a. Teacher will model behavior and utilize a specific verbal reminder to raise
hand in order to speak; teacher will then acknowledge when student
performs the task correctly
In order to teach participating quietly without making noises:
1. Teacher will review the CHAMPs expectations to inform students when it would be
OK to speak w/o raising hand and when it is required.
2. Role-play examples and non-examples
a. Students will model examples (i.e., student doing work/listening to teacher
b. Teacher will model non-examples (i.e., making noises that cause disruption
to others)
c. Students that have extra needs (i.e., any sensory conditions or have the need
for extra movement) will be taught replacement behaviors to serve the same
3. Scripted language/response for noises
a. Teacher will give specific feedback (i.e., that is distracting, please stop)
when acknowledging expected behavior or correcting unwanted behavior
Teaching the Bingo Plan
1. Familiarize the students in that class with BINGO. Review the rules and play a game
to model how it works.
2. Communicate to students what the behavioral concerns (calling out/making noises)
are as well as what the expected behavior looks/sounds like (using role-play listed
in the teaching strategies section).
3. Define/establish a direct connection between teacher acknowledgements of
expected behavior and the intermittent receipt of a BINGO chip.
4. Conduct a class-wide survey on potential reinforcements to identify options. Scoring
Bingo will earn a lower-level class-selected reinforcement; introduce the option to
delay gratification to try and earn a blackout (i.e., all spaces covered) for higherlevel reinforcement.
5. If class chooses smaller Bingo reinforcement then the Bingo Board will be cleared
and class starts over with a new game. Board is cleared regardless after
reinforcement is chosen.
Adjustments that can be made to extend the original plan for another behavior: If school has
SW expectations via PBIS then the desired behaviors can be determined based on the
guidelines for success. Example: Schools guidelines for success are Respectful, Responsible
and Safe. Teacher can incorporate examples of each in the classroom/curriculum and focus
on reinforcement until data shows improvement.
This could look like (focusing on/reinforcing):
Raising hand/waiting to be called on & participation w/o making noises: Respectful
Turning in assignments & getting to class on time: Responsible
Appropriate physical interactions & use of classroom equipment: Safe