty is a nursery rhyme and then point out to the words
that rhyme
Teacher will then reread the nursery rhyme and pause at the rhyming words so students can try fill in
the blanks out loud
the object. For example, they would glue the picture of a ball with a picture of an egg falling. They will
then be asked to color the pictures once done. Teachers and paraprofessional will go around to children to
provide clarification on any pictures they may be confused about
Final Summary/Closure:
Estimated Time: Teacher will redefine rhyming. She will then underline the first set of words that rhyme
Children will have miniature versions of Humpty Dumpty, which they will read during
independent reading.