Spaghetti and Meatballs For All Lesson Plan Revised
Spaghetti and Meatballs For All Lesson Plan Revised
Spaghetti and Meatballs For All Lesson Plan Revised
Specific Expectations
length) + (2 x width)];
X Learning Log/Journal
X Checklists
Other ____________________
Learning Goal: We are learning to describe the relationship between perimeter and area.
Success Criteria:
I can determine the perimeter of a rectangle.
I can determine the area of a rectangle.
I can use the data to show the relationship between the perimeter/area and its side length.
I can develop formulas to help solve perimeter and area.
I can organize my work clearly.
I can show my thinking/work.
I can explain my work using mathematical terms.
Teacher Resources
Student Materials
Chart Paper
Graph Chart Paper
Square Tiles
Unifix Cubes
Pattern Blocks
Math Journals
Anticipation Guide for ea. student
Timing Grouping
Lesson Phase
I Getting Started:
Introduction to Learning Activity
Prior to reading the book, I would first review the concepts we have learned in the previous
lessons surrounding area and perimeter. To do this, I would have a quick discussion/recap of
previous lessons to help activate their prior knowledge. After this, I would ask students to
complete an anticipation guide to help focus their learning. According to Marian Smalls text
Making Math Meaningful to Canadian Students, K-8, using an anticipation guide gives
students an opportunity to think about key learnings as the lesson proceeds and becomes
invested in finding out the answers. (Small, 66) I would have students staple the anticipation
guide in their math journals so students can respond again to the same question to see how
their thinking has changed. Outlined below is a detailed account of how the learning activity
will be introduced as well as the various cooperative learning strategies and groupings that
will be used to get students thinking about their thinking.
I -Anticipation Guide: Pose the question If shapes have the same area, do they always have to
have the same perimeter? Explain your thinking.
I -Hand out anticipation guide sheet and have students record their thinking and then staple
the sheet in their math journal
I -Think-Pair-Share: have students share their responses
Minds On
I -Think-Pair-Share: Think of a real-life situation where you would have to find perimeter and
Read Spaghetti and Meatballs for All by Marilyn Burns
(stop before the last page)
-Draw out the table arrangements on a piece of chart paper as we go through the story
Guide Sheet
-Math Journal
-Book Spaghetti
and Meatballs
for All by
Marilyn Burns
-Chart Paper
Students will be provided with the following open question. (see problem below) Students
will be placed in mixed abilities grouping. (as described above) Students will be asked to write
their solutions/thinking on a piece of chart paper for our Gallery Walk and Math Congress.
Open Question:
Using the chart of data from the story, show the relationship
between the perimeter and its side length and the area and its side length.
How might this change for 16 guests? Is the relationship the same?
Possible Errors and Misconceptions
-the word relationship
-belief that rectangles with the same perimeter occupy the same area
Demonstrating Understanding
In order for students to be successful at demonstrating their understanding of the
relationship between area and perimeter students should meet the following success criteria.
Learning Goal: We are learning to describe the relationship between perimeter and area.
Success Criteria:
I can determine the perimeter of a rectangle.
I can determine the area of a rectangle.
I can use the data to show the relationship between the perimeter/area and its side length.
I can organize my work clearly.
I can show my thinking/work.
I can explain my work using mathematical terms.
I really liked Marian Smalls checklist on page 609 of Making Math Meaningful to Canadian
Students, K-8 and I would use this chart to check off instances of observing desired behaviour
(the success criteria) as I circulated the room. Included on the checklist would be a spot where
I could record further anecdotal notes. (see below) I would also include some of the probing
questions from A Guide to Effective Mathematics Instruction, K-6 - Volume Two: Problem
Solving and Communication pp.81-84)
Extension Activity
In my classroom I would have an area set up with a box full of laminated task cards that
students could take and work on. I would ensure that the task cards relate to the current topic
that we are learning about.
Task #1
Suppose there were going to be just 12 people at the family reunion. What different table
arrangements are possible? Which arrangement would use the fewest tables? Which
arrangement would use the most tables? Which arrangement should Mrs. Comfort use? (For
additional challenges, try the same problem for 24, 36 or any other number of people).
[problem is taken directly from the book Spaghetti and Meatballs for All! by Marilyn Burns]
Reflecting and Connecting:
Selecting Student Work
I I would have students place their work up around the classroom and ask students to do a
quick gallery walk to view the work of others. This would give students the opportunity to see
different ways of solving the problem and/or representing the solution.
I would then have students meet me back on the carpet to engage in Math Congress. For
Math Congress, I would choose 3-4 student samples (depending on student solutions).
Samples I might choose would be students who had interesting ways of showing the
relationship between perimeter/area and its side length, students who generated different
formulas (ex. P=L+L+L+L is there a more concise way?), students who maybe struggled a little.
I think my choices would depend on student responses but I would choose samples where I
could highlight something about the success criteria (ex. maybe one group had some
challenges demonstrating their thinking, etc.)
Solutions on
Chart Paper
Key Questions
Throughout the class sharing I would ask questions to help guide the discussion, emphasize
the math, and build connections between solutions and concepts. (Guide to Effective Literacy
Instruction in Mathematics, K-6: Vol. 2, 66) I believe that the key questions should relate back
to the learning goal and the success criteria. The following would be some of the key
questions that I would use to help promote student communication and deepen student
-What did you notice about the perimeter/area and its side length?
-What did you notice about the area as rectangles are closer to a square?
-If shapes have the same area, do they always have the same perimeter?
-What equations can you use to determine perimeter and area?
I would then refer students back to a pre-created anchor chart outlining the key concepts/big
ideas from this lesson. Students would then be asked to refer back to the anticipation guide in
their math journal and write a journal entry about their new learning/thinking.
Anchor Chart
Math Journals
I Practice:
Design a new classroom arrangement
-Relate to real-life interior designers
-Have students create a new design for the classroom. Encourage them to consider
movement round the class, convenience, small and large meeting areas, and so on.
-Students are encouraged to explain their thinking behind the arrangements. [borrowed from]
Student Interview - students can explain their work one-on-one
Assessment Checklist
Date: __________________________
Lesson #6: The Relationship between Area and Perimeter
Learning Goal: We are learning to describe the relationship between perimeter and area.
I can find
of a
I can find
the area
of a
I can use
data to
show the
the area/
and its side
I can
to help
and area
I can
my work
I can show
I can explain
my work
thinking/work using math
Tracy Savage