K Mani Kanta
K Mani Kanta
K Mani Kanta
1. National Seminar on Service Sector and Quality Management in India, Yogi Vemana
University, Kadapa. A study on Quality Management in Indian Restaurants, Feb14.
2. National Seminar on Role of Banking and Finance sectors in a Turbulent Global Scenario, Sree
Vidyanikethan Institute of Management, Tirupathi. Indian Banking Industry:
Challenges and Opportunities,Feb-14.
3. National Seminar on "Problems Encountered by the Girl Child: Need for Sensitization
and Support", Vikrama Simhapuri University, Nellore. Supporting Girl Child Labor
and their Families in India,Mar-14
4. Role of Human Resources in Economic Development (National seminar), Yogi Vemana
University, Kadapa. Higher Education System and its impact on Economy, Apr-14.
5. Sixth International Conference on Excellence in Research and Education, IIM-Indore.
Cause Related Marketing: A study on Corporate Motive, May-14.