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Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

Annotated Bibliography
Gloria Garcia
University of Texas at El Paso

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

Baker, B. P., Benbrook, C, M., Groth, III, E., Lutz Benbrook, K. (2001). Pesticide
residues in conventional, integrated pest management (IPM)-grown and
organic foods: insights from three US data sets. Food Additives and
Contaminants, 19, 427-446. doi: 10.1080/02652030110113799
This was an analysis of pesticide residue performed to describe the differences
vegetables and fruits that were organically and non organically grown. The studies
were made to three different categories conventional grown, integrated pest
management grown and organically grown. The comparison of residues on crops
found that residues in organic samples were lower.
This was helpful in answering my question of fact: Why did growing methods
change from conventional to organic? Since is it related to a study made to check
what were the levels of pesticides in organic and conventional foods, comparing
them and seeing who had the lower levels of pesticide. It is better to consume
products with lower levels of pesticides.

Greene, C., (2007). An overview of organic agriculture in the United States. In M.

Canavari & K.D Olson (Ed.), Organic food: consumers choices and farmers
This chapter of the book is very helpful because it talks about how people were
consuming organic food and how it was beginning to increase since 2007, and how
private organizations such as organic farmers, ranchers, distributors, processors;
the USDA was certifying manufacturers. It also talks about how farmers have
developed or have been developing organic farming systems in the United States.

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

This would be helpful to answer my question of Policy: Should farmers change to

growing only organic food? Since farmers are seeking for what is best for them and
how they would feel more confortable with.

Huber, M., Rembialkowska, E., Srednicka D., & Van de Vijver, L. (2011). Organic food
and impact on human health: Assessing the status quo and prospects of
research. NJAS- Wageningen Journal of Life Sciences, 58, 103-109.
This article talks about some studies they have made to show the benefits of organic
foods. They also show the effects that organic foods may have in human bodies.
How maybe organic foods help in the cure of some diseases such as allergies or
even prevent some types of cancer and also prevent from bacterias entering the
human body.
The article was helpful in answering my question of quality: What are the benefits of
organic food? And also in answering my question of fact : Why did growing methods
change from conventional to organic? Since I am trying to prove that the best option
for people is organic products.

Mzoughi, N., (2014). Do organic farmers feel happier than conventional ones? An
exploratory analysis. Ecological Economics, 103, 38-43. doi:
In these article they examine if organic farmers report higher levels of satisfaction
when growing organic products rather than conventional, they also examine the

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

relationship between the life satisfaction and orgamic farming and how it is
associated with good health, receiving good money and this caussing having a better
income and the satisfaction that they are growing better products.
These article helps me answer my question of policy: Should farmers change to
growing only organic food? Because they made studies about if farmers feel better
with the results of production and money of growing organic products.

Paul, M., Kemp, G., & Segal, R. ( 2014, October). Are organic foods right for you?.
Retrieved from:
This website explains the definition of what organic means, they compare
conventional food with organic foods. They made a table comparing some
vegetables. Also it was very helpful in answering my question of Definition, because
I am asking what does Organic food means? And this website explains the definition
of organic and organic foods. It was also helpful in answering my question of quality
: What are the benefits of organiv food? Since they explain what benefits organic
products have.

Smith-Spangler, C., Brandeau, M. L., Hunter, G. E., Bovinger, C., Pearson, M.,
Eschobatch, P. J., . . . Bravata, D. M. (2012). Are organic foods safer or healthier
than conventional alternatives?. Annals of Internal Medicine, 157, 348-366.
This article talks about how the health benefits or organic foods were still unclear, so
what they do is compare the evidence of organic and conventional foods. They also

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

talk about how the investigators extracted information from health incomes. They
also made studies to humans. They also see the levels of contamination of the
pesticides . This is helpful in answering my question of Quality : What are the
benefits of organic food since they are comparing both products and they are
realizing that organic food is better.

Zaib, J., (2014,March). Organic Farming Advantages and Disadvantages. Retrieved

This website talks about the history of organic food, also talks about the different
methods of organic farming such as fertilizers, crop rotations. Also talks about how
conventional foods have high pesticide levels, which are known to be very toxic. It
also talks about some of the advantages and disadvantages or growing organic food
or eating organic foods.
This website is very helpful since helps me answer my question of quality :
What are the benefits of organic food? Since it talks about the advantages but also
disadvantaged of organic products. Also helps answering my question of policy
Should farmers change to growing only organic food? Since farmers want to know
what is best form them and they explain what advantages they would have if they
grow organic products.

Annotated Bibliography

RWS 1301

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